A Good Break


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Sure, I thought, except that Mrs. Alhamis didn't have blond hair tied in a pony tail, a killer ass and what I was now finally realizing, a beautiful face.

"Kerry, maybe you should get Rain. She is probably used to helping people in the bathroom. I..."

Kerry averted her eyes as she spoke, "Boss, I know it's awkward. But, frankly, I have already seen your..., well, I've seen you nude. I even had to push your tush when you almost fell when we were getting you up. So, let's leave it that there are no surprises."

Kerry pulled the covers down. I motioned to the box of gloves on the nightstand. She pulled on a pair. Working together, I was soon standing and she was guiding me to the bathroom, holding onto my belt.

We reached the toilet. I turned and our eyes met.

Her cheeks were burning.

"So, do you want to sit?"

"Yes. You can wait outside and I'll call you."

"Oh, sure," she mumbled.

She turned to leave.



"My PJs?"

She put her hand to her mouth and giggled again. I was not sure I could get used to her giggling.

She reached out and pulled the drawstring and they dropped to the floor. I asked her to hold my belt as I stepped out of them. She then eased me onto the toilet seat.

My penis rested on the seat. I tried squirming, but it wouldn't drop.

"Uh, should I...?"

"Yes, please."

Kerry took hold of the tip of my penis and lowered it below the seat.

Picking up the PJs, she bolted from the room and closed the door.

When I was finished, I sat there delaying the next step. Unfortunately, I delayed too long as my legs were almost numb. Finally, I called out.

She knocked on the door and opened it.

"All set?"

I think we both dreaded the next step, but we had no choice.

Kerry took hold of my belt and pulled. I pushed, but not much happened.

She tried pulling the other side. No go.

I tried to explain how Mrs. Alhamis did it, but there was no combination that seemed to work. By now my legs were getting that tingling sensation from sitting too long on the john and starting to fall completely asleep.

"We need help," I said.

"Right," she answered and left.

In a few minutes I heard the door open. Kerry entered the bathroom followed by Rain. She was wearing a heavy sweatshirt and sweat pants. Her short hair, a bright red color not found in nature, was matted with sleep.

"Ah, stuck on the old shitter, is it?"

We all laughed and that eased the tension.

Rain explained she had experience in the nursing home helping patients. She positioned Kerry on one side and she took the other. Each woman grabbed a side ring. She had Kerry use her other hand to grab a rear ring and Rain took the one in front. Her hand was actually brushing the top of my pubic patch.

On three they lifted and pulled me up. I was unsteady and they both held me tight. Rain instructed Kerry to keep a strong grip. She reached for the toilet paper and quickly finished. She flushed and asked what was next.

My legs were shaky and I asked just to get back to bed.

They escorted me and eased me into bed.

I was still naked.

"Might as well do a sponge bath," said Rain. Kerry nodded and offered to get the basin and washcloth.

Sweat was beading on Rain's forehead.

"Like it a little hot, Josh?"

I explained that since I could not wear much clothing, I need to keep the apartment warm.

"Warm! It's a fucking sauna."

She began to pull her hoodie over her head.

She wore a t-shirt with straps, not sleeves. The material was thin and one nipple clearly stood out against the cotton. The other, however, was on full display, as was her small but quite attractive breast. It had slipped out of the armhole of the t-shirt. She was unaware of the show she was giving me.

I was completely aware. Too aware, as a matter of fact. Without willing it, my member slowly changed from a limp penis lying on my thigh to a fully erect one-eyed beast, with the foreskin completely retracted.

Rain was too busy fussing with her sweatshirt to notice either her exposed breast or my hard-on.

"What the heck?"

Kerry was standing at the foot of the bed holding a basin and staring at my arousal.

Rain looked at her and then followed her gaze to my crotch.

"Holy fuck. How'd that happen?"

"Well, maybe it has something to do with your boobie," said Kerry.


"Rain, your breast is totally on display."

Rain looked down and gasped.

"Sorry," she murmured as she slipped it back.

"What now?" asked Rain as she continued to stare at my erection.

"Well, I don't think we ought to continue with the bath right away. It might be, you know, too much stimulation on you-know-what."

"Hey, ladies, I am right here. How about talking to me instead of my dick."

They took their eyes off my erection, where they seemed to have been glued, and looked at me.

The silence hung in the room.

"Ok, but the dick is a lot more interesting," said Rain. That broke up the three of us.

After we stopped our laughing, I managed to say, "I think you're right. How about pulling up the covers and we can do bath later."

Rain pulled up the sheet and blanket, careful not to touch the throbbing thing in front of them.

"I'll make us some breakfast," said Kerry. "Care to help, Rain."

Rain glanced down at the tent under the covers.

"Oh, You mean help with breakfast?"

That brought another round of belly laughs and the two women exited to the kitchen.

By the time they returned with pancakes and orange juice, all had returned to normal.

Kerry fed me and herself in between my bites.

"So, like how long have you been in this cast shit?' asked Rain.

"Five weeks tomorrow," I replied.

"And, so, for five weeks you've not been able to exercise Mr. Happy?" she said nodding toward my crotch.

Kerry choked on her pancake and had to spit it out on her plate.

"Rain, really," she said.

"Hey, I'm just saying. If I am not in a relationship, and sad to say, I am not, then I've got to work the kinks out on a regular basis. You know, like at least once a day. If not, I'm like a walking bomb. So, a little bit of self-satisfaction goes a long way."

Rain sipped her juice. "You've been like totally off the grid, so to say, and I think we had a glimpse today of how hard it can be, pun intended. And, Josh, just so you know, from a girl's point of view, that was awesome. Nice. I like the uncircumcised thing. Don't see many of them. But, really, awesome boner. Don't you agree, Kerry?"

This time orange juice squirted from her nose and dribbled down her shirt. She excused herself and headed out of the room.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Rain, I think Kerry is probably a little more conservative than you."

"Yeah? Well, a nice looking boner is a nice looking boner. It's an objective thing, right."

I had no answer to that.

Rain finished her breakfast and said she had to go. Kerry thanked her for her help.

"No problem. Really, just give me a call and I'll come up. Believe me you can mess up your back big time if you try to move someone the wrong way. Besides, you can also end up hurting Josh, if he falls or something. So, give me a buzz. Promise?"

"Promise," Kerry said.

Kerry finished tidying up from breakfast. She had removed her soiled sweatshirt and was wearing a long-sleeved top. It flattered her figure nicely.

She poured some water and gave me my morning meds.

"Well, that was an interesting morning."

"Kerry, I apologize. I'm sorry you had to see me like that. In a way, Rain was right. It's been a while and I guess seeing her breast just affected me."

"I know you didn't do it on purpose, Boss. And, don't be too upset. I mean I have seen one before."

"Just one," I kidded.

Kerry again turned crimson. "Well, I didn't mean to imply..."

"Kerry, I'm kidding. Don't even think to answer that."

After a few moments, Kerry said, "You know I was married once."


"Yes. Dave and I met in college and married right after graduation. It was good for a while, but Dave was always restless. Always pushing for more excitement, if you know what I mean."

"Not really, Kerry."

After an uncomfortable silence, she said, "He wanted to bring other people into our relationship."


"I was a virgin when we met, but not by the time we married. He was the only man I ever had sex with, until he wanted more. I was afraid I was loosing him, so I agreed to try some things."

"Kerry, you don't have to tell me this."

"If it's all right, I want to, Boss. I don't want you to think I'm some frigid bitch who freaks out because she sees an erection."

"Kerry, I don't think of you that way."

"Well, I wouldn't blame you if you did. I know I come across as aloof, maybe even cold. I hear what the other women call me in the office."

I looked puzzled. I guess no one dared make fun of her in front of me.

"You mean you never heard of Cherry Kerry or the Ice Princess?"

I shook my head.

"I don't care, Boss. I love my job. I love working for you. I love you..."

I looked at her.

"I mean I love how you treat me. You always respect me. You seem to have confidence in me. And, you never have made a sexist remark or looked like you were undressing me with your eyes. Unlike the account execs."

I flashed back on how she looked standing in the doorway and said to myself, "Two out of three, ain't bad."

"So, anyway, Dave kept pushing and I relented. First, he brought home a mutual friend we had in college. This guy asked me out when we were in school and I knew he liked me. I never agreed to date him and thought we had become friends. When Dave brought him home, I wanted to run from the house. But, I stayed. The two of them took turns having sex with me. Each watched as the other was with me. It was horrible and degrading, but Dave loved it. At one point he had our friend put it in my mouth, while Dave was having sex with me from behind, you know, doggy-style. I never felt so degraded. Dave talked about it for days on end.

"The next time he brought home a girl. She was someone he met at his health club. She was pretty and had a great body. Boss, I never was with a woman and never had any desire. I was clueless about what to do. She was far from clueless. I hated it more than being with our male friend. Dave talked me into kissing her down there after she did so to me. I almost threw up. Then he had sex with each of us. I think I took about a dozen showers to try to feel clean."

I wanted to hold Kerry's hand. The best I could do was nudge her with my leg. She put her hand top of my uncasted hand and squeezed.

"The next time, he brought home a couple. Boss, I couldn't do it. I just left. I never went back. I filed for divorce. He didn't contest it. That's when I left the mid-west and moved here. I've dated a couple guys, but nothing serious. I slept with one. Not very satisfying. I was horny and thought it would help. It didn't. So, then I started working at the agency. As I said, I love what I do. You make me feel good about myself. I miss the intimacy of a relationship, but not enough to get involved with another creep like Dave."

"Kerry, there are good guys out there. And, you should attract the best of them with your looks. Not all men are assholes. Well, not assholes all the time."

I was trying to use humor to lighten the mood.

"Maybe," she said. "Or, maybe I just attract the losers. The one guy I did sleep with. On our second time of having sex, he said we should take a shower together afterwards. I thought that was cute. So, we're in the shower and I feel something. I look around and he's peeing on me. He is actually peeing on my ass and legs. See, I must attract them."

I didn't know what I found more disturbing; the fact that some guy peed on her, that she said the word "ass", that I was remembering the shape of her ass under her shirt last night or that I was imagining her naked in a shower.

Kerry removed her hand from mine. "You been sweet to listen to my pathetic ramblings, Boss. But, I have some errands to do. But, first, you said I'm good looking?"

"Well, I mean I'm not trying to be a male asshole, but yes, of course you are beautiful. I hope you realize that about yourself."

She just shrugged and looked away. I sensed that she felt she had shared too much personal information.

"Kerry, thank you for talking with me. I really knew nothing of your past. I know it wasn't easy, but I respect you for being honest. And, this will remain confidential between us."

Kerry looked at me and then away. When she turned back I saw a tear at the corner of her eye.

"Thanks, Boss, you are a really nice guy."

She leaned in and kissed my cheek. With that she left the room.

"Nice guy!" Most of the staff and every one of my competitors would describe me as a ruthless prick. But, it was nice hearing her say that.

A few minutes later, she appeared in the doorway dressed in a parka and boots.

"Got some shopping to do. Want anything special."

Nothing came to mind.

She came in and picked up my phone. She programmed a number. "Rainbow is now number 13. Call her if you need help."


"That's Rain's full name, Rainbow. You didn't know?"

I shook my head.

"Bet you also didn't know she has a twin brother Moonbeam, or Moonie, for short."

"Nope, but how did you..."

"I just talked with her, Boss. Not everything needs to be all business, you know."

She again pecked me on the cheek and left.

That was the second time she kissed me and the first time she had ever come close to rebutting me. Where was this new Kerry coming from?

I watched a college basketball game and fell asleep for a bit.

I heard noises and called out.

Kerry stuck her head in.

"Great, you're awake. I was making dinner. Chicken and mashed potatoes sound Ok?"

"Sounds yummy."

"Need anything?"

"Well, I would like to walk around a bit. The nurses tell me I have to push myself so my legs don't get weak. And, I think I could use the toilet while I'm up, if you don't mind."

Kerry put on a forced smile and said no problem. I had the feeling she'd rather be washing a dead chicken than having to handle my penis one more time.

She got me up and left me sitting on the edge to allow me to adjust.

She reached for my phone and punched in a number.

"Rain? Hi, it's Kerry. Yes, everything's fine. I'm going to help my boss walk around a bit. He has to use the john and I was thinking maybe a shower could do him some good."

She looked at me and I nodded.

"Would you?" she said into the phone. "I'd appreciate it. Thanks, just let yourself in."

"What's up?" I asked.

"Rain said she'd help with the shower. I am a little afraid of getting you in and out of the tub."

With my belt firmly in place and Kerry supporting me, we made two laps of the apartment, ending at the bathroom.

"Do you need to sit again?" she asked.

"No, this time I can stand."

Kerry smiled and nodded.

"Kerry, my PJs."

"Right, keep forgetting."

With me standing facing the toilet, Kerry undid my bottoms and let them slide down. I stepped out of them and she pulled them away.

She lifted the seat and stood behind me.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"Kerry, I'm sorry to do this, but if someone doesn't hold it, I'll squirt all over the floor."

"Oh, yeah, I get it. Sure. Well, let me find some gloves."

"Do it quickly, because I can't hold it."

"Oh sugar, then Ok, here goes."

She came around next to me and gingerly reached for my member. Taking hold of the tip with her bare fingers she pointed it at the bowl. I relaxed and let loose.

She let out a mild shriek when the flow started and then giggled again.

"Now isn't that a pretty scene."

We both startled and turned to see Rain watching Kerry hold my penis as I peed.

We both smiled and turned our attention back to the toilet.

After finishing, Kerry flushed and rinsed her hands.

"Do you want me to, uh, clean your..."

"I think the shower will take care of that."

"Right, great idea," she said with relief in her voice.

Kerry and Rain helped me into the tub and I sat on the shower chair. I told them how Mrs. Alhamis uses the poncho. Kerry slipped it over my head and adjusted it.

Rain turned on the water and began to wet my hair. The spray hit the poncho and bounced back, drenching her. She turned off the water.

"Shit. How does Mrs. Alhamis not get soaked?"

"She wears a big apron and I think has more practice," I said.

"Screw that," said Rain.

She pulled her sweatshirt off and then her t-shirt. Quickly she stripped off her pants exposing her bare bottom and mostly bare pussy. Kerry and I stared in silence at how quickly she'd gotten nude and how non-chalant about it she was.

Rain looked down at her stubble between her legs.

"Yeah, I've been shaving it, but now want to get a wax. You have to let it grow out enough for the wax to grip. Looks like a five o'clock shadow now, but come Monday it'll be smooth sailing."

She climbed into the tub and turned on the water.

I hoped the poncho was covering my erection.

Kerry said she'd be in the kitchen if we needed her and bolted.

Rain stood behind me and soaked my hair. She added shampoo and scrubbed me, massaging my scalp. Her fingers felt great.

She moved in front, her pert, pint-sized breasts were directly in front of my eyes. Her nipples were dark and erect. She squirted shaving cream in her palm and bent over to spread it on my beard. She shaved me and wiped my face with a washcloth. Her breasts bounced in a most delightful way.

She bent and washed my feet and legs. She grabbed the belt and helped me stand. She pulled up the poncho and began tucking it into my belt.

"Ah, Mr. Happy returns," she said eyeing my erection. Moving behind me she scrubbed the backs of my thighs and my butt. She even washed in my crack, a bit more thoroughly than might strictly be necessary.

Standing back in front of me, she soaped her hands and ran them up and down my shaft. She washed my testicles and my inner thighs.

She used the spray to rinse the soap away and turned off the water.

"Josh, I can't leave you like this. It's not right. So, just let me help."

Kneeling in front, she took my erection into her mouth. I groaned.

"Rain, you can't do this."

Pulling away, she said, "It's fine. I want to. Besides, I'm really, really good at this."

She began to prove the truth of her claim.

With a combination of tongue, lips and fingers she had me racing to the edge. I managed to give her a warning, but she sucked and licked harder.

I was just about to let go when the door opened.

"I heard the water stop and thought you might need a hand..."

I turned to see Kerry staring as my erection thrust deep into Rain's mouth. Rain didn't miss a beat and took my balls in her hand and squeezed. I could hold back no longer and began pumping my hips forward as I released my climax into her mouth.

My eyes were on Kerry, but hers were on the naked girl kneeling before me.

Rain pulled off and I shot one last spurt that dribbled down my slowly softening erection.

Rain turned the water back on and rinsed my penis and then herself. She stepped out of the shower and said to Kerry, "Give me a hand and we can get him out."

Kerry seemed frozen in place. Finally, she took a step and joined Rain. They helped me step over the tub and onto the bath mat.

Rain gathered her clothes.

"Gotta' run. Can you dry Josh and handle the rest?"

"Uh, sure. No problem. Uh, Rain, thanks."

"Hey, no big deal."

She looked at me and smiled. "That was nice, Josh. I liked it."

I wondered if I should thank her as well or if I did what was I thanking her for? The shampoo, the shower or the blow job?

"Thanks, Rain," I said, mentally including all services rendered.