A Wider Sky Ch. 08

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A dangerous love triangle of mixed emotions.
3.2k words

Part 8 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/11/2015
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A Wider Sky: Beyond Eclipse Series

by Talyis Bagley Ellison

Copyright first edition 2013, 2015

Chapter 8

Four days into my first week of school and I held my head like a rooster. I hadn't slipped and revealed that I was the human admitted into the school. I wasn't failing my classes - actually I had passed Windsor's famous first surprise test . The first week test was famous for it being the Professor's need to shift and weed out the lackluster students. I was pretty proud of myself . My only disappointment was Gaelen. He kept our relationship in friend space. I couldn't help but dream that there was something more sparking between us.

A girl could hope and read the signs.

Which I was always bad at deciphering.

Gaelen purchased his tablet two days ago, but he kept stopping by my dorm room. He always had a reason to knock on my door: to read the assignment, walk me to my next class, and every excuse in between . He had a knack of finding a reason to knock on my door. I think he found my bookwormishness soothing for the purposes of studying-or maybe-he was into me.

Alas, this was wishful thinking. It wasn't like he was truly tempted to do anything with me other than study; and that was fine with me, even though it made me feel anxious. Because deep down inside, I wanted to be more to Gaelen than just a friend. I'm tired of 'just friend' status. I wanted to be alluring, feminine and irresistible - not a second thought.

Gaelen had been pressuring me to open up since the party about what had been troubling me. He said that he sense that I was always carrying a burden of stress and fear. He was right, actually so intuitive that he pinpointed it exactly. He wanted to know what it was that I could never tell him the truth. It was my fear of why I was really allowed to go to the university; and what would happen if my classmates realized I was the human.

"So I am going to Sebol's this weekend, do you want to join us?"

I stuffed my hands into my pocket feeling the weight of my schoolbag pulling down on my body with each step, making harder to keep my bag up.

"I don't know? I think I will stay in and get a head start on preparing for next week's test in Professor Windsor's class."

"Ahh, the Professor. You are meeting with him this afternoon?"

"Don't remind me Gaelen. I am a nervous wreck." If anyone was going to figure out that I was of this world it would be Professor Ubedorf Windsor. Every student was required to meet with their advisor to discuss their academic career. It would be my first student-advisor meeting; I was to propose my first-year thesis. "I overhead in class yesterday that he made a girl cry during her meeting."

"Don't let gossip faze you, Kiowa. You are a hard working student. You've probably already made up for that 70."

I couldn't help but smile. I will never live down the fact I tried to dumbed-down to flirt with him. I 'd completely struck out in my flirt by saying I had the intelligence of a toadfrog's - as one of my dormmates explained during a late night study break in our hall lounge.

We crossed the quad trying to avoid the frisbee throwing coeds running across the lawn. Each step, I felt like I was sinking into the Earth with dread of meeting Windsor. I had to fight against sinking swamps in my mind to take my next step.

"Great," Gaelen mumbled to himself.

Lance was running up to us from his study space under a tree, beaming

"Hey, how's it going?" Lance's face powdered with a cool sheen.

"Good," I gave a simple answer, for a simple relationship, least Gaelen think there was more to me and Lance.

Gaelen's jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth. Gosh, he really didnt like Lance. Or was he jealous?

"Cool. There is a group of us going to the cinema this weekend to watch human films depicting alien invasions, wanna come?"

I shuffled slightly to pretend I was not to eager. Big mistake. My shuffle made my head spin like my equialibrium was thrown off.

"She's staying in to study, sorry Lance." Gaelen answered for me, his voice laced with acid.

"Oh. Well maybe next time." He shrugged and then his eyes where back on me as if he knew I was turning green. "Did you hear about the guy that was beat up this afternoon?"

"No, why?" I hadn't heard of any violence on campus. It seemed like a pretty peaceful small campus community.

"He was a new student this year but some students from Windsors class thought he was the human?"

I really felt like I was turning green like Kermit know, I felt bile bubble up to my throat.

"Was he human?" Gaelen asked.

"No he is completely Y'vroi."

"I'll see you later Lance." I nearly burped my goodbye and turned to leave.

I had to get out of this conversation and quick. I was feeling sick for more than one reason now and if I blew my cookies in a non-alien way it would be terrible on many fronts.

I turned around too fast and again the swamplike sensation returned to my limbs. My world rocked hard, upwards, throwing me into the air to gracefully float down.

Gaelen was the first at my side. Leaning over me, slapping my face and calling my name. Lance also stood over me dumbfounded how to help.

I could see Gaelen's lips moved but through the haze that clouded my mind I could not understand what.

"I'll take her to her dorm room. She'll be ok." I heard Gaelen say before I felt like I was being swooped into the air by a large bird with two strong wings that held me up.

He did not let me go once he opened my dorm door. He just carried me to my bed to sit while cradling me to his chest.

"Are you okay?" Fear wrapped around his vocal chords giving a new resonance to his already deep strong voice.

"I'm just dizzy."

"Do you get dizzy often?"

No only when I am starving. I could have said and then start a whole conversation about why I knew what it was like to starve because it was common in the colony.

"I think I'll be fine after I get some rest." I lied but my stomach rumbled loudly, it wouldn't take a sonic hearing only bat to hear my tummy.

"When was the last time you ate?" Gaelen asked and I shock my head no. Not no because I did not eat 'last time' or anytime, but no because I didn't want to eat. I didn't want to eat alien food-not yet. I wasn't desperate enough yet.

I am going to get you something to eat from the cafe." He deposited me on my bed and pilled a water bottle from his backpack.

"Here drink this," sure, as long as I don't have to eat that and fall down the rabbit hole of alien life.

"I will be right back." And with that, Gaelen went on a hunt for food like a caveman taking responsibility to his tribe.

He returned with a smorgesborg of strange food on a tray and packaged snacks that he sat on my lap. He tucked himself beside me on the bed and opened the plate toppers, revealing strange moving slug like translucent food.

I scrunched up my nose and tried to wiggle back from the tray on my lap.

"I am not leaving until you eat, Kiowa."

"I am not that hungry." I answered but again my stomach gurgled so loudly I thought the bile would erupt with it.

"Bullshit. You are hungry enough that you would faint."

I could attempt to make it through another day, but he was right my mind was foggy and Ill I could think of was to stop the ship rocking effect not eating had wrecked havoc on my nerves. I had to eat eventually and I guess now is the time.

"I'm not leaving until you eat," he threatened with a raven black eyebrow raised in warning.

I pinched my eyes shut and slowly picked up my fork.

"Why haven't you been eating?" He interrupted. My gumption flew out the window in that moment.

"I...I-" I stuttered. Should I tell him, surprise I'm the human and by the way I am terrified of your food? "I've just lost track of time today and forgot to eat. I'm really cramming for this test."

I chewed my bottom lip nervously hoping he'd accept that answer. His eyes seemed to survey me. Brilliant green alien eyes narrowed with so much speculation, my veins felt like ice. He was sure to find that I was a failable human.

"You know to think about it, I don't think I have ever seen you in the cafeteria."

I shrugged and then picked up the fork and stabbed the slimy slug and tried not to think. Where did they aliens find this food on this planet? I knew that before the human world crumbled, somewhere in central Europe all of our seeds were stored. It was a strategic plan to ensure that the hybrids and Sontomon seeds, that eventually ruined the planet's food-ecosystem, wouldn't ruin real food. Little did we all know Santomon was an alien, strategically delivering the first attack on humankind way before Eclipse.

Without another reflection, I popped the slug in my mouth and chewed. As I chewed it was surprisingly smokey and the texture wasn't slimy or flaky, it reminded me of ham. My eyes must have been big as saucers because Gaelen looked at me with those teasing green eyes. I blushed.

"Ahh, that's the color I like on those cheeks, not that ashen grey you were earlier. Ok, one bite down. Eat more. And I am serious!"

I shiver ran up my spine, I had never heard him talk so firmly with me before - I liked it.

I took a second bite, still pork tasting not slimy slug. My stomach started to quiet down and feel better already. The third bite, I tasted the smell of dirt and rancid sea, my stomach started to have second thoughts. It's all mental I told myself and quickly finished off the clear slimy slugs.

Surprisingly, I felt full and I started to set the tray aside.

"Hell no!" Gaelen made me jump. "You're not done, you've got to finish the rest."

I slumped against the wall.

"I am full. I'll finish the rest after I study for a bit."

"It will taste horrible in an hour." The urgency in his voice struck me. "Finish it now and I'll study with you as a reward." he wagged his bushy eyebrows.

Sure, I wouldn't mind studying with him. I liked Gaelen and tried hard to not like him more, he obviously only wanted to be friends.

I stared at the crystallized rocks that shimmered on my plate. These things - Lance loved them - said they were a delicacy and only for special occasions. Yet they looked like they could rip your mouth and throat apart. But hey, this was an occasion, I was eating alien food and if it made me choke at least I wouldn't have to eat the rest of the food on the plate.

Instead of attempting to use a fork on the plucked from the sky starburst, I picked up one with my fingers. It was rock hard and I imagined it breaking my calcium rich but still soft human teeth.

"Dessert next already?" Gaelen smirked. He seemed a bit bored do tracing the lines of his black corduroy pants. But then he looked up at me with those amazing loving eyes that sparkled with amusement at my expense. "I took a few from Sebol's party. Enjoy."

I popped the crystal into my mouth and I blushed knowing my expression was full of first time surprise.

The crystal things were amazing, soft and sweet in my mouth, immediately melting like smooth caramel or chocolate once it hit my tongue. I could eat this.

Gaelen must have understood my absolute enjoyment. I waited for the teasing remarks from him, but it didn't come, instead he leaned in close to me.

I was sure he was just going to give me a friendly body tap but instead his lips were moving so close to mine, my mind scrambled. Sweetly ,he pressed his lips to my. It was a bit possessive but not insecure. He was gentle as his lips covered mine, slightly wetting them in between his lips, and then pulled them away like plucking a rose petal.

He then sat back and a sly smile slide across his face, eyes glinting in his power commanding way.

"I had to kiss you, you looked so innocent and sweet eating those clusters. You are sweeter than the clusters."

I blushed and looked away, awkwardly pulling my renegade braids behind my ears.

"Should we study," I quickly and successfully pushed aside the tray and hopped to my feet. God-willing gravity to keep me from pacing around my room like a ninny.

Gaelen just leaned back on my bed against the wall, crossing his legs at the ankles seemingly amused by my embarrassment. "What if I tell you I am not interested in studying?"

"What do you want to do instead?"

"This is college Kiowa, we are supposed to procrastinate once in a while."

He was confident. Cocky, commanding and seductive was the way of everything about him. The way he leaned against the way on my bed, his upturnd smirk, and those terrible emerald eyes that were bigger than saucers under dark raven eyelashes. Even the way his iridescent locks mocked me, enticing me to run my fingers through the loose curls to pull him in for another kiss. A kiss that I did want to have, I wanted second chance to feel his soft lips and scratchy chin on my lips.

"IT'S A SHAME! Lance stole my chance to be your first make-out of your first year. Especially since I earned it, nearly dying at your hands. But I'll settle fo this," he growled and pulled me to his lap capturing my chin and lips.

He wants me.

But that was not what he was saying. A surge rushed through my body, it was so odd, I had never been angry so outwardly. I usually hid my unhappiness and definitely my rage.

"You like Sebol. You want to procrastinate and make out with me , when you've stated you are definetely interested in Sebol!'"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean my kiss to anger you." He still held a domineering posture while casually lying on my bed. But his tone was so contrary, it was conflicted.

We just stared at each other, waiting for one of us to say something that would bring us back to the old Kiowa and Gaelen. But we only kept staring at each other. We seemed to realize we had nothing to say at all, lest we make it worse.

"You're breathtaking." Gaelen started and I stopped breathing. "You are and I noticed you right away when you caused me to nearly die on the stairs. Yet I didn't die but my tablet sure did." I rolled my eyes, he was so far doing well but had to add in a jest. "You're obviously very special and someone who is deserving of you, will find you. I'm afraid I am not that person."

There it was. Mathias had said the same thing to me a few weeks ago. He's explanation after my eyes landed on Natalia wearing the wedding dress. Matthais knew I liked him, but he led me on and tried to justify his unattraction to me by saying someone else was for me.

I knew it was only seconds, but it felt like a lifetime. My brain scrambled through many scenarios to not fall apart then and there.

"It's no problem. I'm actually really liking Lance." I tilted my head like a snob, I like this strong Kiowa already. "He might be written on my soul so its no lost to you."

I was proud. I sent the dagger and watching Gaelen for the first time not look as commanding. It hit him and his body seemed to deflate.

"Good. So we are friends." The dagger came back but I only let it scratch me. A scratch, a scratch but find me in the morn I will be a feast for the worms, I recited to myself.

"Good, let's study then. Procrastination is over." Gaelen touched my arm in his playful friend tap, but his hand lingered longer. His eyes widened and he shook his head with concern.

"I need to talk to you," I tucked my chin to my chest, something was wrong and my heart leaped. Gaelen's voice was deep and measured. "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" I matched his anxious tone.

"I've never met anyone like me, they said only a few were affected."

"What are you talking about?" I whispered, my head hurt by my brows being knitted together so tightly.

"That's why I didn't enter into the program at Yale, you too. I just never thought I'd meet someone else like me."

You ever wonder what it would feel like to be in an hour glass. I imagine it would feel suffocating at the final sands spilled into the final seconds of the time running out - I was there.

"I honestly don't know what you are talking about?"

"Don't lie to me ever. I cannot stand when people lie to me and I will not tolerate it." His green eyes pierced so fierce, I thought he would strike out like a abused animal or cry. He took a breath, closing his eyes, calming himself and then returned his gaze to me with a new intensity that was full of compassion. "I know the truth Kiowa."

The air in my lungs was sucked out of me.

"I have the defect as well. You too, I can feel it under your skin."

Oh god, more alien stuff, maybe we aren't so different after all - us humans.

"I never was told I had the defect."

He opened his mouth to say something and then quickly shut it. His body slumped in relaxation before he straightened it with decision. The old, confident and strong Gaelen returned as he sauntered to my desk to pull up our classroom text on my tablet.

I stood baffled, what was he hiding.


Alright we are cooking here. Things are getting near the half way point. Thank you dear readers for sending me your love with comments and votes. I appreciate them. I love to hear what you think as you read. I'd love to hear what you think of the characters so far.

Cheers and Happy Reading,


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TalyisBagleyTalyisBagleyabout 9 years agoAuthor
short chapter

hi readers, yes, this was a short chapter but i've just finished editing two more chapters and one is about 6k words. I am trying to post a least once a week; and now that camp nanowrio has begun, im going to sweep through the edits a bit more tenaciously to get to my book 2 edits before the end of the wrimo. We are nearing the half way point of A Wider Sky. Thank you for commenting.

cheers and happy reading,


ps im a binge netflix watcher but id love your feedback thoughout rather than in one swoop.

fanfarefanfareabout 9 years ago
my suggestion...

...for those readers who are conditioned to only enjoy a complete work. I keep a special file of links to stories that are serialized. Some of these can take years for new chapters. Every now and then I go through the list to see if there have been any new postings. That does prevent a lot of frustration.

In my opinion, the reason people get so upset waiting, is that they have been conditioned to immediate gratification and never learned patience.

It is interesting to note, that such multi-chapter serials are not new. Cinema used to be serialized. Or, at least in the medium of action films. Radio, then television had their soaps.

This all came about from 18th and 19th century newspapers. Twain, Doyle, Dickens and a multitude of other writers first published their work in serial format in newspapers. Before re-publishing as books.

A number of the writers posting to Literotica, do so to experiment, to judge audience acceptance. Advertising by posting a tease of just a portion of the complete novel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Just snippets of a story

Very hard to sustain any interest when your post is so short. I might come back after it is finished and read it all in one hit.

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