A Temptation in Paradise


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"Darling," she said, "do you remember when we all went house boating together when you were little?"

Payton said he did remember, adding that they had been happy times and he'd wondered why they'd stopped.

Judith said that life had got busy and "When your father did have time for a break he always wanted to go overseas." That was true, but Judith now suspected that the intimacy of a houseboat was what Magnus had wanted to avoid.

"Do you remember how we used to swim naked in those days?" Judith asked.

Payton did remember, and asked why they shouldn't do it now since there was no one to see them.

Judith added enthusiastically that, "You always feel so wonderfully free when you swim in the nude." That may be true and many who have experienced nude swimming have said the same, but some might question Judith's motives in raising the subject and Payton's in taking the matter further and suggesting they might do it now.

The serpent of temptation must have been chuckling salaciously.

* * * * * * * *

A couple of hours travelling up river and Judith spotted a sandbar on a bend in the river. "There," she said, "there, downstream of that sandbar."

Payton nosed the boat into the bank adjacent to the sandbar; they tied up and Payton cut the motor. As on the previous day silence, apart from bird noises, took over.

The trees and foliage were thick on both banks and it was as if they were in a world of their own, their private Eden. Payton inflated two air mattresses on the stern deck and lowered the swimming ladder. Judith emerged from the interior of the boat carrying two towels.

Hesitation was obvious. They had agreed they would swim in the nude, but neither seemed ready to strip off the little they were wearing.

As if to delay the moment Judith said, "Darling, we haven't had lunch, do you think we should have it before we swim?"

Payton, trembling slightly despite the heat of the day, took the initiative and saying, "No, I think its best if we swim now," he took off his swimming shorts to stand naked in front of his mother.

His penis was partially erect and Judith gazed at it, fascinated, as she slowly removed her own sketchy swimwear. Naked in front of her son the effect on Payton was almost immediate. What had been his partial erection now became full blown.

Judith's experience with the male sex organ had been limited to that of Magnus'. That penises varied in size had never occurred to her. Now, as she gazed at Payton's penis she was on a fast learning curve, they did vary in size, very markedly, and she wondered if she would be able to take a penis of that size into her vagina.

With a sharp intake of breath Payton turned away from Judith and climbing down the swimming ladder struck out for the opposite bank. Judith watched him for a few moments, overcome by the emotions that were shaking her, then she too descended the ladder and began to swim, but not to the opposite bank like Payton.

Judith, content to let the water cool her, swam languidly close to the boat, occasionally stopping to hold on to the ladder and look at Payton's progress. He reached the opposite bank and began the return swim. Judith climbed up the ladder and hastily drying herself she lay down on one of the air mattresses that were shaded by the stern awning.

She heard Payton arrive back at the boat and through half closed eyes she watched him as he climbed the ladder. His swim seemed to have done nothing to cool his sexual arousal because his penis was still hard and erect.

When he was standing on the deck Judith could see that his eyes were averted, not looking at her. He picked up his towel and for a moment he made a move to go into the interior of the boat, and then seemed to change his mind. He dried himself and then lay close to her on the other mattress. Lying on his back he closed his eyes and appeared to go off to sleep.

* * * * * * * *

Judith lay on her side looking at Payton. His penis was still erect and in Judith's eyes is was beautiful. The serpent's moment had finally arrived, and inside Judith there began a dialogue between her serpent and her conscience.

"Does the incest taboo say that you must not touch your son's penis?" her serpent asked.

"No," was the reply, "it says that I mustn't have my son's penis and cum in my vagina."

"Then why not touch it," the serpent continued, "you know you want to, and after all, you made it, and just touching it can do no harm."

"But suppose he wakes up?"

"What if he does, you know that his erection is because he's seen you naked, and so why would he object if he awoke to find you touching it?"

Judith saw the truth of this and reaching out with her hand she gently touched the tip of Payton's penis, feeling its smoothness and warmth. Precum was seeping from his urethra and Judith glanced up at Payton. His eyes were still closed and he had not stirred.

With her forefinger Judith gathered a little of the precum and transferred it to her tongue, tasting the clear and viscous liquid. It was good and enticing and Judith took a little more of the precum onto her forefinger and tasted again.

Once more she glanced at Payton's face. His eyes were still closed and Judith wondered if she might take the head of his penis into her mouth and suck the precum into it.

"He'll never know," the serpent whispered.

Judith moved to take his penis into her mouth and began to suck very cautiously. The precum seemed to flow more profusely and Payton gave a low moan and the serpent said, "It's all right, he's having a wet dream."

This encouraged Judith to be less cautious and she sucked harder and wrapping her fingers round the thickness of Payton's penis she began to tenderly massage it. It was wonderful; she was fondling her son's penis and tasting his precum, and the serpent murmured, "You've wanted to do this for a long time so enjoy," and Judith knew this to be yet another truth.

She wondered how Payton would feel about his mother enjoying his penis, and almost as if in answer she felt hands behind her head holding her to the penis and the voice of Payton, "Oh mother...mother..."

Payton had awakened or perhaps had never been asleep at all, and startled Judith tried to pull back from his penis, but his hands held her to it, and he spoke again.

"I love you...I love you...I want you..."

"He wants you," the serpent hissed, "you know what that means; he wants his penis in your vagina, he wants to put his cum in you and..."

"No...no..." Judith's other self cried out, "not that, not incest, it's taboo."

"So whose to know?" the serpent replied, "A lonely place, no one to see or hear, and you've wanted it to happen for a long time; you've dreamed about it, and didn't you secretly hope it would happen when you asked Payton to come with you on this boat, the two of you on your own?"

Although Judith had not consciously planned to seduce Payton, the serpent's words exposed a deeper layer of her consciousness. Yes, she had hoped one day to feel her son's penis in her vagina as they gave physical expressed to their love, but still Judith feebly struggled against the serpent; "It's forbidden," her conscience cried weakly.

"No," the serpent said firmly, "nothing is forbidden here, all is innocence here, and you are free to fulfil your slightest desire."

The hands behind Judith's head relaxed, and she drew back from Payton's penis and looking up at him she saw the light of love and lust in his eyes. He reached down and she felt one of his fingers begin to circle her clitoris, as he said, "Let me come in you mother, I want you so much."

His lips closed over one of her nipples and sucked it. Judith felt hot waves of love and desire course through her and she knew she must have him, must have her son even if only this once.

Judith, aroused even before Payton began his tender stimulation, gave voice to her one remaining doubt. "Darling, you're so big and I'm very small down there, be gentle with me."

"I'll be very gentle," Payton murmured.

Judith parted her legs and raising them bent them at the knees to expose her genitals to her son. Payton came between her legs and the head of his penis probed for the entrance to her vagina. Judith reached down and guided him into her, holding her breath as she anticipated the pain his penetration would cause her.

As he had said, Payton was very gentle as he eased his penis slowly into her. There was no pain as her vagina expanded to receive the thickness of his penis, and Judith murmured, "It alright darling put it all in me."

As Payton pressed his whole length into her he kissed Judith deep and tongue probingly, one hand caressing her breast. His penis began to move in her vagina and the penetration of his tongue in her mouth seemed to keep time with his thrusts into her vagina.

Judith, long deprived of sexual satisfaction, and now enjoying that most beautiful of all sexual encounters, that between mother and son, she quickly felt the approach of her orgasm and with it a kind of delirium took hold of her, she broke from the kiss and she began crying out and giving voice to her deepest and most primitive desires.

"Come in me darling...come in me...put your sperm in mother...fill me...make a baby with me...make me pregnant...I want you darling...I need you...oh God...yes, yes, yes..."

She felt the pulsating of Payton's penis as he drove his sperm deep into her and heard his cries, "Ah...ah...I love you...I love you...ah...ah..."

For Judith the world seemed to gyrate for a few moments and as she climaxed she wept for joy; this for her was the pinnacle of sexual encounters, love and lust as it should be. The most beautiful of all sexual couplings, that between mother and son.

* * * * * * * *

Post-coital peace descended on them but they did not separate; they wanted to extend the love and exquisiteness of their sexual coupling.

"Strange," Judith thought, "it was never been like that with Magnus; as soon as he finished ejaculating in me he always withdrew immediately."

Payton was looking down at her and again he said, "I love you," and then kissed her, his hand still fondling her breast, as if they had not just finished their sexual intercourse but were engaged in foreplay.

Shyly Judith asked, "Did you like doing that with mother?"

"It was fantastic," Payton replied.

"No regrets?"

"Never," Payton said.

"There, I told you," Judith's serpent said, "no heavenly policeman has come to arrest you and you've had a wonderful experience, so now enjoy each other for the rest of the trip." With those words Judith's serpent departed, having fulfilled its mission.

"And at the end of the trip what then?" Judith wondered, but the thought dissolved as Payton began to move in her again, bringing her to another climax as he poured his seed into her.

This time when they had finished Payton did withdraw from her. Her vagina was full of his cum and as it started to seep out of her he took some of the sperm on his fingers and touched it to his lips, and then touched it to her lips.

It was then the incredible happened, something Judith even in her most fantastic dreams had never known. Payton knelt between her legs, and putting his hand under her buttocks raised her genitals and bending over them, started to lick her there.

This was an act of love like no other and the mere thought of Payton tasting and smelling their combined sexual emissions drove her into yet another frenzy of love and lust. She clutched his head to her, holding it until her brought her to another orgasm.

As he withdrew from her she could see Payton's lower face coated with their juices and she took his face between her hands and started to lap them with her tongue, but this was not enough for her. She bent over his penis and taking it into her mouth, sucked and licked it until Payton ejaculated and she swallowed.

"Yes, the serpent was right," Judith thought. It was as if they had found a new Garden of Eden in which there was no guilt, no retribution, only love and the desire to express that love in the most intimate way possible for a man and a woman.

* * * * * * * *

What Judith forgot and the serpent failed to mention, was that in the first Garden of Eden there was retribution. For Judith and Payton there was retribution but it was to be delayed as they, freed from all sexual inhibitions, enjoyed the fullness of their love and bodies.

Travelling, fishing and swimming took a definite back seat over the following days, as mother and son, having once discovered each other sexually, engaged in a bacchanalia of intimate exploration, and having discovered every physical nook and cranny of each other's bodies they knew where maximum pleasure could be given and received; and they found it good.

Somewhat like the Lotus Eaters of Greek mythology, Judith and Payton were devoted to pleasure and luxury, although in their case it was the pleasure and luxury of sex, not eating lotus flowers. In short, mother and son were almost literally lost in each other.

However, this constant flow of love and its physical expression, perfect though it was, came to an abrupt halt on the day the boat had to be returned to its base. Mother and son had found in each other their sexual fulfilment, but from now on what had been done freely and fearlessly on the boat, would now have to be carried on covertly.

This was not particularly difficult since Magnus was frequently away from home "on business." It did however stultify the freedom of love they had previously experienced.

It might be described as an "inconvenience," but it was petty compared to what awaited them.

Two weeks after their return Judith at first suspected and then was certain that she was pregnant. That the pregnancy was the result of copulating with Magnus was impossible since Magnus had not been near her sexually for months. Her pregnancy could not be long concealed and Magnus would know she had been impregnated by a lover.

In order to hide the fact that her pregnancy was the result of an incestuous affair it was decided between mother and son that Judith would admit to an affair, without naming the father of her coming child.

Strangely Judith's pregnancy, which might in the circumstances have put off the lover's ardour, only seemed to increase it. Despite the difficulties mother and son both admitted that they were delighted by the impregnation, and this seemed to spur them on to even more frequent sexual couplings.

* * * * * * * *

The time arrived when Judith's condition could no longer be hidden from Magnus. Like many men who themselves are not above a few affairs, Magnus was furious. Strangely it was not the fact that his wife had taken a lover that infuriated him, so much as the fact that Judith or the lover had taken no precautions against pregnancy.

Was that because Magnus wanted a justification for an affair or affairs of his own? Nothing can be said for certain about that, but it is notable that on the grounds of her pregnancy Magnus divorced Judith, and not long after married a girl half his age.

The serpent that seemed to have disappeared did make a further appearance, and in such circumstances that might just cause one to think that it did have an objective rather than a subjective reality.

It occurred when Judith and Payton gazed enchanted at their new born daughter. Judith heard, or thought she heard, the sound of sibilant laughter. Silently she thanked the serpent for leading her into temptation and thus enabling her to find the love that she had so earnestly longed for.

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LegallySaneLegallySaneabout 2 years ago

Not enough dialogue. Boring. Written by a robot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Well written....

But sterile.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
All right!

This author has a very interesting way of telling his stories. And this was a very well written and interesting story. I completely enjoyed the story and the way it was told. One of the best writers I've seen on this web site.

The old guy

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8almost 8 years ago
Not your usual best

The storyline was fine but I found the sex lacked description and the ending was pretty bland and predictable, especially the baby. The next chapter if there is one , spice it up more.. Sorry 3 stars for this one..

jcfinley1jcfinley1almost 9 years ago
Thank You

I love your writing, it has a beautiful flow. Thank you again

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