Chorus Bitches vs Band Geeks


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Amber came next. She could feel the heat of her loins reaching a peak.

"Fuck me," she growled to Evan. "Now."

He was happy to oblige.

"Harder," she grunted. Thirty seconds more and both she and her lover were spent.

And finally Gwen.

"Please," she panted. She lost count of how many times she'd been taken to the brink of orgasm only to coast back gently from that abyss of pleasure. She sat on the dresser, her sex and ass both clenching involuntarily, trying to achieve orgasm of their own volition. "Please Courtenay. .. I'm begging you..."

She knew better than to try to use her hand to try to bring herself off. Courtenay would only find some way to punish her for that. Or to even try to hump the fingers that were so tantalizingly out of reach. So she sat obediently in place, while a silky fingertip brushed her ever so softly against the swollen nubbin of her clit.


Then twice. Again another pause.

"...please..." She sucked the fingers clean that had only moments before been inside her sex.

Another touch. And then another. Even softer. Oh God, it took every shred of her will power not to move. Her body trembled, but she couldn't seem to stop it.

The next touch was to her painfully swollen nipples. God, how they ached and yet they still sent a surge of pleasure through her loins.

A pinch of the nipples this time.

"Oh God..." Gwen moaned. Her cunt and ass spasmed again and again.

Another pinch. Harder than before. She felt the abyss suddenly rise up from nowhere. How could this be? She wasn't even being touched...down there.

Oh God, and then her nipples were both tugged away from her body and abruptly released.

"Now," Courtenay whispered.

Now what? Gwen's mind asked with disbelief. Though her mind rebelled at the idea, her body was clear on where things stood. Her legs shot out at an impossible angle and every muscle in her thighs trembled in response. Her toes curled. Heat rose up in her loins and emptied out in her body.

Eyes rolling, her expression slack, juice gushed from the open mouth of her sex.

It was without a doubt the sexiest thing three of the four onlooker had ever seen. Evan did his best to commit the scene to memory.

It wasn't long before the boys were back in a bar talking of the night's exploits and the girls lay in bed. Julie was fast asleep. Between the drugs and the strenuous activities, she was down for the count.

Amber lay with her eyes closed and a slight smile. She'd fucked an English boy and gotten a little comeuppance on those two stuck up girls from the school band.

Gwen tried her best not to think about everything. She'd been naked in front of 4 people...and she'd cum while being masturbated by her best friend. Would she ever be able to live down the humiliation? At least Courtenay had had the presence of mind to delete the incriminating evidence while everyone else lay in post orgasmic bliss.

Courtenay stared at the dark shape next to her. It wasn't fair that everyone had orgasmed while she stewed in her own juices. It wasn't fair at all. When everyone stopped moving and the only sound she could hear was Julie snoring, she made her move.

Gwen could feel Courtenay snuggle up behind her. Maybe her friend was just moving around in her sleep.Then she felt a hand slide over her hip and over her sex. Soft kisses traveled over her neck. Oh God... her best friend was nibbling her ear.

"What are you doing?" Gwen whispered urgently.

"I'm horny," Courtenay whispered in response. "Everyone got their rocks off tonight except for me."

"Stop. We can't." Gwen whined. Oh God, a tongue slid in her ear. The fire in her loins returned. She couldn't afford to go down this path again. Much more and she'd be putty in Courtenay's hands again.

"Sure we can," Courtenay purred, sucking her best friend's neck until a submissive shiver quited down her objections.

"God. We have to keep quiet," Gwen whispered, giving in. She began to turn around so she could masturbate her best friend, just as she been masturbated earlier that night.

However she soon found out that Courtenay had other ideas. Instead of spreading her legs, the girl had climbed on top of her, and was....

On no, Gwen wasn't going to do this. She wasn't that sort of girl. It was one thing to use her fingers on another girl. It was quite another to use her -


Yet, what choice did she have? The girl outweighed her by fifty pounds. Her shoulder's were pinned by thick calves. Coarse curly hair tickled her nose. Every breath she took was filled with the deep spicy musk of sex. There were wet lips rubbing against her lips. She couldn't protest or those damn bitches from Chorus would hear and then she'd never live this down. So she stayed impassive while Courtenay gently rubbed her pussy against her face. Her mind racing trying to find a way out of her current predicament.

Courtenay had already had her way with her best friend earlier that night. After the things she'd done, she could no longer think of the girl the same way that she used to. Now, she thought of her with a new feeling of - ownership. And she wasn't being licked the way she wanted to be.

Well, that could easily be remedied. She knew just where to rub.

Poor Gwen tried to fight it. She didn't struggle. She couldn't. Not without waking those two bitches from the Chorus club. She just did her best to ignore what the fingers were doing to her down below and the slimy wet lips rubbing against her mouth. She would not lose control to her friend, not again.

But it was a hopeless battle. It was only seconds before her loins grew hot and her sex grew wet. Less than a minute before her lean thighs slid apart and her hips began to pump, but by then those fingers had ceased to pleasure and merely to tease.

wwen's mind was still working, trying to figure a way to get what her body craved, while not giving in to what her brain protested against. However, With a muffled groan of submission, her tongue and peaked out of her lips of its own volition and began to lick. She'd tasted herself only hours before, but this taste was different. Stronger, richer, but not as bad as she'd imagined. She licked lips. She licked her best friend's clit. The mouth of her sex. Hands ran lovingly through her hair.

Gwen liked boys, she did. But really...this wasn't so...bad.

"Oh God! Oh God!" Gwen heard the muffled cries. She silently prayed for her best friend to be quiet. To not pull so tightly on her hair. To not grind her pussy quite so hard that it bruised her lips.

And then. Oh God. The light was on.

"What are you two doing?" Amber asked in a sleepy voice, and then her voice growing surprised. "oh fuck..."

"Jesus" Julie replied. "They are lezzing out."

"Shhhh..." Amber urged her best friend. To Courtenay: "How is it? How does it feel?"

"It feels awesome," Courtenay said, her voice husky and cracking as she was still coming down from her orgasm. Eyes still a bit unfocused her body soaked in sweat, she was in heaven

Poor Gwen was mortified and still stuck underneath her best friend that outweighed her by 50 pounds. She struggled only half-heartedly, but could do nothing about her current position. However, then she heard the words that chased away all embarrassment and replaced it with cold fear.

"Do you want to try it?" Courtenay asked.

Surely Gwen didn't hear what she thought she heard. That couldn't be right. Courtenay hated these two bitches from the chorus even more than she did. And Courtenay was her best friend since fifth grade. I mean, there was no way that-

"Fuck yeah," Amber nodded eagerly.

"You can't be serious," Julie said.

"Shut up Julie," Amber spat, as she slid off her panties and climbed into the other girl's bed. She looked at Courtenay questioningly. "How do I?"

"Just slide right here," Courtenay said, and sliding the smaller girl in front of her and then moving off her best friend so her seat was never empty. "That's the spot."

Gwen was shocked and in a state of disbelief. Her best friend had sold her out. Had taken her pleasure and then passed her off to this other girl...this nasty girl who'd been with a boy just an hour ago. Who'd blackmailed them. A chorus slut. There was no way in hell she'd do anything for this bitch. Ever. Her half-hearted struggles increased in intensity.

"She's not doing anything," Amber said in an exasperated tone, as she moved back and forth on Gwen's face.

"It's like making music," Courtenay said. "You can't just hop on and expect things to happen. First you have to tune your instrument."

Courtenay took Amber's hand and slid them over Gwen's small breasts.

"Gently," Courtenay said, as Amber began running her fingers over Gwen's hard nipples.

God that felt good. Gwen found it impossible to struggle. But still. If they thought that rubbing her nipples...oh God...which was making her loins dance with heat. Making her thighs open and close of their own volition. If they thought this would - No. There was no way.

"And then down here," Courtenay said, as she slid Amber's hand under Gwen's already soaked panties.

"Wow she's wet," Amber said. She'd masturbated before, but she'd never been anywhere near as wet as this band geek.

"That's the way," Courtenay encouraged. "Just keep doing that. She'll let you know when you're doing it right."

No, I won't. I won't, Gwen repeated to herself. I..I..

"How will she let me ..." Amber began. But her sentence ended with an "ahhhh..."

She was being licked. God. The girl's tongue was so soft.

It felt divine.

Amber's fingers sped in hopes of encouraging better service. However, the tonguing she was received grew less focused as her finger sped faster of the slick soft landscape down below.

"Slow down," Courtenay said, taking her by the wrist and slowing down her motions. "If she gets too excited, she can't concentrate. What you want to do is encourage. And if she get's too hot, you have to slow her down and start over."

"How?" Amber asked.

"Like this." Courtenay pulled the delicate pink petals of her best friend's sex. Pulled them hard enough to become painful, causing Gwen to groan in distress and her hips to rise off the bed to lessen the pulling, only to have them let go of and her ass to plunge back down on the bed. Ufff..the orgasm that she'd been chasing dissolved like morning mist.

Poor Gwen didn't know who caused her distress, but she was pissed and determined to lick no one else if that was the treatment she received. Only..only someone was fingering her again and teasing her clit. Slowly this time. Enough to draw out her passions but not enough to take her to the brink. Oh fuck. Those fingers knew what they were doing. Knew just how too...Oh God...

"It's like music," Courtenay continued while she teased her best friend's pussy herself. "You can't start with a crescendo. It has to build slowly. Like this..dah..dah..dahhhh..da da."

Oh God. lightning danced in Gwen's loins once more and her slim thighs opened and closed of their own volition, her hips pumping, as she resumed licking with greater urgency.

Amber quickly picked up to the tutelage Courtenay offered. She loved this. Being licked. Being sucked. Oh God, in just the right way. She ran her hands over her full breasts and sucked her nipple. Reluctantly remembering to tease the girl up whenever the service fell down. Her hips flexed as she rode the girl beneath her with enthusiasm. She gasped again and again.

Gwen did her best to please the girl that rode her face. With the curly pubic hair that was always getting caught in her throat. With the secretions that seemed to never end. Her poor tongue ached. Her lips were sore. The aching inside her needed relief that was never quite achieved, even while the girl that rode her spasmed and shuddered in orgasm. At last. At long last it was over. There was slime all over her face..even up her nose. Finally, she'd be able to wash her face and brush her teeth..for a few hours if necessary.

"How about you Julie?" Amber asked after her orgasm subsided. "You want next?"

"Not me," Julie said emphatically. "I don't swing that way."

"I don't either." It was a lie. Amber had been having thoughts ever since posing the two girls like two lesbian sluts. In truth she'd had thoughts about girls even longer than that. However, she wanted to save face after her friend witnessing her enjoying that a-number-one pussy eating she'd just experienced. "Everyone knows it isn't gay unless you go down on a girl or pussies touch."

"I don't know," Julie said, with some uncertainty this time.

Not again, Gwen thought. It wasn't the panicked feeling like she'd had before with Amber. Now it was more of a sense of resignation. Her tongue was tired and her lips were sore. She wanted to rub herself off. God, she had been teased beyond what she thought possible. If the other girl sat on top of her, she knew she'd lick her. She had no faith in her ability to resist.

"You must have cum already," Amber said. "If you are too sensitive, I understand."

"No..." Julie said, the hesitated at her admission. She had a feeling she'd regret it the moment the word left her lips.

And Amber knew right away she had her. "So you didn't cum with Alfi huh? Oh girl, you are in for a treat. Take those panties off and sit right up here. Just like this. Right on her face."

Once again, Gwen looked up helplessly as a new pair of bright blue eyes looked down at her and then darkness as she was covered by ass and nightshirt.

She didn't need to be coaxed this time, though Amber volunteered for the coaxing.

Julie jumped as if from an electric shock as the girl's tongue danced over her clit.

"It feels funny," Julie said, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "And her face is so wet. It's like sitting on something really slimy."

If it weren't for the coaxing going on down below. The slow gentle circling of her clit, Gwen would have surely gone on strike due to those humiliating comments.

"She stinks," Julie said, her eyes dilating and her nostrils flaring. Her hips began to work. "Like pussy."

You stink, Gwen thought. You taste like...a condom you dirty slut. God, stop teasing, so she could mount an appropriate defense instead of just licking and sucking like a dummy.

"You can just get up if it bugs you so much," Amber teased.

"Fuck you Amber," Julie said. Catching her lower lip between her teeth, her hips pumped faster. To Gwen: "Lick me bitch."

Gwen moaned into the blonde's sex. Amber's finger kept circling round and round, its pace speeding faster and faster. Oh please. Please. She licked. She sucked.

"Lick me you little dyke," Julie moaned getting into it - even if it was from a girl. "Faster. Faster. stinky little band dyke..God you are so dirty..."

Her hips pumped, oblivious to the comfort of the girl trapped below her. She cupped her breasts to keep them from bouncing so much. The full cheeks of her ass jiggled with every thrust. Sweat dripped down her full breasts, down her stomach. Faster she rode. Faster. The foul language spewing from her mouth increased with every pump of her hips. The bed squeaking. Faster and faster, the head board bumping against the wall. Then climax struck. Sweet Jesus.

It struck at the same time for Gwen, blazing forth from her loins while her mouth was full of another girl's sex.

"Ahhhh...I can't believe I let you do that to me..." Julie mumbled half to herself.

Courtenay smiled from the chair, oblivious to the three girls having sex on the bed, as she recorded it all on her phone for posterity.


It was a week later and after the competition. The band class had taken the silver and chorus had taken the bronze. But, Gwen had more important things to worry about. She'd been worried ever since they'd returned.

"Courtenay," Gwen began hesitantly. It was impossible to talk about that night, but she had to know, so she pressed on, despite the discomfort. "Are you worried...that you know...those two bitches from chorus will tell?"

"Tell what?" Courtenay said with a smile and enjoying her best friend's discomfort. She'd wondered when Gwen would have the courage to bring it up.

"You know...about what happened that night in London."

"You mean, when you ate us all out?"

Gwen blushed a furious shade of red. She looked around the stacks of books to make sure no one was around. No one was. "Shhh...keep it down. Besides, I think you were involved in all of it too."

"You mean when you ate my pussy?" Courtenay replied.

"You know what I mean," Gwen stammered. "And you have more to lose than I do."

"So do Amber and Julie," Courtenay replied. "I took a video of you three having a little girl on girl on girl sex party. They are terrified I'll show it and ruin their reputation as boy-toys. It seems chorus girls don't mind being sluts, they just don't want to be lezzie sluts. I told them not to worry too long as you do what I say - there's nothing to worry about."

Courtenay felt relief, which turned to disbelief, which turned to fear, and slowly became....

"What do you long as I do what you say," Gwen stammered. Her face hot. A shiver flowing down her spine like cold ice.

"I mean." Courtenay moved closer to her best friend. Gwen moved back in response. Courtenay took another step and another until Gwen could back up no further. She pressed her body against her shorter and skinnier best friend. She pushed her thigh up between Gwen's. She drew close to her ear and breathed. "That you better do anything I say or I will show a certain video to the whole school."

"You wouldn't," Gwen gasped. "We - we are best friends." They'd been best friends since the fifth grade. Surely, Courtenay wouldn't ..betray her like this.

"Are you sure?" Courtenay said, taking Gwen's hands and placing them on top of her head. "Keep them there," she ordered.

"You wouldn't." Gwen repeated, but kept her hands where'd she'd been commanded.

"Wouldn't I?" Courtenay said, checking both directions to makes sure no one was around, before sliding her hand underneath Gwen's skirt, under her panties.

"Oh God," Gwen breathed, her face hot with embarrassment. "We are going to get caught and put in detention."

"The more you disobey," Courtenay said, "The worse your punishment. I'll start by taking your panties."

Oh God no. But Courtenay bit her lip and kept her hands on top of her head as she was quickly divested of her undergarments.

"Now," Courtenay said. "I believe the correct reply is 'What can I do for you Courtenay."

"I..I...what can I do for you Courtenay?" Her loins were melting and alive with excitement.

"Nothing much - this time," Courtenay teased. "Just a little kiss."

Gwen moved in close. She'd licked three girls and been masturbated. But she'd never ... her lips sought Courtenay's. The girl drew back. Teasing her. Making her work for it. Face blushing, she pressed on. She kissed her. Breathlessly frenched her even when the girl's finger slid under her skirt and plunged into her wet and waiting sex.

"Mmmmppphh..." Gwen moaned breathlessly.

"Good girl," Courtenay said. "Am I going to have any trouble with you Gwennie?"

"No." Gwen replied sullenly.

"No Miss." Courtenay corrected, lifting her friend by the chin and forcing the girl to look her in the eyes.

Looking into bright gray eyes that seemed to swallow her whole, Gwen trembled. These weren't the games she'd played with her best friend, but these were games she did indeed want to play, though they scared her to the core.

"No Miss."

"Good girl."

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astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervabout 6 years ago
so freaking good

i'd forgot how amazing this story is.

foxysammifoxysammiover 12 years ago

I'm not entirely sure you know what a viola is. I think you are thinking of a cello.

BrehatBrehatover 12 years ago
Brilliant !

The woman's body as a viola. Smart, efficient and just brilliant.

soflabbwlvrsoflabbwlvrover 12 years ago
Well done

A hot little story with just enough nastiness to make the sex sizzle. Well-written and a fun read.

ukulelemanukulelemanover 12 years ago
Another knockout story

Starts hot, gets hotter, twists a bit and gets hotter yet. This is real writing.

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