A Father's Love


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"Jamie!" Amethyst said again, snapping her fingers under Jamie's nose. "Wake up, girl, the guys are coming!"

Jamie shook her head and focused, seeing the football team, laughing and joking, all in their blue and gold letter jackets, emerging from the locker room. She stood, hoping that the warmth on her face didn't indicate that she was blushing, and tried to smile as Jeremy walked up to her.

"Hi there gorgeous!" Jeremy said as he took her in his arms and kissed her. She felt his tongue probing at her lips, and parted them slightly, letting him dart it in just a bit before pulling back. Jeremy was 6 foot 1 inch, 210 lbs of muscle, with wavy sandy brown hair and sparkling green eyes. He was, as her fellow cheerleaders would say, a hunk. She just wished she felt as safe and secure in his embrace as she did in Daddy's.

"Ready to go?" He asked her, taking her by the arm and guiding her toward the car, not waiting for an answer one way or the other. "We're going over to Randy's house, have some brewskis, order a pizza. Sound good?"

Jeremy let go of her arm as they got to his Camaro, walking over to the driver's side and sliding behind the wheel. He looked at Jamie, standing by the passenger door, through the window.

"It's unlocked." He said. Jamie sighed and opened the door, sliding in beside him and buckling her seat belt.

"A gentleman would have opened the door for me." She told him icily. Jeremy just laughed and started the car, pulling out of the school parking lot with a squeal of tires.

"Daddy would have opened the door for me." Jamie thought as Jeremy accelerated.

- - - -

Kevin mixed himself another bourbon and cola, his third, and put the remains of the pizza in the refrigerator. He didn't normally drink heavily, but it had been a really hard day, he had nothing planned for his Saturday morning, and he needed to relax. Besides, the classic movie station seemed to be showing a Bogart festival, and bourbon and Bogart just seemed to go together, somehow. He almost wished he hadn't given up smoking fifteen years earlier.

He glanced up at the clock. 11:30. The game would be over, and Jamie and Jeremy would be out some place with their friends. Kevin really wished Jamie would date someone more worthy of her, but he remembered how important it was to be accepted in high school. He also remembered how Jenny, Jamie's mother, had worried so much about being accepted. She had always seemed to have a low self-image, and always seemed to need the approval of others. That's how she'd gotten mixed up with the boy who had knocked her up, in fact. Jenny had been a cheerleader, just like Jamie. The boy who had gotten her pregnant, then refused to take responsibility, had been a football player.

He sipped his drink and thought again about how much Jamie resembled her mother. Then he thought about her being out with that Neanderthal Jeremy. "If he touches her, I'll kill him." He muttered to himself, trying to turn his attention back to the movie. His mind refused to focus on the black and white image, though. It preferred to show him scenes of Jamie pinned down in the seat of Jeremy's Camaro, as he had his way with her. Or was it an image of Jenny and the Neanderthal that had used her? Either way, Kevin could feel his anger growing. He glanced up at the clock again. 11:45.

"She'd better not be out too late." He grumbled, and took another sip of his drink.

- - - -

Jamie sat stiffly in the car seat, staring straight ahead out the windshield, as Jeremy leaned over and tried to slide his tongue between her tightly clenched lips. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of beer on his breath and pulled her head back.

Jamie had insisted they leave the party after she had caught Jeremy in the kitchen with a couple of his team-mates, passing around a joint. She had ignored the beer, knowing that getting together and finishing off a couple of cases was what the football team traditionally did after a game, but she was not about to tolerate marijuana. So she had put her foot down.

Instead of taking her home, though, Jeremy had driven her to the lake, where kids traditionally went to park. Jamie hadn't said anything about it at the time, because she was pissed off and planned on giving Jeremy an earful. He had pulled up next to the dock, with the view of the moon reflecting off the calm waters before them. She had sat quietly, waiting for him to say something. When he had leaned over, she had vowed to remain still and silent as a statue, and resist his clumsy attempts at seduction.

Jeremy tried again to press his tongue between her lips, at the same time cupping her right breast through her sweater. Jamie swatted his hand and pushed him away, turning her head. "NO, Jeremy!" she said between clenched teeth. Unfortunately, her action caused his hand to drop to her thigh. Jeremy took this as an invitation, and slid his fingers under the hem of her short cheerleading skirt to touch the crotch of her panties. She felt his grope, and slapped him.

Jeremy grinned and grabbed her wrist, ripping at the thin fabric of her panties with his other hand. Jamie slapped him with her free hand, using her nails to scratch a ragged, bloody trail down his cheek. "I SAID NO!" She screamed at him. She heard the cotton of her panties rip away and felt the cool night air against her now bare body. She smacked Jeremy again, and he sat back in his seat, hand stroking the marks on his cheek left by her nails.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" He demanded. His voice sounded angry, but he looked like he was about to cry.

"I SO don't want to do this, Jeremy. I told you NO. I told you to take me home…not take me to the lake and rape me!"

Jeremy sat with his mouth open for a moment, looking at her.

"I wasn't trying to rape you." He protested, the implications of the word making it's way through the fog of his brain. "You're my girl…I just thought you'd like to make out. That's what boyfriends and girlfriends do, you know!"

"Oh, is it?" She said tersely. "Boyfriends drive their pissed off girlfriends to the lake and maul and grope them against their will and rip their panties? I'm SO glad you enlightened me, Jeremy."

"You don't have to be such a bitch about it." He said in a hurt voice.

"That's right, Jeremy. I'm a bitch." She yanked the shredded remains of her panties from between her legs and threw them at him. "Here…a little something to remember me by. Because this BITCH refuses to have anything else to do with you. Now TAKE ME HOME!"

Jeremy looked at the cotton rag of her panties, then looked at her. His hand dropped to his side and shoved the shredded remnants of her panties into his pocket.

"What are you saying, Jamie?" He asked. She could see from the moonlight shining through the windshield that tears were forming in his eyes. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't seem to care, though.

"I'm saying that from this moment on you and I are officially broken up. Finished. Now take me home."

Jeremy looked like he was about to protest, but finally turned to face forward and started the car. He pulled out of the park and got onto the highway to drive her home, in complete silence.

- - - -

Kevin poured himself a second cup of coffee and glanced up at the clock. 1:08 am. Two minutes later than the last time he'd checked. He sipped the strong, black coffee as he continued to pace back and forth in the kitchen.

After his fourth bourbon and cola, Kevin had decided to make a pot of coffee so he could stay awake until Jamie got home. He knew that the coffee wouldn't help sober him up, but at least he'd be a wide-awake drunk when she came through the door. The more he'd sat and drank and thought about his beautiful young daughter out with that jock strap Jeremy, the more angry he'd become.

He couldn't stop the images of her in various obscene positions with the bastard from dancing through his brain. "She's eighteen…old enough to make her own decisions." A voice inside his head kept trying to remind him. "She's eighteen and beautiful and deserves better than that asshole." Answered another voice. And so the pornographic horror story had continued playing on the movie screen inside his brain.

But images of Jamie and Jeremy were not the only ones that had haunted him. Other images had kept creeping in. Images of him with Jenny…or was it Jamie? That was the problem. He couldn't tell whether these thoughts he was having were memories of sex with his wife, or fantasies of sex with his daughter. And that was what had prompted him to put away the bourbon and put the coffee on.

Kevin paced back and forth, up and down the length of the modern kitchen, sipping his coffee. Trying to clear his mind. "Jenny and I had a great sex life." Kevin thought. "It was perfect, in fact. But stumbling into Dominance and submission with my wife left me ill equipped to go out searching for a new slave after she had died. I know Jenny would have wanted me to remarry. I know she's probably in Heaven angry at me right now for still being single…for not even sleeping with another woman in the eight years since her death. But once you've tasted perfection, how can you ever be expected to settle for less?"

The idea of dating made Kevin sick to the stomach. The thought of investing time and money courting a woman in a traditional relationship, only to find out too late that she was vanilla, the term used for anyone not into the kinky sex he and Jenny had been into, was completely distasteful to him. So instead of pursuing the normal sexual urges of a forty year old man, Kevin took satisfaction in his work shaping the minds of the young at the university, and watching his beautiful and brilliant daughter grow into a woman.

"A woman without enough common sense to see what a jerk that asshole boyfriend of hers is." He muttered to himself as he drained the last of the coffee from his cup and paced back across the kitchen to refill it. He glanced up at the clock again. 1:25.

Kevin lifted the cup to his lips, blowing on the dark liquid, and was about to take a sip when he heard the overly loud engine noises of Jeremy's Camaro pull up in front of the house. He pulled back the curtain on the kitchen window…curtains Jamie had made…and watched as Jamie got out of the car. Jeremy got out of the driver's side and followed her up the walk. Kevin saw him grab her and pull her into his embrace, covering her mouth with his and kissing her. Then he saw Jamie pull away, and resume walking towards the house, Jeremy still walking after her. He lost sight of them as they climbed the steps up onto the front porch.

- - - -

On the front porch, Jeremy made another lunge to wrap his arms around Jamie. Her hand came flying up and slapped him sharply across the cheek, as her other hand, slamming into the center of his chest, shoved him back. He stood there, hand clutched to his face in disbelief, looking at her.

"I told you we are through, asshole." She hissed at him. "Now take your dumb ass back to your car and leave now. Or do I need to yell "RAPE" and get my father out here?"

"You wouldn't do that." Jeremy protested. "Besides, I'm not raping you."

Jamie gave him a cold smile.

"My torn panties are in your jacket pocket." She reminded him. "I have a feeling Daddy would be more than willing to believe me if I told him you tried to rape me."

A look of horror clouded Jeremy's face as the reality of her words registered in his brain. He fumbled out the remains of her panties and threw them back at her quickly, then stumbled down the steps and ran to his car. She watched, a satisfied smile on her face, as he started the Camaro and peeled away from the curb. Then she tucked the panties into her purse and opened the front door.

* * * *

Kevin leaned against the kitchen countertop next to the coffee pot, sipping from his mug, as he heard Jamie open the front door and lock it behind her. She peeked into the kitchen at him.

"You didn't have to wait up, Daddy." She told him with a smile.

"Of course I did, Princess. I'm your father. I worry about you. Kinda late tonight, aren't you?"

"There was a party after the game." She explained. "Then Jeremy and I went to the lake to…talk." Jamie could feel her face flushing crimson at the explanation. She didn't feel comfortable telling Daddy what Jeremy had tried to do, or the reason she had insisted they leave the party early.

Kevin watched the blush creep across his daughter's lovely features and set the cup down on the counter. He took a step towards her.

"I remember 'talking' from when I was younger, Jamie. I remember the lake, too. Your mother got herself in trouble at that lake, 'talking' with a boy."

"It's not like that, Daddy," she said with a sigh. "We weren't doing anything."

Kevin took another step towards her, and was certain he caught the smell of female arousal. Jamie watched her father approach, his eyes so intense, and couldn't stop the image of her fantasies from earlier in the day flashing through her mind. She felt her body betray her as she grew damp between her thighs.

"Are you having sex, Jamie? Did you let that half-wit, over-muscled bastard touch you?"

"NO, Daddy!" Jamie protested. She turned to walk down the hall to her bedroom, hoping to escape this conversation tonight. "We'll talk all about this in the morning, Daddy. Please don't worry about it."

Kevin saw her turn away from him and reached out to stop her, grabbing the leather strap of her purse and yanking on it. The strap tore away from the handbag, causing it to drop to the floor, spilling its contents. Her panties, as if by their own volition, landed in a crumpled pile of cotton at his feet.

Kevin looked down at the torn bikini panties, then back up at his daughter. Then he crouched down and picked them up, examining the rips in them. Jamie stood frozen before him, unable to turn and walk away, unable to think of anything to say. Kevin slowly guided his gaze up her long legs, to the short hem of her cheerleading skirt. He reached out and lifted it up, revealing the swollen lips of her sex, glistening with the juices she was unable to stop.

"Daddy…" She began, her voice sounding so much like that of a little girl. Kevin stood slowly, eyes blazing. Kevin was only a couple of inches taller than his daughter, but tonight Jamie would have sworn he towered over her. He took another step towards her, leaning down so his nose was almost touching hers, his eyes boring into hers as she felt them fill with tears.

"Whore!" He growled at her. She felt the tears streaming hotly down her face and tried desperately to think of something to say to make this all right. Kevin reached out and grabbed her savagely by the upper arm, then walked over to his chair, dragging her behind him. She followed along meekly, reverting to the little girl she once was, knowing she was in trouble, knowing she was going to be punished.

Kevin sat on the edge of his chair and dragged her face down across his legs. He roughly shifted her into position, then yanked up the back of her skirt, baring her ass. Jamie began to panic as she realized Daddy was getting ready to spank her. Daddy had almost never spanked her. Only when she was very, very bad.

"No, Daddy, please…I'm a good girl!" She cried. Kevin raised his hand and swung it, bringing it sharply across her right buttocks. She let out a little cry of pain.

"Count them, slut!" He demanded. Jamie stammered out "Wo-wo…One."

Kevin raised his hand again, and brought it down across her left buttocks. Jamie yelped and cried out "T-two."

Jamie bit down on her bottom lip in anticipation of the next smack. She was filled with a confluence of emotions and sensations, all seeming to battle for supremacy. She felt the shame of having disappointed Daddy. She felt the humiliation of being spanked and having Daddy see her bare ass and her wet pussy, and being called whore and slut. She felt the pain of Daddy's hand sharply smacking her. And in the back of her mind, she felt the comfort of knowing that Daddy was doing this because he loved her. The most confusing thing of all was the arousal she was feeling. Her body was responding to this, and liking it!

Kevin smacked her right ass cheek again, listening as she again yelped and called out "Three", then smacked her left ass cheek. This time, instead of yelping, Jamie let out a little moan before calling out "Four."

Kevin was suddenly transported back eight years. He had often spanked Jenny. It was something she enjoyed having done to her. He felt the surge of control rush through him, the adrenaline of Domination coursing through his veins, as he raised his hand to strike her right ass cheek again. The right ass cheek of his daughter, who looked so much like his wife.

"Mmm…fiiive." Jamie moaned, wiggling slightly on his lap. He could see the nectar flowing from her as he spanked her, he could feel her full breast and the point of her nipple pressing against his suddenly straining cock. He raised his hand again, bringing it down across her left ass cheek.

"Si-six, Daddy." Jamie breathed. "Please…"

"Please what, slut?" He growled at her, raising his hand again.

Jamie paused for a moment, her mind suddenly cloudy, her body seeming to take control of her and override the signals her brain was trying to send her about how wrong this was.

"Please may I have another?" She groaned.

Kevin grinned and brought his hand down across her ass again, catching the bottom of her right ass cheek where it met the top of her thigh.

"Oohhhh…seven…please Daddy may I have another?"

Kevin raised his hand, feeling the tingle in his fingers from the impact of his hand against her ass, and brought it down across the bottom of her left ass cheek.

"Eight, Daddy…please don't stop!" Jamie begged. "Spank your bad girl…punish your naughty little slut!" She could feel her orgasm building, the heat growing unbearable between her legs. She seemed to be floating, detached from everything, as if in a dream, watching her Daddy spank her naughty whore ass from a distance.

Kevin raised his hand and brought it down across the center of her right ass cheek, harder than any of the previous blows, feeling the sharp sting in the palm of his hand.

"NINE, Daddy…Please moooooorrrrre!" Jamie was panting heavily now and writhing in his lap. He raised his hand high and brought it down with a resounding crack across her bare left ass cheek.

Jamie jerked in his lap and moaned loudly, trying to choke out the word "Ten", but failing as it was overcome with a scream. She twitched for a moment, rubbing against his legs and swollen cock. He felt her juices, flowing from her cunt, soaking through the cotton of his khaki slacks.

Kevin pushed her off his lap onto the floor at his feet. As she began to tremble less, she crawled closer and wrapped herself around his feet, kissing his legs.

"You naughty, filthy whore." He said, his voice dripping with disgust. "Daddy tries to punish you, and you cum all over my lap. Is this how you behave with your jock boyfriend? Are you his little fucktoy?"

"Noooo, Daddy." Jamie moaned, nuzzling his lower legs with her face. "I've never fucked Jeremy, Daddy. I broke up with Jeremy tonight, after he tore my panties. I'm a good girl, Daddy."

"Liar!" He roared, reaching down and grabbing a fistful of her hair. He dragged her roughly back up onto his lap, laying her back and yanking up her skirt again, exposing her wet, swollen sex.

"You've been letting him have this little cunt, haven't you, slut?" He asked, forcing her thighs apart with his right hand and running his fingers over her engorged lips.

"No Daddy…I'm a virgin!"

Kevin rammed his middle finger into her, feeling the tight muscles of her cunt clamp down around it, milking it. He stroked his finger back out, looking at her face, then rammed his finger into her again. He stopped as the tip of his finger encountered her still intact hymen. He paused, his finger still buried within her, looking into her eyes, brimming with tears.