Eric's Parting Gift


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"Well? Do I keep it?"

"Yes! It flatters you."

She smiled, said "Thanks" and pulled off the dress. She bent to the pile and picked up another dress. It went to the discard pile.

I sat watching both women in the nude as they sorted thru clothes. After about ten minutes Sarah asked if she could go to the bathroom. I nodded and she went. As soon as she was gone Cheryl asked, "Where is Eric?"


"A trip or forever?"


"Sarah is yours now?"

I looked at her a long time. Before I answered she spoke again.

"I knew about Sarah giving herself to Eric. I knew her before she did it and I've watched her since. Something about being submissive really works for her. I like you already. I love Sarah. Please be good to her."

"Much better than good."

Sarah was in the doorway when the next knock came and she looked to me. I motioned her to the door and she went. It was another of her friends come to check out the clothes. They were joking about Sarah opening the door nude when they came into the clothes room and the friend saw Cheryl was nude too. Before she saw me she said, "Well, if that's the way this is going..." and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Then she noticed me. Her hands flew over her breasts and her mouth opened.

Cheryl said, "Meet Nick. He's cool."

"I'm sorry. I was not expecting to see a man sitting here with both Sarah and this lady nude."

"I'm sorry," Sarah said, "This is Cheryl. Cheryl, this is Rose."

Sarah and Cheryl explained the pile method and Rose stuffed her shirt in her bag and began her own pile. I watched. All three women were about five six or seven, slender, with "A" or "B" cup sized breasts. Sarah was clean shaven, Cheryl had a small patch above her slit and Rose had kept her jeans on. Sarah's breasts were like cones that came to darkened nipples, Cheryl's breasts were rounder and wider than Sarah's and the smallish pink nipples were pierced with tiny gold loops thru them. Now I could see that Rose's tits swooped from her chest to the nipple points and when she leaned to the pile they extended from her chest in a delightful way. I also noticed a fading hickey on the side of her right breast.

Sarah picked a dress, pulled it on and looked at me.

It was a chocolate cocktail dress, high on her thigh, tight, and the bodice pushed her breasts into view quite nicely.

"Keep that one." I said.

Cheryl asked about another dress and it too was a keeper. Two dresses later Rose pulled off her jeans and pulled on a dress. It was a dress that didn't look good on either Sarah or Cheryl but did look good on Rose. Her pale skin and black hair went with the dress well. I said so and both Sarah and Cheryl agreed. Rose smiled and took off the dress. Three women of about the same size but such different looks.

It was about four when the knock came on the front door again. Sarah looked at me and I nodded. She went to the door and came back with another friend. Introductions were made and the sorting continued. Sarah looked at one more dress and was done. Cheryl tried on two more and took both of them. Rose had about ten more to go and Andrea had twenty.

When Sarah was finished I patted the sofa next to me and she came and sat next to me. We kissed and then she whispered, "Nick, do you want me to get dressed?"

I shook my head, No. We watched the other three and gave our opinion when asked. When Cheryl finished sorting she looked at us, thought for a moment and asked, "Nick, may I join you on the couch?"

I nodded. She came to the couch and sat on the other side of me from Sarah. She leaned to my ear and whispered, "Nick, do you want me to get dressed?"

My eyes went to her face. She was smiling and looking at my chest. A submissive pose. Was she offering me what she appeared to be offering? Was this the place to give her a proper answer? I quietly said "No."

When I looked at Sarah she was smiling and watching Rose. Rose ended up with her car filled with new clothes. Andrea took everything the others had left. Cheryl loaded her car with clothes but her entire pile didn't fit. I told her we would meet her at the house the next day at ten in the morning. She said, "Yes, Nick."

The tone and inflection told me that she was saying Nick but meant "Master."

Rose and Cheryl left and Sarah and I loaded what we could into my CR-V. Sarah had redressed in her jeans and shirt before the others had left and when we got in the front to drive away Sarah asked, "Do you want me to ride home with clothes on or off?"

I thought for a moment. No one had ever asked me that question before.

"Just take off your jeans."

She did. As we rode along I thought about her willingness to please me. No, not willingness, focus on pleasing me.

"Sarah, spread your legs." One knee against the door and the other against my leg. She didn't hesitate.

"Are you wet?"

"Yes, Honey. I have been wet almost all day."

"Give me a taste."

Her fingers went immediately into her pussy and then to my mouth. I could smell her as her hand came up and I could taste her nectar as soon as her fingers went in my mouth. I looked over and a guy in the car next to us was watching as her fingers were in my mouth.

"Again," I said.

Sarah's hand left my mouth, went into her pussy and right back to my mouth. The man was still watching. I held her fingers in my mouth until the car behind honked. The light had changed to green.

I drove us home. On the way I had Sarah give me tastes and make a call to Mogan's restaurant. They deliver in our neighborhood. Dinner would arrive about five minutes after we did.

At home I pulled into the garage and sent Sarah into the house with an arm load of clothes. I gathered another armload and headed in. When I dumped the clothes on the bed I told Sarah to stay and put them away and I would unload the car.

As I exited the house two young men came round the corner of the garage with our dinner. I stopped, paid them and took the bag with the food.

"Can I hire the two of you for about ten minutes?"

"For?" The older one asked.

"I've got a car full of boxes that all need to get from the car into the house. If you'd help I think about ten minutes would get the job done."

"How many of those boxes are books?" The smaller, younger one asked.

"I'll take those two myself. Most of the boxes are things like socks and shoes and bathroom stuff."

"OK." They followed me into the garage. I was right, ten minutes and we were done. I gave them each a twenty. They smiled and said we should call anytime.

Five more minutes and I called Sarah for dinner. When she walked into the kitchen she still didn't have pants on. The front door was open and I wondered if any neighbors had noticed her walk past the door. I realized that I now wanted more privacy. The thinking of how to get more I put back in the recesses of my thinking knowing that the answer would come.

We talked thru dinner and laughed as well. Sarah's comfort level was increasing as the hours went by. We cleaned up what little needed cleaning after dinner and spent the rest of the evening putting Sarah's things into what was now our home. I was aware that the more we integrated her stuff into the house the happier she became.

By bed time she knew this was not temporary. She was here to stay. I led her to our bedroom.

We both stood by the bed and I took her in my arms. She tilted her head up and I kissed her lips. It was incredible. I could feel the total submission in her lips. When I opened my lips hers followed my lead. One kiss lead to many. I realized that she would stand on the spot kissing as long as that was what I wanted to do. She was the willing participant with no expectation that I would do anything that I wasn't doing.

My hands held her hips and I pushed her gently back. Sarah went.

I let go of her and said, "Undress me, please."

"Yes, Honey."

I had heard the word Honey many times in my life but never with the power it had coming from Sarah.

Her fingers worked at my clothes and soon I was standing nude before her, with my clothes folded neatly in a pile on a nearby chair.

"Finish getting undressed."

I watched as she quickly finished. She stepped out of her shoes.

"Are you wet?" I asked.

"I think so, Honey."

"I will need to check."

I held out a finger at the level of her slit and she walked the step to my hand and slid her pussy onto my finger. She was very wet. I withdrew the finger and offered it to her.


Her mouth opened and took my finger in. The entire offered finger. She sucked on it. I pulled it out.

"Are you wet?" I asked again.

"Nick, I am wet."

"What does that wetness mean?"

"It means that my pussy is ready to please you any way you would like, Honey."

"If zero is the state of not wanting to be touched at all and ten is the state of being in the midst of an orgasm where are you right now?"


"Good. Now lay down on the carpet, please."

"Face up or down, Nick?"


I had her put her arms folded behind her head. I told her that she was not allowed to remove them from behind her head until I gave permission.

My face was mere inches from her small breast when I reclined on the carpet next to her. It stood as a small pointed cone on her chest. It's near twin a few inches farther away. I say near twin because this breast had a small mole about a quarter of an inch from the edge of the quarter sized areola. I used my index finger and gently traced a circle around the areola, hitting that mole at each revolution. My index finger was in its third lap when I asked, "Can you feel it when I touch the mole?"

"Yes, Honey." She whispered.

"Put one finger in your slit. Every time I touch the mole you may gently brush the finger across your clit. When you get to eight on the scale tell me."

Saran used her middle finger and when I touched her mole she stroked once across her clit. I spent about ten seconds for each lap around her areola. With each touch her breathing changed, redness spread across her chest.

"Eight, Honey."

"Thank you. Tell me when you are at nine."

My finger continued lap after lap.

"Nine! Honey."

Sarah's hips were moving on their own in a fucking motion. The hand not at her pussy was gripping the carpet. Her nipples were tight and seemed to be arcing to touch my hand. It didn't happen.

As my finger went around it touched the mole. Her finger stroked her clit.

"Nine, Honey!"

"Take your finger out of your pussy. When I touch the mole you will still feel the stroke on your clit. On the tenth stroke you will cum. Count the strokes for us."

Around my finger went. As it crossed the mole she said, "One!"

With slightly more pressure I went around again. As I touched the mole she said, "Two!"

Each time her voice got louder and more excited. At "eight!" she was almost screaming. At nine I stopped my finger on the mole. Sarah's eyes shot open and she looked at me.

"Sarah, do you want to cum?"

"Yes, my Honey, Yes."

My finger quickly went once more around at hit the mole. Sarah spasmed and groaned. For over a minute her body felt the orgasm as it spread through her nervous system and finally relaxed. I had remained still, watching her.

Sarah's eyes opened. She looked at me and said, "Thank you, Honey."

I asked if she was cold. She was not. I asked if she needed to use the bathroom. She did not. I told her to stand up. She did. I asked her if she trusted me. She answered that her very life was mine to do with as I saw fit.

"What if I want to hurt you?"

"I will not resist."

"What if I want to have you fuck someone other than me?"

"I will not resist."

"What if I want you to sleep with me tonight?"

"I will not resist." Sarah smiled and her eyes twinkled.

Five minutes later we were both in bed. As I was falling asleep with her against me I realized that Sarah would not initiate sex or anything with me. She trusted that I would take care of her and me. The weight of the responsibility was powerful.

My alarm was set for 6:15am as it always was. Since this was a day off and I had not remembered to shut it off before we went to bed it woke us at 6:15. I was spooned against Sarah's back. After hitting the alarm I turned her to face me and kissed her. Some women I had been with didn't like first-thing-in-the-morning kisses. They wanted to get up and brush their teeth, use mouthwash or whatever. This morning I wanted to kiss. Sarah did not resist. I kissed her mouth twice.

After the second kiss I asked her if she needed to pee. When she returned she resumed the exact position she had been in when I asked.

"Sarah, it will probably take me a while to get the whole thing about you being submissive. I'm not quite sure how to be in this kind of a relationship. I want you to speak about what you want and what you need. You may not always get what you want but I want to know what you think. OK?"

"Yes, Nick. When I was with Eric there were rules for me. I was not to speak about my needs unless asked. Sometimes I was punished. Sometimes Eric did things to me so that I knew my place."

"Like what?"

"Sometime I slept on the floor. Sometimes I was not allowed on the couch or any chair."

"I don't think things like that will be necessary. I won't tell you they won't ever happen but it is not something I foresee doing. What things did you do in Eric's home?"

"I took care of keeping the house clean and I made most of our meals. I did the laundry. When I was at work I called him at least once a day. When Eric was going on a trip I packed for him."

"What sexual things do you like?"

"I like whatever I am asked to do. I am here for your pleasure. If it pleases you I want to do it."

"So, your focus is my pleasure?"

"In every way possible, Honey."

"Do you think you could get me hard?"

"Yes Honey." She didn't move.

"Please do."

Sarah dove under the covers and I felt her mouth and hands engulf my penis. The enthusiasm she used was wonderful and very quickly had the requested result.


"Yes Honey."

"Lie on your back and open yourself to me."

This delightful woman was quick to obey. I was surprised at how open she made herself to me. Her legs were almost along-side her body. Her vagina held open with her fingers and the bud of her anus was also available. Most delightful of all was the excited look on her face. Her eyes sparkled, her grin was wide and everything about her reminded me of a child with a new toy.

I positioned myself kneeling at her exposed pussy and rested my hard cock at her entrance. She watched my every move. I watched her face. I leaned forward ever so slowly and my cock entered her. When the head was in her wetness I stopped. Her eyes had been on my cock entering her until I stopped then she looked at my face. As soon as she looked at my face I resumed entering her. It was torture for me. My cock wanted to be in her, slamming into her over and over like a rutting animal. I wanted to feel every minute part of her inside. I wanted to slowly feel her gripping my cock as I penetrated her depths.

When I hit bottom, my pubic bone against hers, my balls against her ass, Sarah's eyes opened wider. No sound came from her. I was watching her face.

"Sarah, talk to me about what you feel."

"Oh Honey, I love being so filled. I feel your cock deep inside me and I feel my juices flowing. I am already at eight. I want you to move and I am afraid I won't be able to last but cum very quickly."

"Cum whenever you want. I want you to cum. I want to feel your pussy spasming around my cock."

That said I started to pull back. It felt very much like Sarah was somehow using her pussy to suck my cock, to hold it in her and prohibit me from pulling out.

"Oh Nick. Don't pull out! Fill me! Oh Honey you feel good!"

I pulled back until only the head of my cock was inside her. Our eyes met and Sarah opened her mouth, just as I pushed slowly back inside her.

"Oh Honey! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum all over your beautiful cock! Aaaaahhhhhhh!"

I felt the walls of her spasm and the pressure on my cock was exquisite. I felt the nectar flow out of her and wet my balls. I waited until the first signs that she was coming down from the peak and then I suddenly pulled back.

Sarah's eyes popped open and she shuddered as she started into another orgasm. I slammed in all the way and she screamed. As her body thrashed I pounded in as fast and hard as I was able. It wasn't long until I felt the juices within me gathering to flood her already soaked pussy. I was already wet nearly to my knees with her nectar. I felt my cock swell and the rush of my cum explode into her.

I pulsed load after load into Sarah's pussy and held still while my nerve endings were in overload. As soon as I started to relax Sarah flipped me onto my back and kept my cock within her pussy.

"Would you like me to clean you up?" Sarah asked, smiling.

"Turn round and you can do me while I do you."

Suddenly I had her very wet pussy in my face and my cock, which had been out of her pussy less than two seconds was swallowed into her mouth. I worked at getting every drop of our combined juices from her body and she was doing her best to suck Cleveland thru my cock. The more she sucked the more nectar flowed from her pussy. I resolved never to drink juice or nectar from a store again.

I stayed hard. I felt the stirrings of another orgasm beginning.

"Sarah, stop." She did.

"Resume the position you were in before, please."

She turned around and lay on her back. This time she hooked both feet behind her head. I had seen pictures of women who could do this but I'd never seen someone actually do it. I wiped my hard cock across her slit and Sarah said, "Please fuck me, Honey."

I did. With steady, long strokes, I fucked her. Soon her nectar was again flowing out of her pussy and soaking her, me and the bed.

I pulled all the way out and lowered my aim just slightly. The instant my cock touched Sarah's ass she took a deep breath and exhaled. On that exhale my cock slid into her ass. I slowly penetrated her ass until my cock was completely inside her.

"Oh God Nick. I love you in my ass. Fill me! Fuck me hard, please."

I did. I started slow and built speed until we were moving across the bed. Just as we were about to fall onto the floor I came! I thrust twice more and we were on the floor. I was still buried in Sarah's ass and we were laughing!

For some time we lay on the floor tangled together. My cock softened and withdrew from Sarah's ass. She licked and sucked it clean and then we went into the bathroom and cleaned up with soap, water, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc..

I looked at the clock and realized we needed to be out of the house in ten minutes in order to be at the other house by ten. We were supposed to meet Cheryl at ten.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Sarah and her friends sound like stepford wife's...and nobody missing Eric?!! Fantasy fiction on lit needn't touch the real world....

Barber_o_SavilleBarber_o_Savillealmost 4 years ago

nice start. Love the characters.

oldwinooldwinoover 17 years ago
Great start

Very good start to what we hope will be a very long story of a slave cunt pleasing her new master. Hope more nasty public exhibition follows.

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 18 years ago
This was a great start !!!

While I am not a great lover of BDSM this has to be one of the best stories, of the genre, that I've read. The obvious love that Nick has for Sarah makes the D/S theme so much more acceptable. This fine tale deserves to be explored in depth with Cheryl, and her other friends, taking a more active part. As ‘A Horny 'ol Sailor’ said - a "Dom/Sub with compassion". More please!

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