A Fucking Investment Ch. 16


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The other nodded too.

I trusted neither. I lugged the baggage up stairs, one to one bedroom and one to the other. Each bag was marked with a name, one was Marla and the other was Darla, so I knew we had the right girls, which was which I had no idea and really didn't care. I heard the shower running. Cassie came into the room.

"What are we going to do with them?"

I gestured at the two sets of shackles. "I recommend you hook them up. You can manage one but two might be too much. They could get away."

"You are scared of them getting away?"

"I am afraid of losing track of them before their family can retrieve them, if they retrieve them."

"I see your conundrum." Cassie muttered.

"If you have trouble, call me."

"I will," she agreed and I went out and drove Jeri's car home. She'd forgotten it. I drove it to her house and handed her the keys. She did not speak but took them and opened the garage. When I left she was backing into her garage. I went home and went to bed.

I slept like the dead. When I woke the next day I had copies of birth certificates in my email and I was reasonably sure I had what I had. I hated being that suspicious but one cannot be too careful. Jennifer had breakfast ready when I came out of the office after checking email and doing some other busy work. I ate and sat staring at my coffee. I decided I knew what to do.

Sharon called. We had not spoken in a while.

"Alan, what is happening?"

"Ever heard of Mrs. Victoria Grayson?"

Silence. A pause, Sharon did not even breathe. Finally I heard her sigh. "Yes. I know her, of her. We have not met."

I waited. Sharon did not continue.

"Did you know that our father had an affair with her?" I asked, finally.

"Yes, Alan, I did. How did you find out?"

I considered my next statement but decided to put my sister on notice, right from the beginning. "I want her. I am going to have her, if I can." I stated my objective, my new objective, my additional objective clearly.

"I see. Will this compromise our little endeavor?"

"I understand from the dailies that you have been doing better."

"Is that condescension, little brother?"

"It is a fact. I think you are gaining the trust of our father's counselors, his confidantes and mine. They are adjusting." I hesitated but did not allow her time to interject another thought. "I want to stay here for a while."

"You don't seem to be taking my revenge very seriously."

"Do you think," I stopped. "I want to sell them." I began and talked about the La Touche. Then I told her what I was really thinking. "I want to make them into a colony. I place where a man can come and spend time and see if one of the women here meets his approval. He can have them if he can seduce them or persuade them. They'll, they'll owe their bodies to me but they can take whomever else they wish to their beds."

Sharon cleared her throat. "Sounds like fun, not revenge."

"Sister, these women, I like them, generally. I mean, you knew I wasn't really that guy, the guy who would humiliate a woman or subjugate her if she was unwilling, right?"

"Alan, I never believed you'd get this far, truth be told. Of course, I never expected you to drop the family business in my lap, either. I am still trying to catch my breath."

"I want, I want something. I want an American Harem. I place to come where I have a whole variety of different women, women I can offer to my compatriots or sell or rent as I wish. But they will be here willingly."

"What do you think they will do between fucks?"

My sister did not have my delicacy.

"What did they do before this real estate disaster caught up with them?"

"A point. I think they are getting laid far more with you in the neighborhood. And laid well, from what I can gather from Crowley. Well, I have to get going."

"Wait. Sharon, if I just put the whole lot of them on a leash, I mean metaphorically, well sort of metaphorically anyway, what would you think about that?"

"You are a little young to retire little brother. I think you are thinking with your dick."

"You are taking care of business, isn't it about time I do a little penile meditation?"

"Also a point. Little brother, you do what you can do and I'll do what I can to make it work for you. I mean, if you want a Harem and don't get crosswise with kidnapping laws, I guess that is fine with me."

"What about Mrs. Grayson?"

"What about Mrs. Grayson?"

I hesitated, finally confronting the dotted Oedipal lines I wanted to cross in the worst way.

"If I can manage to seduce her? If I can persuade her to, I don't know what, but will that be too weird?"

"She was a college girl when Father seduced her, I am sure she remains a desirable woman."

"But father and son? Isn't that crossing over somehow?"

Sharon laughed. "Our parents were not the celibates you tend to think they were."

"I don't think they were celibates. Gosh, sis, I lost my virginity to one of the women that worked for us. Mother knew about it and gave her over to me on several occasions."

"That might be too much information, Alan. I do need to go. Have no fear, if you can fit the women of Holdingsfield into a Harem, then go on you. That may prove an expensive hobby. Supporting twenty American women."

I grunted. "I'm working on creating a self-supporting Harem but maybe that is just silly."

"If anyone can do it, my baby bro can. And Alan, I was scared when I left there to come home. I was scared that, well, my rejection of you and the parents had left you bitter. I am so happy that you embraced me. I missed having family. I did. Now, well, its good to feel like I have a home. Bye now, keep in touch."

I sat in the office thinking about that conversation. After a few odd moments basking in my big sister's approval, blessing and acceptance, I turned my thought to this day. I knew what I had in mind, what I needed to do. Rae Dawn.

I grinned. I wanted her too. The pleasure of having several different desires and their objects well within reach suffused me and I glowed with it. I felt incandescent.

Jennifer brought me a light breakfast on a tray. This gorgeous woman seemed thrilled to serve, to act the part of a maid and cook and take care of the house. She cleaned, she cooed over Internet design suggestions, all with her bright personality. I remembered her satisfaction being on the leash and asked her about it.

"Did you forget I have a collar all my own upstairs?"

I shook my head. "I got the impression that was, well, private. Did you find it humiliating, collared in the pet products aisle?"

"Humiliating? No. No, it, I don't know, Joshua, it seemed to focus people's attention on me, in a different way than with cleavage or a short skirt. I liked to dress to please the eyes of the men I like but this was different. People saw me and stared, they stared right at me and I felt their eyes like being naked all alone in a big cocktail party, no, that's not right. I mean it's like being dressed provocatively and moving through a crowd and feeling hands on me, patting and touching and caressing because when they look at me, what they see in an open invitation to arouse me, to use me to arouse them." She giggled a little and flounced away from the desk. "I think I even like the idea of women touching me. I, that's new but I am getting used to the idea that men like seeing two women who are into each other. That turns me on, turning on the men, that is. When I feel that, even if I am just going through the motions with a woman, I get excited and it just goes from there."

I nodded as she pulled the door closed. Very interesting, I thought. The idea of the Colony had taken root in my mind and I kept thinking. No reason why Le Foil et Le Touche could not work side by side with a Colony where women were available but not obligated, willing always but needing to be charmed and seduced...I liked that idea but at the moment, it seemed a far cry from reality. I shrugged. Making fantasy out of whole cloth attracted me, mine and theirs. I just didn't know if I could manage such a group of women.

When my phone rang, I jumped. "Alan?"

"Joshua Gale, here." I responded to Mrs. Grayson's tinny voice. She sounded far away.

"Damn, sorry, yes I keep dialing the wrong number." She hung up.

That was weird. It put me in a mood, though. I wanted a woman. Despite the athletics of the past few days, I found myself completely aroused, even a little manic with the throbbing need. It felt so good! I had the perfect solution.

I dialed Aurora. She answered immediately.

"My 'investor' is coming to town soon." She said immediately as though she knew it was me. "Shall I discourage her or encourage her?"

"Next week. What is today? Thursday. Give me a few days, week after next, I think."

"Fine, I'll put the bitch off for a couple more weeks. She wants to come and taste my bevy of beauties." Aurora laughed a throaty laugh that made her sound predatory. Hell, she was. "What can I do for you, Mr. Gale? I hear you have been getting blow jobs out in the open."

I refused to comment. "I need Kiko. Is she at your house? I seem to have misplaced her number."

"I'll call her and send her over right away."

The contest seemed to have been dismissed, at least for the moment. I was a little confused by that but it seemed weird in the first place.

"Something you'd like her to wear?"

"She should be, uh, accessible."

"Tongue or cock?"

"Wouldn't that be the same thing?"

"Oh, right." Aurora chortled. "Tongue and cock accessible it is."

Kiko arrived an hour latter. She wore thigh boots of shiny, black vinyl that made her legs look like stilts. Her skirt was hardly more than a belt with pleats. Her blouse covered her breasts and nothing else, leaving her sexy, lank tummy bare to the world. Her long black hair fell like darkness down her back.

I opened the door for her, waving Jennifer away.

"I am here, oh Master? How would like like your slave this morning?"

"Cut it out." I said but found I liked the question. Shit. That might prove addictive.

"You need to lighten up a little, Josh, my boy." She was all saucy American girl in tone but she looked all demure Japanese. "I have to confess, I find it thrilling to be here and I am wet as Venice. My grand canal is ready for a little Italian sausage."

I was confused. I got the reference for sure but I was hardly Italian. I was Heinz 57 WASP, if anything. No matter. "Jennifer, where is the collar and lead?" I said over my shoulder.

Jennifer squeaked like I'd stepped on a squeeze toy and dashed upstairs.

I got very hard. Kiko noticed and grinned, but with a wisp of uncertainty. I stared at her face till she lifted her eyes from my crotch. She shrugged and smiled a little.

"Collar?" She whispered, suddenly not brash at all.

I stepped back. "Please come in. This will only take a minute."

She came into the house and closed the door. She turned and closed it carefully. Her hair draped down her back, covering her ass and sweeping along the tops of her thighs. I felt the arousal roaring in me like a beast had been released.

Jennifer clattered down the stairs. She held out the collar and chain we had purchased at the store the day before. When I didn't take it, she immediately fixed it around her neck and extended her hand once more with the lead only this time. I took it. I regarded Kiko. She watched me and then fixed her eyes on Jennifer. I took the lead and held it out to her. Her hand lifted and then dropped, lifted and then dropped three times before she finally took it from me.

I moved behind Jennifer and lifted her black skirt. She had donned a sexy maid's outfit and wore a thong underneath, which I discovered to my delight. I felt like I was jumping out of my skin for some reason. I unbuckled my pants and dropped them. Jennifer popped her ass back, arching her back and bending forwards just so. I entered her. She bubbled with enthusiasm that matched the shimmering energy in me. Her body accepted me deeply. We shimmied together till her ass pressed against me, rising and bunching against me as I pushed into her boiling depths. She groaned as my penetration rooted deeply inside of her.

I pulled free. I felt her shudder with the loss but she did not change her stance. I moved around her.

"Kiko, care for a taste of Jennifer?" I had to shuffle because my pants were around my ankles.

Kiko stared at my dewy cock for a moment then looked up at me. I don't know what I expected to see but what I found in her eyes was a clearly request for an invitation, something more, more, more sensual than a simple instruction. She hungered for more words.

"Come, my dear, on your knees." I said softly. She moved so quickly I knew I was onto something. She got to her knees, keeping her back straight so her bolt of black hair did not flutter around her. She knelt too far away and had to knee walk closer. She did. Her hands found my bare thighs and the feel of her little hands on my skin made me flinch. I thought I was going to spurt right in her face. She leaned forward. I felt her hot breath on my cock, through the film of Jennifer coating me. Her tongue flicked out and I thought my head was going to explode. The brief contact of her tongue with my cock amazed me. I could not believe the astounding sensation coursing through me.

The tongue addressed me again. The sensation shot through me, spider-webbing just under my skin so that I felt like it was following the network of nerves in my body, leaving me breathless with anticipation. The flat of her tongue cradled the underside of my cock and pushed it up and back towards me. She moved it down the shaft and then up again. She slurped then, sucking the effluvia of the other woman off her own tongue.

"Oh goodness." She whispered. "I can taste her."

"Clean me off, please." I said softly.

She did. Oh how she did. First with her tongue and then her lips, finally taking me into her mouth and deep into her throat. Her face pressed against my body. I felt her swallow around my cock in her throat and she pulled back, leaving my cock glistening. She looked up at me, her black hair jumbled over her shoulders.

I stepped back and pulled up my pants. Kiko looked confused then got to her feet and turned around. She bent, assuming a similar stance that Jennifer had used just before I penetrated her. This was compliance of the best kind. I turned to Jennifer. "Kiss her. Taste us."

Jennifer swept past me like a specter and turned the slighter, shorter woman around. Kiko seemed conscious of what was going to happen but remained nearly totally passive. She bent her head back to receive the kiss but otherwise did not move. Jennifer enveloped her and the two women kissed like lovers. Jennifer's hands moved over Kiko but Kiko remained completely still.

I groaned. I pulled on Jennifer's shoulder. "That's fine. Enough."

Jennifer stepped back and then flounced off to the kitchen, holding onto the chain of her own lead. I had been going to use it but had a better idea. I moved past the wavering Japanese woman to the door. "Come with me." I muttered.

"Definitely. I definitely want to come with you!" She returned, her voice husky with excitement. She seemed to absorb my state and amplified it, adding her own sensuous sensations to it. She trailed me by a couple steps and stopped at the entrance to the Sawyer's yard. She looked like I had forbidden her to cross the threshold at some former time and stood looking down at the sidewalk. I gestured to her to stay and she relaxed a little.

I rang the Sawyer's doorbell.

John answered. His face was drawn and haggard.

"What did you do to Eve? I, god, she's never been like this. Joshua, my god, I have never experienced her like this before. Last night, this morning, I feel inadequate. Thank god you're here, maybe you can...?"

I waved him away. "Please, can you send her out."

John nodded.

I could see when his eyes found and registered Kiko, her vinyl boots glinting in the morning light. After a double-take and a slight hesitation, he walked back into the house. Moments later, Eve appeared. She wore a shift, diaphanous and sheer. Her body ghosted it, teasing the eyes with barely seen lines and shapes as she moved inside the flurry of yellow color. It almost matched her hair but didn't.

"What do you want?" She demanded but her voice broke two syllables in and I saw the flicker in her eyes. It was just a glimmer and I felt sure I had the right approach.

"I want your collar, for Kiko here." I said softly and turned half-way and gestured with my head at Kiko behind me.

Eve's eyes shifted past me then returned, yoyoing back to me and stopping. "No. No, its mine. You gave it to me." Her eyes flashed but it wasn't defiance or anger. "I mean, you bought it for me. It's mine. Not hers." Her voice warbled between us. Her former defiance has faded but she sounded sure and strong.

I shrugged nonchalantly, barely disguising my glee. This was what I anticipated.

"Very well." I said and turned away from her. She seemed confused, uncertain. I left her and walked past Kiko back to my house and to the car. Kiko trailed me, barely keeping up with me and clearly confused. I told her to wait, went into the house, got my keys and went out into the garage and opened door. Kiko got in when I gestured to her. We drove in silence. Yes, we drove back to the same grocery store across town.

The kid from yesterday dropped a cabbage when he saw me enter the store. The green orb crunched on the floor and rolled out into the aisle. I walked over and picked it up and handed it to him.

"Oh no. Not again." The kid whispered. His eyes flicked to Kiko who stood just inside the door, all boots and belly and draped hair.

I went to her and held out my hand. She put hers into mine and we walked together back to pet products. She gleeped when I stopped before the collars. They had the perfect black one, with little aluminum studs. It was broader than the others. I took it down.

Kiko stared at me while I fingered the leather collar. Her eyes grew more intense as I opened it up and flexed it. It was broader than the others and would hold her head upright, more than the others. I pulled my eyes off of it and waited till Kiko looked up at me, pulling her eyes from the collar in my hands. I arched and eyebrow. She blinked, she licked her lips and then closed her eyes with a quick, singular but unmistakable nod.

Kiko gathered her hair and pulled it back from her long, sexy neck. She trembled when I fastened the collar around her neck. She gasped when I clipped the silver lead to the collar.

"Come along." I said.

She shortened her stride to about a tenth and came behind me like a geisha, as though her ankles were constrained by a long traditional dress. They weren't. Instead, her boots squeaked against each other as she took the tiny steps. She walked so fast behind me, when I looked back, her hair danced about her like a swarm of bees.

Since Jennifer pointed it out to me, I realized people were staring at us, utterly without inhibition. A couple college guys stood at the end of the longest line. I stepped up behind them.

"Here, dude, hold onto this will you? Don't let her get away." I extended a hand with the lead in my hand.

The guy looked like I was asking him to give my dick a nice squeeze or maybe I was asking him to hold my pet snake. He took it though. I heard him swear when I turned away to the bakery. I had ordered two eclairs again when I thought I should be more original but it was done. His buddy had put down their basket by the time I returned. He surrendered the lead without comment, staring at Kiko.

A middle-aged man came over to me, wearing the livery of management. "Sir, you can't keep doing this. It, it disrupts the store."
