A Question of Love Ch. 03


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"Ohhhhh God," I groaned as my orgasm built within me. I could feel little jolts race down my cock and through my body each time she banged her cervix against my head. Soon I was unable to not lift to meet her, her strokes quickening, this time making no effort to stop me from pushing up at her. Up and down she moved, more quickly, seeming to understand how close I was. "AHHHH DAMN!" I cried as my body bucked up at her so hard that I lifted her off the bed. My cock spurted a huge shot of cum deep into her, filling the small amount of space between my shaft and her sweet soft walls. Over and over my body bucked as spasms rocked me, squirting cum into her until all I could do was lay there and pant to catch my breath. My body twitched and occasionally shuddered as she lay down on me, her body pressed to mine, her tits pressed to my chest.

She leaned her face to mine and gave me a very long, slow, wet loving kiss. "Did I do good?" she whispered as she broke the kiss.

"You did incredible," I whispered back, my hands gently stroking her bare ass and back. "I don't think I've ever come so hard."

"Good," she answered with a wide smile. "That was the intent."

"You did a wonderful job," I whispered as I felt my softening cock slip from her. She felt it too and moved her legs, leaving them on either side of me, but stretching them out instead of having them curled under her like a frog. "I wish I never had to let go of you."

"I wish you never did too. But we both know that today will have to end, but not yet. Not until much later today," she whispered.

I chuckled. "I'm so glad to hear that. But what I really meant was I have to go pee," I said softly. She lifted herself to look down at me and then broke out laughing, the two of us dissolving into laugher together. God she had such an angelic laugh!

We agreed that we would stay naked all day. She didn't have to leave until nearly six, which meant that we could have nearly the whole day. We spent the day teasing each other, touching and hugging and kissing while we watched old movies on tv, teasing each other until we couldn't stand it any longer and had to make love. It didn't matter where. We christened the shower, the kitchen table, my recliner and the sofa before my poor dick felt so worn out that I doubted it could get up again. As days went, it was the best day I could remember since I married Grace.

It was the middle of the afternoon and we were once again curled up, this time in my recliner with her curled on my lap, her head resting on my shoulder while I gently stroked my hand over and around her left breast, intentionally avoiding her sensitive nipple.

"Hey Dad! You home?" I heard my daughter call from the kitchen.

"Oh shit! My daughter!" I exclaimed, half trying to get up and half trying to figure out what to do.

"Shhhhhhh," Linda said softly, pressing a hand to my chest to slow me down. "It's okay."

"But my daughter....."

"Gene, are you ashamed to be with me?" Linda asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Hell no!" I responded immediately. "It's just that we're naked."

Linda smiled at me. "Honey. I'm naked a lot. It's alright. It's fine."

"Dad!?" my daughter Jennifer said as she walked into the room and stood staring at the two of us sitting in my chair.

"Uh. Jennifer. Hi. Um. This is Linda. Linda, my daughter Jennifer."

"Hello Jennifer," she said quietly, pushing herself up enough to hold a hand out, which my daughter reluctantly took, a look of shock still on her face.

"Dad?" Jennifer asked again as Linda settled back against me, turning her head to give me a kiss on the nose.

"Yeah honey?" I responded a little sheepishly.

"Your father and I are just enjoying some quiet time. We don't get to see each other very often, so we want to make the most of it when we can," Linda said, clearly taking control of the conversation.

"So, you two, have been seeing each other?"

"Since February. He ran into me on the ski trip. Literally," she said with a soft laugh. "We've been seeing each other when we can since."

"The ski trip? Dad. You never told me you met someone there," she said moving to the sofa and sitting down, more interested in finding out what's going on than the fact that I was naked in front of her. Not that she could really see anything of me, but Linda was pretty well exposed.

"There wasn't much to tell. We collided on the ski slope and things just fell together later for us to eat dinner together. It wasn't anything special or important."

"Well, we did spend the night together," Linda offered, watching my daughter for her reaction.

"But you two... you've been seeing each other since then?"

"When we can. I don't get to St. Louis very often, so it's not been nearly as often as I want."

Jennifer frowned a little. "And you didn't think it was important enough to tell me you were seeing someone?" she finally asked me.

I shrugged. "To be honest, I didn't know what was going to happen, so I just kinda kept it to myself."

"Your father is a wonderful, sweet, caring man. I consider myself lucky to have had him run into me," Linda said with a smile, drawing my daughter's attention back to her.

I saw my daughter look at Linda for long seconds and then down at the floor for a few moments. She quickly looked up, with an almost startled look on her face. "Linda? Linda Cowel? That's not possible!"

"Yes. It is. That's me!" Linda answered quietly, clearly apprehensive.

"Jesus Dad! You could have told me you were dating a famous super model!"

"Super model? What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion. Then I looked at Linda, looking back at me, her face suddenly registering concern. "Fashion industry? All the lingerie? All the travel?"

"Yes. That's me," she said softly, her voice almost a whisper.

"That's why you wouldn't tell me your last name?"

"I was afraid that if you knew who I really was you'd treat me differently. I didn't want that. I wanted to be treated the same way that you did that first night. I couldn't believe that you didn't recognize me, my face is plastered all over the place, but you didn't, and I wasn't going to spoil it. I'm sorry. I'll call a car and have them come get me," she said as she started to push herself up off my lap.

I reached across her lap and gripped her hip, pulling her bodily back down onto my lap, drawing a look of irritation from her. "Why?" I asked.

"Why did I hide it from you? I told you. Men don't treat me like a woman. They treat me like an object. I'm something to add to their resume of sexual conquests, not someone to love."

"No. Why do you have to leave?"

"God Gene. You're such a sweet tender man. God knows that I never wanted to hurt you. But...well...I don't know that you really understand."

"What she's trying to tell you is that she spends her days walking around half naked in front of all kinds of people. Photo shoots, modeling, that kind of thing. They may have all the important parts covered in the magazine, but to get those shots she's got it all hanging out there in between," Jennifer said quietly.

"So what? That changes how you feel about me?" I asked.

"NO! But it changes how you feel about me... doesn't it?"

"Why should it?"

She looked at me for long seconds before I felt the tension relax from her body. She leaned over against me, her side pressed to my chest, her head leaning down to rest on my shoulder. "I don't want it to," she whispered. "But most guys..."

"Like you've said so many times already. I'm not like most guys."

"God don't I know that. With you, when you look at me, I know you're looking at me. Most of the time I feel like a piece of steak. Some commodity to try and bed or sell."

"Well. Since I've never seen a photo shoot or watched you strut down a, what it is? Runway? Why would it make a difference to me? I don't know anything about the fashion industry," I said with a shrug.

She laughed softly. "Madison liked you too, but she said that when you found out it'd be over. She's seen it more than once."

"Madison? Madison Lowery?" my daughter asked. "You met Madison Lowery too?"

"Yeah. At the ski place," I said with a shrug. "Why? Who's Madison?"

MY daughter chuckled softly. "God Dad. You are so fucking clueless. You were with the two hottest super models in the world, and you had no idea?"

"Like I said. My idea of fashion was to wear what Grace told me to. She used to say stripes and plaid don't go together, but if left alone I'd certainly wear 'em together."

My daughter stared at the two of us for a while and then stood up. "Linda, it's been interesting meeting you. I just stopped to check up on Dad, but I think maybe I better go and let you two talk this out." Jennifer stepped towards us, holding a hand out to Linda. "I hope we meet again. Now that I know what has made my dad so happy lately, or who actually, I hope that we see each other again."

"I do too," Linda answered, pushing herself up enough to take Jennifer's hand briefly.

Jennifer leaned down and kissed my cheek. "We'll talk tomorrow," she said before she headed towards the kitchen.

"You have a nice daughter," Linda said as we heard the door close behind Jennifer.

"Yeah. She's a pretty good kid."

"So, now what?"

"Good question. Now what?"

"Gene. You actually mean you don't care?"

"About what?"

"What my job does? What it makes me do?"

"What does it make you do? Wear sexy lingerie in front of other guys? It's not like you're letting 'em fuck you, right?"

"Well, no! I wouldn't but honey, when I'm doing these shoots, everything's hanging out for the whole crew to see."

"So a few guys see your body. I don't love the idea, but I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't do it. It was your life before you met me. It's not fair for me to change your life."

She leaned back down against me, her head on my shoulder, her fingers gently stroking my chest. "It doesn't bother you that other guys see me naked?" she whispered.

"I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not thrilled about it. I don't completely understand it, but I'm trying. You don't quiz me about Grace, or what I feel or think or even if when I'm with you if I'm thinking about her. So why should I quiz you about your life? It's not my place."

"Honey. I know you're not thinking of her. If you were, that gold chain would be here," she said, pressing her palm against my chest, "Not laying on her dresser."

"You noticed?"

"How could I not?" she said, kissing my cheek. "That's the first think I noticed. It was important because it meant you were being with ME, for ME. I'm afraid that now that'll be gone."

"When I lost Grace, I thought my life was over. I withdrew and contemplated what life meant without her. It was a hard road to get to where I was when we met. I wasn't there skiing because I wanted to. I was there because I felt like I owed it to Grace. I didn't WANT to be there, but I was because it was a way to try and hold onto Grace a little bit longer."

"And then I fell into your lap," she whispered.

"You fell into my lap," I answered in a whisper.

"You wouldn't have come after me, would you?"

"No. If you hadn't come and sat down with me at dinner, I would have let you walk out of my life without a second look."

"Do you know why I invited you to my room?"

"Because you wanted to have sex with me?"

She chuckled. "Was it that obvious?"

"Not at first, but after a while, yeah. 'Fraid so. I just didn't know why."

"Well. The size of the bulge in your pants when we were sitting in front of the fire was part of it. The other part was that there was something about you, something about the way you handled me and then felt so embarrassed about it. It was cute. I can't say too many fifty year old guys fall into my cute category."

"Cute huh?"

"Yeah. The way you blushed and rolled your eyes when you didn't know how to answer. Yeah. Definitely cute," she said with a soft giggle. She was silent a few moments before speaking in a much more serious tone. "But something else too. A gentleness. It was almost like I could feel your eyes caressing my body. Oh, you weren't staring at me. In fact, I could tell you were intentionally NOT staring at me. Almost as if you thought it was wrong to look at me like that. No, when you looked at me, I felt like you were looking at me, not a super model. I had no idea you didn't know who I was until we were in bed. God I watched you watching me in the reflection, expecting you to turn around at any moment, trying to catch me naked. But you didn't. You waited, patiently. I could tell you knew I could see you watching me, but even then, you waited. What did you call it? My invitation was to watch my reflection, not me?"

"It was. If you'd have invited me to see you naked, you would have said something to make me turn around, but you didn't."

"You knew I saw you in the window. You didn't invite me to do that, but you didn't object when you found out. I had every intention of taking advantage of you, of using you for some good sex and then leaving you in the morning."

"How did you know it'd be good sex?"

She giggled. "Honey, with the bulge in your pants? Really?"

"It's nothing special."

She used one hand to turn my face to hers and kissed me softly. "I've seen and felt my share of cocks. Trust me, yours is more than special."

"So why didn't you just leave? Why leave the note, and send the packages?"

"Because of the way you made me feel inside. You didn't just have sex with me, you made love to me, my whole body. You made me feel like a woman, a very special woman. How could I let that get away?"

"But I don't do anything special."

"I bet you said the same thing to Grace," she whispered. "It's the fact that you DON'T do anything special. You treat me that way because you care. You want me to feel special, you want me to feel complete, you want me to feel fulfilled. And you don't even have to think about it. You just do it because that's you."

"Well. I'll have to take your word for it. So what do we do now?"

"You really don't want me to leave?"

"NO! I don't."

She smiled at me and pushed herself up on my lap. She climbed off my chair and then back on again, this time facing me, one of her knees on either side of my hips. "What I'm going to do is to try and make you feel as special as you make me feel."

"That isn't hard for you."

She reached down and gently teased my soft dick, letting her fingers slowly lift and squeeze it. With her other hand she lifted one of mine to her chest, pressing my palm against her hard nipple. "When you look at me, what do you see?" she whispered softly.

"An incredibly beautiful woman," I answered.

She smiled. "Yeah. Any guy would say that. But I feel like when you look at me, you're seeing more than that. What is it you see in me that makes you treat me the way you do?"

"I see a soft, sensitive, playful woman. I see someone I can't get enough of. I see someone that loves how I touch and kiss and caress. I see someone who wants to give back everything I'm trying to give to her," I whispered.

"I think you just described love," she whispered. "I'm not going to ask you to say it. I'm not going to push you to make that leap. But I do want you to know, that I love you. I love you more than anyone else I've ever loved. Actually, anyone that I thought I loved, because sharing with you makes me understand that I never really understood love before this."

I felt her lift my hardening dick up with her fingers, pressing me against her wet lips. She slowly rocked herself, sliding herself along my shaft, making sure that each stroke moved her soft delicate inner lips over my head. She looked at me with a look I hadn't seen before, a look, not of lust, but of desire. Her eyes stared at mine, her lips slightly separated, almost as if she wanted to say something, but not doing so. I felt her hot, wet pussy slide further along my shaft with each stroke until I could feel my head bouncing over the entrance to her vaginal depths. She stopped her rocking, lifting herself slightly, her fingers pressing my cock up between her lips until I felt it engage into her entrance.

"Oh fuck Gene," she moaned softly as she pushed herself down my shaft. With both her hands free, she moved hers to my chest, mirroring my hands holding her soft round tits. She worked herself along my shaft, her legs lifting and lowering herself on me, letting me slide out until I felt like she might pull all the way off, only to reverse and push down again, the wet squish of my cock driving slowly into her pussy turning me on even more. Up and down she rode, slowly, teasingly, drawing it out like she had before. She was learning exactly how fast she needed to move to tease me and how slow she needed to go to keep me from quite reaching there. I could tell she was more concerned about me than her own climax.

"I want to feel you come in me again. I want to feel your cum deep inside me," she whispered, quickening her strokes slightly, bouncing up and down slightly more vigorous. She watched my eyes, waiting, searching, looking for the perfect time to change what she was doing. I saw her smile as I groaned softly, her next stroke slightly different, the angle of her body changed slightly. I could feel the change inside her, how my cock rubbed on her vaginal walls. It was the same thing she'd done that first night, rocking her hips just so, the sensations escalating the intensity of what was building. "That's it. Let it happen. Just let your body melt into me and fill me with cum."

"Oh damn," I groaned, my body stiffening and then jerking under her. She held herself on me, pressing me down into the chair as she wiggled her ass, grinding herself down on my spurting cock. I lay there jerking for long seconds before she leaned further towards me. I moved my hands and she lay her chest to mine, her nipples pressing into my chest, her tits nearly to my chin.

"Mmmmmmm. That's what I wanted to feel," she cooed softly.

"I think I'm falling in love with you Linda," I whispered. "I think Grace would approve."

"I know," she whispered back, her forehead pressed to mine as she panted lightly. "I've known it for weeks. I just didn't know if you knew it yet."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Sorry. Too neat, too sweet. It may be more than a romantic fantasy, sometimes conflict creates the baptism of a deep love, because they have to choose/commit to their priorities. (just sayin'...)

Buster2UBuster2U3 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for a wonderful romantic love story just as good as the Romance Channel or that other channel my wife always watches. So Sweet, so nice. So heartbreaking when they finally get married and she takes him with her to a photo shoot and he gets pissed at her running around naked and fucking so many other guys. I'm sure that the story will go from the wonderfulness of this part of falling in love to the heartbreak of his rejection of her real true lifestyle of sex, lust, debauchery, her true slutiness and whoredom. Buster2U

tsgtcapttsgtcapt3 months ago

So far, great read, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Awesome series. Well written with clearly defined characters.

It feels so romantic in the sense of people learning to love each other and grow in love.

I am fascinated by the fact that as impressed as he was with her physical beauty he was not overwhelmed because he saw the the person she was before she became famous. Equally fascinating is the fact that she survived in a difficult world and and kept her head on straight. In a sense both are unicorns.

The Hoary Cleric

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wonderful romance story. There are many potential storylines to follow here. I hope it continues for many more chapters.

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