A Company Man: The CIA & Me Ch. 02


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Finally, Stacy stood, still panting and extended a hand to pull me up. I groaned and let her pull me to my feet. We were wearing running singlets, shorts and running shoes. She said, "Race you back to the flat! Five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... GO!" She took off and I was close behind her.

I had to admire her. She was forty-two and yet she still had the trim figure she'd had over twenty years earlier when we'd married. She still had one skirt she'd had as a teenager and wore it with pride, always mentioning that her waist measurement had not changed. Her long legs pumped along the pathway, more muscular now than ever in her life. Even her upper body was starting to show signs of toning with the weights we were using each day. Her blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. The one concession to motherhood she showed was her enlarged breasts; small when we married, they'd grown thanks to her birthing and nursing our two daughters. I never tired of looking at her wondering how she could have known I was husband material when she was only seventeen when we'd first started dating.

I pulled along side her and told her I thought it unfair that she could run so easily. I weighed at least sixty pounds more than she did and was six inches taller. I cited these statistics as reasons for my apparent sluggish behavior. We had just run about ten miles plus done the wind sprints. Now we had a mile to get to our flat in the St. Johns Wood section of London -- the American Ghetto some called it because so many employees of the embassy and American financial institutions lived there to be near the American School in London. This was where our kids went too; we were unique in that we weren't connected with the embassy or companies like Citibank.

Stacy won our race, pulling up about a quarter mile before the flat so we could walk off the run. We finished some stretching exercises in the small courtyard outside our flat and went in. Kiley was just getting ready to leave for school; her older sister Kendra had already left. We wished her well and kissed her goodbye.

"What do you have today?" Stacy asked.

"Nothing crucial until after lunch at BP," I responded, happy that I might actually have the morning to catch up.

"I'm open all day," she said. "Sooooo let's take a shower together ... and maybe play a little. It's been a while since I've felt so randy. I think watching your tight butt run around the park got me all horny." She ran her hand up my bare arm and caressed my sweaty neck.

I was surprised at her initiation of a sexual liaison. This hadn't happened in a long time ... years. I guess the exercise was having some other benefits. I pulled her to me and kissed her, then pulled the singlet up over her head followed by her sports bra.

Stacy's nipples were hard and erect from the cool down from our run. I sucked one and then the other into my mouth as she cradled my head as we stood in our bedroom. She moaned a little to show that I was hitting the right spots. Not that I bored with her lovely breasts but I decided that I wanted her nude. Thus, I reached down and undid the laces to her running shoes and pulled them from her feet along with her socks then pulled her nylon running shorts and briefs down her legs in one smooth move.

As she stood there in her nakedness I leaned in a kissed the area just above her tuft of pubic hair. Stacy purred and stroked my hair. As my tongue started to search the area for points of interest she pulled me up then stooped and took the necessary steps to make me naked too.

As my rising cock came into view she took my sweaty stick into her mouth. I asked, "Are you sure? I'm all sweaty."

She pulled off briefly and said, "More flavor. You taste good -- manly!" I was back in her mouth. This was unusual; Stacy didn't give blowjobs. I was rock hard in a minute -- to hell with the shower first. To hell with getting caught up at work too.

I pulled us to the bed and fell into Stacy's pussy, lapping and licking all those little grooves and crevices and skin flaps that make a woman interesting to a man. Of course, there was all that familiar female nectar oozing from her pores too. I could stay her forever and live on that juice. Stacy's orgasms were usually small and showed she was still in control of herself. When she popped off I was surprised for I thought this was a little more energetic than usual and she had an air of abandon as she let herself go.

I rose and mounted her. She welcomed me with words of love and endearment, "Oh David, I love you so. I really love you. I know we've slowed in how often we do this ... we have to fix that. This is wonderful. I love fucking with you ... making love with you. Oh, that's the spot. Keep thrusting just that way ... just ... that ... way ... oh, shit ... I'm ... gonna ... cum ...Oooooooouuuuuuh." Her legs wrapped around my back and pulled me into her pussy. I am a sucker for romantic talk as we make love. As I felt her start to spasm I let go too, sending my semen into her body and moaning my own words of love for her.

We were all sweaty again thanks to our efforts and the ease with which our athletic bodies were able to adjust to new exertions. I rolled us to our sides, trying to remain coupled with her. We both started to stroke each other. I'd occasionally lean in and suck her breasts.

"David," she asked, "I need to ask you something really personal. I know you'll tell me the truth -- you always do." She paused and looked at me a long time. I guessed what was coming and braced myself for it. "Are you ... are you having an affair with someone? I sort of know there's been someone else for a while. I don't feel threatened; I should but I don't. What's going on?" She kept stroking my chest and neck, not missing a beat.

I was silent for a while thinking how to cushion the answer. Finally I spoke aloud, "Yes, her name is Katrina. You've heard her name a couple of times -- she's my handler. She's pretty, smart and yes, I love her. She also has a Russian friend that we've been with -- Alyana. I love them both." I paused and added, "And I love you too."

I paused and studied Stacy. She was accepting and taking in what I told her without judgment or comment at this point. She nodded for me to continue.

"You're right to not feel threatened. It's not that I've stopped loving you -- although I wish our love life had more ... zest in it. Like this." I gestured to our naked bodies and smiled at her. "I could have been more attentive too and I don't want to make excuses or cast blame. I'd just like to say that I love you ... and I love Katrina ... and Alyana. You're my number one." I kissed her.

"When can I meet her ... them?" Stacy asked softly.

"Errrr, ummmm, are you sure you want to do that?" I asked.

"Yes, most definitely. We all love the same man. I am thinking that we should all like ... no love each other too." She paused. "I don't like family secrets. Secrets of State are one thing, but inter-relationship secrets are a bad thing to have around. I think they undermine all the relationships."

"I'm sorry if I violated your code of ... whatever," I said with genuine regret. "I've been looking for a time and place to tell you about Kat and Alyana. I just didn't find it yet. I'm glad you sensed something was happening."

"Oh, don't be. I would have done the same thing I suppose. Remember when I started that relationship with Bill. I guess you knew we liked each other a lot, but we'd had a couple of sexual bouts before we made it a threesome. You were so tolerant and loving back then, how can I be anything but the same with you when the tables are turned." She hugged me and added, "I just don't want to become superfluous in your life. This is a wake-up call. Thank you."

She thought for a moment and went on, "You ended up liking Bill. I'm sure I'll like Katrina or Kat as you just called her ... as well as Alyana. Do you want to tell me about them? Two of them, huh!" Her eyebrows went up.

I did. I opened up about the women and how I'd come to have an intimate relationship with them. The relationship with Alyana was particularly fuzzy because of her connection with Ivan Rostofsky, one of our targets for getting information about Soviet defenses. I told Stacy that one of the reasons I'd been mute for so long was this complication and my stricture on talking outside The Company. Now she understood.

"Tell me about your times together," she asked. "I want to hear about your sexual times." I felt her pussy clench around my cock as she made her request.

I went slowly, studying her interest and response as I talked. Apparently she was turned on by my recounting of some of our times together, particularly the group session in Milan. I could feel her pussy pulse as I spoke, then start to seep fluids around my deflated cock. Then, of course, I noticed that I wasn't so deflated.

Next I noted that I could move around in her pussy and feel interesting twinges and stimuli to my ever-excited prick. I hardened and then we were fucking again, side by side, my cock moving in and out of Stacy's dripping pussy as I talked about our orgy and teaching sex tricks to Alyana.

Stacy came over me, lowering her breasts to my face so I could lick and suck on each breast and nipple. Her areolas seemed unusually large and excitable as I tried to fit the entire area within my mouth. As I bit I could feel her pussy clench around my cock.

Stacy picked up the pace, slamming her foaming cunt against my hips -- driving my cock deep into her inner recesses. She had an almost wild desperation to fuck -- to come on my cock -- to capture my fluids in her body. She was telling me all this as our bodies drove together.

Then I felt the automatic ripples of the muscles inside of her start. First they rippled down my cock, pulling me into her body then they went in both directions ensuring that I was sufficiently stimulated to ejaculate. I was. The waves of pleasure swept over us at the same time. Our breathing stopped for a short time as the spasms hit and washed through us.

Stacy collapsed on my chest, rubbing her erect nipples into my body for a few moments as she relaxed onto me. I hugged her tightly and told her how much I loved her and how grateful I was that she was who she was: my girl friend, my wife, my lover, the mother of my children, an extremely competent consultant, and an agent for the CIA.


Katrina was nervous coming to London the following week to meet Stacy. I have to admit I would have been terrified, more so than even the riskiest spy mission I could envision. She handled it with élan, however.

Stacy had gotten the kids to go on sleepovers at friends' homes for the weekend. Since we'd hosted several of them it wasn't a problem when they disappeared and to tell the truth I think they were glad to be out of the house and away from their parents. She'd also given the housekeeper the weekend off, insisting that she not be present in the flat for the weekend. Stacy had also insisted that Katrina stay with us. Out of some sense of propriety and with Kendra's approval, she turned Kendra's room into a guest room.

I got back from work just a few minutes before Katrina was expected. Stacy was home looking like a million bucks and the perfect hostess. She'd come home from the office a couple of hours early to be sure the flat was in order and to make 'arrangements' and see the kids off to their friends' homes for the weekend. She was wearing heels and a short dress that showed off many of her assets to best advantage, plus she'd done her long hair into a sexy twist. I could smell some kind of roast as I came in the door.

Stacy flattened herself against me, grinding her hips into mine. "Hello, you sexy man." She kissed me with a passionate kiss. "You look worried." I nodded. "I'm not going to eat her -- or fight with her -- or challenge her -- or anything embarrassing. I want to make a friend. And this might shock you, I might even want to meet a lover." She gave me a lecherous grin.

"Oh wow," I mumbled as I thought of the implications of her last statement.

"So, just relax. We won't be bothered until Sunday afternoon when the kids come home -- if they do. I'm open ... very open to just about anything that might happen. I want us all to be friends, lovers, and to grow with each other. I hope Kat feels that way too." I nodded.

The doorbell rang. Stacy kissed me again the headed for the door with me close behind.

Katrina looked stunning. Even Stacy was taken back with her beauty. There was a long silence as we all looked at each other with smiles of satisfaction on our faces. Finally, Stacy broke the silence by pulling Katrina to her and kissing her on her cheeks the way women do, "Katrina come in. Our home is your home. David, get her suitcase." I pecked Katrina on the cheek and picked up her bag. We gave her a brief tour of the flat and then I was banished to the kitchen to get drinks for the three of us.

I couldn't really hear the conversation from the living room, only a word every now and then as the two of them talked. So much of communication is non-verbal. I stood and listened. Stacy's tone was all welcoming and solicitous; Katrina's was curious and almost apologetic. I could feel some bonding going on so I was slow with the wine.

As I came into the room with my tray, I served Katrina then Stacy and then stood before them and toasted, "To the two most beautiful women in the world ... who I love with all my might. Thank you both for being the people you are and for being open to ... to this crazy arrangement." Both women laughed and drank.

"There's nothing like hanging your linen out in the open," Stacy said looking at Katrina. She smiled and reached and held her hand. Katrina actually got a tear in her eye.

"Thank you both. Thank you for accepting me the way you do. Stacy, this is awkward. I mean I knew David was married when we started. I never thought ..."

Stacy interrupted her, "Oh stop. We're adults with sexual urges and drives and needs for love and affection -- sometimes wherever we find it. The past decade has been a ... a boring period in our marriage. I want to fix that now and you are part of that fix -- for the short term -- for the long term. Alyana may be too. I'm sorry she couldn't join us but perhaps it's better that we do this slowly -- incrementally."

Katrina nodded and I could see her squeeze Stacy's hand in gratitude.

We shared some hors d'oeuvres and then Stacy's wonderful roast with all the trimmings. I felt all of us relax more as the evening progressed. Katrina helped us do clean up.

There was that awkward "what next?" question on everyone's mind as we finished in the kitchen. Stacy fixed that by stating, "Well, I'm getting ready for bed. You two can talk or whatever." Without another word she disappeared down the hallway towards the master bedroom. Katrina and I were almost speechless.

Katrina spoke first, "I love her. She's soooo nice. No wonder you married her. I'm surprised you let her get mixed up with The Company. I know you had to tell her but it could have ended there; she didn't have to go on payroll."

We chatted a few minutes then it seemed like we should all head to bed. I hugged and kissed Katrina, somewhat passionately but I think neither of us wanted to push the issue and risk hurting Stacy. She went into the guest room and I made sure she had towels and knew where the guest bath was.

I walked into the master bedroom. Stacy was just getting into bed in her t-shirt. I saw a flash of her naked butt as she scooted under the covers. "What are you doing here?" she said to me with genuine surprise, "You're supposed to go and make love to Katrina. You haven't seen her for over a month."

"I can't do that," I said. "It wouldn't feel right with you being abandoned in here."

"Then go get her. Get her in here. We'll be together -- the three of us. We both want you anyway. I'm horny and I bet she is too. Go on. Go get her." I studied Stacy to be sure there were no hidden messages as there are sometimes in a marriage; I detected none.

I opened the door to Katrina's room with only a brief knock. She'd taken her top off and was standing in bra and slacks. I walked to her and kissed her with passion; she responded well. Finally, I said, "Come to bed with us. We both want you. I need you. I love you."

"Oh David," she said and hugged me tightly with tears in her eyes.

I pulled her belt open and helped her shed her slacks. I reached around behind her as we hugged and released the catch on her bra, pulling it forward off her body. Then I stooped and tugged her delicate thong down her legs, kissing the area around her pussy since I was right there. She stood before me naked except for a beautiful strand of pearls around her neck.

I picked her up and she put her arms around my neck. I carried her beautiful naked form into our bedroom and carefully placed her on the bed next to Stacy. Stacy peeled her t-shirt over her head and tossed it beside the bed then leaned over and tenderly kissed Katrina on the lips. Kat put an arm around Stacy's neck and kissed back.

Stacy said, "Now THIS is your official welcome to London."

Katrina said softly, "Thank you for being you, so much." She looked at me, "Thank you both."

I sank to the bed pulling Katrina's legs over my shoulders and running my tongue around her pubic area without going near her slit. I could see Stacy starting to massage Kat's breasts and then I watched her mouth one of her nipples. The two women then kissed some more. I reached over and inserted some fingers into Stacy's pussy, not at all surprised that it was so wet with the anticipation of our encounter; she moved to allow me greater access.

Katrina started writhing beneath our concerted efforts. I knew her well enough to know that she was holding back, perhaps in nervousness over her visit; I didn't want to allow her that luxury. I re-doubled my efforts on her love chamber, bringing every technique I could think of to bring her to a royal peak. I explored her with my fingers and found some textured skin deep in her on the front of her vagina; when I started to massage this area I could watch the eyes in her head roll up to the ceiling and feel her groin muscles all clasp and release in synch with my attentions. Someone had told me that some women have a "G-spot" that is highly stimulating and I guessed that I had discovered one in Katrina.

I focused on my new discovery with several fingers as I smothered her clitoris with my mouth, using my tongue extensively. When I was at maximum effort and I saw that Stacy was sucking and pinching Kat's breasts with great attention, I finally felt Katrina's body start to rise off the bed, pushing towards me. Next, I felt the walls of her vagina spasm around my fingers then ripple up and down. She let out a little shriek of joy then locked my head between her legs and came -- hard. A couple of jets of her ejaculate washed over my face and chin; her hand tried to hold my head and hands motionless against her flooding pussy; her breathing peaked and stopped. Katrina held this pose for twenty seconds then collapsed in a heap back onto the bed, fully relaxing the hold she had on me and, as I looked up, the hold she'd had with her other arm on Stacy's head.

"Oooooooh my God," Katrina said in a nearly desperate voice, "you ... both ... what can I say. You sent me to heaven. Ouuuuuuuu wow!" She looked at Stacy with big eyes and pulled her so she could kiss her lips. I took that as my cue to come up and kiss her too; I was welcomed with a huge embrace and passionate kiss. "Oh I love it when I can taste me on you; it's almost as good as when I can taste the two of us." She turned to Stacy, "Do you do that with him?"

Stacy said, "No, but I'm taking your comment as a recommendation." She reached across Katrina and put an arm around my neck and pulled me to her lips. I French kissed Stacy across Kat; Stacy ran her tongue deep in my mouth, hitting my gums, tongue and both cheeks in her thorough examination. She then pulled away and said, "I can taste Katrina on you ... and I like her taste." She smiled at me then lapped my chin that was still dripping with Kat's girl juice. "Yummmm," she said, "how have I managed to miss this all my life?"