Breeding Day


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I'd never done ANYTHING like this before, either, but I was quickly learning that I enjoyed it! I knew Hank's taste very well, but having it mixed with hers made it seem more... I don't know... robust. Like butterscotch by itself is great, but mixing it with caramel makes it sing. Their combined flavors awakened a passion in me like none other and I was soon licking and lapping my daughter's cunny like a woman possessed. I couldn't get enough of the stuff!

Suddenly, Ellie lifted her hips and turned around, careful not to get my hair caught up under her knees. When she was situated once again, she lowered herself back down so that I could continue to suck my brother's cum from her glorious quim. "I just can't NOT do this, since I'm already here!" I heard her say breathily and, suddenly, I felt her fingers probing my own wet pussy. I could feel her warm breath washing over my clitoris and her hard teenaged nipples brushing against my tummy as I squirmed in anticipation. I couldn't believe we were actually doing this, but I wasn't about to stop her! A moment later, I finally felt the careful, nervous touch of her own tongue on my pussy lips, which caused me to moan deeply into hers.

We fell into a rhythm of lapping at each other's pussies for several minutes, until she exclaimed. "Oh my God, Mom, you taste WONDERFUL!" Then she dove back in, pushing her tongue as deeply into me as possible, making it swirl around and dance within my folds like an expert. For this being her first sapphic experience, she seemed to know what she was doing! My own hips bucked and rocked at the sensations, my mind spinning at the thought that my own daughter was lapping at the source of her own conception. She'd come out of that slick entrance and now she was licking at it almost like she wanted to get back in! Oh, it was glorious in ways that I can't properly describe, but I tried my best to give as good as I got.

Soon, though, the sensations began to overlap and, almost without warning, we both clenched in orgasmic bliss. Feeling my daughter's pussy walls squeeze down on my tongue while my own pussy did the same to hers was like an out-of-the-body experience. Both our breaths hitched and held as we shared a climax only a mother and daughter locked in sapphic love could acquire. After what seemed like an eternity, however, we both relaxed. She sat up, got off me and then scooted down to lay beside me as we both breathed raggedly from our exertions.

"I can't believe we just did that," she huffed.

"Neither can I," I replied giddily.

A beat later, we both heard Hank say from the guest room doorway, "I'm pretty surprised, too."

We both looked up at him in shock. "Honey!" I called out.

"Dad!" Ellie cried.

We both sat up feeling alarmed. "It's not what it-" I started to say, but then clamped my mouth shut. It was EXACTLY what it looked like, who was I kidding? "I mean, it wasn't... we didn't plan that or anything. It just sorta-"

He raised a curious eyebrow at us. "-happened?" he said with a smirk. Then he shook his head with a soft chuckle. "Both of you looked too beautiful to stop you."

"You're not... mad?" Ellie asked nervously.

His brows knit together in confusion. "Why on earth would I be mad? *I'M* trying to knock you up. If you and your mother want to celebrate in your own way, who am I to throw stones? Have fun! Hell, I hope that wasn't a one-off. I'm getting so comfortable fucking you that I might elect to make it a regular thing beyond today!"

Ellie and I both got excited at that prospect. "Seriously?!" she exclaimed. "I don't have to wait another year for a day like this?"

"Brother," I started, "you might be opeing a can of worms you can't close back up. You have a hard enough time keeping up with me, but BOTH of us?"

Hank grinned. "Both? Sure. Or, at least, I'll sure as hell try. I had my misgivings this morning, but I have to admit... today HAS been kind of fun and it's not even over yet. Why limit ourselves?"

Ellie jumped off the bed and launched herself at her father, hugging him happily. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" she crooned. "Oh, Daddy, you have NO idea how happy you've just made me!"

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," was all he said as he hugged her back and gave me a sly wink. "I love you!" he mouthed to me.

"I love you, too," I mouthed back. "Ahem," I said loud enough to get both their attention. "I think a celebration might be in order, yes?"

Holding our beautiful, naked daughter in his arms, Hank grinned broadly. "Got anything special in mind?"

I got up off the bed and slid past him. "One or two. Meet me in the downstairs living room in ten minutes while I get it set up. In the meantime," I said over my shoulder as I left them in the guest bedroom, "It might be a good idea to warm yourselves up for another round..."


Dad and I fell into some light petting and foreplay while Mom did whatever she was doing down in the den. We didn't want to get too hot and heavy with things, so we didn't make it around to actually having sex yet, but both our engines were primed by the time Mom called us down. Hand-in-hand, we went downstairs to see what she'd done.

All we saw, when we got into the great room, was Mom, looking happy as a clam with the TV remote in her hands. "So... I expect that Hank's almost petered out by now. You've dumped three loads of cum into our daughter's most welcoming pussy. Doubtlessly, she's carrying a fertilized egg or two by now. But, like we said this morning, we've got to make SURE that she catches, right?"

We both took a seat on the couch as she stood in the center of the room. "I seem to recall something to that effect being mentioned several times, yes," Dad said reasonably.

She smiled wickedly. "Hank, I think it's time we showed her the video."

I looked between them in curiosity. "What video?"

Dad sat back into the couch, his grin growing wider. "Shortly after our parents died," he began, "your mother and I talked at great length about our future plans. Specifically about having a family of our own. So we planned it out as carefully as we could. We watched her cycles carefully and timed it so that, much like today, she would be at her most fertile time, so that we could create you."

"And we recorded the event," Mom finished. "We have the moment of your conception on video, honey."

This was too wild to believe. "REALLY?!" I asked with unmasked excitement. "That's so cool!"

Mom smiled. "We thought so. And, now, I think it would be pretty poetic for all of us to watch the moment of your conception while your father puts his final load of sperm inside you. To make it a little more meta, though, I have a small confession to make to both of you." She took a deep breath, let it out and said, "Last weekend, while the two of you were out of the house, I planted several very small and discrete video cameras throughout the house. Eighteen of them in all. I know Ellie's been looking forward to this day for a long time and I wanted it to be as special as possible for all of us. Every room in the house has at least two cameras in it, which have been recording everything we've done today. It's all being saved to a hard drive that I set up in the bathroom closet. In years to come, when this child you're creating today is old enough, he or she will be able to see their own conception, if they want to, just like you're going to today, Ellie."

My mouth dropped open in surprise. Dad, too, seemed a little taken aback by this confession of Mom's. Neither of us had even noticed the cameras, but knowing that they were there now made my heart jump in my chest. "Wait a second," I said. "On the off chance that Dad HASN'T already impregnated me, we're going to watch the video of my conception and make one more attempt. And while THAT'S going on, we'll be recording it?" Mom nodded. I smiled as I imagined it and began to stroke my father's penis thoughtfully. "So... someday, our child is going to be able to witness their OWN conception AND mine at the same time?"

Dad grinned. "Sounds kinda kinky, doesn't it?"

I kissed him quickly and then jumped to my feet and went straight to Mom. Without hesitation, I kissed her with every ounce of love and appreciation I could muster. When both of us came up for air, I hugged her tightly and whispered a heartfelt thanks into her ear. "Happy birthday, honey," she whispered back. "Now... go fuck your father one last time. And make it count!"

While I all but ran back to my father, whose erection was standing tall and ready as he sat on the couch, Mom set about to starting the video. I gave Dad a quick, searing kiss and then turned around so that I could watch the TV while fucking the same man who made me. As I carefully slotted the head of my father's large penis in the entrance of my wet, hairless pussy, the video started. On it, much younger versions of my parents were making out and giggling as the played with each others' naked bodies with practiced ease. They were in the same room, messing around on the very same couch that Daddy and I were on.

"Holy crap!" I gasped out, even as Daddy began to gently lift me up and down on his massive cock. "Is that really this same sofa?"

"It is, babygirl," Daddy cooed in my ear as I started to move my hips on my own and his hands began to knead my firm breasts. "We made you on this exact same couch."

"And now you're going to make another, in me!" I gasped again, the naughtiness of it all thrilling me to my core.

Mom walked up and then got down between my knees, putting her face right in front of where Daddy and I were joined. "That's the plan, baby," she told me. "Now... shut up and fuck your father. It's your breeding day, after all." And, with that, she snaked out her tongue and began to lick both of our genitals lovingly, adding to the wild sensations caused by my father's cock as it sawed in and out of my wet pussy.

I took my mom's advice and just let myself relax, focusing on the video playing on the TV. The sound was kind of low, so I couldn't really hear what my younger parents were saying very clearly, but the action was getting pretty hot on the screen. Dad had Mom bent over the armchair of the sofa and was fucking her pretty forcefully. The visual stimulus coupled with the physical coupling with my own father had me on cloud nine. I pumped my hips fluidly, trying to keep pace with my on-screen father as he fucked Mom. Something about that was important to me, to keep the same steady, pounding pace. Every downstroke, I pushed my hips down as hard as I could and, each time, I felt Dad's thick, meaty cockhead ram right into my cervix. In this position, I would have to work really hard to get him actually inside my cervix, but I wouldn't complain if it happened. Actually, that would probably send me right over the edge and begin a long string of orgasms until he finally hosed my ready, fertile womb down with his potent, life-giving sperm. He probably already had gotten me pregnant, but I pretended in my mind that he hadn't yet, but he was about to.

"Mmmm," I cooed. "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck your hot, little daughter and fill her with the same seed that made her. Fuck your baby girl pregnant!"

"I'm trying to, dammit!" he rejoined, which caused Mom to giggle softly from between our thighs. "It's a miracle that I'm still hard!"

Even as I kept my hips moving, I pouted. "Don't you want to, Daddy?" I asked. "Don't you want to knock your little daughter up on her breeding day like you promised? I really, really want you to, Daddy. I want to feel your big, thick cock shooting alllll of that cream inside of me."

Mom took one, last lap of our genitals and drew back. "Well, if that's your plan, honey, this ain't the position to do it in." She chucked her thumb behind her, indicating the TV screen where her younger self was being fucked mercilessly from behind. "He's gotta get inside your cervix, just like he's doing to me there. That's how you were made, after all. Your father got his big cock as deep inside of me as he could get it and let go with the biggest load of cum he could manage."

I kept my hips in fluid motion, but looked over my shoulder at my father. "Would that help, Daddy? Would it help if we changed positions so that you could fill me up from behind like you did Mommy when you made me?"

Dad's face was red with effort, but he nodded. "Definitely," he said with a huff of near-exhaustion. "I always cum hardest when I'm doing your mother from behind."

With Mom's help, I disengaged myself from my father's long, thick shaft and leaned over the arm rest, positioned exactly like Mom had been when Dad was fucking her so many years before. "Like this, Daddy? Would it help you to impregnate me better if you fucked me like this and shot your sperm into me this way?" Normally, I wouldn't talk like that, but I knew the effect it was having on my father, playing that innocent girl voice to the hilt. "Please, Daddy. I really do want your baby inside me."

Dad didn't waste a second in getting behind me, fisting his engorged penis with wicked anticipation while Mom grabbed the camera off the tripod and got down below us so that she could film the "main event" when my father unleashed his white seed inside of their sexy, slutty girl. Once again, I felt my father's throbbing cockhead enter the depths of my yearning pussy and, within seconds, he was banging on my cervix door. Like earlier, in the kitchen, we coordinated our efforts to gain him entry into my deepest chamber and were met with success in short order. Oh, what a feeling that I hope to NEVER get tired of! Feeling my father's fat cockhead stabbing into my womb, ready to spit out its incestuous load has got to be the closest thing to Heaven that I can imagine!

Dad began to push fast and hard into me. "Ffffffffuck, I'm getting close!" he growled. "I'm gonna cum inside you, babygirl!"

"Yes!" I cried. "Do it! Cum inside me! Make me a brother or sister! Make it twins! I don't care, as long as I can have YOUR baby, Daddy! FUCK ME LIKE YOU FUCKED MOMMY!!"

From beneath us, with the camera aimed at where we were joined, Mom said, "He's about to do it, honey. His balls are hitching up, getting tight. I can see them actually drawing back, getting ready to fill you up!"

That elicited an excited moan from me and I cried out, "Whoever you are, boy or girl, I want you to know that you were made with love! I love my father and he loves me and we BOTH love you very much! Now, do it, Dad! Cum inside me! It's my breeding day and I want you to breed me!"

Dad pushed hard into me, so hard that nothing could've come between us, not even air. I felt my father's large cock get very, very rigid inside my tight, excited, pulsing pussy and then it seemed to expand just before Dad let out a huge groan of relief. Suddenly, the crown of his cock bucked and I felt him beginning to paint my womb with his life-giving seed. All day long we'd tried everything we could think of to get me pregnant and if none of it had worked before, this was almost certain to do the trick. Dad must've been close to exhaustion, but he'd found reserves none of us knew he had as the same penis that had made me erupted and bucked repeatedly, spewing its white, greasy, sperm-laden load inside me. I felt it jerk and throb several times as his hips hitched into mine, each eruption immediately followed by a loud gasp from him. After what seemed like several minutes of his cock convusling inside of my tight channel, he finally collapsed over my back, his breath hot and heavy on my neck and ear, blowing my hair away from us as he tried to recover from his exertion. Even then, though, I felt his cock continue to pulse and throb, each time more gently than the last, until it eventually stopped altogether, he having shot every last drop of sperm he could muster into his only daughter.

Mom continued filming from beneath us for a few moments, but then started to move out so that she could get a shot of our contented, fuck-tired faces. Both of us smiled up at her with dopey expressions. "Are you two okay?" she asked.

I smiled weakly, but nodded my head. "I am happy to report, Mother, that I am well and truly fucked." I craned my head back to give my father a kiss, which he eagerly received and kissed me back passionately. When our lips parted, I thanked him.

He smiled at me and I could see every ounce of the love he had for me in his eyes. "You're more than welcome, baby girl," he said with a shallow breath. "And if it doesn't take this time, I'd be more than happy to try again next month. And every month after that."

I looked at Mom, the camera still aimed at us. "Well, Mom, what do you think? Are you okay with that?"

While still holding the camera on us, Mom said, "Sweetheart, my brother and I made the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't imagine a better pairing. Your babies are probably gonna be so beautiful that we'll have to invent new words for them. So, yeah, I'm definitely okay with loaning your father to you as often as you need."


When I finished watching the video and reading Mom's story about how I came to be, I looked down and, unsurprisingly, saw that I had a raging erection. Mom wasn't pressuring me to do anything that I didn't feel prepared to do, but she'd been very clear about what she WANTED. I knew that, just down the hall, she was on her bed, naked as can be, and waiting patiently for me to come to her. To come inside of her on MY Breeding Day, to make a new member of our family, just like she and our father had done to make me.

Sometimes a man has got to keep a family tradition alive and, sometimes, that is perfectly okay.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Welcome to Fantasy Land where there's not only Magic Cock but Magic Cervix!! (and Magic Vaginas!!) Extra large penis and thick attached to Father 6ft 3, Mother 4ft 10 and Daughter 4ft 8, (who is a wee bit thick!!) both with de regure big breasts and big bottoms. This, like another story from this writer (same thing, no mother) is too Ridiculous even to be a Stroke/Wank story 🙄. Although to some, he is the greatest writer on Lit!! (Have you tried reading other stories? A few are worse, some as bad as this, but there are some who are So much better, really!!) I agree with x_pac, Anonymous, missvixen, Devious, and Scottishtexan + others about their comments. Let's be clear, you can't fuck a penis through the Cervix!! Only a baby comes out of the Cervix, when the Os has opened to 10cm!! The opening, called the Os (not the cervical ring) is 2 to 3mm in circumference, and in a virgin(on the ridiculous!!) obviously who hasn't had a baby the Os is very tight. It's very hard to put an IUD through the Os of the Cervix, when the woman hasn't given birth before. Believe me it's a tight and also painful for the woman, so a numbing gel is put on 1st. Even doing Cervical smears and checks can be painful and some women can have Cervical Shock, where they pass out if their Cervix is touched... but you can't put numbing gel on for smears. I have had women dropping their blood pressure, an indication of about to pass out, on opening the speculum in the Vagina alone!! (with the smallest speculum, and you have to take the speculum out quickly, before they pass out) Sex with someone too enthusiastic hitting the Cervix, will leave them screaming in pain, and passing out not through pleasure. I am making sure Men and a few Women are aware that this is reality and Fucking through the Cervix, is Fantasy!! Here Endeth the Lesson. *Anony-mouse*

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Nice story, fun read. As for some of the comments, it's fantasy, the whole story is unbelievable and people key in on how the babies will turn out. This is the beauty of fantasy, you can paint the picture however you want, just like stories with no STDs and everyone loves one another with no issues. If you want reality walk out the front door.

x_pac6969x_pac69699 months ago

Have to agree with you (Scotish Texan) All to far fetched for my liking and a 1/5 from me as well.

AS has been said before any badies would have serious issues 26/08/23

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"I wonder how the baby will look"... horribly deformed probably

missvixen555missvixen55512 months ago

As others have said, You can’t breach a cervix during sex. This is too far beyond the realities of anatomy to be a turn on. She wouldn’t feel cum ‘sloshing around inside her’ either. 1/5

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