Christmas with Summer Ch. 05


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A guy sitting at the table next to ours leaned over to me and loudly whispered, "Holy fuck! Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Unwilling to take my eyes off of Summer, I simply nodded.

Once she had completed her sexy twirl, John said, "Okay, I think we've established that indeed the intrepid Summer isn't hiding...anything! Am I right, people?"

Boisterous approval rained down from the rafters.

"Summer, I'd like you to help me with my first trick," John said, handing her a fanned out deck of cards. Turning his back to the audience, he continued, "I want you to walk out into the audience, where you will select someone at random. Pull out a card, then hand it to that person. Hell, you could even pick our friend Ringo, the stupidly drunken house drummer."

With everyone laughing again, Summer stepped off the stage and moved through the audience to another chorus of catcalls. Working the crowd, she strutted straight over to Ringo; then, giving him a warm smile as he openly stared at her fully erect nipples, she pulled a card from the middle of the deck. Leaning over his table, she flipped the card into his lap.

"Super Chick, huh?" she grinned, and his buddies all laughed.

"Okay, Summer, have you given someone a card yet?" asked John, his back still to the audience.

"Yes, Master, I have!" she called out.

"Master?" laughed John. "Honey, I think you have the wrong room. The one you want is over in West Hollywood!"

Everyone laughed, and Summer bowed.

It was quite simply an event when Summer bowed in that sheer scarf. She was offering so many mind-blowing visual targets that it was difficult to choose where to look, although the guy at the table directly behind her had apparently made his choice. Gasping at the sight of Summer's bare bottom, he numbly dropped his drink to the floor.

John said, "Summer, now I want you to hold up the card. Let the audience see it."

Bending at the waist, Summer reached into Ringo's lap to retrieve the card, and the people near his table whooped when she teasingly brushed her hand over the obvious bulge in his jeans. Grinning sweetly again as she gave him a suggestive squeeze, she showed the card to the audience before returning it to Ringo, who shouted, "Got it!"

John said, "Okay, Summer, scoot your gorgeous ass back on up here."

The audience whistled as she slid through the tables on her way back to the stage, where she again perched herself on the tall stool beside John.

"So, what card am I holding?" Ringo shouted.

Turning to face the crowd, John grinned, "How the fuck should I know? I just wanted to get Summer up on stage and watch her walk around the bar!"

The place exploded in laughter. Even Rick was doubled over, slapping the bar top.

While still grinning at the audience, John added, "Okay, seriously, folks, now it's time for the real magic show. You, Ace Frehley, get back up here."

He was gesturing to me, so I returned to my tall stool on stage beside Summer.

Gazing out at the crowd, John slowly opened one of his little boxes. Inside was a small dove, which he held high to show the audience. He gave it to me, then he took Summer's hands and placed them around mine, making us cup the dove together. Pulling a black handkerchief from his sleeve, he draped it over our hands, covering our forearms.

"Are you ready, folks?" he asked.

"Yeah!" they shouted.

"Okay, then. You, sir, what's your name?" he grinned to me.

"It's Jake, you douchebag," I said, and he bonked me on the head with his magician's cane.

Rick laughed, then everyone laughed.

John made his 'serious magician' face, which made us all laugh even more, then, with a dramatic flourish, he swirled his hands around ours. "Okay, Jake, on the count of three, say 'Abracadabra!' One...two...three!"


He pulled the black drape away, and suddenly Summer and I were holding a bushel of flowers.

The crowd ooh'd and ahh'd.

John picked up a second box, from which he pulled out another dove. Well, okay, it was actually a Dove Bar ice cream, and we all laughed again. After placing it in our hands, he covered us with the black handkerchief.

"Same drill, guy. One...two...three!"


He pulled away the drape, and we were holding a ribbed pink vibrator.

The room completely lost it, and Summer only made matters worse when she started hamming it up with our faux cock. Snatching it away from me, she made a big show of licking it up and down before tucking it into the waistband of her panties.

"Hey, you never know!" she giggled to the crowd.

"Oh, believe me, I know!" shouted Ringo, which prompted another round of back and forth barbs and laughter.

It took a good couple of minutes before the laughter died down enough for John to continue, and he finally waved everyone quiet. "Okay, just two more tricks, folks, so bear with me. Summer, this time I wantyou to say the magic word. Give it to us nice and loud."

He brought out another bird for us to hold, only it was very obviously a fake. It was a replica of Big Bird, which made the audience crack up again.


"Eat me!" laughed Summer, cutting him off.

John bopped her right on the breast with his magician's cane. "Do it right, woman, or I'llproperly cane you! Now, let's try this again. One...two...three!"


He pulled away the drape. In her hands was a small silver box.

There was a moment of awkward silence before someone in the audience shouted, "What is it?"

Leaning down, John whispered in Summer's ear. She opened the box...and stared at him in shock. He whispered to her again.

With a look of stunned disbelief, Summer spoke hesitantly into the mic. "It''s a Christmas present from John. These are the keys to my dream car...John's classic Corvette convertible."

"Hey, I need a new car too! Let me play this game!" yelled Ringo.

The audience laughed, but Summer kept looking at John. Taking her by the hand, he leaned in to kiss her on the lips. "Merry Christmas, angel. You'll look so much better in it than I ever could."

Summer jumped into his arms, which caused the audience to erupt again when her scarf flipped up above her ass, treating them to a beautiful view of her pussy. Dollar bills and catcalls began raining down from everywhere, along with a smattering of respectful applause.

John said to the crowd, "Pipe down already, you buncha monkeys! Just give me another minute. I still have one more trick."

The thing is, Summer wouldn't let him go. She kept hugging him and kissing him, until finally he whispered, "Just one more tonight, sweetie. I need you back on your stool for this final trick."

"Baby, but that's your beautiful car! She's your pride and joy! John, I can't believe you did this! Ooooh, you areso going to get it when we get home!" she whispered excitedly, beaming as she returned to her stool to await his final trick.

Stepping onto the stage again, Rick grabbed the mic. Waving for the crowd to quiet down, he said, "People, seriously, give me a moment here. As many of you know, John is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Tonight is a very important night for him, so, please, just for a minute, give us complete silence. I think you're gonna wanna hear this.

"Davey, go ahead and kill the lights, except the one spotlight. Thanks."

He ambled off the stage, and the lights dimmed. The room fell silent.

"Okay, this is my final trick of the night..." John said to the hushed audience.

Pulling something from a large box beneath the table, he held it up for everyone to see.

It was Summer's Santa's Helper robe, the one she'd given him to sleep with their first night together.

Summer gasped, then she immediately choked up. Staring at him in sheer wonder before turning to me, her wild eyes were filled with tears.

Taking her hand, I held her gaze.

John continued, "Yes, people, it's only a robe. It's just a simple, beautiful thing that was given to me in a very special way by an angel I love with all my heart. I know this means nothing to any of you, and it's not even funny, but this robe and what it represents means the whole world to me. So, please, bear with me one last moment...."

As he carefully folded it before setting it on the table, Summer was openly crying, her entire body trembling.

With the beautiful girl on stage suddenly weeping, the audience began murmuring in confusion.

John covered our hands again with the drape before placing the mic directly in front of me. "It's your turn to say the magic word."

He had the audience count it down. "One...two...three!"

"Summer, will you marry me?"

John pulled away the drape, and there I was, on one knee, holding an open velvet box containing the diamond engagement ring I'd chosen for her.

Summer was frozen.

"I'll marry you!" shouted Ringo.

Summer exploded into me! "Yes, I'll marry you! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she cried as she tackled me, knocking me onto my back on the stage. She pounced on top of me, covering my face with frantic kisses. "Baby, is this real? Tell me this isn't a joke!"

Holding her close, I whispered, "This is real, Summer. It's all real. I'm asking you to be my be with me now and forever."

Retrieving her Santa's Helper robe, John leaned down to whisper, "Summer, that's no prop ring, this isn't a trick, and he's not joking. That's a real engagement ring, and Jake is proposing to you. This is it. He's asking you to marry him."

He laid the robe over her, giving us a bizarre sort of privacy.

With her beautiful eyes shining brightly, Summer looked into mine, searching me. "Baby, you really want me to be your wife? What you said earlier tonight, when you promised you'd never let me really are promising to hold me and love me forever?"

I kissed her warm tears. "Yes, angel, I'm promising you forever. If you will take me as your husband, I will hold you, cherish you, and love you forever, and I'll be the happiest man alive."

Summer cried out, "If I'll take you?! Jake, god, yes, I will take you as my husband! There is nothing I want more in this whole world than to be your wife!"

As I slipped the ring onto her finger, she was beaming at me, then she beamed at everyone else too. Her liquid eyes were dazzling when she hugged me, breathing into my mouth, "Oh, Jake, my darling, beautiful husband. I will be your loving wife, and I will be yours forever."

With the audience applauding, Dave and Aaron came up and gave us big hugs. I held Summer close as we left the stage, and after stopping to thank Rick for his wonderful hospitality we quietly made our way to the waiting limousine. We all hugged again, then Dave said, "You have the limo for as long as you want, and you have a suite reserved at the Bellagio in Vegas. Tonight you two go and celebrate together."

"Just don't go getting married while you're there. If you guys get married without us, we'll never speak to you again," John added with a wide grin.

"Seriously. You are absolutely forbidden from getting married while you're in Vegas. Don't even think about it," said Aaron, staring pointedly at Summer.

"We won't, I promise! God, are you kidding me? You allhave to be there for our wedding! Who else could give me away?" she smiled, warmly hugging and kissing them one last time.

~ ~ ~

It was finally January 4th, the day of the USC-Oklahoma national championship game. Summer had lost a bet with John over the Sugar Bowl score so she had to wear a USC Song Girls outfit for the entire day, all the way through the end of the game. Not that she minded in the least, of course. Summer was rooting with the rest of us for USC anyway, and she had no problem borrowing a Song Girl outfit from one of her girlfriends who used to be a USC cheerleader. In typical Summer fashion, she told her girlfriend she wouldn't be needing the little white panties that went with the short skirt.

Her friend got a kick out of that, saying she'd always wished that just once she would've had the courage to go out on the field and dance for the huge crowd sans those panties.

All day long Summer danced around the house in her gorgeous Song Girl outfit, playing out every fantasy any of us ever had about those beautiful USC cheerleaders.

Probably the highlight of the day was when Summer watched the entire second half of the game perched facedown across Dave's lap, her skirt flipped up onto her back. For a solid hour and a half she simply lay there, writhing contentedly as Dave caressed and worshipped our favorite Song Girl's naked bottom.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, which meant the guys finally had to return home the following day.

Bawling like a baby, Summer hugged Dave and Aaron goodbye, making them promise to come visit again just as soon as possible. John was the last to go, and Summer held his hand in the car all the way to the airport before crying in his arms at the boarding gate. She simply refused to leave. It wasn't until his plane had safely taken off and literally disappeared from sight that she finally allowed us to head home.

When we got back to the house, she immediately sat down at the table to write them each a personal "thank you" letter. Once she was finished, she began tidying up the house, starting in Dave's room.

I was putting away food and cleaning the kitchen when Summer came running in, wildly excited. Happily crying her eyes out again, she was holding a letter in one hand and a key in the other.

"What is it?" I asked, startled by her sudden outburst.

"It's from David! Oh, my god, Jake, you have to read this!"

Running right out of the kitchen, she gleefully flung herself backward onto the couch in the living room. With an ear-to-ear grin she handed me the letter, and I read it aloud...


Congratulations on your engagement. Truly, you deserve to be happy. You're our beautiful angel, and together with your husband we're going to make all your dreams come true.

As you have already discovered, you've taken up with a merry band of schemers. Yes, it really is just one goofy conspiracy after another with us, so of course we have yet another surprise for you. The reason I've waited until now to spring this one on you is simple. We all knew Jake was going to propose to you that night at the club, and I wasn't about to intrude on such a blessed moment.

You and I shared a perfect evening together beneath the Palisades starlight, where you told me your lifelong dream. Summer, I love you more than you may ever understand, and I meant it when I said you're home now.

Think back to when I had to leave you for a few minutes during our limo ride on New Year's Eve. We stopped at that office building because I had an appointment with my attorney to sign a series of title documents. The result of that meeting is the key you now hold in your hand, which will unlock the door to a beautiful four-bedroom home located right on the beach in Cozumel.

You now own that home, free and clear. The title is registered under the names Jake and Summer Marshall. This is my wedding gift to you, and as soon as you two are ready I'll fly you down there.

Summer, you gave me your heart, making all my dreams come true. Now my fondest wish is to see those white sands playing between your pretty little toes, and for you and Jake to create your own starlit memories beneath a brilliant Caribbean moon.


P.S. - Jake didn't know a damn thing about this! Bwaaaahahaaa!

I held the key in my hand, staring dumbly at it, then I looked over at Summer. She squealed happily on the couch, kicking her feet in the air like a little girl. "Can you believe it? This is all one big dream!" she cried out in joy.

"Some of it, yeah, I can believe it. This beach house in Mexico? I'm as stunned as you are. Now we just need to set a wedding date so we can go there for our honeymoon!"

"Yeah! And you know what I want more than anything for our honeymoon? I mean, besides having you fuck my brains out day and night, everywhere we go!"

I laughed, "Jeez, that's a tough one, but let me take a wild stab at it. You want some guests to join us? Maybe, oh, three specific guests?"

Giggling, she made a silly face while eagerly nodding her head.

"Baby, I think that can probably be arranged."

Shouting in delight, Summer kicked her feet in the air again, and my heart sang at the sight of my beautiful, happy girl—my beautiful, happy girl, so completely in love.

~the end~

Although this concludes the "Christmas with Summer" series, her story continues in "Summer is Hot in Cozumel," a three-part series describing Summer's wild honeymoon in Mexico.

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IJS0904IJS0904about 2 years ago

My comment will hopefully find you many years after you wrote the series. I have to say Summer is an amazing character. She is the girl all guys really wanted, but could never get past their own insecurities to be with. Truly an awesomely well written character. I've enjoyed both series so far and I can't wait to read more. Thank you for your writing and for sharing it. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Realistic? Who cares!!

Saw a comment saying the story wasn't realistic and therefore not worth reading. Say WHAT? Are the Marvel stories and movies realistic? Obviously not, and that must explain why they're such dismal failures (not). The "Summer" stories are great fun, very sexy, and perhaps best of all, the people in them are all likeable, making you cheer for every fun moment they have. And it is all fun, with no humiliation, no degradation, no attempts at conceited or cruel domination or control. Just good, clean, SEXY FUN!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I tried to like it

The whole scenario is just completely unbelievable. In my mind the story has to have at least a shred of credulity or its nothing more than fap material. Not much believable here. I can see jake possibly sharing her but the endless professions of love from the friendsMM and the ridiculously expensive gifts made this one hard story to read.

toobytoobyover 8 years ago

I know I'd never be able to handle a girl like Summer, because I'm pretty insecure, but what a fantasy! She sounds like a little bit of Heaven (with a whole lot of temptation and sin thrown in) to me. It made me weep tears of joy at the end, with the happenings in the nightclub. I'm looking forward to reading the rest, and hopefully you will finish the final two chapters after "Summer Voodoo". Thanks so much for your lovely and extremely descriptive tales...

pubebarberpubebarberabout 10 years ago
Thanks for a great story.

I enjoyed every last second reading your story of Summer at Christmas. Thanks for writing such an enjoyable tale.

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