An Innocent Question Ch. 03


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Finally I felt the tension go out of her, and she put her hands on mine to stop my caresses. "Baby, please—just, wait, you need to . . ."

I stopped, just holding her close, enjoying the feeling of her warmth and the sweat on her, my cock still hard inside her. For a minute or two we lay together, and then she wriggled her bottom at me. It seemed like an invitation, and I began to stroke in and out of her. She was very wet and it felt great.

I wanted to fuck her forever, just to go all night. I found a rhythm and stayed with it, letting my pleasure build. After a few minutes Ellen started trembling; I could feel her clutching me inside and knew that another orgasm was coming. I just kept fucking her, holding her tight against me. She spasmed around me, crying out. "Ohh, oh my God, Dan . . . do it!"

Amazingly enough I was still fully in control, her orgasm hadn't brought on my own, so I kept thrusting. She relaxed after her orgasm with a sigh and lay passively, letting me continue to drill her. After another couple of minutes I wanted to go harder. I reached for a pillow, then put it next to her and rolled her up on it, so she was on her knees with the pillow under her middle.

I thought I could stay in her but my cock slipped out. I got her in position, then slid smoothly back in. From this position I could thrust harder and get deeper. I was almost ready to come and I wanted to build up to it. My strokes were deep and hard, but not frantic. I pulled at her hips with each push inside her, staying in a regular rhythm, feeling the surge of pleasure rushing through me.

With each stroke it got more intense. I felt focused on her pussy around my cock, and nothing else. Each thrust felt like the countdown to a missile launch, and I reveled in the feeling of keeping it regular, keeping it rhythmic. Only at the very end did I lose it, ramming into her, grinding every millimeter of my dick into Ellen's hot cunt, losing myself in the agonizing pleasure of the final short strokes. I jerked and grunted and pushed as the feelings washed over me.

When the physical joy faded, finally, I held Ellen and pulled her with me as we collapsed together on our sides, me still behind her and plugged into her. It had been an incredible fuck—not only for me, but clearly for her as well. I idly wondered whether it was as good as fucking Chris Doebe had been, but I was too tired to give a damn.

Ellen pulled away from me. I didn't know why at first, but then she rolled over towards me, her face flushed and alive with joy. I was afraid she'd speak, but she just came into my arms and began kissing me, passionately. She deep-kissed my mouth, then kissed my cheeks, my eyes, my forehead. She pulled my head close to her lips and murmured, "thank you, thank you!" into my ears as she ran her fingers through my hair and stroked my scalp. Then she returned to my mouth and we kissed some more, for a long time. Eventually, without any more words, we turned off the lights and went to sleep.




Thank God for me falling on my head! Because after that first night of incredible sex together, everything changed. I'd like to say that it was all smooth sailing, but that wouldn't be true. There were good days and bad days, good moments and bad ones.

On the good days we were so happy! I'd make an extra-nice breakfast for Dan, then he'd carry me upstairs for some loving and we'd both be late for work. Or he'd show up at my office at 12 with a picnic lunch, and we'd go sit in the lobby of the University Library for an hour while we ate (it was far too cold to eat outside).

And we started having more conversations like in the old days, too. Dan would say, "can you explain Paris Hilton to me? I mean, why does anybody care?" and we'd laugh and talk about that for a while. Or I'd ask him why the same people who scream about the high price of gasoline go on buying SUVs that get 8 miles to the gallon. In other words, we were getting back to talking about anything and everything.

One night he decided he was going to torture me a little. We went to bed on the early side and began to make love. Dan started going down on me, and he just wouldn't stop! I loved it when he gave me orgasms this way, but usually it was a prelude to some regular fucking. This time he teased me, using his lips and tongue to get me close, then backing off. He'd lift his head and kiss my belly, caressing my breasts with his hands, and wait until my excitement eased a bit, then he'd start over again. He took more than half an hour, bringing me to the brink at least five times, before I couldn't stand any more—I grabbed his head and pushed it into my crotch, rubbing my clit on his mouth until I exploded. I shrieked and came all over his face. It was fantastic!

About three weeks after our return to making love, I plucked up my courage and asked Dan a question over dinner.

"Honey, would it be all right if I . . . if I started reaching for you again?"

"You mean in bed?" he replied.

I nodded. "You remember that Arthur said I really had to wait, that it was going to be up to you to let me know how I could show you how I felt—how much I wanted you? Well, now that we're getting along so well, I feel it more than ever."

"Go on."

"Dan, there have been so many times in the last couple of weeks when I've wanted to jump you. Like yesterday morning in the shower; I lay in bed wishing like crazy I could just come in there with you, but I was afraid to."

He thought for a minute and then said, "things feel different now, I guess. I guess I don't feel like you'd be faking it, or it would be out of guilt or pity. At least not as much.

"Why don't you try it the next time you feel it, Ellen. And if it bothers me, I promise I'll say so gently. No more pushing you away, or leaping up out of bed."

Dan was silent another moment, and then he said, "can I tell you something else? That night a while ago, when I did leap out of bed? I was still too mad and hurt then—but I want you to know that what you did was really sexy. I'd like it if you'd try it again sometime."

I smiled at him, remembering. I'd come to bed without my nightie, and spooned in behind him, rubbing my breasts against his back, sliding my hands around to caress his chest and his cock. It had turned me on a lot too—until the moment he rejected me. "I'll be happy to try that one again," I said. "Are you busy about twenty minutes from now, once I've gotten these dishes washed?"

"You wash and I'll dry," Dan said with a grin.

But as I said, there were bad days too. I came home one Thursday and found him sitting in his living room chair, holding a bottle of beer, with a cold and distant look on his face. Somehow I knew not to say a word—I knew what it was about. I sat on the floor next to his chair and put my arms around his legs, leaning my head against his thigh. We sat there in silence together for quite a while.

Finally, he said, "I'm starting to feel better, I guess. It was the silliest little thing. Harold told a stupid joke this afternoon about an older woman and a younger man, and it got me thinking about you and Chris."

I didn't answer, just squeezed his legs a little tighter and stayed right where I was. After another few minutes he said, "okay, enough of that. How about some dinner?" And the moment passed.

Another time was worse. We were screwing, energetically, in the missionary position, both of us really excited. I was pushing my hips up at Dan and making little rhythmic groaning noises, sort of an "uhh" on each stroke, my eyes closed. Then all of sudden he stopped, suddenly. My eyes popped open in surprise and I could see a pained look on his face.

"What, baby?" I asked, before I could stop myself. He just grimaced, shook his head, and rolled off me to lie by my side.

It was several minutes before he spoke. "You sounded so excited, like you were really getting into it. It turned me on a lot, Ellen. And then suddenly I wondered . . . whether that's what you sounded like with Chris. And whether I excited you as much as he did. Whether sex with me would ever be as good as it was with him."

He stopped, and I wondered whether to say anything. It felt like making a mistake at this moment would be really terrible.

"Sex with you is terrific, Dan. Sometimes it's gentle and loving, sometimes it's fast and exciting, like tonight. But it's always great.

"And you know something else? I don't really think that much about sex with Chris anymore. I mean, I certainly remember what he and I did. But it never even occurs to me to compare it to what you and I do."

Dan looked at me, wanting to believe me but still doubtful.

"Think about the last time we had dinner downtown at "Chez Marcel". The food was fabulous, right? Well, as you ate your Veal Sorrentino, did you compare it to some other meal at some other restaurant, or did you just think, 'damn, this is really good veal'?"

Dan laughed, and said, "okay, I see your point. Actually, I thought 'I need to give Ellen a taste of this'!"

I snuggled up tightly against him and we just lay there for awhile, not talking. We weren't getting back to screwing that night, that was clear—but at that moment the talk we'd had was far more important.


On a Saturday in late April Dan asked if we could take a picnic and go hiking, about 20 miles outside Columbus where there's a lake we really like. I suspected something was up, but I didn't ask questions—I just made us a nice lunch and off we went.

We hiked for a couple of hours, then settled down on our blanket and had lunch. I was a little nervous, but Dan was relaxed and happy so I didn't fear that anything bad was coming. We'd had some of our usual random, speculative conversations on the way up.

After lunch he sat back against a tree and gestured for me to come curl up with him, which I did. "On Thursday Arthur and I agreed that I'm ready to stop seeing him," Dan said.

"Really?" I replied. "That sounds like good news."

"Well, it had been coming for a while, but something I talked about with him this week seemed to clinch it for both of us." Dan gently turned me so he could see my face.

"On Tuesday I told him that I think I still hadn't completely forgiven you—no, wait, that's not quite right. I told him that I have forgiven you, but that a part of me is still holding onto . . . onto what you and Chris did. And holding it over your head.

"I said that I wanted to let go of it, because it was keeping me from being happy. It seemed crazy, I said to him, because I was holding onto my painful feelings just to have something to be mad at you about, or to be hurt about.

"See, if I'm totally happy again, if you and I are back to our loving relationship, then I must be over what happened—so I can't be upset with you about it any more. So in some sort of crazy way, I wasn't letting myself be completely happy, because then I would have to accept that I was done being angry at you. I wouldn't have a moral advantage—I couldn't feel that you still owed me something for making me miserable, if I wasn't miserable any more.

He looked intently at me. "Does that make any sense?"

"I think so. I think all of us secretly like that feeling of being angry or hurt, that sense that someone owes us something. So we maybe hold onto our grievances sometimes longer than we really need to."

"Exactly." Dan nodded, and smiled at me. "Anyway, when I got through saying all that to Arthur, he looked thoughtful, and then said he thought we were ready to finish our sessions."

We were silent a minute, and then I squeezed him tighter. "I like the idea of you being completely happy again. Especially if it's happy with me.

"But I want to say one other thing. Even if you're over being hurt by what I did, I'm not over feeling bad about it. So I hope it's okay if I go on trying to make it up to you."

He smiled again. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well . . . I have a couple of ideas. Like right now I'd like us to clean up this lunch, finish our hike, then take a long hot shower together, and then I'd like permission to fuck your brains out."

"Granted," Dan replied.




Dan was already getting dinner going when I came home. I checked the machine and found one message that he hadn't already erased—it was from Emily, inviting us to her annual deck party in a couple of weeks.

Feeling tense and worried, I went straight into the kitchen and hugged him. "Hi baby. Did you hear the message?"

"Yes. Emily and her deck party." He looked closely at me. "You look unhappy. Worried about me, and us bumping into Chris?"

I nodded, feeling tears start to build up in my eyes. "I don't . . . you . . . you don't deserve to go through that, Dan. Having to . . . I don't know, make conversation with him. Pretend that I never . . . did what I did."

Dan smiled, and kissed me. "Actually I've given this a fair amount of thought, Ellen. Emily has her party every year, so I knew we'd be facing this. It's been a year, and I'm happy with where we are. I can be a man—I can shake hands with Chris and make a couple of minutes of polite conversation.

"That is, as long as you're all mine again. You are all mine, aren't you baby?"

I took a step back and looked at him seriously. Then I said, slowly, "yes Dan, I am. All of me is yours—always."

I stepped forward and gave him a big kiss. "These are yours—" pointing to my lips. "And these—" taking his hands and putting them on my breasts. "And this—" I held one of his hands in mine and slid it slowly, gently down inside my slacks, where he got the idea and cupped my pussy, making me tingle.

"And this." I moved his other hand, placing it right over my heart.

"Okay then," Dan said. "In that case we'll go to Emily's party, we'll visit with everyone—including Chris—we'll have a nice time. And then we'll come home and have the same kind of hot sex we had after last year's party. Just you and me, hon. No Bridget, no Chris. Just the two of us."

I kissed him again, and held him close against me. "It's a date," I said.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 hours ago

Highly amusing the comments. Just because you would react differently to infidelity in a hypothetical way, or the way you have in you real life situation does not make you right and one size fits all, luckily we are all different and unique so or reactions will always differ. Just as well actually or there would be a lot of bodies filled with bloody holes and the jails would be over fill, well thrice as much as now.

ohio thanks for the emotional roller coaster lovely writing.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

I like this story a lot. It is one of the best I've read in this category. I read some of the other comments and some seem overly critical. It is difficult to write an interesting story in a small space, covering all the issues and trying not to go into such depth that the readers bail out. Let's face it the short story masters, like O'Henry or others did not go in depth with any of their characters and left out a lot of things. But these stories were wonderfully written just like this one.

In a previous comment I wrote that a writer exposes oneself to criticism just by publishing. F Scott Fitzgerald's Great Expectations was a financial bomb in the 1920's & yet today it is considered a classic. It takes guts and a thick skin to write something for a general audience. What was it Hamlet spoke about the 'slings & arrows of outrageous fortune?

I very much enjoyed your series. Thanks


I appreciate your efforts and the very good story you wrote.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

This series is very well written and enjoyable to read. While reading this story I realized there is a disconnect between the values of many women and many men. The counselor in this story & in several similar stories I have read do not address this issue or issues.

First I'm not sure women understand how they value sex verses how men value it. Yes. Adultery is a betrayal on several layers but it is still just sex for many women. For men it is a betrayal of the emotional relationship, the sexual relationship, the trust between couples & several other things.

If a woman says to her husband her betrayal was just sex and it didn't mean anything she is misunderstanding the effects. Until she understands that she will be unable to realize how much damage has occurred.

For example, in this story Ellen had sex with Chris in she & her husband's bedroom and bed. This is a major issue for many guys. The husband would have interpreted this as humiliating, the wife targeting him for revenge or whatever her motivation was and also as enabling her lover to be superior or dominate to her husband.

These issues would be difficult for many men to overcome. In my case I would have taken the mattress, box springs and probably the bed and either burned them in the backyard or left them at the dump.

Then as far as sleeping in the master bedroom again I may not have been able to do that for a long time, if ever.

I think the counseling sessions should have dug into why Ellen couldn't control herself. Heck! Many of us have had the same overwhelming sexual attraction for others and never acted on them. Over the last 40 years I have worked primarily with women and I've been indirectly propositioned, directedly asked to have affairs and have developed close personal working relationships with several women and I have never taken them up on their offers.

Even Dan never pursued his Irish lass. He could have arranged it if he had wanted to, especially after seeing Bridget in bed with the department head.

For her friend's party the best way to have handled that would be to skip it and take a trip out of town. Apologize to her friend and maybe do something for her later.

The party would have put the 2 men together and it is inevitable that there would be issues with the socializing because Chris would have felt superior to Dan whether he wanted to or not because it is so imbedded in how our culture raises males. Dan also would have felt his self esteem/identity challenged. The situation would have been potentially volatile.

Second Dan has to have some anger towards Chris especially since the adultery has not been resolved between them. That would also be inevitable and depending on how their meeting would be handled it could become violent.

Avoiding the situation would have been a better course of action. For me it would have been difficult to forget about Chris. Whether she seduced him or not he agreed to screw Ellen in their home, bedroom & bed. I probably would have needed quite a few more counseling sessions to learn how to handle those feelings.

I also probably would have found a way to screw Chris's grad program to the point he would have had to drop out. Yep. That would have messed up his future but I wouldn't have cared because the emotional pain and scar tissue I have would last the rest of my life.

My point is there are multiple issues with adultery that have to be dealt with & each partner in the relationship has to understand what the other is feeling, why and how to overcome it. If not, a successful resolution would have been impossible.

Ohio I enjoyed your story and it is well written & thought provoking. I appreciate the risks a writer takes when publishing their work. There are always critics, people who don't like the topic or people who are just too damn demanding. 'An Innocent Question' is one of the most enjoyable stories I have read on Literotica.

Thank you

mdadaminmdadamin2 months ago

A very good story, but not realistic at all

First, from my point of view, the wife is still a cheater because she did not stop cheating on her husband except because she knows that her husband will divorce her immediately if she cheats on him again.

Even when the writer of the story tried to prove to us that she controlled herself and did not cheat on her husband again, when she had the opportunity and her lover visited her in her home alone, she told her lover that having sex with him was the best sexual relationship in her life and that she wanted to do it again but she could not because her marriage was more important to her. From any sexual relationship - and this conversation took place during the period when she was convinced that her marriage had been destroyed and that her husband was on the verge of divorcing her. Therefore, she did not want to risk a new sexual activity that would completely end any chance for her to regain her husband.

Meaning that her refusal was not because she did not want to betray her husband again, but because she feared the consequences

This alone is a betrayal and a disaster, because when her marriage stabilizes again and she sees that she has regained her husband and that he has begun to trust her, she will betray him a second time, but this time she will not confesses

The wife is a very weak character, can not control herself, and cannot judge things correctly, and when circumstances put her in a tempting situation, she acts based on her desire only and does not think about anything else except her desire.

When a man marries a woman, he marries her mind, her thinking, and her ability to judge things correctly and the ability to resist temptations,

At the end of the story, the husband’s position is unbelievable. He says that they will go to the party and chat with the lover and shake his hand???, even though he knows full well that the lover still wants to have sex with his wife and he might try to tempt her again.

How will the husband shake hands with the lover when he knows full well that the lover is laughing inside and sees him as a cuckold & a naive husband?

I think the ending is not good

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboy2 months ago

A good emotional exploration. His obsession with Bridgette seems a little too ‘deus ex machina,’ but authors get to write what they want, it’s their story.

But no way in hell could I go to a party and see the other man and keep myself from doing my best to see him swallow some of his teeth.

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