A Dangerous Legacy Pt. 10


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The lights dimmed, music flowed from speakers, and a hush stole over the crowd. The spirit of Caligula was riding high as the curtain rose.

What was on stage was a forerunner of Cirque du Soleil, if Satan had directed it. Wolves writhed in acrobatic feats, almost naked in the barest of costumes as they twisted and turned. All the while various witches narrated, standing on stage right, reading off the introduction that explained the show.

Apparently every elaborate orgy would be telling a story. The first one was supposed to be the famous battle featured in 300, the most unusual take on the Battle of Thermopylae. However, it was a different kind of sword used and the Spartans were played by male wolves, the Persians were female. As an expert on history I found it more distasteful than erotic as the armies clashed, and it took everything I had not to remind my nearly ancient lovers what a disservice it was to the truth.

"Relax," Andre whispered into my ear, making me jump. "The battle is just an excuse for the show, there are more than a few people in this room that were alive at the time and know the truth."

Hell, could he still read my mind? Have you ever done one of these shows when you were forced to stay with Alessandra? I thought at him, but there was no reply or recognition in his expression. Pierre reached over and turned my face back to the stage.

As the "battle" ended and it became a sloppily unscripted orgy of flowing body parts and cries of pleasure, I felt my mood lighten. I could not deny on the dark stage seeing those bodies of every color writhing turned me on. The theater was red and gold, the witches in attendance were still dressed to the nines in jewel tones, and that strange framing reminded me of why we were there, and my emotions became a roiling mix. Almost all the witches had donated most if not all their pack to the entertainment. I fumed at that even as it thrilled me, but once more my pack assured me it was voluntary work.

Once I would have understood. Once in my younger days I had hungered for flesh with nearly unquenchable need, but I had outgrown that. At some point as I aged it had occurred to me I was trying to fill the hole in my soul by stuffing the holes in my body. Hence becoming a statue, because statues didn't have such base cravings.

Now I had love, and it seemed to fill that hole. Oh, with my three wolves I still had variety and as much sexual attention as I assumed any one woman could want, but there was love. It shamed me to be so aroused by what I saw, but my men seemed to understand. It seemed I was always to be victim of my base nature, and perhaps that had to do with my lineage and what I was as much as who I was. Still, love and kinky sex...if it weren't for the world around us and all the drama evolving, I would assume I was the happiest woman alive.

I came back to myself surrounded by sighs of pleasure from all around us in the audience. In the boxes most of my fellow witches were being serviced by their wolves. They must be the aristocracy of witches present, as those of us in the boxes had kept our packs, and now I knew why. I wished I was back in the hut as I was suddenly in the mood to tease my wolves. Oh, I would surrender to them, but for once I wanted to know their desire truly equaled mine, and what woman didn't delight in pushing a man's desire higher and higher until the beast took over the man? Still, I didn't want to do this in public.

Did I like watching? Oh, yes. In particular, the wolf playing Leonidas was a prime example of manhood. His hair was light brown and long, sculpted to look shaggy like an eighties metal singer, his body finely honed. His cock was long and so far he had brought five female "Persian" wolves to screaming orgasm.

Currently he was working on the Persian "king" and had her bent over. She was raised on her toes, hands on the ground, and he speared her wet cunt deeply. She made throaty yells that seemed louder than those around them. I trembled with answering arousal, and there was nowhere to look. It seemed the only place where no one was in flagrante delicto was my own box. So I watched as Leonidas worked his hips, teasing Xerxes I with each plunge of his cock while his hands teased her pussy and breasts.

The fake rock set was covered in a spill of bodies writhing, and victory seemed to be symbolized by the male wolves in dominant positions. It became a sea of thrusting hips, wandering hands, crashing sighs and screams. Leonidas watched it all as he worked, leaning down to whisper something into Xerxes' ear that had her eyes fluttering closed as she moaned. Two victorious Spartans left their sated partners and aided Leonidas and I blushed watching three men pleasure her in a very familiar way.

"Anna," Andre said in my ear, making me jump. His warm hand settled onto my thigh and began to stroke slowly.


"It is important you are seen ordering us to pleasure you."

I turned to him, eyes saucer-wide and felt myself blushing darker."In front of...everyone?" He nodded."I- I can't do that...to you."

"Consider it a game," Julian said into my other ear, taking my hand and unclenching my fist to settle over his erection.

I didn't have to look at Pierre to know he would be all right with this. Behind me he rose and pressed his own erection between my shoulder blades, resting his hands at the base of my neck. I shivered, aroused, watching the tableau in front of us doing everything my body darkly craved from my men. Still, I had never been an exhibitionist.

"Simply look haughty and repeat what I whisper loudly," Andre said in my ear. "Julian, pleasure me on your knees."

"J-Julian." I cleared my throat. "Julian, pleasure me on your knees."

His green eyes sparkled."Yes, my queen." He slid from his chair with a smile and knelt before me, parting my legs. Julian smoothed his hands along my thighs and kissed the skin barred.

All the while Andre made it appear as if he were nibbling my ear. "Pierre, attend my breasts."

I gasped, but part of that was the brush of Julian's long fingers along my wet slit. "Pierre, mmm, attend my breasts."

"Gladly," he said into my other ear as he took Julian's seat. Over my dress he cupped me and stroked my already hard nipple.

"Jericho, Olivia, watch us," Andre whispered.

"Jericho, Olivia, w-watch us."

I turned and Olivia winked, understanding.

"Andre, kiss me," my alpha whispered.

"Andre, kiss, mmm, me," I said louder as Pierre's fingers dipped below the neckline of my dress.

He did and I was lost. Andre swallowed my cries as Julian gently spread my nether lips with his fingers and began to lick teasingly. Pierre became a bit more intense as he dipped his head to nibble at the nipple he'd freed. I gripped their heads and thrust my pelvis, silently begging. I felt Julian's laughter and then he descended.

The performance, the crowd, it all faded away. I heard only my own panting breaths, the blood rushing in my ears. I knew my nails dug into the men's skin but they murmured in approval, apparently liking the little spice of pain. All the while Andre ravaged my mouth. Three tongues can be a beautiful thing, I realized, and then on the tail of that thought I came.

Stiffening I shook and bucked though they held me with ease, stroking and licking me through the roiling orgasm. Oh, it felt like it went on for eons, and then it receded as slowly as the tide on a calm night. I rode the bliss as long as I could as my body went lax, and I could tell how much pleasure they received at that note of surrender.

For a mad moment I did not care about the audience, about the show. I wanted to follow the pleasure to the conclusion my body wanted, to feel them inside me. I had mastered so much of magic, I could surely ride Pierre and let Julian inside my ass, pleasure Andre with my tongue. To be all so joined, the let our pleasure flow...

The audience suddenly applauded and I jerked upright from my reverie. Chuckling, my lovers righted my clothes and each kissed me in turn, softly.

"You must remain until the end," Andre whispered, and nipped my ear lightly making me shiver.

I sighed impatiently and earned three chuckles. The performers bowed and began to slowly file off the stage, cleaning as they went. I noticed many kept looking my way speculatively like troops assessing a new lieutenant. More than that, they looked back to Jericho and Olivia and somehow my newest acquisitions seemed to communicate something back.

Before I could ask, the door behind us opened and a wolf brought drinks as the lights dimmed and the chorus of witch narrators took the stage once more. We sat through a staged pirate battle, and then a most unusual interpretation of Waterloo, and I realized many of the performers had been alive at the time of the events portrayed. I wondered how many had participated, if any. I almost grew bored at the debauchery, it was simply too much, bordering on garish. Still, appearances had to be kept up, so Andre guided me in ordering Jericho and Olivia to entertain us and all they while my lovers rubbed and teased me.

Bored by the spectacle my eyes drifted to the faces of witches that turned to us with as much curiosity as the wolves. This was a test of sorts, and I felt I was passing even as I didn't understand it. So I ordered my box about to impress the witches, but made it clear the choice was my wolves' for their sake. Still, the plaintive looks of the performing wolves tore at my heart.

Doubts began to creep into my mind. How could I change this world alone?

As if hearing my thoughts, a tall man in the audience turned to look up at me. It was Sebastian. God only knows what he read in my expression, but he nodded to me and turned back to the show. I noticed he was one of the few witches in the general audience still attended by his pack. Perhaps I would have to contact that coalition, this was going to be a monumental task.

Another face turned to me, and I recognized the blonde witch who had glared at me at the chess game. Malice filled his face now, and with him was no pack. His wolves must be on stage, and alone he too seemed bored by the spectacle. What shone in his face was pure hatred, and it was all directed at me.

It didn't bother me, it didn't threaten me, but it piqued my curiosity. After all, I hadn't been a witch long enough to give anyone a real reason to hate me. No one but Alessandra, who faced exile at my ascension. Did this mean I had found her spy?

Valerius was two boxes down doing things with his pack I did not w ant to see. He wanted me knocked up by a crony who could rule the witches better than he thought I could. Sebastian wanted to stage a coup in the name of the new queen. Alessandra wanted me dead so she could retain my power. Julian wanted me to survive, Pierre wanted me away from the world, and Andre wanted me to be a queen he could admire.

I suddenly felt ancient, and dangerously close to becoming a statue again. Suddenly overwhelmed, I smiled apologetically and rose to leave. Back in the hall my wolves followed me.

"Anna, what's wrong?"

I didn't know how to form all my thoughts into one statement, and perhaps that was part of what it meant to rule. So I just smiled at them all. "Let's go back to our bungalow where we can enjoy privacy."

They may not have been able to read my mind, but wolves could smell my emotional state, and I knew they didn't buy my words. So with a silent push of magic, I brought forth my arousal and turned to leave. Perhaps after a romp with my lovers I might feel better.

Taking Julian's arm, I hoped so.


My wolves were more affected by the performance than I was, it seemed. It was a quick tumble in our large bed, and I could hear Jerry and Liv enjoying the same across the hall. It was good, satisfying, but even as my body's hunger was sated something still rumbled in my soul.

I lay in the circle of Andre's arms, Julian's legs tangled with mine, watching Pierre stretch, a beautiful sight. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Fine. There's just so much to take in. Any time I show the slightest inclination towards something, are they going to blow it up into something dark and terrible?" Even as I asked, I knew the answer. The worst most decadent societies had done the same. This was part of why I had always thought more off William the Conqueror than any of the later Louis' of France.

"They are trying to mold you into their image, Anna," Andre said.

Julian sat up and smoothed his loose blonde hair back. "They will try to take what you love and pervert it until you're warped enough to depend on them."

"They tried this with Sigrid," Pierre said and sat back down at the foot of the bed.

"And what did she do?"

"Disappeared for a century or two," Andre said with a smile, and I felt an ugly flash of jealousy I tried to squelch. The downside to immortal lovers was all the memories to compete with.

Feeling out of sorts I disentangled myself and stood, using magic to cleanse my body. "I need to go for a swim, I need to think."

"Pierre, you go with her, Julian, place and order for some food," Andre said and stood. "I'll see what our guests are up to."

I nodded and smiled in thanks, then opened the door to Diego who yipped and ran downstairs ahead of me. We hit the deck and both jumped into the warm water, and immediately I began to swim laps to clear my mind. I heard two more splashes and stopped to see Liv and Jerry had joined us. Pierre watched from the deck, setting up drinks and relaxing with a beer as Julian called in an order for late night snack. Wolves could certainly eat, but even with the massive dinner I had built up my hunger with all the exercise.

"My queen," Olivia asked, treading next to me.

I dipped my head and slicked my hair back, enjoying the warm water and the calm tropical night. "Please, just call me Anna."

"I can't," she said softly.

"I guess I understand. I'm just not comfortable with 'my queen' or 'your highness.' How about we try 'ma'am' and see how that fits?"

"Ma'am. That works," she smiled.

Jericho rowed over to us, Diego paddling behind.

"Ma'am," Olivia continued, "Why have you not taken Jericho or I to your bed?"

I slipped below the water line in shock and thrashed back into a tread, sputtering.

"My queen!" Jericho said.

"Anna!" Pierre yelled, standing at the rail.

"Chill! Everybody chill out! Olivia just surprised me!"

Pierre shook his head and leaned on the rail, his loose dark hair flowing in the wind. I wondered where Andre was and felt tired enough to conjure a raft and climb onto it. I also got the wooden raft for Diego who ignored it, so I got him a ball.

Sighing I stroked Diego who nudged the ball at me. I tossed it a few feet away and he swam off after it. "Olivia, please understand. I am not promiscuous, or at least I am choosing not to be. I have three lovers, men I truly care for. I want no others. I think you and Jericho are very attractive and I enjoy watching you two have sex, but to me you are friends and not sexual objects."

It was clear she understood my words individually but the meaning eluded her. It was sad, and I found myself wondering at her age. How many centuries of servitude and serfdom had she borne?

In that moment if I could have sworn I could finally end the class distinction, I would, but there was still so much I did not know. I knew nothing about the dark side, the war, or what it had been like before the wolf/witch accord. So promising anything now would be done in useless ignorance, and I had to avoid that.

"I will do everything I can to see you two safe," I simply said and paddled the raft away. To my joy, everyone got the point and let me cavort with Diego for a long while. My familiar was happy with the attention and it soothed us both.

Julian called that the food had arrived and even Diego swam back to shore at the call. My hunger got the best of me so I swam back and Andre stood on the shore with a towel. He wore his pants rolled up at the cuffs, his shirt partially unbuttoned and his tie loose, his feet bare and his hair free.

"Are you all right, Anna?" Even as I heard the concern in his voice he admired me rising naked from the water.

"I'm fine. Heavy thoughts tonight." I took the towel and patted my body down then wrapped it around me.

"Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown." He offered me his arm and I took it, Diego shaking himself dry and grinning nearby.

Smiling weakly I went for levity. "Please tell me there's no actual crown, I don't look good in hats."

He laughed and escorted me in. I excused myself to go to our room and dress. I put on panties and a bra, and feeling lazy just added my short mint green robe that matched my eyes. I put my hair up once I'd combed the tangles and then came downstairs.

They sat in the living room and at the kitchen counter, and the snack turned out to be chicken fingers and pizza, plebian food. Julian was standing in the kitchen and when he saw me plated a few fingers and some spicy honey mustard, and Pierre slid me a beer, an Arctic Panzerwolf. I couldn't help but smile, life was never bad with a good beer and good company.

I thanked them both and slid between Pierre and Olivia. Jericho and Andre were on the couch with the TV on a replay of a soccer match, talking as experts on European sports. The weight of immortality hit me, and I realized what an opportunity I had.

I swallowed some beer and moaned low in my throat at the wondrous taste, and then ate a few bites of chicken. Once I felt I had diminished my hunger to a point where it wouldn't distract me, I turned on the stool as Julian settled in the living room though he rolled his eyes at the game.

"So I take it everyone in this room is at least a few centuries old." That made them all pause and swung every eye to me. "I want to know about the war."

No one spoke for a long moment until Andre reached for the remote and turned off the TV, turning to face me. "Anna, what is it you want to know?"

I looked at them all carefully. "I suppose I must explain myself clearly so you will know when I say everything, I mean everything.

"My father was married when he met my mother. It was a one night stand. Nine months later, I was left on his doorstep. He had no idea this world existed, and neither did I. His wife raised me as her own and it was only a year or so ago I learned of my birth mother. We spoke once, but of course she hadn't passed her test and so she had no memory of this realm. Three and a half weeks ago Alessandra shows up and tells me she's my aunt, says I have an inheritance. She told me I faced three tests, and that was it before this was all sprung on me.

"Now I know a little of this world, but only what you've shown me. I know there is something special about my blood, but I haven't even learned to master my magic. Valerius tells me there is a dark side, lead by a relative of mine, and we are at war. That is what I know, all I know. So when I say everything, I mean it: I want to know everything about the war between witches and sorcerers." They looked to one another and I sighed. "The truth! No matter how you might fear it will change things, surely you know I must know eventually. And either you believe my word I will never turn on you or you don't."

Andre cleared his throat, signaling he would do the talking. "Anna, I am going to tell you the tale our mothers told us as survivors of the last battle. I cannot say for certain it is truth, but it is one slice of it."

I nodded and brought my plate and beer around to my lap so I could eat and listen.

"In ancient times, truly ancient times, two children were born of magic, a boy and a girl. Magic had a balance and so the boy's called to the things of the night, to the creatures of fear and anger, while the girls called to the sunlight, to nature and things of love.