Abduction Ch. 05

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The bonding ceremony.
3.8k words

Part 5 of the 15 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/11/2006
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They walked up to the group of old men standing at the end of the large room. Each of them seemed to be at least hundred years old at the least, with long white beards and dressed in long robes as if they were some kind of priests. Apart from that they seemed quite human-like, Teri thought. She tugged at the rope binding her wrists together. They still held tight. Damn, that man could really tie a good knot once he had to. She sent Connor a hateful look just for the sake of it.

"Why did you tie her?" one of the elders asked, after they had finished greeting the newcomers.

"She is being quite difficult, Master Kane," Connor replied. He could hear Morgan chuckle behind him. He had not missed how she had taken a swing at Connor as they prepared to land. Connor had solved the problem quickly by tying her hands together. He was only too happy to unload this cargo, he was sure. Only, it also meant the end of his sleeping next to her warm body or him merging himself into her welcoming heat. He felt a tug in his cock and shook his head, trying to erase the last thought. This was not the right place to get aroused.

"Difficult? Ah well, she is an earthling, after all. They like their wars back there. Still, she was chosen by the stars so she must be the right one."

"Stars?" Teri interrupted. "What stars? Don't tell me you greybeards actually believe all the crap that's in all those women's magazines about Astrology and how to locate your perfect mate. It's all a bunch of crap to sell more magazines, really. Hm, and I thought youaliens were supposed to be superior," she glared at Connor, before giving his crotch a tell-tale look as she said the last word. His only reply was a pinch in her arm probably meant to give her ample warning.

The elders eyed her up and down for a while, curiously noticing her proud stance in front of them all. She would not back down for anyone; she swore inside and glared at them all one after another. This theatre setting had gone one for far too long now. The joke was starting to annoy her.

"She has been properly prepared, hasn't she?" the leader asked Connor.

"Yes, for two days now," Connor answered with a serious tone.

"And she has not had an orgasm, right?"

"No, the preparation has been performed after your instructions, Master."

"Preparation? Instructions? What instructions?" Teri asked, annoyed with being the only one not understanding what the conversation was about.

"Preparations for the mating, of course," the elder told her. "Haven't they informed you about the ritual?"

She shook her head uncertainly and anticipated hearing something she would really dislike. What was going on here, and why hadn't they admitted the joke by now? A sinking feeling was starting to develop in her spinal cord. What if this wasn't a theatre setting after all? What if she had really been abducted by aliens - byreal aliens?

The old man continued. "In our culture, every female must be properly prepared before she is mated. That way she will enjoy her mate more, and she will be trained in all sexual pleasures in order to please her mate and ensure a fruitful union. But, during the preparation the female can not be allowed to orgasm. Only her mate can give her the true pleasure of her body, and that should only occur after the mating ritual. Before the mating, only the preparer are allowed to touch her body and relieve himself inside of her, but after the mating, only the mate will access her body. Connor here was selected to be your 'Preparer', and now you will meet your true mate."

"What? This was all a ritual?" Teri asked shaking with anger. "You mean this...this jerk... seduced me because of some old stinking law? And you kidnapped me for that?" She was so angry she could just explode inside. All that lovemaking had been a fake. He had taken advantage of her and she had accepted him into her body so many times she had almost lost count. And he had done it because someone had ordered him to. Not because he wanted too, or felt attracted to her. This was even worse than being abducted by some green men from Mars.

She felt sick all of a sudden. She had thought he really meant something with it. Had believed he was so intoxicated by her he could not help himself but trying to seduce her. Trying to use his well-shaped body to lick and kiss her into submission. Submission to his touch and to his cock. He had succeeded only too well. She remembered quite clearly how she had begged him to come inside of her, to fuck her hard, to give her the pleasure she longed for in his arms.

How could she have been so stupid? She felt like crying or yelling or simply hitting something really hard. Finally remembering the recipient of her anger was still standing beside her, she held her hands tightly together and slammed them into Connor's stomach with all the force she could mount.

"Ouch," he yelped in surprise, holding his arm to his stomach and glaring at her as if he had been the one mortally wounded. She held her arms ready for another round, and this time she wanted to hit him where it hurt the most, taking aim straight for his crotch. But before she had collected enough momentum to really hurt the bastard or hopefully make him useless to any other woman, Morgan stepped up, gripped her arms tightly and dragged her a few meters away from Connor, who was trying to collect his breath again.

"You creep!" she yelled at Connor as her temper exploded by the hurt and the hate his betrayal had brought. "You blood-sucking ill-stinking louse. I'm going to kill you the first chance I get." She had never felt so betrayed in her entire life. She had given herself, her body to this man, and he had simply done it according to some old ritual, and only because he had been ordered to do so.

How was he able to make a woman tremble with arousal when fucking her days and night, making her body shake just by the touch of his hand, before turning his back on her and leave her to another man? How dared he make her feel so much more than she had ever experienced with another man? "I hate you!" she screamed at him as loudly as she could. "You bastard!"

"Now, now. You young people are always so tempered," the old leader intervened calmly. Speaking directly to Teri, he continued. "He did what he was told to do. Nothing to get so exited about."

"Nothing?" Teri gulped the word as she struggled to compose herself in this strange assembly. As if it helped her to know he wasordered to fuck her brainless. Because that was what he had done. And she had really believed he was sincere and felt something for her. Now she really needed to control herself, so she would not show him how much she was hurting right now.

She did not want to open her soul to him ever again. She tried to keep her voice cold and concentrate. She needed to keep her wits about her in order to escape this place with most of her body and soul intact.

Think, Teri. Just think! She commanded herself again and again, as the mantra circled around what she had just been told. The old man had said something about a mate which she did not like either. What was this mating he was talking about? He had not elaborated, and as she finally managed to calm herself enough to start thinking past Connor's betrayal, her curiosity got the better of her. "Wait a minute. You said something aboutmating. What was that all about?"

"Oh yes, thanks for reminding me," the old man said apologetically as if his thoughts had been engaged in quite different matters. "That was why we brought you here, after all," he chuckled as if reprimanding himself for his forgetfulness. "We have found you to be the true mate of one of our most loyal men. His soldiering skills are exceptional, and we have long wanted to reward him as best we could, and now we have finally found his mate. We think he will be very pleased with such a fine gift," he concluded while giving her an admiring glance.

Teri just snorted and mumbled something incoherently as he described her as thereward of this national hero. She could not wait to show this hero just how unrewarding she could be. And if he decided to take advantage of her body as Connor had done, she would be so angry she would do him harm in any way possible. She gave Connor another glare to make sure he understood how much she had come to hate him.


Connor maintained a cold and closed expression, trying very hard not to let any of his feelings show as he listened to their leader. He had noticed the look she gave him, and it was not possible to misunderstand the meaning. He would not have expected anything else from her. Except that he had thought - or hoped - she would feel sad about their parting. Instead it seemed that she had decided to simply hate his gut and wanted to ground his carcass into the nearest cave.

He raised one eyebrow ironically as she continued to glare at him. He would love to remind her how she had behaved only a few hours ago. How differently she had looked upon him. How she had admired his body and how she never seemed to get enough of his hard cock pushed all the way inside of her tight cunt. Master Kane turned his attention to Connor, who had finally composed himself and his stomach after her punch.

It still hurt, but not so much where she had punched him as the pain felt in his chest area. He strengthened his shoulders against what the Master would say next. She was going to be mated. But who was to be her mate? He looked around the assembly and could not see anyone else except other members of the council. He could not have reached Alpha Centauri yet. Connor didn't feel much like hanging around and wait for her mate to show up. Connor knew he would arrive soon. A mate was something so rare one didn't hesitate to collect such a prize.

The lack of women made every mating a rare occurrence, and few of the males would ever have the opportunity to be mated. He wondered what he did look like, this lucky man. He was probably some strapping youngster who would give her many hours of pleasure - making her tremble in climax again and again as he plunged inside of her tight body.

The image made him feel almost depressed. He could not possibly think of missing this shrewish woman, but he did feel a strong urge to leave before the mate presented himself. The mate would never know who had prepared his woman for him, but he would probably guess right away based on the way Teri was staring daggers at him.

"Master Kane. Since we have completed our mission, might we be excused?" Connor asked the leader in a gruff voice barely resembling his own. He evaded his eyes from Teri, could not bear to look at her just then. Only wanting to escape to his lone barracks and get on to another mission as soon as possible. He hoped the next mission would not involve any women.

Teri glared at him. 'Mission', that was what that hateful man was calling fucking her brains out. Well, she wanted him out of her sight the sooner the better. Otherwise she would really kill him as she had promised. She moved a bit closer to him, he deserved a kick in the balls for putting her through this, and the first chance she got, she would give him exactly what he deserved.

"No, please stay, Captain," the elders replied. "We have some explaining to do, I suppose," the leader started. "You see, Captain Hamilton, this isyour mate," he pointed to Teri.

"What?" they both blurted out.

"But that can not be," Connor said not believing his own ears. "The mate can not do the preparation. You told me so before."

"Yes," the old man nodded. "That is true. But, in this case we saw no other option but to let you collect her yourself from Earth. As time was of the essence we decided it would not be wise to let any of your crew do the preparation. We believed you would probably want to kill the poor man afterwards, is that not so?"

"Probably," Connor murmured while seeing red just by the thought of any other man touching her warm skin and caressing her moist cunt.

"So, we decided that it was best for you to do the job, following the traditions for preparation. Still, it also gave you the opportunity to get to know your mate, and we believed you would appreciate that."

"Sure, but why not tell me about it in the beginning? Why make so much fuss about it?" Connor asked. "I didn't ask for a mate? In fact, I'm not sure I even want one, and particularly not her." Wanting her in his bed was something completely different. He would love to have her there, but as a mate? He was not sure she would be the biddable type. The way her eyes were still throwing daggers at him she would probably castrate him rather than fuck him.

"You're lucky because I don't want you either," Teri intervened quickly.

"But the stars are quite clear on this," the elder intervened. "You are perfect for one another. It is somewhat strange to have an earthling as your mate, but the stars are always right in these matters."

"No, they're not," Teri said emphatically. "This creep here really has no idea about how to satisfy a woman. In fact, he wouldn't know where to locate the clitoris even if he had a bunch of road signs tattooed into his partners' skin. I will not mate with him unless he has to know Kama sutra by heart. He is in fact the lousiest lover I've ever had. Quite in the league of that creep, Jeffrey, when I think about it," she murmured but still loud enough for all the council to hear every detail of her berating.

Some of the council members sniggered quietly before managing to compose themselves enough to face Connor. Still the smiles were too tell-tale to miss. Connor's face had gotten more and more red-coloured as she performed her tirade. Now he was practically glowing with rage. The other members of the council was trying to look anywhere else but at Connor. Only the Master was still paying attention.

"You did not like him then?" he asked Teri.

"Like him? You must be joking. Any male can jerk off, but it does take a small amount of skill to pleasure your partner as well. This one simply doesn't have what it takes. I suggest that you simply take me back to Earth before this whole event turns even more ridiculous than it already is. After all, it's a difference between having the equipment and using it properly, as you should all be aware of. Even my dildo can do a better job than he can," she continued in a half interested voice as if the subject was too boring to be discussed any further.

At the same time Connor moved quickly toward her, putting his face so close to hers their noses practically touched as he glared at her. "Just you wait until we're alone," he hissed at her. "At least there's something positive about becoming your mate. That way I can beat you whenever I feel like it, and from now I will not tolerate any more lies." He glared at her while finishing his sentence, but she just straightened her stance and refused to back down.

Someone was clearing their throats behind them, and as Connor withdrew, the leader said apologetically, "Just remember that he was not allowed to pleasure you, young lady. He had to follow orders. I'm sure you will be far better pleased with having him as your mate. At least then he will be allowed to pleasure you."

"I don't understand the reason for such a stupid tradition as this 'Preparation' thing," Teri said with an irritated voice. "It is just another way to make sure the female knows her place, or what?"

The elders looked at each other, and the Master talked again. "We're not sure actually, but the law says that the female should learn to appreciate sex. But since she will attach herself to the one that gives her pleasure, it is important that only the mate does that."

"And this preparer-person, who is that normally?"

"He must be chosen, and should be unknown to the mate. The mate will never know who has prepared her. Only that she has learned the basics about pleasuring a man."

"Ah, I see," Teri said knowingly. "Definitely a way to keep the females down. Make them a slave to sex, before giving them what they need. Really clever, I must admit. Still, humour me some more, why didn't the creep teach me any of this? "

"I didn't have to," Connor replied. "You knew the basics already."

"Yes, well, we earth-women are probably much more knowledgeable than your subdued creatures, I suppose. Or perhaps you lack both the basic ability as well as the knowledge, eh, Captain?"

Connor jumped up, enraged by her accusations. "What? And who was the woman gasping and begging me to fuck her last evening?"

"Now, now," the leader stepped between them again. "Save the excitement for the bedroom, please. You'll have more than enough time to indulge yourself later on. We know you've had a rocky start of this relationship, but we're sure you'll learn to appreciate each other with time. Right now we have more important things to discuss."

He turned to Connor. "You see, Captain Hamilton, we will not only give you a mate. Your service to us has been long and awarding. You have given so much to this people that we want to promote you for all the years of service you have given us." Connor just stared at the council. Not believing his ears. He was already one of the highest ranking officers and he had his own ship. What more could they possibly give him?

"Since we are so pleased with your skills we have decided to appoint you the new Governor over the Ziota colony," Master Kane said proudly.

"What?" Connor repeated himself, not knowing how to handle this new situation. "But I'm content with being a simple soldier," he answered thoughtfully.

"We are aware of that, but we are in great need of someone we can trust. We need someone who will have the sense of diplomacy as long as a soldier's mind. You will need a mixture of both to manage this task. Besides," he continued in a teasing voice, "the wandering life you have been living will not be so easy now that you will have a mate to take care of, now will it?"

"No, I suppose not," Connor replied. "So, instead I will be bored to death by endless meetings, is that it?"

"No," the elder chuckled. "I doubt it. You will have a challenge on your hands. We want you to take control over the Ziota colony. They've had a lot of problems with rebels and corruption is well known around there. People have gotten killed and the society needs a firm hand from someone we can trust, meaning you Captain. So what do you say? Are you up to the challenge?"

Connor thought about it for a while, then nodded, "Yes, I'll do it."

"Good," the elders said with relief. "You make us very proud, Governor Hamilton. But you'll need help so your ship will be based at the colony as well as your army of soldiers. You might need some muscle to beat down the rebels." Then he turned to Morgan. "And Morgan here will be appointed the new Captain. We want you to take over the ship and use it for perimeter patrolling of Ziota - under Governor Hamilton's order, of course."

"I'll be honoured," said Morgan and bowed to the council while sending the newly appointed Governor a wink as if telling him 'I told you so'.


The mating ceremony was quick and only included Connor answering a few questions. Teri was never asked whether she wanted the creep or not. It was obviously only assumed that the female was overjoyed and happy about her new career. She was neither, but she decided to play along for the time being. There were too many people around and she did not know how or where to escape this place. She would wait for a better opportunity, she thought glumly.

Still, if the creep thought he would be welcomed back in her bed he would have to reconsider that thought. She had decided to go on a strike. A sex-strike. Wasn't that what married couples used to pressure one another?