Carpet Cleaners


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"What did you guys do to her?" He said.

"Nothing, she took two Vicadin and she is out." Billy said.

"Not surprised, she does like her drugs." He said.

"What do you mean?" Billy said.

"I have friends that know her and she throws a mean party. Lots of booze and drugs and some wild stuff. I haven't heard of anyone fucking her though, she is a huge tease but too good for most everyone." He said and was running his finger across her lips and face.

Charlie pulled out and sat down. He took a deep breath.

"That is some fine pussy." He said.

"My turn." The kid said and moved between her legs.

"You have no idea how much I have wanted to do this. This girl has done nothing but bust my balls every chance she got. She wears her little skimpy shit and then just abuses me when I deliver anything. Her mom is even worse." He said and slapped his cock across her crotch.

He lined it up and pushed it into her. He groaned deep and slow.

"Holy fuck, this is nice. I knew she would be a sweet fuck, I just didn't know I would ever get a chance." He said as he moved in and out of her.

Billy felt himself getting hard again and he set the pizza down on the table next to her head. Charlie ripped into the box and pulled out a piece. He carried it back to his chair and a large dollup of sauce dropped onto her right breast.

"Shit." Charlie said.

Billy knew she was really out because that had to burn. The fucking pizza was hot. He did think it looked a little interesting with the sauce on her. He lifted his own piece out and sat down. The kid was getting into it now, he was nailing her good and her little body was moving with him. Billy watched her young breasts jiggle as he took a sweet bite of pizza.

"Fuck yes, take it you little whore." The kid said and slammed her hard.

Billy laughed through his mouthful of pizza. This kid was obviously taking a lot of frustration out on her. He saw the kid pause and scream out. He knew she was taking some more cum. They would have to do a lot of cleanup.

"God damn, that was nice." The kid said and pulled out, sliding his cock back in his pants.

"I am a little hungry, you guys mind if I have a piece. Pizza, that is." He said and laughed.

Charlie laughed and pointed at the box. The kid walked around and took out a piece. He walked back around and pulled a chair up between her legs.

"I don't like pepperoni though, you guys can have it." He said and tossed two pieces of pepperoni onto her stomach.

Billy watched him pick two more pieces off and toss them onto her breasts. Billy reached over and picked up a piece off her stomach and ate it.

"Thanks." He said.

"No problem, so you guys are here to do the carpets and decided to do the customer instead?" He said and took a big bite.

"Yeah, I guess so but we did finish cleaning the carpets." Billy said.

"You guys are lucky her Mom is not here. As nasty as this little one is her Mother is twice as bad. What a bitch!" He said and smiled.

Billy had figured as much and wasn't surprised at the revelation.

"So, how long do we get to stay here and fuck her?" the kid asked.

"The Mom is supposed to be home around 5:00 so we need to have everything cleaned up way before that." Billy said.

"Fuck, that is great, it's only 1:15. I need to do her again." He said and stuffed the last piece of his slice into his mouth.

He jumped up and moved to her head. He pulled his cock out and grabbed her head. He slid her to the edge of the table and pushed his cock into her mouth. He wasn't completely hard so he pushed it all the way in.

"Wow, she has a warm mouth. I heard around school she did give good head even though no one could get in her pants." He said and wiggled his cock around in her mouth.

Billy took another slice of pizza as the kid started to move in and out of her mouth.

"Kid, don't cum in her mouth. That will be too hard to clean up." Billy said.

"No problem, just using a little face fuck to get hard again." He said and jabbed his hard cock into her throat.

"Oh yeah, and don't suffocate her." Billy added.

The kid laughed and pulled out of her mouth. He ran his cock all over her face and then just left it sitting across her face.

"God damn, that looks nice. I wish I could take a picture of that." He said.

"No, no, none of that. We are going to have enough trouble without having evidence floating around." Billy said.

"Yeah, just kidding." He said and walked back between her legs.

He jammed his cock back into her pussy and started pumping. Her breasts started dancing again. Billy swallowed more pizza as the kid continued to hammer her. He noticed her face as her head was turned towards him. She was very pretty and she didn't look like a bitch. Most bitches looked the part but she didn't. Her lips were small but a little puffy and her nose was little and very cute. He had noticed earlier that she had pretty eyes but they were closed now. He also loved her hair, it was brown and shoulder length. It had a shine to it and he figured she paid a fortune for someone to make it look that way.

His concentration was broken as he heard the kid groan and fire another load up into her. He hoped she was on the pill or she would have a little souvenir from this and that would be a little difficult to clean up. He figured she was, most bitch hotties were. The kid pulled out and slumped down into the chair.

"Man, I could fuck that all day and night." The kid said.

Billy got up and moved between her legs. He lifted her legs and looked down. Her young pussy was getting a little sloppy. Her lips were open and he could see cum seeping out.

There was a little puddle forming on the table. He lifted her legs a little higher and his eyes caught her little asshole. It was tight and small. He felt pretty confident no cock had ever been in there. That was a true sign of submissiveness and no true bitch hottie would ever let a guy fuck her in the ass. That intrigued him. He had never had anal sex before but it had always fascinated him. What better ass to start with than this one, he thought.

He looked around and saw the butter dish on the counter.

"Charlie, can you grab the butter." Billy said.

"What are you going to do, Billy?" Charlie asked.

"I am going to fuck her in the ass." Billy answered.

"Holy shit!" Charlie said and handed him the butter.

Billy took some butter on his finger and spread it around her ass. He moved his finger in slightly, opening her up a little to get some butter in. He scooped another wad and worked it more into her ass. He lubed up his cock and placed the head against her tight asshole. He looked at the butter and chuckled when he thought of Daddy getting butter that was used to lube up his daughter's ass. He pushed a little.

Her ass fought him, he could not get in at all. He continued to push harder and her tight skin held him out. He wiggled around a little and pushed some more. He felt a little give and he saw her asshole open up to take the head of his cock. It looked almost strange as the skin stretched to accept something way bigger than it was used to. He pushed a little harder and he slipped in a bit more. He moved back and forth slightly, trying to work the butter around. He pushed on her legs for leverage and then pushed the rest of his cock into her butt.

He slid the rest of the way in much easier once he got her open. His cock felt like it was in a vice. It almost hurt it was so tight. He started to wonder if he would be able to get it out. He pulled back a little and he felt her ass hold onto him. This would be interesting.

He pulled a little harder and was able to pull half his cock out. He pulled completely out and her ass snapped shut hard. He scooped up more butter and pushed it in her ass. He then rubbed more on his cock and lined It up again. This time he was able to get in a little easier, her ass was adjusting to his cock. She was still vice-tight but he could move now. He slid out and in and got into a rhythm.

He closed his eyes and held onto her legs. He was in heaven, he had wanted to fuck a chick in the ass for a long time and what a way to start. This obviously virgin ass was giving him the ride of his life. He was jamming his entire cock up this young girl's butt and her little breasts just jiggled their acceptance. He looked down and thought the sight of him moving in and out of her young body in a hole that wasn't designed to be fucked was incredible. He felt a tingle in his balls and he prepared to fill her bowels. He pushed in deep and emptied his balls into her. He pulled out and her ass slammed shut again, albeit a little slower than last time.

"Billy, how was it?" Charlie said, like a little kid.

"That was the most incredible thing I have ever done." Billy answered.

"Move over, I want a shot at that." Charlie said and jumped between her legs.

He grabbed the butter and swabbed his dick and jammed in right up her ass. Billy figured he had loosened her up a little as Charlie didn't have any trouble sliding into her. Charlie rammed her ass for at least 5 minutes and then dumped another load up her butt. Charlie wasn't out of her ass but a few seconds and the kid was balls deep in her. He was hammering her pretty fast.

"You little bitch, how does it feel? How do you like a cock up your ass, cunt?" the kid was getting into it.

Billy thought if he was happy fucking her pussy he could imagine how ecstatic he must be to fuck her up the butt. The ultimate domination, Billy thought again. The kid was ripping her now, her tits were bouncing around and her head was bobbing on the table. Billy saw her little bare feet up in the air and he thought that was a very cute sight. He noticed her toenails were bright pink. He wondered when she was painting those if she knew she would soon be taking three cocks up the ass? He figured probably not. The kid groaned and drained his balls into her young ass. Billy watched her hole stay open for a few seconds when the kid pulled out, leaking a little cum before it slowly closed.

The kid plopped down in the chair and Billy could see his face glistening with sweat. He looked up at the clock and saw it was 2:30. He wanted to get out of here, he didn't want to cut anything too close.

"Ok, guys, fun's over. We have to start getting her cleaned up. Charlie, go get some towels out of the truck and start wiping her down. Kid, you clean up the pizza." Billy ordered and they both jumped.

He stood up and looked at her. Her legs were wide open and cum was leaking out of both of her holes now. The table was a mess. Luckily her face was alright, he was just going to have to figure out how to clean up her crotch. She may have been fucked last night but he figured this was way too much cum to explain. He thought for a minute.

Charlie came back in with towels and saw Billy in between the girl's legs with the vacuum hose. He smiled. Billy was so smart, he thought.

Billy turned on the vacuum and ran the small tube attachment up her pussy. He heard the liquid being sucked out of her. He was careful not to get her skin in the tube so not to bruise her. He sucked as much cum out of her sloppy pussy and then shoved the tube up her ass. He drained her butt and slipped the tube out.

"Charlie, wet those towels and clean her up the best you can." Billy said as he started to wrap up the vacuum hose.

"Yes, boss, right away." Charlie said and wiped the sauce off her breasts and stomach.

He carefully cleaned her pussy with the towel. Billy was amazed at how tender Charlie was being. He saw him clean her ass and she now looked clean as a whistle. He watched her closely and didn't see any more cum seeping out of her. He touched her soft pussy. It still felt firm and wonderful. Ah, the beauty of youth. Go through a gang-bang and come out smelling like a rose. He rubbed her inner thighs and tried to memorize the feeling of the soft young flesh. He slid in closer and grabbed her breasts. He squeezed her small nipples between his fingers.

"Billy, we should get her clothes back on." Charlie said in a small voice.

"Right, Charlie." He stepped back and realized he had gone into a little trance.

Charlie put her bra around her arm and slid it under her body. He pushed the other arm through and wrapped the bra over those wonderful breasts. He pulled it together and closed the clasp. He pushed them around so the bra looked comfortable. He moved to her legs and ran her feet into her panties. Billy watched as Charlie ran the panties up her strong thighs. He pulled them up under her ass and over her pussy. She was still gorgeous, even slightly covered.

"Billy, I need some help with her shirt." Charlie said.

Billy lifted up her upper body, her skin so soft and warm. Charlie ran the shirt over her head and then pulled it down, running her limp arms through the straps. Billy lowered her gently. Charlie was pulling the sweatpants up her legs and Billy took one last look at those pretty thighs. Charlie pulled them up and she was good as new. Billy looked at her face again to make sure she was clean.

Charlie lifted her up and carried her back into the living room. He laid her back on the couch in the exact position she was in before.

Charlie looked like he was playing with a Barbie doll as he manipulated her arms and legs. Billy was amazed at how close Charlie was able to get her from where they found her. It looked like she had just fallen asleep watching TV, not taking three cocks in both her holes.

"Ok, let's get out of here." Billy said and turned to get the equipment.

He saw the kid walking out of the kitchen.

"Where's the pizza box?" Billy asked.

"I put it in the garbage." The kid said.

"No, take it out. We have to bring it with us." Billy said and the kid turned to go back.

He looked over and noticed the table was clean but then he glanced at the floor and saw a small pool of cum under the table. He grabbed one of the wet towels and wiped it down. He looked around again and made sure everything was in order. He followed the kid and Charlie out of the house. He dumped the equipment and made one last trip inside to make sure it was ok. He pulled the customer copy of the work order and left it on the table. He locked the door behind him and said a little prayer in his head.

"Ok, kid, you breathe a word of this to anyone and you are dead meat. You got that?" Billy said.

"Yes, sir. Not a problem. Thank you guys for letting me join in. You have no idea how much I have wanted to do that." He responded with a big smile.

Billy smiled back and watched him get in his car and drive away. He thought he did have a pretty good idea.

Billy and Charlie were sitting around the break table in the office garage, it was 4:45 on Friday and Billy was starting to feel a little better. His stomach had been in knots since Tuesday. He just knew the police would come by any time and cart him and Charlie off to jail for rape. He had been thinking what he would do if he went to jail for a long time. But nothing had happened for three days. He had relaxed a bit, maybe they would be alright.

A lot of the guys were milling around, waiting to go home. The garage was cleaned up and empty. The boss was wrapping things up in the office. Billy heard the front door squeak open and saw two young girls walk in. All eyes were immediately drawn to them. The first one was short and brunette, her hair shoulder length and beautiful. She was wearing an incredible red dress. It had a v-neck that plunged pretty far, her cleavage was incredible and Billy saw her black lace bra peaking out by design. His eyes moved down her body and saw she had on black hose and black high heels. The dress came to the middle of her thighs and he saw a slit on the right leg that showed a slight view of a stocking top as she stepped into the garage.

The second one was even shorter and a blonde, her hair short and bobbing just below her ears. Her face was incredibly cute and she looked even younger than the first but her body defied her young face and height. She was wearing a black dress that sparkled. It also was a v-neck, though not so deep as her friend. Her cleavage, however, had no trouble pushing out of the top.

Billy saw no sign of a bra peaking out of her dress. The dress was very short and she also had on black hose and heels. Her legs were gorgeous as the dress showed an incredible amount of thigh.

The silence was deafening as they walked across the garage. The sound of their heels on the concrete floor reverberated through the big space. No one made a sound. Billy felt his heart jump and his breath stop as they got closer and he recognized the brunette. It was the young girl from the fancy house. They were done, the gig was up. He felt the breath leave his body as she walked by the table, headed for the office, followed by her blonde friend.

The boss walked out of the office and closed the door behind him. He turned around just in time to face the two girls. Billy saw his jaw drop.

"Can I help you ladies?" He stammered.

The brunette handed him a piece of paper. He opened it and looked at her with a question on his face.

"I don't understand. Didn't we clean your house just this week? Was there a problem?" He asked, glancing at Billy.

"Yeah, there was a problem. Those two were a pain in my ass." She said and pointed at Billy and Charlie.

The boss looked like he was getting angry. Billy prepared himself for the explosion.

"But...., my mother seemed to like the job they did and wants them to come back on Monday. She told me to deliver this order on my way out with the specific instructions send those two bozos again. They looked like fuckups to me but Mom liked their work. Go figure." She said and looked back at the boss.

"But did they not clean something?" The boss asked.

"She said they cleaned everything fine but it seems there are some new spots in the two upstairs bedrooms. We had a little accident and she wants these two assholes to come and clean it up." She said and looked at Billy with a sneer.

"Ok, Maam. I will have them over first thing in the morning. Will that be ok?" The boss said.

"Yeah, my Mom will be out again so I have to stay home again to meet them. Sucks for me but first thing in the morning will be fine." She said to him.

"Will do." The boss said.

She turned without acknowledging him and started to walk back. She was looking at Billy as she approached the table. She stopped next to him and looked down. He looked at her pretty face but her sour expression drew some of her beauty away.

"We are having a little 18th birthday party for Sheila here on Sunday night so you may have to lean on the fucking doorbell again to wake us up. You shouldn't have a problem with that, should you?" She said with a small head motion to her blonde friend.

"No maam." Billy said.

"Good." She said and started to walk by him.

He looked up at her as she passed and caught a small smile and a wink. His heart skipped and he tried to stay calm as she passed and then watched along with the rest of the guys as they walked out. Their dresses swayed slightly around two perfect young asses. The door closed and he looked at Charlie. Charlie looked like he was going to pass out.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

the usual shit.

badmolly18fbadmolly18fover 11 years ago
Oh yes

She had to have been awake for at least part of it. I know iv tried to fake that I was still asleep but it never lasts. Yummy.

buttcheeks777buttcheeks777about 12 years ago
Fucking HOT, literally

This is such a fantasy of mine, man! Great story, keep 'em comin' (and me too)..

johntackle2006johntackle2006almost 13 years ago
Great story!

More adventures please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

gotta love pills + booze + tits + ass

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