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"So for what you want, you're saying that he'd accept that you're bi, not gay?" The idea and feeling when she said that I was bi -- as if it was a confirmed fact -- still rocked me.

"Honey, I don't think I AM bi, But I am curious about how it would feel. Also, I would do it right then for YOU, not just the two of us without your presence. And here's something else I've been thinking: I think everybody has some ambisexual feelings, whether they know it or not. Fifteen years ago, or so, I would never even discuss myself touching another guy sexually. It was just something I wouldn't consider.

"But society is changing. Going by the various porn sites for example, and their changing content, it seems that society and even the world are gradually becoming more accepting of alternate relationships."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that there have always been men's magazines with naked women in them. There have always been specific fetish magazines at 'adult shops' showing anything and everything, but that's not what I mean. Pictures of two women together -- I'm talking about mainstream magazines, like Playboy and Penthouse -- began to appear. Then pictures started showing up that included naked men with the naked women."

"I get it. You mean mainstream, okay?"

"Okay. That was all before the internet. Now you can find anything you want. But in these archives on the computer that show mainly women, sometimes there are two guys with a woman. Now, even mainstream pages sometimes show action between the men in a threesome or foursome. And it's showing up more often than a year ago. Sometimes in archives like the one we just looked at no woman is present. It's just two or several guys. All among mixed shots of everything I just described."

"Huh. So you think it's a social change. You're probably right. But that's for a clothed discussion. It doesn't find us another dick or pussy for us to share," Cindy pointed out. She was trying to refocus me by trying to revive my cock, which had gone soft. It was working.

"Okay. Monday, I'll start being more social with the guys I know at work, and get to know the guys I rarely see to talk to. It's a big office. I'll just be casual, I'm not going to go around offering them a chance to fuck you."

"I didn't expect you would." My cock had responded nicely and she climbed aboard again. Once we had our parts meshed comfortably together, she started talking while she rocked gently on my dick.

"Close your eyes, dear. Okay. Now try to imagine that you just sprayed the inside of Patty's red-haired pussy (I don't know if she shaves or not). Now you stayed hard enough for me to ride and you just ["Shove it in me now!"] like this ["Shove hard and side to side!" she directed me].

"At the other end of your strong body, she's squeezing her little pussy hard and moaning at what your talented tongue and fingers are doing to her."

"Honey, ease off if you want me to save my orgasm much longer," I warned her. She did just that. She stopped. "Okay, go on -- you're riding and I'm sucking on Patty."

"Well. I hear her coming a few times before you explode inside me. She collapses to the side and I roll off behind her. I tug her onto her back and we kiss, long and wet. I reach down to pull one of her big tits to my mouth and suck it noisily. Then I whisper to her. We rise at the same time and tend to you. We share the juicy stuff I left on your dick along with your second load of cum. When we finish, we kiss again. Then we crowd up to your face for three-way kisses all around." I couldn't hold it back. I erupted in Cindy's cunt.

After I recovered a little bit, I said, "Whew! That's pretty hot."

"Okay...But try to replace Patty with another guy. Imagine you and he both fucking me, then the two of you sharing a nice long kiss before doing to me what Patty and I just did to you." I try some images on in my head. The other guys were all faceless. Cindy moved up for my oral attentions to her cunt. There wasn't much of 'me' to suck from it that time. After we had swallowed it all, she went on.

"See what I'm saying? It should be wide open that way or it isn't something I want to do. That is true sharing, honestly and openly. First, we accept who we are and own it. Then we should be willing to do it all with each of us. Everybody needs to be in the moment and permit whatever happens. Of course, everybody would have the right to say 'No' to something."

I heard what she said. It was clear that she had been winding up as she thought about it. Her idea was a lot more complicated than mine. Or, on the other hand, it might be less complicated. If there were no restrictions about what was 'proper' or accepted by society, then everybody would get the opportunity to be satisfied.

"Okay, but you know the kinds of people in the world. To participate in your scenario with more than one other person, we would need to consider how so-and-so interacts with what's-her- name. It requires everybody to be on the same page of what we're doing. Pleasure for everybody, don't let anybody go home feeling rejected."

"Yeah, but that should all be handled before they get involved. And since two of the people will be you and me, then we're two-thirds (or half, maybe, if it's another couple) of the way there."

"Right. And that's the most difficult part of this. While I go around the office, you can check out your coworkers. Get to know this Fran you mentioned better, if you'd consider her for us to have sex with. But get to be better friends with Patty, too. As well as any others you think might work out for us. I kind of liked Patty."

"Okay." She grinned and gave me a loudly smacking kiss. "This is fun! Even if we never do it, or if we don't find anybody suitable, playing with the fantasies is fun." Then she gave me a very sensual kiss. When we finally broke it, she said, "But I really want to see you making love -- not just fucking -- with another guy."

"You're talking about a deeper -- and longer -- relationship than what I've been thinking about. I mean, repeat sessions are one thing. Actually feeling similar feelings as I have for you -- if it ever even could happen with a guy -- means a longer association. Like a best friend, or even a live-in situation. I can't see that happening, not soon, at any rate.

"Of all the friends I've had since I was old enough to make friends, there were maybe two that I had any close feelings for. They were never sexual urges, though. they were close friendships and yet neither of us suggested sex between us."

"I get it, honey. But isn't that what you've been trying to say anyway? But, I can fantasize, just like you can," she said.

I rolled to face her. "I'm hungry. Are you hungry?" I asked her.

We went to the kitchen and managed to put a leftover chicken with pasta dish together with garlic bread and salad. Pretty decent for an off the cuff dinner.

There wasn't much on TV, so Cindy went to the bedroom and made some calls. I went back to the computer to see what the idiots in Washington had done that day.

I had finished the disgusting news pages and clicked over to play some games. Sex was never far from my thoughts, though, and our last conversation left me with much to think about.

I'd only recently stopped cringing when a picture came out of the blue on some nude archive of men actually kissing and seeming to have a relationship. Could there be a guy who I would be willing to kiss and love the way Cindy was talking about? I couldn't quite visualize it.

I can accept that two men or two women can be in love the way heterosexual relationships become. They can even marry most places in this country now. But, even if the thought of adding another person (or other people -- plural) to our intimate life so deeply sounds scary, it still seems like a great way to live. A polyamorous life would also lift the burdens of everyday chores -- cooking, cleaning laundry, etc. -- but something like that would take a long time to develop. And it also sounds suspiciously kind of like some Utopian idea. Age of Aquarius, and all that. I still have trouble seeing gay or lesbian couples as just people and not just 'gay people'. I also don't like seeing some guy flaunting his homosexuality, swishing around and generally imitating a woman.

Cindy came into the den where I sat. She brought me a small glass of the Brandy I like to have before bed. Pulling the extra chair away from the wall and sitting next to me, she raised her own Brandy in a toast.

"Here's to our bold experiment, baby," she said with a smile. I clinked and sipped, just as she did.

"You've lost the reluctance you had when I brought this all up."

She nodded. "Thinking about it...fantasizing...really got to me. I don't know if it was the fun I had in college reawakening, or what it was (because, our shyness later aside, the act, the aroma, and the taste of her pussy stuck in my memory). But with you here now, the thought of having two men to love and fuck appeals to me. Another woman? Sure, but it's like, 'Been there, done that', for me.

"But as I said, now my fantasy of my masculine husband making love with another manly guy, THAT really has me by the pussy. We can start with a woman if you want. But you have to promise to participate with a guy in our bed the same way I do with her. Like I said, if everything isn't fairly distributed, I'm taking my pussy and going home."

"I get it. But the 'lovemaking' you want would take years to reach that point, if it ever did. I mean, I could perform the acts for you, but the caring feelings wouldn't be there. Casual, friendly fucking and sucking, I think I can handle. Even having a dick up my ass, I could do, as long as it wasn't too painful. I'm as anally excited as you are. You know that already. You've fucked me with your toys enough for you to know it."

She smiled. "I know. I guess I just want you to feel what I feel when you do my ass -- a live, warm and squirting cock as opposed to hard plastic. For now, the actual actions will have to do. Though if we get lucky in our search for partners, somebody might give us the basis for a long term relationship, the way you mean. If we enjoy fucking the same guy or girl often enough, you might reach that point. I would love sharing ourselves with another guy. We could even live together one day. Sort of like me having two husbands, you know?"

"Let's just concentrate on finding one person first -- man or woman, it doesn't matter which to me -- to play with."

"Yeah, you're right honey. Like I said, let's get a woman first, okay?"

"Yeah. That's fine. We start a real search Monday."

She tipped her Brandy into her mouth and kissed me. She made the ghost of her Brandy taste delicious. I drank the last of mine and she told me good night. She took our empty glasses out with her.

I bounced around from photo archives to story pages. The next time I looked at the clock, it was 1:00 AM. The next day being Sunday, I didn't need to get up early. The search and the subject were hard to let go. I was beginning to accept what Cindy already had said, we are both bisexual. Or I'm at least 'bi-curious', as it's known. With Cindy's approval and the things she had been saying, it was becoming easier to accept the idea of trying it.

In most of the stories I've read about threesomes that include bisex -- whether supposedly true or outright fiction -- the guy has to try to convince his wife or girlfriend to invite somebody into their bed, then to make her understand that he likes sucking cock as well as loving the woman. Sometimes he was successful, sometimes not.

After we went through something like the first part of what I just wrote, Cindy has been trying to convince me that I'd like sucking a cock. Sort of a reversal of the usual roles. But I was already curious about it anyway. Her college experience would make it simpler to add a woman to our intimacies, too.

So I started really looking at the men in the photos, or, more specifically, at their cocks. Before we started this discussion, I had noticed them but that was it. My interest in the shot was the woman. Now, I allow myself to look at the dicks as potential sex partners for myself. I wondered how that one would feel going up my ass. I wondered how much of this one I could take in my mouth.

I stopped about 2 AM. I shut the computer down and stretched my back. In the kitchen, still nude (I hadn't worn anything for the last 32 hours, since I came home from work on Friday), I checked the back door. I padded into the front room to check the front door. It was locked, but as I turned to go to bed, I saw a flash of light through a slice of open curtain that gapped open.

I backed up and saw it again. I homed in on the curtain's partly open panel. I peeked out and got a surprise. The lady across the street was standing nude in her open front room window. I knew who she was, and knew she was older. But seeing her nude, I saw that she had a decent body for her age. She assumed several poses (she had a nice ass), but then she sat down and it looked like she played a game of solitaire or something. She wanted the world to see her naked, but had to wait until this time of morning to do it.

The distance between where I stood and where she was is only about forty or fifty feet, so my view was fairly good. She didn't look bad for a woman as old as she seemed to be. I figured she was, maybe, 55 or sixty. She'd brought us a casserole when we first moved in, but I only really glanced at her facial features. I don't think I've said a dozen words to her since -- just greeting her out front. Cindy sat for coffee with her when she returned the casserole dish. Now, surprisingly, I wondered if she'd be interested in joining us. My dick thought so. I was sticking up, hard again. Hell, it was a naked woman, after all. She moved out of sight and the light went out.

I knew Cindy was sound asleep, but I suddenly was awake. I grabbed a beer and went back to the den. When the computer finally booted up, I searched for sites with older or more mature women. It gave me too many pages. There were a lot of 'granny hunters' out there, judging by the number of sites available to see them. And lots of 'granny's' to help them out on other pages, too.

I picked one page that claimed they were all 55 or older. Overall, I couldn't fault them on the claim. Some looked like they just woke up at the home and were waiting for the nurse to dress them. But there were a lot of them who caught my eye. Yes, they were aging. But they still enjoyed showing their naked bodies off. Some of them even looked too young for the advertised minimum age.

Their spirit impressed me. The confidence they must have had made me hope I could still be comfortably naked when I reach their age. Hell, I reminded myself, I was less than ten years away from being 55. I thought about the neighbor lady. I didn't think she had a husband. At least I'd never seen a man over there at all, except for the lawn guys and a delivery boy from the market. I rarely see her, as far as that goes.

I bookmarked a few of the Granny pages and shut down again. Checking across the street, I saw the light was still off. The curtains across the street were closed. I wondered if it was a one-time thing for her or if she did this regularly. I'd have to check another night. I went and joined Cindy. Her familiar aromas put me right to sleep.

In the morning, we had time to sit and have a cup of coffee before rushing off to work. It was something we tried to do every work day morning, but sometimes circumstances prevented it. "So we start our searches today, right?" Cindy asked.

"Yeah. But honey, I have to tell you something cool." I related the neighbor lady story, giving Cindy a good laugh. "What's her story? You had coffee with her back when you took that dish back."

"Oh, I don't know. Her name's Margie and she's a widow. She doesn't get out much. She has her groceries delivered and buys what she needs online or by mail. I don't know if she has friends or relatives. That's about it."

"Huh. I wonder what she gets out of what I saw. Do you suppose she's that lonely that she has to go to extremes to try and show anybody that might see her who and what she is?"

"Could be. You said watching her made you get hard. Should I go chat with her about coming here for dinner or something?"

"You know, I can't stop thinking about her deeper needs, you know? She's gotta be lonely to do what she did." Cindy nodded.

"Yeah," I went on. "It seems pretty powerful, to confine your sexuality to something like that -- because she wasn't just showing her body. It looked like she always had a hand between her legs. She probably went to bed and frigged herself half to death. The woman needs to have a lover or friends. Let's go ahead with the plan to check out our coworkers and you can check on her sometime soon."

"If nothing sexual comes from it, at least she'll know we're her friends. Kind of a public service," Cindy said.

"Hell," she added, "It's just a nice thing to do. If she wants to climb into bed with us, it will just be a plus -- maybe. I have to hurry now and dress. I'm gonna be a little late." She rushed from the kitchen. I still had half an hour before I reached that state. I didn't push it and I still beat Cindy to the door.

We kissed briefly and I told her, "Keep searching." She concurred and she was gone. I closed and locked the door and strolled to my car.

During the day, my job takes me to several different departments within the office anyway. The best looking women were the ones I saw in sales. I tried to gauge the guys, but that was sort of impossible for me. I took the time to talk with the people I've dropped off or picked up paperwork from or to them. I came away with, at least their names, if I didn't already know them. I even made notes after I left each department, to help me recall them.

Cindy didn't have notes that night. She was disappointed about her coworkers. Other than Fran and Patty, she had nothing. "None of the guys seemed as friendly as they used to. I think they're afraid of being accused of sexual harassment these days."

My list numbered eleven possibilities. Seven men and 4 women. "Find a day next week when you can come visit my office. I'll introduce you to these people -- as well as the others, of course, and you can cross them off or not."

So we did that. Cindy took a half day of vacation and she brought me lunch. We ate our sandwiches and drank our sodas. Then I showed her around the office. I alerted her when we were about to meet anybody on my list. She gave two of the women an okay vote and only two of the men.

She left and when I went home, Cindy was already there.

"I took the whole day off, honey. So when I got home after lunch, I changed into that kind of low cut sundress you like and went to visit Margie. I made some snacks and took them along. We had a pretty cool afternoon. Ritz crackers with various toppings and wine. Lots of wine.

"She's quite the gal. If you like her we can probably just come out and ask her. She seems to have been a kind of hippie back in the sixties. She's coming over for dinner tomorrow."

"That was quick. So what did you talk about?"

"Oh, most of it was her telling me about her three marriages. She divorced the first one and buried the other two. Some pretty racy times back in the sixties and seventies."

"The sixties! That means she must be over seventy!"

"Seventy-two, she says. Add a couple years to that, though. She might be lying."

"Does she look that good close up?"

"Well she didn't strip for me, but her face and hands show age, of course. Still, she seems younger when she talks."

Okay. Did she show any interest in you?"

"Oh, she seemed to reach and squeeze my hand frequently, but other than that, no. She thanked me for spending time with her, and gave me a nice hug goodbye, if that counts."