Art Model Ch. 05


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Maybe by about a minute later he was back to being very hard and pushing against me, the head touching me at the top of my butt and the lower part of my back. There was nothing for him to say and I gave him another squeeze.

Honestly, I not only did not mind the feeling of his dick against me, it was actually arousing. I was always somewhat aroused the entire time I had modeled for the class. This certainly took it to a heightened level and the experience was again very vivid in my mind. I wondered at some point whether this was comfortable for Tony so I shifted my weight a little onto my right side so my back away from the class lifted away from him. A normal model stretch without breaking pose.

Tony saw his opening and I felt his left hand quickly move from my breast. He adjusted himself so now his dick was pointed upward at an angle. When I felt his hand go back up I reclined again. Now I felt him harder than before and I could feel his whole length against my back.

He whispered, "Thanks, sorry."

He had caught on I had shifted to give him that opportunity. I once again gave his leg a squeeze as before.

I thought about what we would do to conceal his condition at the next break, but I need not have worried. When Dr. Reynolds called for a break, Tony said softly, "Let me reach for the towel first."

I suppose he had anticipated the possibility of getting an erection and had left a towel at the base of the sofa. He casually pulled it up as I got off. If anyone was watching really closely they might have caught a glimpse, but I did not pay that close of attention as I headed off to the dressing room.

Tony came in behind me and closed the door. He rewrapped his towel, but there was still a pretty good tent going. We both laughed, which was sincere for each of us.

I said the classic ice breaker, "Is that a jelly roll in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"

He laughed and shook his head, "How embarrassing."

I said, "Tony, I think it would be tough for anyone to be in that position and not have the chance of that occurring. For your information, my own condition is just not so visible."

I looked at him as he understood what I had just said and his nod and expression indicated he now got it.

I said, "So where are you taking me for drinks?"

"Where would you like to go?" he replied.

I responded, "I am flexible, but I would like to get something small to eat when we go and I wanted to know what to wear."

He said, "No problem, I could use a bite too. And you can wear whatever you want; there are a lot of places we could go."

This part of the conversation was not so important, but was good for distracting him a little.

I asked, "So what are you wearing?"

He pointed to his things hanging up, which were semi-casual. I nodded and said, "Well, I suggest you follow me to my hotel so I can change clothes and drop off my car."

Tony said, "That's a plan."

Then he continued, "Thanks for being a good sport in there. It really is embarrassing."

I looked at him, "I understand why you feel that way, but how about if I just tell you I think it is flattering. Don't worry about it. And when I squeeze your leg, just think of Rosie O'Donnell in a thong. I'm sure you will relax in a jiffy."

He let out a laugh, and then said, "You really are a good sport. Thank you."

I smiled back and said, "OK, let's go back out and finish up. Or do you need some more time?"

Tony smiled, took a peek, and then let the towel drop off.

I smiled as he was not quite relaxed, but good enough to go back in public, and I said, "I think you are a keeper."

We went back out and resumed our positions. I got the tingles back as our legs and bodies met again when Dr. Reynolds got us back to before, especially again when Tony put his hands on me. Very electric tingles.

I was actually surprised not to feel Tony's dick touch me again as before; still after about 10 minutes I felt nothing. Maybe Rosie worked.

It was another 5 minutes before I felt the first touch of his dick as before, gradually becoming more pronounced. Also as before, I gave him a squeeze and then shifted again to let him reposition himself. Probably another 5 minutes went by with him progressing to a full blown hard on.

Sitting nude in front of the art class was enough to get my sexual urges going, laying close to a great looking nude guy while in art class, even more so. So having that same great looking guy having a hard on pressed against me certainly made it tough to daydream about normal things.

I know that Tony had been apologetic about his erection earlier, but I also knew that was not entirely sincere. I realized he was enjoying himself pressing his dick against me. I am not going to win some beauty contest anytime soon, but I can get to the top ten and I know I am good looking. So Tony had to be loving this situation.

I could have laid this way for days, it felt so good. But the session came to an end and Dr. Reynolds told everyone to start packing up their things. I got up as before, shielding Tony so he would get his towel set before he got up.

I headed off to the dressing room again without talking to the class. Tony was not far behind again. After closing the door, he again came up behind me as before, giving me a hug. I could tell he had the towel on as he pressed up against me this time.

He said, "On the one hand, I am glad the session is over so we can go have some drinks. On the other hand, I would be lying if I told you that was not one of the best times I have ever had."

I responded, "So Rosie in a thong did not work?"

I could feel and hear him laugh at that, and he held me a little tighter.

He said, "No, a thousand Rosie's lined up couldn't have stopped me lying next to you like that. I am glad I thought to bring the towel or I would never have let you up."

I told him, "Well, actually, that was nice. And yes, I think you would have given them something quite exciting to draw. At least for the girls."

"Yeah, I don't think the guys would have been too interested."

I said, "Oh, I don't know about that. I think they might have been a little jealous. Women check out other women you know."

Just then there was a knock on the door, probably Dr. Reynolds. Tony let me go and sat down on the bench as I said, "Come in."

Dr. Reynolds joined us, saying, "You two have a really good chemistry. That was an excellent pose session. I was very pleased."

We thanked him in unison.

He continued, "So Beth, let me know as soon as you can when you know your schedule. If we can get a couple more sessions out of you, I would like to get another solo session and then hopefully do another duo. I can see about Karen's availability......"

He paused as he saw my expression and he said, ".......or maybe Tony can be persuaded to come back out again. I know he found this session very grueling; brutal labor. But maybe he will have forgotten by then how tough it was."

Of course it was all tongue in cheek as Tony said, "I am just in it for the money Mike. If you can find a nicer looking model, maybe I can make another session."

I was standing a couple of feet away when he said that, so I grabbed a robe and threw it at him. I looked at Dr. Reynolds and said, "Let's see what I can throw at you too. You two are a couple of real characters."

But it was all in fun. Dr. Reynolds just said 'let me know' as he left us.

Tony got up and said, "Should we get going for that drink?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yes, let's go."

Tony dropped his towel and still had an erection, although he had relaxed a little. I looked at him and smiled, "I think I had better get you out of here and find something to divert your attention."

He said, "As long as you are standing there with nothing on, not much chance of that."

I said, "You are sure good for a girl's ego."

Tony dropped the towel and approached me, looking me right in the eye, "You are pretty good for a guy's ego too."

He stopped in front of me, his hands at his sides, but his dick now hard again and sticking straight out.

I looked back into his eyes, trying to avoid looking down at him.

Tony reached up and cupped my breast, gently, but followed by a squeeze. I did not try to stop him, but I continued to look into his eyes.

I said, "We need to go Tony. You have a bunch of kids about 20 feet away right now."

As I said it, still looking into his face, I said, "Let's go."

I really wanted to take him right there in the dressing room. I had enough time over the last couple of days to know I wanted to have sex with him. I knew he was interested too, but I did not want to act too impulsively.

I thought Tony was a great looking guy and I was immensely attracted to him. But I never could get over my inhibitions about sleeping with a guy without some courtship, even though there have been some exceptions. As I got to know him from our discussions, I was somewhat surprised to find he had an introspective side too, had been raised with courtesy and manners, not some dumb buffoon. I was also very horny though, and I was fighting hard to show some restraint.

I gave him a smile and said, "Maybe you should trust me a little."

He smiled, reached for his shirt, saying, "OK, OK."

We were both looking at each other and seemed to connect.

I turned to get dressed. I decided to put on my business outfit again since I was going back to my hotel to change. I did not put on the stockings again, but we both dressed quickly and got ready to leave.

Tony looked great again. He had on a pullover knit white crew shirt. Not a t-shirt though, a nice fabric. Simple and classy. He looked good in his jeans and sandals. I was way over dressed, but I had decided the cutoff jean shorts and black t-shirt were not the right look.

We talked as we got dressed, telling him where I was staying. He agreed to give me a couple minutes to change and freshen up and he would wait out front.

Dr. Reynolds was the only one left as we came out. The students had apparently rushed to get going, as Tony and I had not been in the dressing room very long. Tony and I walked out together. As we were going to separate, I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward me.

I leaned up on my tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks for tonight, see you in a few minutes."

As I let go of his hand to go to my car, he grabbed me then and pulled me to him. We briefly kissed, but this time on the lips, Tony saying, "Can't wait."

We drove off but Tony got stuck at a light and I went on. I got to the hotel ahead of him and went up through the side entrance and went up to my room. I quickly undressed. I wanted to get ready quickly, but I could not stop myself from touching my pussy which was still very wet. I took a super quick shower, careful not to get my hair wet or mess up my makeup.

When I saw what Tony was wearing, I had decided to dress similarly. I had packed my blue jean skirt, which showed a lot of leg, but was not so high to be sleazy. I have nice toned legs from running, and what the heck; sometimes it is good to look hot. I put on a matching white bra and panty, simple but nice. I had a clingy white top to match him. It had very short sleeves and a v-neck that with this bra showed a tiny bit of cleavage. It was the kind of shirt where no guy was going to know what color my eyes were all night.

I had some casual shoes, open toed sandals, and I was ready to go. I had been in the room less than 10 minutes. It was still early, only around 9:45 pm, as I walked through the lobby. Don't let any woman tell you different; when you are pretty, in good shape, and dressed as you want, there is a confidence and knowing men are checking you out as you go by is not a bad thing. There are times and places where that is offensive, but generally I am glad men find me attractive.

I made it out to the main doors as one of the staff got the door for me and smiled. I walked out and saw Tony waiting by his car. I walked up to him and he said, "You look terrific."

I said, "Thank you. You look great too."

He smiled, "Thank you too, but when you walk in the room, no one will even know I am there."

I replied, "That is not true, they will think we are a nice looking couple."

We gave each other a brief peck on the lips. The valet parking attendant opened the door to Tony's car for me. I will also be candid on two points. First, dressed the way I was with the short skirt, it is not easy to enter a car without showing a lot of leg as you get in. It is even tougher to get in a Corvette, sunken low to the ground. So any girl will struggle a little to get in with modesty. The second point to make though is that I was not trying to be too careful. As the parking guy held my door, unless he was looking away, he could get a look at my panty.

I was not looking at him as I got in the car, but somehow I had high confidence he had enjoyed the show.

He smiled at me as he closed the door and I thanked him. It was a warm night and Tony asked if I wanted the top up or down. It was down at the moment.

I told him, "Leave it down. Thanks for asking."

We started on our way. He looked over at me and smiled. He reached over and took my hand in his, I thought it was nice.

Tony asked me where I wanted to go and I told him, "I'm flexible. You pick, just pick a place where we can get something small to eat."

He said, "Should we eat first, and then go for drinks?"

I replied, "No, not necessary."

He did not announce where we were going, but I had to laugh to myself as he selected the same bar I had went to just two nights ago after dropping off James. In hindsight, I could have gone out with Tony that night instead as he had invited.

I could not tell him that as I had told him I could not go out because I had to work early. I have been into the place quite a few times and I knew people would recognize me.

Tony came around to get my door after we parked. I tried not to be obvious, but he got a little nicer show than the valet parking guy at the hotel. However, it was for waste as he took my hand and pulled me up, but the whole time looking at my eyes. Interesting.

He pulled me toward him and this time we actually kissed. It was lovely. He was not aggressive about it at all and I knew I could have avoided it without effort. However, I wanted to kiss him too. It was still a short kiss, but our lips melted into each other and it was warm and tender. Gosh, he was charming too. How could he know the right way to proceed with me was not being aggressive? Had he picked up on something, or was that his way? Whatever, I liked it.

I took his arm as we walked in the bar. A lot of people recognized Tony and it took us a few minutes for him to greet various people. He was polite enough to introduce me as we went around; some of the people who worked there clearly remembered me from earlier.

I got the impression Tony was happy to have me with him. I didn't mind him showing me off, it was fun. Several guys gave me one of those looks as if 'wouldn't you rather be out with me'. That was fun too, but the reality was I was happy to be out with Tony.

We got a table and ordered some food and some drinks. We spent the next hour enjoying each other's company while we ate and had a couple of rounds. Our conversation was nothing of significance; a million small subjects as we got to know each other. However, it was never forced and we were both interested in what the other was saying. We were sitting across from each other while we talked. At one point, he reached across the table extending his hand. I set mine in his as we looked in each others eyes.

The band started to play, some nice smooth blues and rock-n-roll. Under normal circumstances, I would have been happy to listen, but it was now too loud to talk. I told Tony I was going to use the ladies room. I looked back as I was walking away to see him watching me with a smile on his face.

When I got back, I took the seat next to him as we faced the band. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me toward him. We could talk a little easier this way as my head was closer to him, but it was still loud.

I think Tony was reading my mind, "It's a little loud in here, let's move on to someplace else. What do you think?"

I looked back and nodded, "I was thinking the same thing."

We walked out with Tony leading as we held hands again. We got to Tony's car and we kissed again. Another soft deep kiss, tender but longer this time.

He got the door again for me, quite the gentleman. It was a little cooler but we still decided to keep the top down. As we drove on, I loved the feeling of my hair blowing in the wind. We were both quiet as we drove, it would have been difficult to talk over the wind anyway, but I think we were both enjoying the drive. I leaned over toward Tony over the console, resting my hand on his leg as he put his right arm around me.

We had both been behaving completely as 'normal people', each of us ignoring the fact we had been modeling nude together. I liked it very much that he had not been assuming anything and had been treating me respectfully all evening. I could tell it was not just an act, that he really was treating me with interest and dignity.

He took me to a hotel, saying as we drove up they had a nice bar. We pulled up and the valet got my door. I did not go out of my way to give him a show, but as before, it was not that easy to get out ladylike anyway, but after a couple of drinks I was not worried about it too much. Anyway, let's just say there are some perks to parking cars.

We walked through the lobby with the people behind the desk smiling at as we walked by. Tony made a good choice; the hotel bar was not too crowded, but not dead either. It was quiet enough for talking and we ordered a bottle of wine.

We found a table away from the 15-20 people in the bar. We continued our conversation from earlier, but this time we also included some discussion of the modeling. I found out Tony had been modeling for the class over the last three years, although it was random and he had only done in total as many sessions as I had done in this one semester.

Tony said, "I don't mind the nude modeling, it is fun to show off a little."

We both candidly admitted some of the same appeal; some exhibitionism in a safe situation, keeping some degree of anonymity due to drawing although Tony had done some photography also.

He admitted having a discussion with Dr. Reynolds about me. Dr. Reynolds had called seeing if he would be available to model with me, but he had not volunteered any description. Tony said he had some conflicts, but cleared his way when Dr. Reynolds had described how great of a couple he thought we would be. Tony's interest had been sharpened.

We sipped our wine, holding hands and continuing our candid discussion. I was not drunk, but our drinking had clearly put both of us in a good mood. Tony got up to use the restroom and he looked back to see me watching him go. I could see him laugh as he kept going.

He sat closer to me as he returned. He had his arm around me now and I rested my hand on his leg as we cuddled. The bartender had known Tony as we came in, but I essentially did not know anyone in the place and he did not care. Our caresses were getting a little daring as we finished up the wine.

He asked if we should have another drink, but I told him we should get the check and we could have a nightcap at my hotel. It was now around midnight. He paid the bill and we took off again. We were arm in arm as we went through the lobby and we kissed outside the main door as they were getting his car.

The valet got a much better show this time. Certainly the drinks had helped loosen me up, but more so my attraction to Tony. His looks, manners, the afterglow from the modeling session, our caresses at the bar, along with the intellectually stimulating discussion had put me in a good mood. I got in slower this time, my legs a little wider than before and my jean skirt hiked up higher than before. The only way this could have been better was if I had not been wearing panties, but my intention getting dressed that evening had not been to put on a flashing show. The parking attendant had a big smile for me as drove off.