Ashton Hill Naked Sundays


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"Silly me, I quite forgot," Claire said, drying her hands and winking at Estelle in the mirror. "Ready when you are," she grinned. "So, what's he packing under that shirt, a four pack, a sick pack? I've always wondered, and you must know?" she asked Amanda.

"Er... six," Amanda said uncertainly.

"Geez, I could have sworn it was eight when we showered together this afternoon. Maybe my math was wrong," Estelle shrugged as if it didn't matter, but enjoying the chagrin on the girl's face.

"Well, that's the first thing we need to sort out," Claire laughed. "He doesn't look very happy though, maybe we should wait a few minutes." Estelle looked over and saw Jason scowling, not at her, but at Amanda, and she felt the girl beside her falter.

"Don't lose your nerve now, you're my only hope for a clean getaway," Estelle murmured in her ear.

"Jase, stop looking so grumpy, Amanda just has a small favour to ask you," Claire laughed delightedly. She winked at Eric, showing how amused she was about the situation.

"Amanda!" Jason said through clenched teeth, imagining what just happened was probably about to bite him hard in the ass, and he would have to chase her and talk her down again. The battles tonight just kept coming.

"I think you should give Stella back her phone," Amanda blurted. "She would like to leave."

"No," he said without hesitation. "Was that it?" he asked dismissively.

"You can't hold her hostage!" Amanda argued.

"I'm not. When she's ready to go I'll take her. She asked me to hang onto her phone, so she didn't drunk dial her brother," he chuckled and looked at Estelle, who looked surprised that he knew who she would call if given the opportunity. He needed to make sure she wouldn't run before he gave her that opportunity.

"Looks like we'll just have to share him then, Amanda. Did you want to work out a dating schedule while you're here with both of us, Jase?" Estelle finally spoke.

"I'm not dating Amanda!" Jason growled.

"You said the same thing about the last girl who told me to fuck off too. You can see how this is looking to me, Jason," she could barely keep her smile hidden.

"For fuck's sake, Stella!" Jason growled and got up from the table. "Stay here!" he ordered Estelle, who looked at him wide-eyed. He walked toward Kieran, who was just setting up for his next set, and took the microphone. "Does anyone else here want to claim I am dating them or sleeping with them?" The frustration was clear in his voice. "Because if anyone else tells my girlfriend to fuck off, I will lose my shit!"

"Well, that escalated quickly," Claire grinned at Estelle, who burst out laughing. "Amanda might have pushed him just that fraction too far."

"I was trying to protect the band!" Amanda argued. "Which is more than any of you are doing! You know what happened the last time he dated her!"

"Sure, she left before they killed each other, and, trust me, that's a good thing. Took Jase a bit longer to wise up and get his shit together than she did, but they're both clean and better with each other than without. He's been writing his best stuff since he found her again. Why would we want to break them up when they're obviously happier together than apart?" Eric said, encapsulating everything she had been told during the night in roundabout ways. "You'd know this if you knew him at all."

Estelle had Ethan to turn to, who loved her and put her back together, slowly, and in the isolated comfort of his home, which had become her sanctuary. Jason had kept partying and gigging with the band, which only encouraged his self-destructive behaviour until he pushed the envelope too far.

"He called you his girlfriend. Does that mean it's official now? If it's not he just told a whole room full of people with access to our social media," Greg chuckled.

"Oh God!" she sighed in an overly dramatic way. "At least you won't have to listen to that ballad again. It was a bit tragic."

"I hadn't thought of that," Greg said, considering the proposition. "He'll probably just use one of the other songs he's written since he started seeing you again. They're pretty good. Red liked one in particular. He wrote it in the middle of the night when he got back after last weekend."

"Seriously?" she tilted her head at him.

"Yeah, it's pretty good. Red's been pushing to get it on the new album," he nodded.

Jason stalked back to the table, and Estelle looked up from her conversation, realising that Amanda had fled.

"You wrote a song after you left last Sunday night?" she asked quietly as he sat beside her.

"Yeah," he said cautiously.

"Greg says it's good. Can I hear it?" she asked.

"I thought you wanted to leave!" he stared at her, still obviously angry about the scene with Amanda.

"I would have if you had handed over my phone to Amanda, but I knew you wouldn't," she smiled. "I told you, I get it, I understand. I didn't believe she had any reason to think she could talk for you or the band. They all seem happy to have me here. Or are they just being nice to me for your benefit?"

"I doubt it," he shrugged. "They're not that nice to me, usually."

"Aww... poor baby," she smirked and kissed his cheek. "I get it, bringing me here was a good thing," she reiterated. "So, about that song?"

"Tell you what," he turned and then pulled her chair around so they were facing each other, her knees nestled between his own. "I'll get up and sing a brand new song no one has ever heard before right after my girlfriend, who no one has ever heard sing before, gets up and belts out one of her choice." He grinned, knowing she wouldn't do it, but daring her with his smug expression.

"Fine, but when I get knocked out by flying bottles and rubbish you will be taking me to the hospital rather than home to bed!" she warned, making him laugh. "Keep laughing and you'll be sleeping alone, regardless!" she grumbled, but was pleased when he stopped abruptly and even tried to hold back his smile. "Introduce me to Kieran then, and ask if I can borrow his guitar," she sighed.

"Seriously?" he looked shocked, but stood, taking her hand and guiding her through the hotel before she backed down.

Estelle was buzzed by the alcohol and the victory she felt she had over Jason and his groupies. When she sat on the stool and Jason moved away, leaving her to talk to Kieran, she began to wonder what she had done agreeing to this. She hated singing in public.

"You alright? You've gone pale," Kieran frowned.

"I think it just dawned on me what I am doing. Can we sit down there out of the spotlight?" Estelle asked, pointing to the dance floor.

"We can just turn the spot off, no biggie," he grinned. "The mics are up here, so we can't move, but I'll play with you, if you like. What are you singing?" he asked, and Estelle smiled. It would be nice to have a friendly face up here, even if that face belonged to a virtual stranger.

"Do you know 'So Beautiful' by Pete Murray?" she asked.

"Yep, I usually put it in my last set when I'm winding down," he smiled easily, then took a music stand and set it in front of her like a barrier before the crowd. "You'll be fine, just imagine them all naked."

"That won't help me with Jason sitting right there!" she shook her head.

"Yeah, it's pretty sickening, isn't it," he grumbled. "Alrighty... ready?"

"As I'm ever going to be, no introduction, just let me play, okay?" she drew a breath and hunched over the guitar that she held almost like a shield on her lap.

"Okay, three, two, one..." he counted her in, and they began to play together.

"Found myself just the other day... in the backyard of a friend's place... Thinking about you," she began in a voice made quiet by nerves. "thinking about the crowd you're in... What you're up to, where you've been.... Just thinking..."

Jason was mesmerised and wondered if she had chosen the song specifically for its meaning and what the meaning really was. He almost held his breath throughout the song, except that Basil had come up and slapped his back gently.

"She's good," he said, taking the chair beside Jason. "Did you know she could sing like that?"

"Not until today," Jason admitted, focusing back on the woman on the stage and feeling his obsession with her deepen. There was no way he could consider giving her up now. Not ever.

"God, my fingers burn..." Estelle started the final chorus stronger, enjoying the harmonising guitar work by Kieran as she sang. "Now when I think about touching your hair... You have changed so much that I don't know.... If I can call you and tell you I care.... And I would love to bring you down... and plant your feet back on the ground." Kieran grinned at her as the audience burst into spontaneous applause, and Jason charged the stage, taking the guitar from her and swooping her into his arms to kiss her.

"Your turn, loser, beat that applause," she grinned.

"Not yet," his voice low and husky, and began to carry her through the laughing crowd. "You are so fucking beautiful!" he growled.

"No!" she gasped, struggling against him. "I can't do the walk of shame here again! I just can't!" She struggled more against his hold. "Sing; and we can go home, stop on the way home even, but not here, not now!"

"Fuck, give me a minute then!" Jason groaned deeply and put her on her feet, pulling her against him where she could feel the raging erection he couldn't help as he had watched her. His breath hissed through his teeth as he tried to get his body under control.

"I'll grab you some cold water," she grinned, loving that he had been affected so much by her performance.

"I'll sing, but then we're leaving," he growled in her ear and stalked back towards the stage, his body full of tension.

"This is a new song," he said into the microphone. "It's still a bit rough, so forgive me, but it's the price I must pay for having such a hot and demanding girlfriend."

"There's that word again," Greg said as he passed her on his way to the stage. Estelle watched as all three of the guys walked up to stand with Jason, and the spotlight went back on. She smiled, seeing them support Jason. They were close, and for a moment she was jealous of that closeness, regretting that she didn't have those types of friendships in her own life. She thought of Ethan then and smiled. He was worth at least three of Jason's bandmates. Estelle made her way back to the table and sat close to Claire, who had seemed fun and friendly all night.

"I love this song, they put it all together last Monday," she whispered. "It's not as rough as Jase thinks."

Estelle said nothing as she sat with her eyes glued to Jason. She heard the words of the first verse and felt the truth of how he must have been feeling then and even now, just waiting for her to run away as soon as anything got too hard to deal with. The chorus, though, was a revelation, and the harmonising of the four men on stage left her speechless with its beauty.

"Don't get lost out there, go into hiding Turn and face the fear 'cause I'll be waiting, I'll chase the demon you've been riding Arm outstretched to guide you home. Home"

Being here, facing her fears and the people from their past had made her see that it wasn't just her that had changed. It made her realise that he was different too, and wasn't about to treat her in the same way again, made her see just how strong she could be in the face of a groupie determined to play on her insecurities. She knew they had so many hurdles to overcome, her career and the distance that would cause between them when he had to prioritise his own career and his commitment to the band being the main one. He was so sure they could work it out though, and they had just as much going for them as not. She wondered why she had fought him so hard without seeing how he had changed too.

He wanted her to the point of obsession, but he could pull that back when she needed him to. She had seen that on a number of occasions now. He could, if asked, restrain himself. She remembered how casual and relaxed he was at school while still letting her know that she was the focus of his attention. His need to possess her body and soul would ease once he realised she was done running. She was sure of it. She was becoming sure of him.

She wanted him at that moment just as badly as he had wanted her when she had sung. He looked so amazing on stage. He was hot, and knowing first-hand what his body felt like against her own only served to make her hotter. She was definitely content to be leaving after he had finished the song, and highly doubted that they would make it home before their need for each other overtook them.

"Yeah, good luck to me following that," Kieran grimaced as he spoke into the mic. "We'll take a break, and I'll be back to try and follow that impromptu performance." Estelle cheered and applauded loudly as the guys came off the stage.

"We're leaving," Jason said as he approached the table, and barely breaking stride dipped low and hoisted Estelle over his should in a fireman's hold.

"It's been great seeing you all again!" she squealed, but didn't fight him as he carried her down the stairs. Before they got to the door, however, he dragged her back to the large closet beneath the stairs and pinned her against the wall in the cramped space.

"I'm going to combust, Stella!" he groaned, pushing her short skirt up over her hips and shoving his hand into her panties. "Fuck, you're so wet for me!" he groaned deeply.

"Because you were so frigging hot up there on stage!" she breathed raggedly. "Fuck me, Jason! I need you right now!"

She heard his zip as he released his cock, and felt him reef her panties to the side, wedging them between the cheeks of her ass as he ran his cock up and down her slit before placing it in the deep groove at the entrance to her pussy. She braced herself and gripped his shoulders as he cupped her ass and drove into her hard and deep. She bit the inside of her cheeks in an effort not to cry out. The painful pleasure of his cock forcing her open, making her take as much as possible before pulling out and battering her again with his rock-hard cock, undoing her completely.

Jason growled out his ferocious need for her and pulled her legs around his hips as he rammed into her hard and fast. He was rough, and he knew he should take more time to ensure she was ready, but he needed this, he needed her. Fuck, wanted her more than anything else he had ever wanted! He fucked her selfishly for the first time since he found her again, overwrought that she had made him wait, had made him sing with his cock hard the whole time as she watched him with those beautiful eyes.

"Fuck!" he growled again, but pushed a hand between their bodies, tilting her back against the wall until he found her clit and began to rub in small circles. It was all he could do now, and he wanted her to cum with him. She was so tight and hot and so fucking wet, he was losing his mind rapidly. "Cum with me, baby, cum with me!" he hissed through clenched teeth.

"Oh God, Jason..." she moaned, her body responding to his command as much as the teasing of her clit and the cock pounding into her. She arched against him as he gripped her thighs and ass tighter. She locked the fingers of both hands together around his neck and felt the wall on her back holding her to him as she came, floating on a myriad of endorphins. She felt Jason jerk as he came hard, his teeth grinding as a low guttural growl emitted from his closed lips as if he was being strangled. Still, he didn't stop pounding into her until he was sure her orgasm had played itself out.

"I'm sorry I was so rough," he murmured as they adjusted their clothes quickly and stepped out of the storage closet. "It will all be about you when we get home," he bent to kiss her.

"That was all about me. Do you even realise how you make me feel when you look at me the way you do? How I feel knowing that you can't wait to touch, to kiss, to fuck me? Have you got any idea what that song did to me? I'm not sure I didn't cum a little bit when you first sang the chorus, and I understood what it meant," she looked into his eyes and kissed him. "I get it. I get you," she smiled, "and I want it too." She finally admitted to him. "It's crazy and makes no sense at all, but if you are so sure we can make it work, then I'm in. Plus, my boyfriend is so hot, that alone will make up for all those lonely nights I will have to endure."

"There won't be many, and think of all the naked Sundays we have ahead of us. I might even insist we start a whole day early this weekend," he grinned.

"We have that dinner with your parents, tomorrow, don't we?" she teased, finding that the thought no longer scared her. She'd spent two weeks concentrating only on the negatives instead of embracing all the positives that he offered her. The next two weeks were going to be all about the positives.

"Let's go home," he murmured and kissed her as he opened the hotel door and led her out into the night.

"Yes, please," she took his hand and followed him willingly.


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cutedaddy69cutedaddy693 months ago

Some criticism is definitely warranted. But none of the name calling and arrogance from friggin anonymous commenters.

Nobody forces you to read on, you pussies! If you know it all, make a contribution yourself and be (wo)man enough to put your name under it.

To the author: very nice. I agree with some criticisms, but still somewhere between 4 and 5*. Which makes it five, because in case of doubt, always be gracious.

I'll be givin a few authors 6*.. ;-)


FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy6 months ago

Yes Yoko ono made it from groupie to wife, but she was as well an artistic …. And there are so many entertainer around, for sure this tale fits to some more real life play ….. but that was a hard turn over with this background for Stella / Estelle from substitute to girlfriend ….. great written

Ten Microphones for this tale🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤💝✨

TulipfuzzTulipfuzz8 months ago

Great story. Wish "anonymous" would get off their high horse. On to read your next story. Tally ho!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love it but where did Caitlin come from think you got the names mixed up really wish people would re read what they had written and fix the mistake/ mistakes they make but hey we’re only human well done 👏

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not much of an ending substance between them except fucking....should have had a better ending

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