A Big Side Effect Ch. 02


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It was like this every time. I would get so incredibly horny that I had to masturbate. And I would do it and it was be crazy. I'd do things I'd never consider when I didn't have an erection. And then I'd cum and after I ate up my cum, I'd feel awkward and confused by what I'd done. I'd feel a little ashamed. But it would all happen again. But I didn't have time to worry now, in fact, I was at a place where maybe I would be able to find a cure for this problem. So I got up and ran to the bathroom and cleaned myself off so that I could go to the convention.

Chapter 2: Meeting a Curious Pharmaceutical Rep

I decided that, since I was going to a convention with other women in my condition, I'd dress more comfortably than usual. Instead of a pair of pants and tape, I threw on a comfortable, black pencil skirt. I put on a conservative red button-up blouse and left a little cleavage showing. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked older, and sophisticated. The look I was going for. I stepped out of my hotel room and headed for the elevator.

In a few moments I was standing in the hotel lobby, looking around and wondering where I was supposed to go. There was a little restaurant to the left of the elevators and then a long hallway that ran past the front desk. I saw several women walking down that hallway and decided to follow. I noticed signs soon enough, saying that I was headed towards the convention.

Finally, I made it into a large auditorium and grabbed a name tag. There were about two hundred women (about 300 were supposed to be coming) milling around waiting for things to get started. Most of the women were between the ages of 18 and 40, which made sense. They would be the ones most likely to get experimental treatment. Many of the women were incredibly pretty, and I couldn't imagine any of them with dicks. We were all having the same awkward thoughts, so we just made silly chit-chat about the weather and everything else. Finally, I noticed an older man walk up to the podium up on the platform in the front of the room. He cleared his throat into a microphone. The other women in the room looked up and then we all found our ways to our seats.

"Good afternoon, my name is Arthur Coates and I am President and CEO of ConPharmaMax," the old man said. He paused, I guess he was used to talking to adoring stockholders and wanted some applause or something, but we weren't there because we were impressed with his work, "I want to thank you all for being here. I assure you that we are doing everything in our power to create a speedy resolution to this problem. We are all in this together, and I think that together, we will be better than ever. I'd like to turn this over to Monica Slater now..." The man said. A handsome older woman stepped onto the platform and shook hands with Artie before he stepped down.

"As Mr. Coates explained, I am Monica Slater and I am general counsel for ConPharmaMax..."she started. So she was their lawyer I guess. She talked for like twenty minutes about liability and other stuff. It all boiled down to "please don't sue us, be grateful we saved your lives, and if you play ball we might be able to get you some money or something while we find a good way to cut off your dicks." All in all, it wasn't too enlightening. They seemed more concerned about covering their asses than fixing our problem.

Then the lawyers were done and the doctors had their turn. It was disappointing but not surprising that they really didn't have anything new to tell us. They told me all of the same sort of stuff that Dr. Marta had been telling me for weeks. And they kept stressing patience. They kept stressing that science can be a slow process and that they didn't want to do anything that would have unintended consequences. Considering there was an unintended consequence was sitting between my legs, their caution seemed a little late. But they were also right, I'd be dead without my dick, the medicine saved my life.

Each presentation was longer and more boring than the last. I didn't understand a lot of the medical jargon and the doctor's didn't seem to understand that power-point presentation is sheer torture to an audience. I tried to keep focus, but often my mind wondered. And so did my eyes. I looked at the women sitting around me. I thought back to that first day, when I'd seen the twins. I wondered what some of these women would look like naked, touching one another. Oh god, the soothing effects of my masturbation were slowly wearing off, I was getting horny again. I just did what I always do, I suppressed those thoughts, tried to think of something else. And I listened to more insanely boring droning.

Finally, it was around 7:00 p.m. and the CEO came back out and told us that the opening seminar was over and that we would be starting again at 9:30 a.m., the next morning. Everyone clapped, for some reason, and then we got up from our chairs and started to walk out. Some people stopped and talked. But I didn't feel like doing that today. I was too drained. I tried to rush out, I couldn't stand to be in the room any longer. Too much boredom for one day.

I was also incredibly hungry and I wanted to go get something to eat. I didn't know my way around the area, so I went to the front desk to ask. I rushed fast enough that I was the first person to get there. The same dude was behind the counter as before.

"How may I help you ma'am?" he asked.

"I was just wondering what restaurants were in the area," I said. He pointed over to another desk.

"Ask the concierge, I don't know," he said.

"But..." I started. His phone rang and he put a finger up, as though telling me to wait. I looked at the concierge desk and there was already a long line forming. I sighed and started to walk over in that direction.

"Excuse me... miss?" soft voice said to my left. I heard it but I didn't think she was talking to me, "Excuse me, I am sorry," she said and now she put her hand on my shoulder gently. I turned and looked at her. She was young, but older than me, probably in her early to mid-twenties. And she was absolutely gorgeous. She had very long, dark red hair and big blue eyes. Her skin was clear and fair with perfectly proportional features and very white teeth. She had an incredible body. Her breast were medium sized, but very pert. Her stomach was flat and her hips were delightful. She was wearing a tight skirt and her butt looked amazing. Her legs were long and thin. She looked like she worked out two hours a day. She was taller than me and had an air of gentle superiority about her. I felt my cheeks flush. This chick was smoking hot.

"Uh... yes...?" I asked, trying to sound casual and cool.

"Are you with the ConPharmaMax convention?" she asked and my eyes darted to the side. Was she a reporter or something? She looked kind of like a television reporter. Did she know? Was she going to expose everyone? Expose me? She must've seen the panic in my eyes. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a card. It said, 'Angie Gustafson, Pharmaceutical Representative, ConPharmaMax' and then listed her phone number and some other stuff.

"I work for the pharmaceutical company," she explained.

"Oh," I said, a little more relaxed, but still confused, "How can I help you?"

"I just wanted to talk to someone about the convention really quick, and you were the first person out," She explained. And smiled. She was lovely and I felt my heart beating more quickly. I needed to avoid this situation before it got out of control.

"I'm sorry, I can't talk right now, I need to get something to eat," I explained. She was smiling and nodding.

"Oh that's great, I need to eat something too!" she said, taking my hand in her's. Her skin was soft and I could smell her perfume, "And if you come with me, we can put it on my ConPharmaMax card and you don't need to pay."

"I don't know," I said, looking back at the line at the concierge desk. I wanted to eat, and I wanted to stare at this beautiful woman, but I didn't want to droll on her, I didn't want my cock getting hard in public. I didn't want to do something embarrassing.

"Oh come on... Mina, I know my way around here and you don't. I promise I won't bite, they pay me to be pleasant and agreeable" she said. For a moment, I thought she had somehow recognized me from a company file or something and felt very uncomfortable. Then I remembered I was wearing a name tag. She was smiling at me so sweetly. And my stomach rumbled and made up my mind.

"Let's get sushi," I said and she beamed at me. And we were off. She definitely knew her way around. She sort of jogged in front of me, winding through city blocks. She talked lightly the whole time and I tried to pay attention. But I couldn't help but notice the way the muscles in her butt flexed as she walked or the way her breasts jiggled when she walked. And her voice was so musical, her face so bright. It was fun, and for a few minutes I was not thinking about the convention or what it meant. I was having an adventure in a strange city with a beautiful woman.

Finally, we arrived at a sushi bar and were seated in a booth. For a few moments, Angie just inspected the menu. I did the same. When she was done, she placed the menu on the table, sighed and then stretched. My eyes wandered over to her body as she stretched her arms to the ceiling, her breasts standing out all the more noticeably from her lithe body. Then she sort of collapsed down into the booth seat, looking relaxed. And sexy.

"Sorry, just been a long day," she explained, "these kinds of things bore me to death."

"Me too," I said. We spoke for a few minutes. She asked about my life, about where I wanted to go to college, and everything like that. I found out that it was her job to try to convince doctor's to use ConPharmaMax products and that she traveled a lot and seemed to generally have a pretty interesting life. She was single, I learned. The waiter came over and we gave him our orders.

Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer, "Why did you ask me to come to dinner with you?" I asked. And she smiled at me and tilted her head. For a moment she didn't say anything, but she took a drink of her water and seemed to get her thoughts in order.

"Well, I was representing ConPharmaMax in our oncology division when this drug of yours was first getting developed. I remember they were very excited about the animal testing. They thought that this could be a major breakthrough and everything else. We were supposed to be getting information about the human trials and then..."

"What?" I asked, even though I already knew: Spontaneous genitals!



"They stopped talking about it. I asked around, but no one heard anything. My bosses told me to just sell what we had and that it mustn't have panned out. But usually, when something big flames out, we at least get to hear why. So then, a couple of weeks ago I switched from oncology to Elective Medicines. You know, stuff people don't really need but have huge profit margins. Boob jobs, labia trims, erectile-dysfunction medicine, and stuff like that. Anyway, I get there and I hear all these people talking about this new drug that was tested for something else, but it turns out that it also causes strange genital mutations, increased sex drive, and has some sort of weird addictive quality. And when they said the name of the drug, I realized it was the same one. I found out why they'd stopped talking about it. So I did some research, found out about it. And came here."

"Why?" I said, suddenly feeling nervous. Was she a whistleblower? Did she think they were doing something unethical.

"Honey, if they isolate the different properties in this drug it could be a license to print money," she explained, "And who do you think is going to be well-placed to take advantage of that? A person who knows all about it from the beginning. I just want to talk to you and figure out what's going on. I can get doctor's interested in this drug while they fine-tune it, then I will sell like crazy when it comes out. And in a couple of years, I will be the one printing money," I could almost see the dollar signs in her eyes. She still looked beautiful, but she seemed a little tainted now. I didn't know if I liked the way she thought. I mean, I didn't want her to be a whistleblower, but if she was, at least that was respectable. This was kind of...wrong. And I didn't like being a guinea pig. I didn't like that my accidental penis was being used as a test to increase other people's sex drives or give them addictive cum. A good saleswoman, Angie seemed to sense what I was thinking.

"Hey listen," she said, "you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. And don't think I don't empathize with you. I mean, that's a weird deal you got there. But...you know it will be bad for you no matter what. At least if we keep working at it, your experience will help someone else. I mean, if we isolate the parts that took care of your cancer, then you are helping to save lives right now." And that actually made sense. I didn't like it, but it made sense.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" I asked. She started to ask questions. How increased was my sex drive? How big was my penis? Did it look like a man's penis? What effect did my sperm have? And on and on and on and on. I tried to whisper, I didn't want anyone to overhear. Angie was discreet as well. And it felt good to talk, to explain what I was feeling to someone, especially someone who was pretty and respectful. Someone who was unfailingly professional and didn't bat an eye when I described some of the actions on that first day (I was careful not to use names). Finally, I had satisfied all of her questions and had gotten a free meal out of the deal. But I didn't feel good about it.

"So, do you think you can sell my sorrow," I said after it was over. She didn't really deserve that, but I was tired of feeling like a freak.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it sound like that," she explained, and she genuinely looked sorry.

"I know, I am sorry," said. She reached over and put her hand on mine. She looked into my eyes and I could see actual remorse there. Not pity, she didn't feel bad for me. She felt bad about what I'd been through because she was involved. I could respect that.

"I know that you are tired of being looked at like a test subject, I know my questions were invasive," she said. I started to protest, to apologize again, but then she raised her hand, "Listen. Let me make it up to you."

"How? You already bought me dinner," I said. She didn't speak. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the booth. "Where are we going?"

"Shh!" she said, "Just follow me, you'll find out." She pulled me down a hallway and past the kitchen. Then through a set of doors. Finally, she pulled me into a bathroom. It was a little dirty, and a single-seater. She locked the door behind her. I was completely confused.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused. She spun around from the door and looked at me.

"I want to give you something," she said, but spoke no further. I raised my eyebrows.

"Well...what?" I asked.

"I am going to give you a chance to do me one last favor," she said and I rolled my eyes, "By letting you get even with someone from the pharmaceutical company." She said, and that piqued my interest. I tilted my head to the side and looked at her, unable to divine what she was getting at.

"Who? How?" I asked.

"Me," she said and then quickly started unbuttoning her tight white blouse. I didn't know what to do. I froze. Suddenly her shirt was off and her perfectly shaped breasts were staring at me, straining against her elegant, black bra.

"What are you doing?" I croaked. And I felt my cock getting hard. I put my hands between my legs, trying to prevent it from being visible through my skirt. Angie unhooked her bra, but stopped while it hung loosely against her breasts.

"I need to find something out, so I am going to be a guinea pig myself," she said, and she tossed her bra aside. I groaned a little, and actually enjoyed the way the pressure from my fingers felt against my hard cock. Her breasts were so lovely. Her skin was so smooth and white, her nipples were pink dots, pointing up into the air. Her breast were shaped like teardrops. I wanted to feel them.

"What?" my mind clouding now

"And you will test on me," she said, quickly unzipping her skirt. She let it fall onto the dirty floor. She was wearing little black panties and they looked so cute on her. She slipped her thumbs into them, sliding them down around her ankles. Her pussy was a hot red gash in her creamy white skin, perfectly proportioned, it begged to be fucked. I could barely control myself. My cock felt like it was going to explode, but I had to keep cool.

"I don't understand," I said. I felt light-headed and I sat down on the toilet. Angie smiled at me and walked over towards me, wearing only her high heels. As she slinked towards me, I felt my heart beat even faster.

"It's simple," she said, stopping just a foot in front of my knees. She knelt down in front of my and put her hands on mind. Carefully, she pried my hands away from my cock. My skirt tented out and she licked her lips when she looked at it.

"I don't understand," I said, gasping for air as her finger brushed against my dick. This didn't make any sense, how was this happening.

"Mina," Angie said in a very serious voice, "I didn't pick you to have dinner with me because you were the first person out. I saw you come into the convention hall, I thought you were cute (I'm bi, for what it is worth). And I also wanted to see something. Like I said, I need to understand everything about this drug. I have ambition Mina, and I am willing to do anything to achieve my goals. I want to be CEO of this company, and to do that I need to know how to make it money. A lot of money. So, what does that mean? It means that I need to know just how addictive you are. And the best way to know is to find out myself. Then I can speak with authority (of course, while never admitting to doing anything). So I am running a test, I am running it on myself. And then, we will be even. And I figured if I was going to do this anyway, I might as well pick someone who I wouldn't mind seeing naked." I felt confused, and flattered. I think this beautiful woman was saying I was attractive.

"What if I say no?" I said, my cheeks flushed and my nipples hard against my shirt. Angie laughed, sweetly but still a bit derisively.

"You just told me about all of your side effects. I know that you are uncontrollably attracted to women. I also know I am a very attractive woman, that's how I got this job. And I can see how much you like me." Through the skirt, she took the tip of my cock in between her forefinger and thumb and shook it a bit. My entire body felt like weak and I moaned. Angie giggled.

"I can't," I said, but everything inside of me said that I had to. Angie seemed to understand this, like I said she was a good saleswoman. She flipped up my skirt, exposing my panties. I tried to flip it down again, but she held it up. Then I felt her slip a finger inside of my panties, I felt her nail graze against my cock. I couldn't speak anymore. She was completely in control. I looked down at her soft red hair and I felt like I was in heaven. Any internal conflict was gone, I just needed this. Carefully, she slipped my cock out of the right leg-hole in my panties. She gasped.

"It is so cute!" she said, I looked down and saw her hand gently touching my hard little pink rod. She looked so beautiful, her face was only inches away from it. My balls ached. I didn't want to talk anymore, "I pictured something...I don't know... weird looking. This is so sexy... its girly you know?" I couldn't speak, I just nodded. "Done objecting?" she said, seeing my almost complete lack of will to do anything but enjoy her touch.