A Wider Sky Ch. 14

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Alien college will never be the same again.
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Part 14 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/11/2015
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A Wider Sky: Beyond Eclipse Series

by Talyis Bagley Ellison

Copyright first edition 2013, 2015

Chapter 14

When I returned to campus, everything had been back to normal. I was glad I heeded Ben and Maddie insisting I stay with them an extra day. I spent the day with them, learning how to cook with a oven and kitchen gadgets salvage from Before Eclipse. My mind try to make the most of not thinking of school. It was best to take precaution. I needed to return to my classes when the students had expended their festivities high and were back to the normal school grind.

When I returned everyone was back to the normal school grind. The quad filled with sunbathing Y'vori, study groups and kids playing sports. The poppies were gone. Any signs that the school had been turned upside down from constant parties, where now clean.

Taking a study break, I decided to soak the last of the sun rays before my evening art course. I hadn't seen Gaelen all day and thankfully, I didn't have any classes with the esteemed professor today. I wasn't ready to go back to his class yet. It was probably best that I didn't see either of them. I had to get over Gaelen, anyways.

I stretched out on my sweater and leaned back on my elbows with my eyes closed. I imagined myself as a flower in the sun, just enjoying the sunshine with contentment not a single worry in the world. Well, what was left of the sunshine. A grey cloud crawled over the sun and the sky swiftly changed in angry in the sun's absence. The rain cloud turned the entire campus grey and dark. A big raindrop splashed on my check. I and the others on the quad, quickly dashed to the buildings for cover. Sheets of rain pour down, as I made my way to the library. I guess it was meant to be that I study and make-up for my missing day of class.

Inside the library, the first to approach me was Lance, of course. I swear he was just waiting for Gaelen to drop me so he could move in. And seeing his determined steps towards, confirmed that Gaelen had given him this window of opportunity.

"Hey, how have you been? Are you feeling better?" Lance asked as he followed me into the library. "Gaelen said that you had to go home because something with your family."

Gaelen covered for me?

"I'm better now," I whispered.

I wrung my shirt inside the cool library lobby. Thankfully, my cardigan was dry and I pulled it on, to bring warmth to my soaked skin. I needed to study, so I guess Lance was up for studying too because he followed me to the study area.

I walked to a study carousel and turned the knob allowing the door to slide open in a semicircle. Inside, Bane and Haazic were heavily making out to my surprise. Usually Bane was so quiet and shy around everyone, but to brazenly make-out in the library was something that -well- something that Gaelen loved to do.

"Sorry!" I gasped and quickly pulled close the study carrousel. "What, what happened there?" I asked and Lance grinned like a cat with a canary.

"Festivities is what happened. You missed a lot of crazy, fun stuff my friend." Yeah, sure fun. "You will notice a lot of new couples on campus."

That came from left field. I studied Lance closely. He was grinning ear to ear like crazy. Like a gleeful child. He even rocked back and forth with anticipation on his heels. Then it dawned on me, Haazic was coupled with Bane. Did that mean her other half, Sebol and a part of Bane's trio were also coupled?

I wheezed a little and then coughed to clear whatever was stifling in my throat - it was heartbreak.

"So what happened, while I was gone?" I boldly asked and prayed he leave out any gory details about their terrible Eclipse customs.

"Well there was a lot of sexual tension on campus all weekend. So many people coupled up and people were making out or kissing wherever you turned."

"Like an orgy?"

Lance snorted a geeky laugh that made me laugh a bit. "My gosh are you crazy." He nervously giggled, it was as if he was flirting with me. "I don't know how to handle the thought of you saying the word 'orgy'." Oh my god heis flirting with me.

This means Gaelen let up on his threat. I was free game now for Lance.

"What really happened?" Did Gaelen's soul open, was what I really meant.

"A lot of souls opened up this weekend?"

My mouth dropped along with my tablet. It smashed into pieces on the floor.

"Oh my, Kiowa!" Lance quickly knelt down and started to pick up the pieces of my destroyed tablet. "This is definitely broken. I hope you attach it to your main dorm room port often to back it up."

I thought to myself and relaxed, thankfully I did.

"It's ok, I did."

He handed me a metal chip from the pile and when he placed it in my hand his fingers lingered for a long time against my palm. "Did your soul open?"

"No," he replied, but his frown only stayed for a short time. "As you can see, Bane's and Haazic's did." I didn't care about them I only cared about one person. "Since you were gone, and Gaelen had to make a special appearance part of the festivities... He took Sebol." I shrugged my shoulders to pretend I didn't care but that was far from the truth raging inside me that could make me double over clenching my stomach again. "Sebol's soul opened this weekend."

I don't remember what my premeditated reaction was. All I was doing was running, running out of the library and into the forest where Gaelen had first made out with me. I knew this was going to happen and I prepared for it but it still stung hard.

I am completely out of breath but I am still over-fueled with so many emotions that I just can't handle. I flick my wrist to crack the stiff joint and every leaf rustled loudly like a flock of birds swarming at a target. The leaves suddenly shoot into the air like a flare gun going off. I fell to the ground and sat crossed legged trying to meditate and calm myself. I had to make sense of everything. I dropped my head into my hands - it didn't help.

"I was wondering when I was going to find you?" A familiar voice said behind me. I didn't want to see him, yet. I heard his footsteps on the soft damp soil left from the leaves preparing it for the winter and spring regrowth. He sat down with me and a strong arm snake in between mine as he pulled me to his chest. "I have to talk to you?"

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't even turn to the person holding me. I just sat against his back and he entwined his fingers with mine. Every second with him, I wanted to run away but he just held me. He didn't say a thing. He just swept my braids off my back and massaged my tense shoulders, his long legs framed mine, like her was hugging me with his whole body. I exhaled and calmed, catalogued the smell I love so much. His smell of lush green forest and spice. I wanted to remember this smell even if I were never to have him. If in the end, the humanity lost, I wanted to forever remember this tender moment. His fingers rested under my chin and he tipped my head back. His gem like eyes met mine and his iridescent black hair tickled my cheek as he leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"I know about Sebol's soul opening. Did yours?"

"It did," He announced. "Did yours?"

Tears finally formed at my eyes as I sniffled. Tell the truth, my heart admonished me. "It did. A long time ago."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I wanted a choice."

"We all want choices Kiowa. The world is made on choices." We sat silently for awhile. "Please stop crying."

He turned my body around and cradled my head to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. Thumping rhythm and then seizing to silence before picking up with a double beat and starting again. I wondered how much it affected him, how he felt every time it stopped. I had to be painful.

Oh my alien boy, how I care for you.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Sebol?"

"Why should I be with Sebol when I am here with you right now."

"It's not fair," I cried. Because I love him. And I had never told him I did.

"I'll tell you what is not fair. Sebol's soul named my name. But my heart, my soul, my mind, my body, my everything says that I should be yours. I am making a choice."

"But your soul will win in the end."

"And so will yours. But for now, I want to live in the truth. The truth is that I love you not because of some predestined soul naming. I love you because I choose to."

He lift my chin in his Gaelen-way of capturing my attention and kissed my lips. This kiss was unlike any other kiss we had had before.This kiss was so raw and honest. It was so fueled by the truth and I couldn't help but return it with the same.


My favorite class is more of a retreat from everything that constantly weighs on me. I can escape and feel like it's ok to be human because in art class. Despite whatever alien anti-human spin my professor tries to make, I can only feel proud about the masterful, amazing work that humans have achieved.

Standing before us is a marvel, the university acquired thru looting during Eclipse, Michaelangelo's David and we all circled the angelic faced statue of was considered the perfect man in beauty. Each of us sat at a pottery wheel skew in various work stations in the classroom. We're instructed to recreate David in a mini version however we please. I decided to make David into a pot since he was the epitome of male sexuality and many pots found in human archaeology where objectifications of women - for our curves, nurturing busts and furitle hips. I thought David should join the pot collection of humanity. To me a pot could represent the perfection of both strength, leadership and humility captured in Michaelango with the primitive pottery. And my pot would look the part due to my more than primitive art skills.

Haazic growled in frustration slamming her hand into the clay destroying whatever she was creating.

"This is fucking hard!" She spat. Wow an alien admitting that a mere human could best a Y'vori, I smiled to myself.

"Try again Miss X," the teacher said in a monotoned voice as she walked around us like a nurse doing rounds. Haazic floated her hand over her clay pile. "If our forefathers live decades do without using our powers than you can make a simple Michaelango's David."

"This sucks!" She hissed and leaned back in her chair kicking her feet in front of her.

"Maybe if you studied the assigned text on the mathematical equation for creating each segment instead of sucking face with Bane, you would be fine," Taxa spat. Of course there was an explanation for everything that could be created and masterpieces were not solely out of inspiration According to the Y'vori, anything a human could make could be done by Y'vori, no need for imagination just science. That was probably why my piece looked so different from everyone else's mini me David's.

"Whatever, at least I can suck face." Haazic wobbled her head as she pursed her lips in defense at Taxa, I couldn't help but laugh. "And what the hell is that?!" She turned to me her nose crinkled as if she smelled something wretched.

"I know it's not perfect," I replied.

"Yeah, it looks nothing like that!" her finger jutted out at David standing center as the perfect model.

"I thought I do something different for fun."


She turned again to Taxa and started chatting about shopping or Bane's kiss, I could careless - it was trifle.

I was surprised she talked to me at all. It seemed like Sebol's clique of friends didn't like me much last semester because I was with Gaelen and now that Sebol's sole opened I was becoming a bigger pariah to their group. Probably because Gaelen was avoiding her and the whole campus knew it. But I was also staying away from Gaelen as much as I could. Trying was futile, in the last two weeks, he broke into my room multiple times pretending he needed tutoring.

"You know what I really think is going on here! I think she's lying!" Haazic said a little louder than what was permitted for classroom work conversation volume.

"Miss X, will you please dedicate school gossip on your own time and not mine," the teacher sighed as if she was going to express something more emotionally than her usual one-noted voice.

"I mean," Haazic continued and then rolled her head and whispered loudly, "I mean do you know anyone who has had their soul open and have it conflict with the other person."

"Are you sure her soul opened or is it she just wants to be Queen," Taxa chuckled and then stopped in complete shock. "What a minute...does she even have a soul?"

Haazic scowled at Taxa who only laughed harder. "Maybe he is lying. Maybe she said her soul opened and he said his did too just to you know... do what Gaelen does best."

Suddenly the room became a bit more lively than the quiet buzz of the florescent and hands slapping clay. Haazic stood up and slapped Taxa hard on his arm.

"What the fuck?!" Taxa yelled rubbing his arm that was left with a splash of red.

"That's my girl you are talking about!" Haazic and the professor had a silent exchange before she reluctantly sat down and whispered again.

"If his soul did open and she did indeed have a soul to open than they both would be sucking face the way you and Bane do it so well." Taxa spelled out plainly.

"Maybe you are right. Maybe his soul didn't name his mate. That makes sense. If it had he would have been head of heels about her and wouldn't want to spend a moment away from her..." Haazic raised her chin towards the teacher and yelled. "and wasting his time doing stupid human tricks!" She waved her hand over the clay and a near perfection tiny Michelangelo's David formed.

The professor scoffed. "Miss X, I highly suggest you get a tutor to help you to pass this class. This is due by the next class session and I don't want to see you in here again if you do not complete this assignment by hand and on time. If a human can do it, certainly you can too." The class repeated the second half of the statement corporately and with that the class was dismissed.

"Fuck!" Haazic leaned back against her chair and flicked her clay chisel away. "I need to pass this class, I am not going to take it twice."

"Ask Kiowa, she's doing well in all her courses!" I overheard Taxa suggest but I didn't look their way. I wasn't a fan of Taxa either especially after the marbles incident. "She is passing everything she's in according to Gaelen. She's smart, she's tutoring him and if she can deal with Gaelen, she can deal with your loud mouth too."

She sucked her teeth. I looked down and tried not to get any more attention instead quickly packed up my art area, but I could see she was looking me over. Haazic had money and she was definitely entitled in the way that humans were according to Maddie. Entitlement is a world that I couldnt fully grasp - even being on campus for so many months. "Passing everything huh?" She snorted a laugh, "Maybe she's the human. The human supposedly scored perfect on the test."

Next thing I heard the clipping of expensive heeled boots hitting the floor tiles and when I glanced up from my pottery table, Haazic was standing over me with her look of apprehension. Boy, she really didnt like me.

"So, hey, Kiowa. Would you be interested in tutoring me?" Haazic shifted her hips from side to side.

"Sure," I responded without hesitation. "I dont mind, just one thing-"

"No deals. I know about you and Gaelen and its driving my best friend crazy. Just help me pass the class and I'll-" She hesitated, her face contorted with completed strained focus. I am sure she has never had to do something for someone else in her entire life.

"It's nothing. I was just going to ask you for a favor. I need help on my thesis paper and you are a good writer. Maybe you can help me with some of the research."

She blinked, taken aback by my proposal. "Sure, whatever?" She shook her long shiny black hair and then turned to Taxa who was pulling his bag onto his shoulders. I feigned being lost in my own world. But I wanted to listen in soI put my unfinished piece away on the work shelf, near Taxa.

"You work it out?" Taxa said putting his hand on Haazic's shoulder.

"Yah," Haazic replied.

I noticed Taxa looking in my direction and he shake his head. "I was with him during the ceremony and had to listen to him all through that lame dinner. All he talked about was her," Taxa pointed his jaw inconspicuously in my direction but I saw it. "I think they are both lying."

"If he is with her, than why aren't they sucking face all the time?" She also tried to stealthily gesture towards me but it was like firing a flare gun it was way too animated.

"That's what I don't get either. She doesn't seem interested in being Queen. She and he are always up and down avoiding each other or barely talking and then the next hot and heavy. That's why they are both lying. But whatever, to each his own." Taxa shrugged and escorted Haazic out.


Dear Readers,

I hope you are enjoying this series so far. I apologize to those who have written emails, I just got them and will be answering them soon. I didn't realize I had emails from you and your emails me a lot to me.

Thank you everyone who has been commenting and sharing your thoughts on this book.

Cheers and Happy Reading,


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
More more more!!!!

Really love this story

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 9 years ago

Too short. I really want more! This story is just so interesting!

mrsgray2011mrsgray2011about 9 years ago

I have enjoyed your storied but I wish they were a little longer. As well when you post try to keep to the same genre because your story is are in different sections and it makes hard for people who follow you to keep up when you post. You have the making of a great story

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