A Lovely Mother Strays


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I was brought back to reality by the enormous power thrust from Gerry as he erupted in me for the last time. My head was forced down by the head board again, I was almost folded in half, and his cock was stopping me from rolling into a ball of fire. I had nowhere to go but down, and down I went.

I righted my mind to realise I was empty of Gerry's cock, I was in space somewhere on my own, floating around weightless. He appeared in my side vision peering at me.

"Are you alright mom?" he asked me, with concern in his voice.

"Darling," I replied oddly, "you have no ideas how 'alright' I really feel, in fact I am better than 'alright' could ever be!" Then I laughed, and it came out like a dirty snigger.

Gerry flopped down near me and put his arm around me, I managed to slide myself straight again, turned to face him, and that was when the kiss that sealed everything took place, he knew it, I knew it, and we both knew it.

"When is dad home mom?" he asked me.

"Tomorrow afternoon, about 3pm," I told him. "Why?" I asked.

"Three things, one, that means I have you to myself until then, yes?" I nodded my head and kissed him.

"Two," he said, "I'm having this, I was looking at it when I was behind you," he told me, and poked his finger up my ass! I tensed, fixed my legs together and squeezed myself, but he was already in. He asked me 'yes' with his eyes. I could only nod my head in agreement. It had been about 20years since I had done this, but again, if that's what he wanted, he was getting it, every time.

"And three," he said, "We have to talk about the future, don't we?"

"Yes Gerry we do, but later okay?" I said.

"Definitely later mom," he said softly, "that's for sure."

"Right, I'm going to be your mom again for a minute. Go and get a shower honey, you are beginning to stink!" I laughed and shoved him out of bed. He rolled across the floor to the door giggling away, winked at me and left, just like that. I stared at the door, my son was no more, his mother had gone. Both replaced by the same, but different persons.

I lay there for ages just mulling over what had happened to me over this weekend, and the changes that had been rung, first by H, Gerry's best friend, who had now taken a much remembered backseat forever. And now my own son, what a combination I had been through! Gerry came back just as I was about to go to him. Then the phone rang. It had to be Robert, no one else would ring at this hour, I thought.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi, it's me, how are you, I thought I would just ring to say goodnight Nikki, he told me.

"That's nice of you Robert, goodnight," I said and put the phone down. Gerry guffawed loudly.

It rang again, "What's the matter Robert, lonely are we?" I said gruffly.

"Don't be like that Nikki, I said I was sorry," he said weakly. I got Gerry's cock in my hand and worked it up and down, I was hypnotised by the sight.

"I'm busy Robert, what do you want," I muttered and sank my mouth over my son's gorgeous weapon.

"Busy Nikki, what do you mean?" I sensed the concern in his voice.

"What do you think I'm busy with Robert?" I asked him, he was getting no help from me.

"I don't know what you're busy with," he said.

I decided to go for the jugular, his jugular! "I have my young lovers cock in my hand Robert and in my mouth when I'm not speaking to you Robert, and we are in our bed." I hear him gurgling down the phone.

"That isn't funny Nikki, not even remotely," he said.

"It makes me laugh Robert, knowing he's here and you are there." I told him, I was really getting into my stride now.

"Nikki, I don't like this."

"I do Robert, in fact I love it!"

"Nikki, please," he bleated.

"Please, please Robert? Oh I am being pleased, don't you worry about that, I am being wonderfully pleased all weekend Robert." I told him harshly.

He was silent, I waited a moment, Gerry was looking at me in total surprise, I smiled at him, and sucked his cock.

"We'll talk when I get home Nikki okay?" he said. I made a definite noise sucking off from the end of Gerry's dick, it made a loud slapping sound.

"What was that?" he asked me.

"That's me sucking his cock Robert, want to hear some more," I said and did it again, only louder.

"I can't believe you are treating me to this," he said, I couldn't believe it either but I was, "stop pretending, I am not happy."

"Who's pretending Robert," I told him, "this is real, I told you I was going to find someone to give what you won't, and now I believe Robert, that you can't!"

That was when I really hit him between the eyes, and maybe below his belt, but I held the phone up and said to Gerry, "Mutter something darling." I heard noises from the ear piece.

"Hey there man," Gerry said in a voice that wasn't really his. And Robert spluttered, stammered, and protested to no one but himself.

"Believe me now Robert?" I asked, "I'm sorry, but I have to go Robert, my guy wants me." I put the phone down and clicked the button for mute.

"Mom, what on earth has got into you?" his look at me was one of sheer amazement.

"That Gerry," I whispered, I was in my own shock by what I had just done, "was a long long time coming, borne of utter frustration. I warned your dad time after time that if he didn't change his ways, I would change mine. And now, I have, and unless you don't want me anymore. I will never change back."

I pushed him over, got over him so I was looking down and directly into his eyes, "Tell me you don't want me Gerry, now and in the future and we stop, right here, this minute, go on, tell me, say it." I demanded.

"You know I am not going to say that mom, I love you, you know that, but what about dad, how will we keep this from him, keep the secret?" he said.

"Well we'll see what he has to say tomorrow," I replied, "but if push comes to shove Gerry, it will be him that gets the push okay?" There I had said it, this weekend had really changed not only me, but my life too, now, and forever. I was exhausted, not only from all the sex I had had, but from the traumatisation I was now feeling.

My other two children were not due home until late Sunday night, so by then things between me and my husband, their dad, should have been settled, one way or the other. To be honest though, I was already erring on to the side of the 'other.' I fell to sleep, and I suppose Gerry did too, and I had the best kip I could ever remember, talk about sleeping like a baby! When I wakened, I could smell breakfast, I was starving, but I was also starving for some more sustenance from Gerry too.

I was going to go straight down but decided to shower and make myself look good for my young son. I felt that a grand entrance from me dressed in my 'gear' would go down well, and he, knowing it was only for him would take the bait, and ravish me. It did go down well, so very well in fact, that as soon as I walked in and said good morning I was on my back on the kitchen table, and having the life fucked out of me. It was the most horrendously wonderful, hard hitting climatic sex I had ever sublimely endured.

When my son had finished, he stood there looking down at me, a small but very knowing smile passed across his face, and I knew then, I knew that this was the future, one way or another. He helped me up, we kissed and loved like a newly married couple, and then we ate. We demolished the mess he had thrown together, if I had offered him what he had given me, he would have thrown it in the bin, but it was gorgeous and we ate every morsel.

We washed up, and cleared away then went back to bed for a nap. And it was when we came round that Gerry took me in the ass. I didn't protest, it hurt like hell, the pain almost killed me, and I loved every agonistic second of being battered and beaten by him. He forced a couple of orgasms out of me too, but how I will never know.

Later we settled into preparing for my husband's home coming, him keenly unaware, that his wife was now his son's fully committed lover. The house was spic and span, no hint of any impropriety, and Gerry went to his bedroom when Robert pulled up outside. I had suggested he go out, but he said no, "just in case things get a bit heated Nikki," he said. I smiled at the use of my name. It said to me, that he was expressing ownership, I liked it.

My husband came in with a face like thunder.

"Hello Robert," I said sweetly.

"Nikki, what the hell is wrong with you, behaving like that, pretending you had a man with you in our bed!" he railed.

"Who said anything about pretending Robert, I never?"

He stuttered and stammered, then he got serious, "I'm telling you here and now Nikki, if you have been with someone else, I'll leave you, right now!"

"All your clothes are washed and ironed Robert, leave the keys on the side when you go please," I told him, I was reason personified, I even shocked myself, I was as calm as a cucumber.

"Have you really been with another man Nikki, really?" That's when I got a bit mad, he still couldn't see, that after months and months of me telling him to cut it, he was behaving like little Mr innocence.

"How many times have I told you Robert, take care of me, or, I will find someone who will. And now, unfortunately for you, and accidently by me, I have found someone, and I like it. I like it a lot, so that puts you out on a limb!" I realised right then that I didn't love him anymore, what we had had, was gone into the wind.

"You weren't serious, you can't have been, I would have known," he was blustering and he knew it. He stood staring at me, his face was ashen now, a look of maniacal anger. I was on my toes, ready to flee in case he lost it. I backed away a little, he stepped towards me. I backed into the kitchen, he followed at the same pace, I was about to dive out of the door and away. Then I heard a clump from upstairs, Gerry, my Gerry. I had forgotten he was upstairs, I was safe!

"What's going on, dad what's wrong?" he said as he approached us.

"Your mother has lost her senses Gerry, and she has been, she's been, f..., with, seeing another man Gerry that's what's wrong, the fucking ungrateful bitch!" Gerry looked at me, he only wanted to defend me, not get involved, even though he was the centre piece of it all now.

"Dad, to me you look ready to hit her or something, that wouldn't be advisable dad," he told him.

"I am ready to fucking hit her Gerry, I really am!"

"Dad, I don't know the ins and outs, but from what I have just heard, you haven't been there for mom when she needed you, that she has tried to talk to you, tell you that your marriage was in jeopardy?" Robert looked at Gerry, it was like someone had turned on the light in his head, without saying it, he understood, and he knew why he was in the predicament that he was.

"Did you really have another man in our bed with you when I rang, or were you just pretending and speaking in a low voice."

I looked at Gerry and knew I couldn't lie about it. I took a deep breath and said. "Yes Robert, I had another man in our bed and he did what you no longer want to, or maybe even can anymore. I don't know now, and I don't care if you can or can't!"

"Well Nikki, if that's the situation," he said, "then you can shove our marriage, I will never, as long as I live take second place to anyone, no one. Expect a divorce asap!" He never said another word, he turned, brushed past Gerry, and went upstairs. We waited in the kitchen, I whispered to Gerry not to leave me alone with his dad. Thirty minutes later, he was down with suitcases, then he toured the house picking things, fifteen minutes later he was walking out, all he said was. "I'll call you later Gerry okay?" Then he was driving off.

I don't know if I had held my breath all the while but I gasped for oxygen. I held on to a chair for support, my marriage had ended just like that, and unbelievably I actually felt relief. Gerry came and held me, he wrapped me up, I was hyperventilating, he sat me down made some tea, and then we talked.

"There are things we need to discuss Gerry," I said, "I know this is all so sudden. So I am giving you the chance to back off if you want. I will understand darling if you do, I really will." He started to speak but I held up my hand. "Max and Laura will be going back to college in less than a week to prepare for the term, you go in three weeks. You can if you want to, go and stay with Aunt Stephanie."

"Right," Gerry said, "have you finished blabbering now?"

"Yes I think I have finished blabbering, as you so eloquently put it thank you." I said.

"Good," he muttered, "because I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here with you, dads gone, I'm here, and here I'm staying, got it!"

My heart burst, he had no idea how much I wanted to hear him say that. I burst into tears and cuddled close to him.

"Call Max and Laura, Nikki," Gerry said, I smiled again, "tell them what's happened, but that you are fine and ask them to stay with their friends if they can till next week, you have a lot to do, I'm here, you are and will be fine." I thought about that, Gerry was right, I needed time to think and plan. I did what he said, and they both were shocked, but also said I was right. That they knew things hadn't been well for some time, how perceptive children can be hey? They talked to Gerry and he assured them all was well, and not to worry.

"Right you," he said, "get up those stairs to our bedroom, we have some cementing to do, joining of the seams, uniting of souls, solidifying of dreams," he was laughing and slapped my backside. "And get yourself ready, you have ten minutes, so if you're not, you will be spanked very hard!"

I made sure I wasn't, and did I get a spanking or what, I loved it through my huge tears, as I begged for his mercy. Later as we talked there was one thing on my mind that I had to say.

"Gerry you know we can't have a child, or children don't you?"

"And why is that Nikki?" he said.

"Because it would expose us," I answered, "and I suppose I am a little bit too old too?"

"Well Nikki my darling mom, love, life of mine. That is something I will decide, not you okay?"

And the look he gave me told me he would too.

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live4thebjlive4thebj9 months ago

I didn’t even make it past half of page one. The numbers don’t add up. She has 3 kids and one is 18 and they all have cars. She has been dating awhile for the right guy. Well she must have started really really young because the numbers don’t add up right. Would have made more sense if she was older. 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked it. It was well written. But you should have left "H" out of it. And made mom a lot nastier

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I for one thought you did an excellent job ,myself I didn't care for her time with H but I suppose it was necessary to put her in touch with Gerry. And she got a good spanking so all is well. Now onto the next and final chapter where he gets her pregnant with his baby.

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 2 years ago

(3/31/2022) I‘ve read many stories on this site and I’m very picky when choosing a story to read, especially in this genre. I’ve liked most, enjoyed many very much (I’ve more than 360 on my favorite list), and hated a few. I’ve railed against readers that felt the need to comment after bailing at some point in a story. But, here I am commenting after bailing. I became concerned at the point where H had followed our heroin home, so I decided to jump forward and read some comments. For me, her bedding her son’s best friend was too much of a betrayal by both her and her son’s best friend. I would have preferred her to pick up someone other than her son's best friend to cuckold her husband. I don’t feel it's right to rate a story without reading it completely. I may come back to this story at some point but for now, I’m just going to move on to another without rating this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She should thank h for giving her the best fucking in years and telling her of Garry's feelings for her. Otherwise she would have not given up so easily to him. Deserves another episode. 5 stars

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