Bukkake Club


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Wondering why I had to go somewhere other than where everybody else was going, I nonetheless entered the door indicated. Inside was another man, whose mask number was 1. He had been sitting in a large wingback chair, but stood when I entered. When he stood, I noticed that he had tied his towel around his waist, like you would after a shower. Now why didn't I think of that?

The man was older, but still built sturdily, as if he took great effort to keep himself in shape. He held out his hand to me, saying, "Welcome, Tom. For the rest of the evening, though, you are Member 124. It's a little silly, these masks, but they've become something of a tradition. Ah, here's our other newcomer." He stepped around me and extended his hand to a man who could only have been Todd. He gave roughly the same introduction to him as he did to me, then stepped back so he could address both of us.

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you're wondering what the hell is going on. Sorry for the vagueness of the invitations, but it is necessary, since not everyone would understand what goes on here. If you haven't guessed, I'm really Roger Harrison, the head of the company where you work, but for tonight, I am member 1.

"A little history is in order at this point. Don't worry, we've got plenty of time, they won't start anything without me.

"This little club started about fifteen years ago. There were just six of us then, three couples who were interested in expanding our sexual experiences a bit. We tried wife swapping, full-out orgies, even gave each other a try, men and women alike. While we greatly enjoyed all this, and we continued for many years just us six, we started to desire more yet. So we introduced others. The ladies discreetly screened other women, while us men kept an eye out for men who would fit the mold we had created. Through the years, there have been many members, some of whom were clients in town only for a few days, but as the numbers you've been assigned show, there have been many members, even members who attended only once and discovered it wasn't for them. What exactly is this club? Why have you had to remove all your clothes? What requirements did you meet? I'm sure you have many questions. I will tell you, there is still the occasional swing party, but primarily, this group has evolved into a *bukkake* club. If you don't know what that means, the simple description is: There is typically one woman in the center of many men. They may have sex with her, they may not, but ultimately, the goal is to *cover* the woman in sperm. Regardless of whether they fuck the woman or not, when they ejaculate, the idea is for it to land on her. When it is all over, and the men can cum no more, the woman is literally *bathed* in semen. We were doing it in our group long before the term had come into use in Japan, where they popularized it.

"I assume you both have been taking the supplements the doctor gave you, and drinking a lot of water? I'm sure your wives have kept you on the edge for the past several days. You're probably ready to fuck nearly anything that's hot and wet. The whole idea is for you to have a lot of built up sperm. Between the supplements and water, and the treatment your wives have given you, you can expect your volume of semen to be significantly more than it usually is. Also, don't be surprised if you can get it up and cum two, maybe three times tonight. Some of the members who are in good physical shape can ejaculate four or five times in an evening.

"If you find you *can* and *want* to go more than once, please wait until it appears that all in attendance who wish to have had their turn before returning.

"So, this is the opening pep talk that all new members get. If you discover it isn't for you, when the next invitation arrives, simply ignore it and you will receive no more. However, if you decide you *do* wish not to participate again, I ask that you mention it to no one. Everything that happens here is legal and consentual. No one is being asked to do anything that he or she does not do willingly. Now, if you are ready, please follow me."

Mr. Harrison - I mean, Member 1 turned and led us through a doorway and down a set of stairs. As we descended, instead of getting cooler - like most basements are - the temperature rose. When my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I saw many other men, some wearing their towels, some not, in various locations around the room. Some sat in chairs and simply lounged, others had glasses in their hands. I found out later it was simply water, to remain hydrated in the warm room. There were a few of the women from upstairs scattered among the men, and a few women I hadn't seen before in the crowd. There had to be upward of forty people in the room (yes, the room was very large). The men were all wearing masks, but none of the women were.

In the center of the room there was a small raised area, like a stage. This was covered in some sort of rubberized material, I assumed for ease of cleaning. Most of the lighting was aimed toward the stage.

After a few minutes, Member 1 stepped up to the edge of the stage and clapped his hands for attention. "Gentlemen... and ladies, welcome to my home. We all know why we are here this evening, so let's not delay. Kindly bring in this evening's participant."

A part was made in the crowd across from me, and two naked women led someone into the room. This someone was wearing a long robe with a hood over their face, so it was hard to tell if the person was male or female. The lack of body hair on the legs sticking out the bottom of the robe pointed toward female.

The trio stopped in the center of the room on the stage, the two unrobed ladies gave a small bow to Member 1, then turned to their charge and undid the belt on the robe. The robed woman went to her knees, head bowed, then the other two removed the robe from her.

Long red hair fell around the woman's face, and my astonishment simply compounded when the subject woman raised her head. This woman was my wife, Laura!

I didn't know what to do. Here I was, ready to join a large group of men in covering a woman with cum, only to find out the woman we would be covering was *my own* woman! The situation was solved for me by Member 1, who said to the room, "We have two new members this evening, and as is our custom, the newcomers get first turn. Members 124 and 125, please come forward!"

Todd stepped forward. I could tell he was ready to do whatever he had to to get at my wife. I quickly joined him. I saw a start of recognition on Laura's face when she saw me come forward. Apparently, she saw through the mask and could tell it was me. Of course, the mask didn't cover much, and she'd seen me nude so many times over the past seven years plus that she recognized me simply by my body.

She didn't let that stop her, though. She reached out for both our cocks, and I could see a look of lust I'd never, ever seen come over her. Something like a sex-frenzy was taking over my wife, and not my presence - or probably even her parents' - would have diminished it.

I didn't know Laura had this side to her. She was the center of a *major* gangbang, and she was going fucking *wild*. Her head was bobbing up and down Todd's cock, and I found that I felt no jealousy, merely arousal, at the sight. Apparently some sort of sexual fever was taking over me, too.

Turning to me, Laura took one, then both my balls into her mouth and played with them with her tongue, then worked her way up to the tip of my penis before taking me all the way to the root down her throat. Meanwhile, I'd lost track of where Todd had gone, but when I looked up, I discovered he'd moved behind my wife and was lining up to fuck her. My voice seemed to come from somewhere else when I said, "Go on, bud, fuck the bitch. Make her howl." Laura moaned in ecstasy around my prick when she heard that.

Todd plunged into my wife's cunt in one thrust, pushing her forward on my dick, forcing me further down her throat. She gagged a little, but recovered quickly, and continued giving me a fantastic blowjob. Well, this past week had me on a hair trigger, and the intensity of this whole situation had me ready to pop at a moment's notice, so Laura's frantic ministrations on me brought me to the edge in short order.

Todd was getting close, too, and I realized I could fulfill a fetish of mine finally. "Come up here, 125, and cum in her hair. Let's fill this long, red hair with jizz."

Well, there was no more needed to be said, Todd pulled out and came to Laura's side and almost immediately started squirting into her flowing hair. I quickly joined him, and shot one onto her forehead before I could bow her head down enough for me to finish in her hair.

Cum was right. I must have cum almost five times as much as usual. It came and came and came, some of the thickest, whitest jizz I've ever seen. My cock had never shot so much, and it was almost all in Laura's beautiful hair. Todd had benefited from the doc's supplements, as well, and between the two of us, my wife's hair was plastered to the top of her head and all down her back.

Now, however, since we had both shot our loads, it was time for us to step down and let someone else have a chance.

Three more men stepped up and started to work on Laura. She took one of them in her mouth, while another got behind and pushed into her wet cunt. The third started mauling her tits, something I know she loves, and after only a few minutes, the guy in her pussy pulled out and shot all over her back. He left and the man at her tits moved around into place. This fellow, though, was aiming a little high for her cunt, and it occurred to me after a short moment that he was fixing to ass-fuck my wife!

Slowly, he worked his way into her asshole, and Laura grunted a little in discomfort. We'd only tried this once before, and she didn't have a very good time of it. However, instead of calling the whole thing off, she concentrated harder on the cock in her mouth and let the guy in back take his time. About the time the guy in her ass started to pump, the one in her mouth pulled out and shot all over her face.

Now, she had two loads in her hair, one across her back, and a big one dripping off her cheeks. I'd never seen my wife so gorgeous. And there were still over thirty-five people yet to go!

As each man sprayed his cum on Laura's body, he moved away, to be replaced by another. For a long while, my wife's holes were never left empty for long, including her ass. One by one the guys squirted semen on Laura's skin. Several of them took a cue from me and jizzed off in her hair.

Occasionally, one of the women arrayed around the room would remove her hand from her pussy and step up to the platform. My cock leaped back to attention when I saw my cum-covered wife plunge her face into the waiting cunt offered to her. Indifferent to gender, my wife was turning into a sex-crazed fiend! She never looked better.

Laura ate pussy and sucked cock, and took whatever she was given. I saw a couple of the women actually ejaculate in Laura's face, simply adding to the male cum there.

Looking around the room, there was *a lot* of masturbation going on, from men and women alike. Once in a while, a guy would simply step up to my wife, spray her with his load, then step back. Eventually, that's all that could be done, unless a guy didn't mind getting jizz all over his body, too. A few still wanted blowjobs, and a couple fucked her, to come away with cum smeared on their bellies and thighs, but they obviously didn't mind.

Well, I finally felt like I needed to go off again, so I turned to Todd, who nodded at me, and we both stepped onto the platform and stood before my jizz-drenched wife. We were joined by another man, and another, until there were six guys in a circle jerk around my wife. Laura, however, couldn't see us all there, her eyes were closed and her face was a mask of cum.

I finally realized why the room was so warm. It was only partially for the comfort of all the nude bodies; it was primarily for the comfort of the cum-covered "subject". I guess it would be really hard to explain at the doctor's office: "How did I get pneumonia? Well, the room was kind of cold, and I was covered head-to-toe in cum..."

Almost as one, the group of men spread around Laura started to squirt. Even though I was pretty sure all of us had already cum on my wife once, the thick streams of sperm that splattered on her this time weren't much diminished from the first.

All fucking was abandoned now. Laura's skin was simply a cum-receptacle. Of course, that's all she'd been all evening, but now nobody was opening any of her holes, except when she decided to open her mouth and catch somebody's offering on her tongue.

I don't know how much time passed. It didn't really matter. That was why they took our watches at the door. Time really *was* irrelevant here. Only pleasure mattered. And it appeared that getting covered in cum was a great pleasure to my wife.

Once more, I glanced around to see what other folks were doing, to find that in some corners, the erotic tension had gotten to be too much. There was a lot of fucking and sucking going on. Some of the women were acting as "fluffers" for the men, getting them ready for their next big burst on my wife's body. Some of the men were simply easing the women's horniness, lapping at damp, twitching pussies until their owners screamed in delight. In a couple of spots, there were even some men taking care of one another, there being a much larger proportion of men to women in the room.

Meanwhile, my wife knelt in the center of the room on her little stage, awaiting the offerings that got a little more sporadic and a little smaller in quantity.

Finally, Mr. D... I mean, Member 1 stepped into the light and left his deposit on Laura's face, then he turned and announced, "I believe it is time to call this to a close. Are there any last members who wish to contribute?" He looked around the room, settling his gaze significantly in my direction.

After I stared back a moment, I realized I had one more cum in me. My cock stiffened at the thought of getting my Laura one more time, after she'd been cum on by so many people, both men and women. Cock at the ready, I stepped into the light. Member 1 smiled, then turned to the rest of the room. "Any others?"

Todd quickly took a step forward, followed by one more man and a woman.

Member 1 nodded at the four of us. "Very good. Come on, then. Give this slut her last drenchings of the evening!"

I hung back a little, just gently stroking my hard-on enough to keep it stiff, but not enough to get too close to the edge too fast. I was pretty surprised and proud of myself. This would be three cums in however many hours. I'd cum up to four times in twenty-four hours, but never before had I cum so many times without the last ones being major work. Here I was, though, almost as fresh as when I'd started this whole deal.

The woman in our little group stepped up to Laura and gasped for her to lean back with her face up. The woman was rubbing her clit frantically and was pulling on one nipple so hard I thought for a minute she'd pull it completely off. She didn't, though, and in no time, she was quivering and squirting her girl-cum in my wife's face.

Seeing this gal squirt got the other two guys right to the edge, and they quickly got up on either side of Laura. Todd came on her cum-slicked tits, while the other guy splashed in her nasty, spermy hair.

As Todd and the other guy moved away, it was my turn. I wanted to be the last one to have my wife tonight. I think that had been the intention all along.

I don't know if I ever loved my wife more than that moment. She was so slicked down with the cum of many men and a few women, it only vaguely looked like her. I knew who was under all that semen, though, and I reveled in the fact that this cum queen was mine.

I quietly asked her to straighten up, then I approached her carefully, since the floor all around her was pretty wet, and I assumed, slippery. Coming up close to her, I moved in until my cockhead bumped her nose. A string of jizz stretched away when she pulled back in surprise, but then she realized what I wanted her to do.

Laura opened her mouth and slurped my cock down and into her throat. Her mouth has never ceased to please me, and this time was no exception. She was so horny, her whole body was shaking (she couldn't have been cold, between the room temperature and the stage's lighting, it was damn warm). I'm sure, if I hadn't minded getting myself all smeared with jizz, that she'd have had no problem with me fucking her. But, I was feeling squeamish, so I contented myself with Laura's over-worked mouth.

Now, usually, after the second time cumming, it takes some "laying on of hands" to get me off again. But, whether it was the supplements I'd been taking or the whole fucking erotic scene, I was ready to shoot again after only a few minutes.

Suddenly, I felt my orgasm take over my body. This one felt no different from the others I'd had this evening. It felt fucking fabulous, too! No indication that I'd already cum twice; in fact, I think I may have shot off more that I had the first two times, if that was possible. I couldn't tell, because Laura never took her mouth off my cock!

Laura kept her lips tight around my cockhead while I came, and from what I could tell, she wasn't swallowing any of it. When she was satisfied I was finished, she let go of my cock, then leaned back a little and opened her mouth, showing me the pool of cum on her tongue. To my surprise, her mouth was almost half-full of my sperm! This evening was certainly proving to be miraculous.

Once Laura had convinced herself I had seen my cum in her mouth, she closed up and swallowed it down. Mine was the only load she swallowed all night. The rest was all over her body.

I wanted to lean down and kiss her, but again, my squeamishness about all the cum on her deterred me. I started to move away, but noticed a couple of the people still looking at me expectantly. Immediately, I knew what they were expecting. They all knew this was my wife, and they wanted my acknowledgement that what she had just gone through was okay by me, my participation notwithstanding.

For probably more than a minute, I stood there, looking from face to face. Almost all of them not engaged in their own pleasure were looking for me to kiss my wife.

Finally, I turned back to Laura. Sometime while I debated, she or somebody had managed to wipe her eyes enough for her to open them, and they were now turned to me. The wanton vibrations in her body, coupled with the pleading, desperate look in her eyes and the slimy coating she had on probably every inch of her eventually decided it for me.

Laura did this freely. She *wanted* to be a bukkake queen. Obviously, this whole experience turned her on immensely. It was a great turn-on for her, and for me. Before, she'd been reluctant to let me cum on her face. I was sure that now, if I really wanted to, I could cum anywhere on her or in her. Her ass was now freely open to me, something I'd hoped for a long time. From what Mr. Harrison/Member 1 said, there was even a modicum of swinging that went on in this group. I found myself wondering when the next party was...

Lovingly, I leaned over and pressed my lips to my wife's cum-slick lips. The slippery feel, unlike anything I had felt before, was fabulous! Laura's tongue probed my lips, urging them open, and I responded by opening up and plunging my tongue into her mouth. The flavor of mixed semen came into my mouth at that, and I found it to be a very unusual - though not entirely unpleasant - taste.

When I broke the kiss, I looked into Laura's eyes a moment. Among the desperate horniness, I could see some relief, and a lot of love. I could tell that I'd be in for a *great* fuck when I got home.