A Sexual Proposition

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Virgin girl wants sex - and asks him for it.
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/26/2005
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I'm sitting on a low wall, next to the outdoor lunch area at my high school in Glendora, near Los Angeles, eating the lunch my Mom made for me when Diane Graham walks over to me.

"Hi, Brett," she says as she sits down next to me.

"Hi, Diane," I reply. Why is she here? I've known her since first grade. Now we're both seniors, both eighteen. We live about two blocks apart and always have, both make good grades so generally are in the same classes. But she's never come to sit next to me at lunch. I'm the loner. The 'hermit' some kids say. I wrestle so I'm not a total geek but I'm not one of the 'in' crowd at all, like she is. And she's gorgeous. A cheerleader. Popular. I mean, we were sort of buddies in the first couple grades. But then she became more and more popular and I became more and more quiet. She asked me to the dance in seventh grade and I went with her. But I think she gave up on me, finally.

"Do you ever think about sex, Brett?" she asks, looking at me. How do I answer that kind of question? Truthfully, I guess.

"Yeah," I say, "Like all the time."

"Me, too." she says. A pause. Then, "Do you look at sex stuff on the 'net?"

"Yeah. A lot."

"Me, too." Then she looks away. Her whole body sort of squirms a little. She looks back at me. Then she sort of looks around as if she's wondering if anyone can hear us. She actually moves a little closer so our hips and thighs are touching. "Do you masturbate?"

Wow. What is this? She's not the type to be picking on me, making fun of me. Of course I masturbate. So I just say, "Yeah."

"Me, too." she says. Another pause. Her face screws up a little. "This isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be," she says, and then adds, "Have you ever had sex with a girl?"


"Me, either," she says. Then she sort of grins. "I mean with a guy." Then she looks at me a while. "Do you want to?"

"Yeah, very much."

"If you never have, could you do all those things I see people on the 'net doing? I mean, like oral?"

"I think so. I never have so I'd probably not be very good at it but I sure would like to try."

"Good." she says. Then she gets a half a sandwich out of a plastic bag and starts to eat it, sitting there next to me. What is this? Why is she asking me this? I wait a while.

"Why are you asking me this?" I say fairly softly to her.

"I just wanted to be sure. Because I'd like to try it and figured you'd be the right one to try it with."

"Try having sex? With me?"

She's holding the sandwich. She looks at me and swallows. "Yes," she says.

"Diane, you're the most gorgeous girl around. There's no one I would rather be with. I think of you when I jerk off. But why me?"

She grins. "You really do? When you masturbate you think of me?"

"Well, yeah, but still, why me?"

"I love that. It's so sexy. But why you. Well, I know you. I trust you. You won't do anything that I don't want done. You won't tell anyone, talk about it. Besides, I've watched you wrestle and you have a great body. You're a hunk. And I sort of like you. You've never made it easy to be around you but I do like you. And I think it'll work out best to try it with someone I like. Do you like me?"

"Of course. Why else would I think of you when I think of sex. You're the sexiest girl I've ever seen in my whole life. But do I really understand you? I mean, we get together somewhere, naked I imagine, and do things with each other's bodies. Sexy things."

"Yes. I'm just so frustrated. I want to have sex so much. But every date I've been on, guys try too much, too fast and it just plain scares me. But I can't go much longer without trying it. So I figure that together we can just move at whatever speed we want and take our time. Because if I don't do this soon, I'll probably do something stupid and get in trouble because I have to have someone give me some orgasms pretty soon or I'll scream."

"Don't scream. I want to. We will. We'll do it. We just have to figure out when and where."

"That might be a problem. My folks both work but they both come home about 5:30 and besides my younger brother will be there. So we can't do anything much at my house."

"My parents are going to a seminar this weekend. So I'll have the house to myself from Friday afternoon until Sunday, late. We could meet at my house."

She reaches over and squeezes my thigh. "Great. I can hardly wait. I'll come over right after dinner on Friday." She gives me a huge grin and leaves. She turns back at the far side of the court and looks back and gives a little wave.

I try the school library but most things about sex aren't there.So I try the downtown library. I'm looking for descriptions and drawings of the female vulva, girl's sex organs. On the 'net I go from site to site trying to see anything I can about exactly how to lick a pussy. I get as much out of stories on Literotica as anywhere. But I'll still be flying fairly blind. Every time I see Diane in class or in the hall she smiles at me and wiggles her eyebrows. Mouths 'Friday" and grins. Finally. Friday arrives.

I heat up and eat the meal my Mom left for me before my parents left for their seminar. I tidy up my room where I think we'll probably be doing whatever we do. I set out the box of condoms I bought. I also bought a tube of KY jelly. I put it in a drawer so I can get it. I'm not sure when I might need it but people in a couple stories used it so I got some. Way before I expected her, Diane is knocking on the glass door to our back patio. She must have eaten early and rushed over here.

I open it and she comes in. "Brett! You ready?" she blurts out.

"Sure," I say.

"How should we do this?" she asks.

"I figured we would probably do it in my bedroom so we might as well go up there."

"Great," she says and follows me as I go up the stairs. In my room, she looks around. "How should we start? I mean, do we take our clothes off or what?"

"If you're willing to get naked, I certainly am," I reply. "I thought you wanted to move slow."

"Well, maybe we can move slow naked," she says with a grin and starts pulling her T-shirt up over her head. So I started undressing, too. Diane is a gorgeous girl. The best looking girl ever, in my opinion. Red hair. Dark red hair, I guess it's called Auburn. Great body. I didn't realize how great until I saw her breasts bare. She bends over to remove her shoes and her breasts hang loose. As big as any I've seen on the 'net. Standing, the nipples, much bigger than I expected, are staring at me. She sees me looking and sort of blushes a little.

"You're beautiful, Diane." I can't help saying, staring at this lovely creature almost in disbelief that this is happening. She unzips her Jeans and starts pushing them down over her hips.

"Get your things off, too, Brett. I've never seen a real live penis up close and I want to."

I'm sort of embarrassed because I have as big a boner as I can get and there's no way to hide it once my pants and underwear are off. By the time I get my pants off and fold them and put them on a chair, she's totally naked and coming to me. I've never seen anything as great. She's so sexy. So beautiful.

"C'mon," she says, taking hold of the top of my boxers,"Lemme see." She pulls them down over my hips. My cock almost jumps as my underwear goes down over it and it sticks out a mile. She grins and lets go of my underwear and puts her hand on my cock, wraps her fingers around it. She kneels down some and stares at it. "It's just so great," she says, still holding it and looking up at me. My underwear is around my knees. I bend over to push my underwear down, which moves my hips back away from her. She holds onto me tighter, "Don't take it away," she says, moving forward a little.

"I'm just trying to get my underwear off," I tell her. She sort of grins and uses one hand to help but keeps hold of my cock with her other hand. I kick the underwear off my foot and straighten up. I didn't mean to but since she's moved, this makes my cock hit her on the cheek.

"Umm," she says, moving her head a little and licking the side of my cock. "This is just as sexy as I thought it would be." She kisses the head then sticks her tongue out and licks it. She looks up at me. "Can I?"

I don't know why I'm like this. I answered her. "I don't know if you can but you may, if that's what you mean." Her eyes flick up at me for just a split second and then look back at my groin. She puts her lips around the head of my cock and starts licking and sucking. I've never felt anything like it in my life. "I don't think I'm going to last long," I tell her.

"Oh," she says, pulling her mouth away but still holding me. "I thought about this before. I need to g et some towels. We're probably going to have some messes before we're done. She kisses the head of my cock and lets go of it and stands up. "Where's the bathroom?" I'm so messed up from what she's done that all I can do is point. She grins and almost runs. The sexiest girl I've ever seen with a fantastic body is running around me naked. She comes back out with several towels, tosses some on the bed and comes back with one. "Now, where was I?" she asks, grinning at me. A grin I've never seen before. Her eyes are like they're lit up or something. And immediately she's kneeling down again and has hold of my cock and gets her lips around it again. I don't even know what she's doing but it's glorious. I've never felt like this before. I don't know whether it was a few seconds or minutes and I could feel I was going to cum.

"I'm going to cum," I say. Her eyes flick up at me again. It makes me realize she'd had her eyes closed as she sucked on me. I could feel my cock stiffen and jerk and shoot out a load. She makes a funny, surprised noise and pulls her head away. She has my white cum on her lips, her chin. The next bunch hits her face, her nose and cheek. She jerks her head back and the next lands on her chest, above her breasts. She just watches this happen. On that first burst she must have let go of my cock because it's just sticking out there shooting out its loads. She's grinning, A little more comes out, then just a couple drops and I'm done.

"Is that all?" she asks.

"I think so," I tell her. She gets a big grin. She licks her lip, she runs her hand on her face, gathering some of my cum, then uses the same hand to scoop up some off her chest. She holds it up and looks at it. She looks up at me and grins again. Then she sticks her tongue out and licks some of my cum off her hand. She looks up at me again. "It's o.k.," she says. "Next tim e, I think I'll just swallow. You surprised me this time."

Then she picks up the towel and really wipes her face and her chest, cleaning it all off, wiping her hand on the towel. Then she stands up, tosses the towel off and puts both arms around my waist and pushes her hips against me. "That was just terrific. I loved it. Next time I'll do better." Then she moves her head towards me and I can tell, we're supposed to kiss.

Now it's my turn. She suggested this and she went first but now I'm to do my bit. As we kiss and hold one another, I move us to the bed and get her to lay down and then I lay down almost on her. I'm fair skinned, not dark at all, even though I have dark hair and brown eyes. But next to her, my skin makes hers look very white, pale in comparison. I guess that goes with being a blue eyed, red head. I start doing what I've seen on the 'net and read about. I move down a little to get my hands and mouth to her breasts. I've heard the saying, 'more than a hand full is wasted.' Well, even on her back with them flattened a little, she has more than a handful. I feel them and softly caress them and then get my mouth to a nipple and start sucking. She's making noises, low noises almost like a cat purring, almost guttural. I move my mouth to the other breast. I love this but really want to get to her pussy.

I slide my body down further, kissing and feeling her. She spreads her legs and lets me fit between them. I'm down there. Her pubic hair is red, too. Darker than her head hair but still red. I've heard about girls with thick bushes but hers really isn't all that hairy. As I look around, I realize the hair is all above the puffed shapes that must be her vaginal lips. I also realize that her skin isn't white at all but is pink. I don't know whether she got redder or whether I just missed it earlier. But she's really pink. My chin is on the bed and I can just see where I need to lick. This isn't going to work. How do they do this? But I remember something I'd seen.

"Give me a pillow, Diane," I say, reaching up with my hand. Her head is on one so she rolls slightly and grabs one and hands it to me. "Can you lift your butt a little" I ask. She does. I can see the muscles in her legs tighten. I get the pillow under her butt. It's still awkward but at least now I can get there. I use both hands to pull on each side and she opens some. She's all pink inside. I get my face up against her, stick my tongue out and shove it into her and start moving it around. She bends her knees or something because her pussy moves up a little and I can get at it easier. I keep licking around in there. Those purrs move to growls or something. I know her clit is up a little so I lick up. I must have found it because the continuing growl becomes almost a yelp. A drawn in breath and a grunt. I can feel a little shape with my tongue. I lick back down and then back up. The bump is a little more or else my tongue is more sensitive to it or something. I pull my head back a little to look at what I'm doing. Boy, everywhere I'm looking at and licking is really pink, maybe even bright red. I push back in and keep licking. I move my tongue down and shove it into her again. It's like everything is getting wetter or juicier and mushier. I lick back up to her clit that's now a little bigger still.

I've read about this. I get a hand up under my chin and get a finger into her and keep my lips and tongue on her clit. I slide the finger in and out a little. Interesting, the lips, outside are sort of full. The mouth of the hole I slid my finger into is just skin or a membrane or something. I pull it out and slide two fingers in. Her noises are changing. She's moaning or yelping or however it can be described. And she's juicier still. I start biting her clit with my lips. I can actually pull on it a little. And I get my fingers moving in and out of her faster. Her hips start jerking or jumping. Those noises are now yells. Unintelligible. Coming faster as I work my fingers faster and pull more on her clit. Then it's a loud sort of scream or something. Both her hands are on the back of my head pushing my face into her. Her thighs are pounding against the side of my head as if she's waving her legs around or something. I just keep working on her and the scream goes on. Her legs close on me like a vise. A lot of juice starts bathing my fingers. I move my head slightly, still held by her legs, and lick at what's coming out of her.

I'll never forget the taste even though I can't describe it. It's just sex, I guess. Maybe a little like meat. Maybe a little salty. But maybe not because it's also almost sweet. Weird. Then she collapses. Her hands move off me, her legs drop down to the side, She actually pulls on my hair a little, I guess telling me to slide back up again. So I crawl up over her, on my hands and knees and kiss her. She smiles. One hand moves down and I can feel her reaching for my cock. She gets hold of it. I'm very hard again.

"Fuck me," she says.

I start to push up. "I'll get a condom," I tell her.

"No. fuck me. Now. Please. I've been on the pill for months." She's actually aiming my cock head into her. All I have to do is push a little and I can feel her lips opening and letting me in. Then her hand is back up on my back. "Do it," she says. I push with my hips. She's so tight.

"Am I hurting you?" I ask because I'm sort of hurting me, it's like my foreskin is going to get pulled off.

"Do it," she says. "Fuck me." I push into her. It's like I'm against a wall in there or something. I don't think I can move. Both of her hands get on my butt and start pulling on me. Her legs do something, get way up in the air or something and all of a sudden I'm through. She makes a little noise and I keep pushing until my body is all the way resting on hers. I'm in as far as I can go. Her arms are around me again. I pull out a little and push in, pull out a little and push in. She's got a big smile.

"Yes," she says. "Yes."

I keep pulling out and pushing in, slowly and sort of short. It's tight but seems to be loosening some.

"More,' she says.

I pull out until I'm almost out, then push back with a long stroke.

"Yes." she says. "More." "Faster."

Pretty soon I'm pumping as much as I can and as fast as I can. This is even sexier than her sucking on me. I'm really working. I don't know how long this goes on. It's sure not just a second or two. I doubt if it's hours or anything that long but it starts to get long enough that I realize we've been at it a while. All of a sudden her whole body stiffens. She sort of screams a little. Her face is all screwed up, her eyes closed.

"Are you all right?" I ask, and stop moving.

"Don't stop," she almost yells. So I keep pushing in and out of her. Her body jerks. I can feel juice coming out. Her insides even seem to grab my cock or something. Her legs are moving on either side of me. All of which makes me climax and shoot off again. Her legs wrap around me. Her arms are around me. She's smiling a very satisfied smile.

I stop pumping into her. "Are you all right?" I ask. She's been loud, almost screaming.

She grins up at me. "I'm as 'all right' as I've ever been in my life." she says. "We're not virgins any more," she almost whispers to me. I just stay there for awhile. We kiss, Then I finally do a push up, pull out of her and get off to the side. She just lays there for a few seconds, then reaches down and touches her pussy area. "It's a mess," she says, "Everything that went in is coming out." She moves a little and gets a towel and wipes herself several times. She sets the towel aside.

She rolls to face me. We h old one another and kiss. She looks as if she's been perspiring, having a work out. I guess I probably do, too, since I did have a work out. Then she gives a dirty grin and practically leaps on me. Actually sort of rolls onto me, shoving me onto my back. She's laying on top of me, one leg between mine, the other to the side. I can feel her breasts against my chest, her pubic hairs against my hip. I can also feel that she's still leaking a little, onto my thigh.

"I've never felt like this before," she says, sort of excitedly. "I'm tired, like I've been working. I'm ecstatic, happy, like I've accomplished something. And instead of being sexually satisfied, I'm turned on, more horny than ever. This has all been the greatest time of my life. When we were fucking, it's as if you filled me up. I could feel you moving inside me. I was already so high from you licking me that I think I had a sensory overload. I've heard of women passing out from sex and I can see why now. I probably came close. It was like it was all just more than I could handle. Great, exactly what I wanted, but so much more. I've diddled myself, masturbated to orgasm a lot and imagined all kinds of things but the reality is so much more, so much better than anything I imagined. Your licking me, sucking on my clit and finger fucking me, sent me over the top. You're unbelievable Brett, perfect. And you have such a great penis, a great cock. It was so sexy when I sucked it, tasted it, felt it in my mouth."

"Well, me too, Diane. This has all been way more than I ever dreamed of. Some of it is the sex itself. But mostly it's that it's you I'm doing it all with. You're the most desirable girl I've ever seen. A fantastic body, beautiful face. And horny! So horny. I didn't know girls could be like you. I mean, you told me that the reason you'd never had sex is guys moved too fast and then you come here and within three minutes, you're naked and sucking my cock. I loved it. I hope you do it a thousand times. It's almost as good as being in you and fucking you, moving in you. And you even taste good. I'll never forget the taste when you orgasmed."