Aphrodisia Ch. 06


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"Jeez, I'll say." It was Sonya who had spoken this time. After speaking everyone slowly turned to look at her, Gwen had a slight smile on her lips. Sonya's face then got busy turning a fierce shade of bright pink and Jamie decided to carry on with his story to take away the embarrassing attention.

"Okay, well as humanity evolved so did the gods. Some were changed as humans took the concepts that had given birth to their deities and associated them with new ideas. It was around this point that Allison became less concerned with making sure people got in the sack and more about making sure they cared enough about each other after the fun was over."

"So she became the goddess of love then?" Elisha's light Irish accented voice echoed the enthralled look in her eyes.

"Bingo. Other gods, like the god of fire, became associated with things like metalworking. The god of water and the oceans became the god of sailors and ships. Entirely new gods were born too, ones catering to believers of trade and of war for example."

"So all the ancient stories about gods are true?" Gwen asked a little apprehensively.

"Oh fuck no. Gods just take care of whatever belief brought them about. They don't care about being worshipped or anything like that and most only really care about people in so much as they might help further the god's power. The god of the sea for example apparently loved it when humans built better ships and the god of war loved sharper swords. Allison says it's sad that in all the ages of man we've never believed in each other enough to give birth to a god that would actually just look out for us." Jamie said rather glumly.

"So what about these glass bottle thingies?" Elisha pressed on.

"Well the demons were getting in the way of what the gods wanted to do. So the gods had this man make these glass vials to trap them. It worked too. Bloke went around and caught all the demons in the world in these vials at the behest of the gods and then buried them where no one would ever find them. Problem was..."

"...somebody found them?" Sonya's face had retained its normal colour finally as she spoke up.

"Exactly. The gods don't know if the demons somehow lured someone to them or if it was complete chance but what they do know is that the worst guy you want to find a load of demons was the one that did find them. Some murdering thief called Calatius opened the box they were in and opened one of the vials. The demons inside drove the guy even crazier and twisted his soul until there wasn't much left but hate, pain and a sadistic streak that would make Hannibal Lecter squirm uncomfortably.

Wanting revenge, the demons charged Calatius with trapping the gods themselves in their former glass prisons and with the help of some others who came to him in search of power and wealth that's exactly what Calatius did. Though the demons went much further. After trapping a god within one of the vials they told Clatius how to destroy them and consume their power. It involved a horrible ritual where the vessel had to pervert everything the god stood for before impaling himself with a special knife. The weakened god would then enter the follower of Calatius and the mortal mind, with the aid of the demons, would basically consume the god and take all the power it once wielded."

"That's what happened in the cellar?" Elisha asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jamie nodded sadly.

"Wait what happened in what cellar?" Gwen chimed up. Both she and Sonya seemed a little confused and Jamie couldn't exactly blame them right then. It wasn't exactly a normal conversation in the first place.

Before Jamie could reply however they heard the front door burst open which made them all jump in their seats. Fortunately the sound was soon accompanied by the voice of a young man.

"Moooom!?" It called out, apparently indicating Sonya's boys were home.

Sonya looked between them all, her steely expression indicated she didn't want her children to know what Jamie was telling them. He gave her a small nod to indicate that he understood as the kitchen door flew open and one of the boys Jamie had seen in various pictures scattered about the house ran in followed closely by his twin brother. They both screeched to a halt when they saw Sonya wasn't alone.

"Uh...mum? Who's this lot?" One of them asked, looking over Elisha, Gwen and Jamie.

"It's alright Stephen. Just some friends of mine I'm having over. I thought you guys were gonna go see that movie?" Sonya smoothly changed the subject and the boys seemed to lose interest in their mother's guests.

"Oh yeah! Well Auntie Penelope took us but the stupid movie theatre was closed so we just went and got lunch instead. Can we try again tomorrow?" The boy asked. Jamie noted that his brother was a good deal more reserved than he was.

"Sure thing kiddo. Is your aunt here?" Sonya asked.

"Oh yeah! We were supposed to go help her with our stuff." With that the boys turned around and ran out of the kitchen to go lend a hand.

"Look Jamie, I know what you've got to say is important but I don't..." Sonya began to urgently whisper to him.

"It's alright Sonya, I completely understand. I can finish my story later." He said with a light sigh, then he smiled at her and her heart went rather wobbly. "We'll get out of your hair."

"Oh no you bloody well won't. I'm not letting you out of my sight again mister." Sonya leaned over to poke him accusingly in the chest. "Look I'm confused as hell here, I'm pretty sure you b-o-i-n-k-e-d the red-head and I'm slightly queasy about the idea of a goddess hopping into my living room whilst my kids are doing their homework. Still, all that said I still pretty much love you and that's the only thing that's making a whole lot of sense to me right now so unless you have to go save the world tonight you're staying here." Sonya spoke with a rather commanding tone that Jamie wouldn't have thought her capable of four days ago. He couldn't help but smile at it and Gwen soon joined in on the smirking leaving Elisha looking rather glum.

"So what do we do with you?" Gwen asked no-one in particular as she folded her arms across her sizable breasts and looked over to Elisha.

The pretty redhead's shoulders sunk visibly and Jamie was about to speak up for her when Sonya beat him to it.

"You can stay too. I'm not really sure who you are but you don't seem like an evil seductress. Oh and you seem to love Jamie too, the goddess said so. She also said we'd all need each other and apparently there's a lot of evil demons out there now we've got to worry about. I don't really know you Elisha but I'm not going to throw you to the wolves just out of spite. So there. Now everyone shush, my kids and their aunt don't need to know about evil demons or megalomaniacal gods."

They all nodded to her in agreement. Elisha's nod was especially vigorous and a single tear ran down her cheek as she now wore the biggest smile of them all. Sonya lightly stroked her thumb across the girl's cheek to wipe away the tear and leaned down to set a gentle kiss on her brow.

Jamie watched Sonya walk out of the room, awed by the woman's compassion and her capacity for understanding even in the face of everything that they were up against. Gwen gave Elisha a playful wink in approval and gently stroked Jamie's thigh under the table. The touch was merely one of affection, though it reminded the boy just how much he'd missed her in the short time they were parted.

The rest of the afternoon was spent meeting Sonya's kids. Stephen and the shy one they later found out was called Anthony were both happy to get to know their mother's new friends. Jamie got the distinct impression they were very happy that Sonya was meeting new people. Elisha in particular seemed to enjoy their company, happily letting the pair of them teach her how to blow up aliens on their Playstation and then laughing evilly when she kicked both their asses on a fighting game. Sonya ordered them all up a pizza for dinner and Jamie along with Anthony drew the short straws to do the dishes. Jamie was handing a wet plate over for him to dry when the normally quiet boy spoke up.

"So you're seeing my mum then?" Apparently little Anthony was perceptive enough not to fall for the 'we're all friends' line he'd been given.

"Ah, you got me. Yeah I am. That ok with you?" Jamie said with a slightly worried looking smile.

Anthony thought about it for a moment before finally nodding and putting the plate he'd been drying in a cupboard.

"I guess it's fine. Me and Stevie have been a bit worried about her. She only ever seems to hang about with us and our aunt. It's nice that she's got friends now." Anthony concluded as he took a wet glass from Jamie and started drying it with his tea-towel.

Jamie felt a little saddened by that. He'd known Sonya to be somewhat shy around people but hadn't realised just how lonely she must have been before their night together.

"Well you're mum's an incredible lady Anthony. I'm happy to be her...friend." Jamie finished with a little awkwardness.

"Well you'd better be." Anthony finished drying up the last glass and put it away. "If you hurt her I'll set you on fire whilst you sleep." The boy said solemnly before leaving Jamie stood in the kitchen, not quite sure of whether that was a joke or not.

The evening was spent playing a board game between all of them and at 10pm Sonya sent her children up to bed without much argument from the boys.

"You have two great kids Sonya." It was Elisha who said it first, she seemed a great deal more relaxed now that she seemed to have been accepted by the other two women.

"I know. Though, if you had to try to get them out of bed on a morning you might be singing a different tune. I swear some days I have to use a bloody crowbar." They all laughed.

"So, um...where are we sleeping?" The question from Gwen brought a slightly uncomfortable silence to the room.

"Well I'm happy on the couch." Jamie said finally.

"So am I!" Elisha said just a little bit too quickly. Though Sonya's beaten old couch didn't seem nearly large enough to hold two people with any degree of comfort.

There was a slight pause before Sonya broke down laughing once more. Elisha and Gwen soon joined in whilst Jamie rolled his eyes with a smile playing along his mouth.

"Ok it's obvious we all want to sleep with Jamie but I don't really want an..." Sonya looked at the ceiling where Stephen and Anthony were no doubt trying to get to sleep and then lowered her voice to a whisper. "...an orgy whilst my kids are here. Which is totally what would end up happening if Jamie sleeps with us. So Jamie you can have the couch. Gwen and Elisha can sleep in the spare bedroom and I'll sleep in my room. Then tomorrow we can all go to a hotel or something and...you know..." She trailed off before saying 'fuck like rabbits' but it was clear everyone knew what she meant.

"Fine by me baby." Jamie agreed.

Gwen and Elisha concurred with the plan and each of them went and gave Jamie a goodnight kiss. Sonya's lips were soft and gentle against his own, full of love and affection as her warm body once again melted against him in a way that made him think steam might start coming out of his ears at any moment. Then Elisha took her place in his lap and he tasted her sweet cherry flavoured lips once again, her kiss was fiery and needful as their touch ignited an unquenchable lust that they had both previously thought was sated. Yet they managed to part long enough for Gwen to straddle him on the couch and plant her lips on his once more in a smouldering needful lip lock that made his arms hold her against him all the more tighter for it.

"Alrite I wanna go again." Elisha remarked as she watched the make-out session in progress.

"Nope! If we go again we know where we'll all end up." Sonya chided.

"Naked and sweaty?" Jamie suggested in the hushed tone everyone seemed to be using.

"Mmmm...I could really go for some naked and sweaty right now." Gwen purred as she gently rolled her hips against Jamie's.

"Hey! I'm not exactly gleeful about this either but it's just for tonight and..." Sonya's voice had a hint of worry in it that made Gwen and Jamie regain their senses immediately.

"Sorry, sorry...just easy to get carried away I suppose." Gwen said as she hopped from Jamie's lap.

Gwen gave Sonya an apologetic kiss that turned into their own rather steamy make-out session and then all three women wished him goodnight and vanished through the door into the hallway and upstairs. This left Jamie with a hard-on that could have been used in a jousting competition with great success to unhorse a knight decked out in platemail.

Jamie stripped down to his boxers and settled on the couch, setting the alarm on his cell phone for early the next morning and then pulled the sheet Sonya had given him over himself and rested his head on one of the pillows on the couch before trying to drift off to sleep.

"Poor Jamie." The familiar honeyed tones of Allison floated to his ears and he opened his eyes. Once again he was lying on one of the thick grey clouds that soared over the highest spires of London.

Allison was seated beside him. She wore a dress of black silk that moulded and clung to her unbelievable body and revealed an ample amount of her long smooth legs and the deep curves of her cleavage. Jamie looked down to find he was only wearing the boxer shorts he'd had on when he'd fallen asleep and that his erection was pointing towards the heavens.

Jamie raised himself to rest upon his elbows. Allison reached out to let her hand gently glide over the muscular curves of his body.

"So don't I get a kiss goodnight too?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at him innocently.

Jamie let out a playful growl and then rolled over to pounce on her. Her gleeful giggle was reduced to a moan as Jamie's mouth pressed against hers. Their tongues clashed together in a crescendo of passion as the man and the goddess played in the night sky. As their mouths parted and Jamie opened his eyes he looked down to see Allison's beautiful smile before feeling her hips move slightly. In the tussle between them her long dress had been hiked up around her slender hips and Jamie now felt for the first time the swollen head of his cock pressing against the goddess' slick, wet pussy. He was millimetres from heaven and he knew it. Beneath him Allison squirmed in anticipation, hooking her thumb into the shoulder strap of her gown and sliding it down to show him the perfect natural curves of her breasts, each tipped with a hard dark pink little nipple. Jamie took a single moment to gasp his love for her and then finally, he plunged.

His eyes flickered open immediately to see Sonya's living room roof hanging over his head. The light wasn't on and the room was left in complete and utter darkness.

"Shit! I was so damn clo...wait a minute!" The feeling of the warm, tight, wetness around his cock hadn't left with the dream. Looking down he saw the bed sheet that covered him had a very large bump in it around his crotch area that was slowly moving up and down. Then as his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw that there was a rather stunning bottom stuck up in the air with a very small thong wrapped around it. Jamie recognised the bottom immediately.

"Sonya!" His whisper was a hiss as not only did he say her name in surprise but she'd chosen that particular moment to suck his cock all the way down into her throat.

With trembling hands Jamie reached out in the dark and pulled away the sheet to reveal a mane of dirty blonde hair that did indeed belong to his first girlfriend who was eagerly slurping on his pole. The woman's face was a perfect mix of contentment and arousal as he felt her tongue lap on the underside of his shaft.

"I thought this was a definite no-no..." Jamie gasped when she finally came up for air.

"Oh god Jamie I've missed you so much!" She said as she gave his big cock a long wet lick.

"What about Ant..." Jamie started.

"Those two sleep through thunderstorms. I once...Mmmmm..." She slipped the head of his shaft between her lips and gave it a long hard suck before it popped out of her mouth and she looked up at him. "I once dropped all the pans out of the cupboard one night. It sounded like the Vietnam War had come to the kitchen. They didn't even stir. 'Sides between us I'm the screamer and my mouth is busy at the moment." She finally said before sucking all of his cock back into her mouth in a way that made his eyes roll into the back of his skull.

It was hard to argue with her. Then again it was hard to form a coherent thought right at that moment.

Jamie let Sonya happily slurp away quietly and relaxed on the couch. His hand gently came to rest on the back of her head allowing his fingers to run through those familiar dirty blonde locks. When she started letting soft little moans escape around his shaft Jamie gently lifted her head up from his length making her look up at him questioningly. With a smile he put his finger to his lips as his bare saliva slickened cock brushed up against her cheek.

"You are getting really good at that you know." He whispered conspiratorially. "C'mere." With that she slid up to lie on top of him.

The feel of her slender figure pressed against his was as exquisite as it had been the first time they had laid together. When her lips met his it felt as if his heart went and did a summersault in his chest. As her arms snaked up around his neck and those gorgeous legs of hers slid to either side of his hips Jamie couldn't help but let out a soft groan.

"Now who's being the noisy one?" Sonya asked with an impish smirk after unlatching her mouth from his.

"Well I think if we go at it on this couch they'll be able to hear the springs squeaking in Paris anyway." Jamie observed. His bare cock had slid up between her legs where she was nestling it snugly between her thighs. Playfully, he gave his hips two small thrusts causing the couch to squeak like a mouse with its testicles caught in a vice.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to fall asleep like this then." Sonya remarked sagely.

"You are such a tease." Jamie chided.

His hand slid over her bottom and gave it a playful pinch to show her she wasn't completely in control here.

"Hey!" She hissed at the pinch and playfully flicked the tip of his nose. "We could slip out the back. There's nothing but a huge field out there you know."

"We'd get all muddy." Jamie cautioned.

"You can fuck me in the ass."

"What's a little mud anyway?"

The grin on his face almost touched his ears as they slipped out of the back door and ran into the night together.

- - - - -

Duncan Bratt was a very highly respected teacher of mathematics at a private school in Edinburgh. As head of the department many of the students respected, and some even feared, his overly strict lessons. After a particularly long day educating the high school rabble in the ways of algebra and trigonometry he had decided to reward himself by visiting the local pub to relax. Many of his co-workers frequented the place and some found it odd that he was so often there alone. Duncan often found it annoying when they would come up and speak to him. Didn't they realise he wanted time to himself? Though he had their respect he had no want or need of their friendship. The invites to join them and the drunken attempts to get him to put in a good word for them privately sickened him.

Still, he never showed it. Always politely declining any offers and remaining by himself at his usual table, watching the world go by.

He lifted his glass to his lips and felt the familiar burning sensation of the whiskey flowing down his gullet. This was part of his ritual. A few drinks here alone before the sun set over the horizon and he became the monster. The girls at the school were his prey. So many young fragile beauties. He could pick any he liked for some after school tutoring. The parents thought it was a privilege. "Oh Mrs Beckett you have such an intelligent daughter!" They'd beam at him and send their children to his home to do whatever he liked with them. Then afterwards they'd thank him. Of course they didn't know about what he really did with them in those hours. How they got punished when they got an answer wrong. What their rewards were when the answer was right. They didn't tell either. They would never tell.