Extending the MILF List Ch. 17


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I ground into her, thrusting as deep and hard as I could without strict control of my body. Marjorie's breath stopped and then she groaned far inside the core of her body. Her hips pushed back and held as I twearked against her, pulsing with pleasure as I lost the battle to extend the moment.

I groaned. She groaned.

"Holy shit, Marjorie, I never imagined you for a hot bitch!" Holly intruded on my consciousness.

I opened my eyes. I looked around. Holly leaned against the wall. Her face was rosy red. I wanted to fall over but feared if I did, I'd go to sleep and get arrested for ignoring perfectly good pussy in public. I pulled my cock out of Marjorie before he had time to decide whether to give up or keep going. I lost my balance, tried to step back but found my ankles bound up in my jeans. You'd think I'd learn how to manage this without falling on my ass given all my practice at walking with my pants around my ankles but nope, I went down.

I was all sheepish and shit, I figured everyone would point and laugh. Hell, neither woman even noticed. I could have broken my neck or had a heart attack or gotten a hangnail or something and neither of them would have given me the least bit of notice. I rolled onto my knees, got to my feet and pulled up my pants. When I got all the arrangements made, I went over to Holly and kissed her on the cheek.

"Good luck girl. I had big plans for you but I think you should go with this as it is. I hope it is all you dreamed of."

I left her like that. Marjorie had gone to her knees, hugging the sharp corner. I wished vaguely that I'd had a little more time to properly survey her real estate but that was not to be. I left them like that, understanding, correctly I think, that I was an impediment to what was going to or needed to happen next. I shouldered on my coat out in the store and left under the glowering eyes of the two clerks in the area. I got to the car and realized I didn't know what to do next. After only four days, I'd gotten used to having Holly tagging along, like a biographer who always paid for lunch, I suddenly missed her. That made me laugh.

I sat in the car and called Jeb Wills. I made arrangements to meet him at my house. I didn't know if he'd ever been there, to tell you the truth but I figured he was a big boy and could figure it out. The house was eerily quiet and empty when I got there. I needed a shower and clean clothes. That done I made a quick sandwich and was eating it when my phone rang. It was Tawny.

"Sonny, can you come downtown for supper tonight? We, your three sisters would like to talk to you."

"The Furies are after me again?" I asked, only barely keeping the keening fear out of my voice.

"No, no, nothing like that. We, we just thought we should talk, you know, about what happened Sunday and what is going on with you. We think you are becoming a sex addict."

"Is that better than being a porn addict?"

"Sonny, this is serious."

"No it isn't. This is fabulous. Don't try to stop it now. I'm like a batter hitting .550 straight up. I ain't messing with anything until the streak stops."

"Sonny, no, it isn't like that. We, we just think we should get together."

"No. If this is a, what's wrong with Sonny, bitch session, I'll pass."

"Nothing like that. We just...oh hell, Georgia wants to know if you fucked Charm. She seemed awfully friendly with you...so, did you?"

That changed the whole meaning of supper with my sisters. Suddenly it sounded sort of fun, me and those three fucking fabulous females eating supper together. I wanted to see if it would be three women contending for the same cock or four Duncan's sharing the sensations from our latest escapades.

"Fine. What time?"

"Sixish? Or maybe seven. You just call and we'll have a place to meet but it needs to be downtown."

I heard something else in her voice besides lilting sibling delight but dismissed it.

"I'll call when I am on the way."

She rang off and I went back to my sandwich. I was still eating when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and let Jeb in. He came in, looking this way and that, just as I imagined a spy would, taking in every detail.

It wasn't that at all.

"Where's Maria?" He asked finally.

I chewed and swallowed, finished the last of the glass of milk I was drinking and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"This is about you and Laura." I said. "You know she's fucking Chris, right?"

"And everyone else who wants to, as near as I can determine."

I listened for attitude and reaction but it was like he was discussing inventory with a night manager at a wholesale company. I shuddered.

"You ready to do this? You are going to share your wife with your son."

He stopped, like he was listening for the click of a cocking nine mil. He looked over at me.

"If this gets me sorted so I can have what I want, then yes."

I thought about asking what he wanted but thought I knew close enough to not need to ask again.

We got in the car and drove over to his house. I realized I might should of reconnoitered. I hoped it wasn't too late in the day or that Chris didn't need to be at play practice just then. I was counting on Sammy's account of Chris skipping classes again as being both accurate and indicative of his new obsession, just like when I handed his mom to him for him to use and fuck to her heart's content the first time around.

I pulled right up into their drive way. It was still snowing. We got out and Jeb was digging in his pants for keys to the front door when I opened it.

He looked at me. I put a finger to my lips. I realized further that I had presumed I knew what I'd find when I walked in their house. I was right. The place was quiet, upstairs. Not a sound, just silence greeted us. I looked around. It was like no one was home or Chris had gotten as good at cleaning up as Laura was. The place was spic and span.

I had an idea what I was going to find but just to be sure, I indicated to Jeb to stay put, kicked off my shoes and scampered up the stairs like a ghost on tiptoes. I checked the bedrooms and found them all aromatically empty. My god, they all smelled like stale sex, redolent with the after-whiff of excited female and spent spend of a gentleman. Were I Tarzan or a hunting hound, I might have been able to identify who did what where but as it was, finding no warm body recovering from a bout of intense sex was sufficient to validate my suspicions.

Returning to the ground floor, I indicated to Jeb to remove his shoes. He did. He knew too, I realized since he had seen the rail and with occupants, just not these occupants. I leaned into him and whispered.

"If you speak, don't use your voice. This will be more fun if no one knows you are here until they see you."

He arched his head back, trying to focus on me but then nodded. I felt him surrender, that little drop of the shoulders and the dip of the chin that gave over this moment in his life to me. Silently I opened the door, filled with the ebullience a young buck feels when the elder makes way and follows. It is both euphoric and intimidating. I put a foot onto the first step and it creaked, squeaking like and unoiled pulley. The next was quieter, thankfully. Slowly we descended into the realm of the rail.

It was warm. My first vision was of Laura Wills bound onto the rail, nude, her back shimmering white, her arms outstretched over her head, the cuffs around her forearms hooked together with a line running down the straight line of the rail to Tia Maria. The Filippina lay as Laura lay, bent at the waist, her body caramel brown, her ass plush. While Laura was merely bent, Marie was flying her legs splayed wide, cupped in the spreading embrace of the rail. Both women lay face down on the board, their noses fit into the massage table slots, padded and comfortable. For all I could tell, they could have been asleep.

The sound came from around the corner. I knew that sound. It was Annie, the staccato squeals she made while someone fucked her hard and fast. I signaled to Jeb and turned to find him staring at Tia Maria, his eyes wide like tunnels from the core of his soul. I tapped his elbow and signaled for him to sit and be silent. He glanced at Tia Maria, looked at me and licked his lips. He put his hands together in the Asian way and bowed a little to me. Before you go all goo goo eyes on me, he was being sarcastic, 51% at least, I'd say but I didn't care, so long as he remained silent for a while longer.

From around the corner, Annie's voice lifted like an eagle, soaring into a high, keening squeal.

"Coming, oh Chris, coming, coming, coming!"

For some reason I thought Jeb knew of his neighbor's predilections but his face betrayed no such knowledge but rather amazement and confusion. More silent entreaties to be still and be silent. He nodded now without sarcasm and sat down on the second to bottom step. He folded his hands between his knees and looked up at me. Now you can get all woo woo, if you want because he looked completely forlorn. It clashed with his every attribute, like a clown discovered smoking a reefer by an adoring child.

I padded to the corner and peered around it.

Chris had Annie in the dangle just as I presumed. Her arms were pulled high over her head, pinching it between taut elbows. Her face was framed by her black hair. Her legs were locked incompletely around Chris' naked body. She was shuddering, her eyes closed, her hips slapped against him. He had his hands on her ass, pulling her forward and back while she keened. He sucked at one of her breasts while the other peeked at me from beside his ear and blond hair.

"Oh, oh, oh god, Sonny!" Annie cried.

My eyes shifted from her single nipple to her eyes and found her looking at me.

Chris throttled back and looked up at her.

"What the fuck, Annie?" He growled.

I could hear the chagrin in his voice.

Annie jerked her chin at me, pointing with it.

"Sonny here." She managed to say.

"Sonny? Oh shit."

Chris disconnected from the woman and stepped back. He did so against her will and that left her spinning in mid air, her legs flailing until she remembered to touch down. As she swung around in a circle, her toes tried to stop her caterwauling in the air.

"Sonny? What are you doing here?"

I decided not to beat around the bush. I stepped up to the spinning Asian woman and put out a hand. I grasped her by the hip and steadied her, halting her wild ride so her toes could connect her to the floor once more. I stopped her. My hand, I swear all by itself, without any instructions, painted up her side till my thumb found her nipple. I tweaked it gently, rubbing it back and forth.

"Ugh." Annie moaned. "A, yes, fuck Annie more." Her voice had that wild crazed quality that comes with coming, but not quite enough.

"Want a go?" Chris said. "She's your pussy after all. Mom too, and the other one, Marie? She says you own her too."

"Your father's here." I said. I'd been fingering around for the right chord to start that conversation and finally gave up and just said it.

Chris looked at me like I'd taken a poke as his junk.

"He's on the stairs."

"You brought him here?"

Now why would he think that right off? It was so unfair I lied to balance the scales, ignoring that he got it right in spite of me.

"He was outside. I just brought him inside."

Annie was panting.

"Come again. Please make Annie come again!" She piped, her voice strained by her pose in the dangle. The dangle corset laced under her tits constricted her lower rib cage, with loops down to narrow bands on her thighs that all supported her weight on the bobbing dangle. The harness was designed for fucking. Annie's pussy glistened with her arousal, swollen and pursed, her thighs were streaked with glistening lines.

I couldn't help it. I looped an arm around her and kissed her. She couldn't do anything but wiggle if she wanted to keep her feet on the ground. Her mouth was ravenous, her kiss filled with fire and passion. Her legs lifted to encircle me and I wrenched free of her. She swung wide, her heels high in front of her, twirling like a mobile. I moved away, staring at the sight of a naked woman spinning with her legs in the air like she just don't care.

I looked back at Chris. He'd been watching Annie spin too.

"God but she loves the dangle." Chris said. He looked at me and for a moment, he was the shy guy again. He shrugged.

I grinned crookedly. I was never going to gasp and point at anyone for fucking an eager pussy, given my recent flood tide of it.

"What do you mean my father is here?" Chris said. "He caught me fucking mom and disappeared. We haven't heard from him in...in...what? Three months? He comes back now?"

"I am going to give Laura to him, if he wants her." I said. That stopped the flow. Whatever Chris was going to say, he looked like I'd just bitch slapped him, like in a fifties movie.

"Your going to do what?"

I started to undress. We'd been whispering. Each time Annie orbited around, her eyes fixed on me. She had sobered right up. Chris was naked but he just stood there, gleaming spear and everything, staring at me.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I am giving Laura to him. If he wants her."

"I thought you gave her back to me?" Chris hissed. "Goddammit...."

"Hey, asshole, you traded her to Sean for his mom. He traded her to me for his mom, whom I have traded to another guy so you'll both be in line some from now on. If it makes you feel any better, I imagine we can get Quilla to fill in when Lydia isn't available."

Chris grinned crookedly.

"Too late. She's over on the futon waiting for me."

"Jesus, Chris, four?"

He snorted.

"Look who's talking and yes, four. I like it." His hard look crumpled and he grinned. "I could use a little help."

At that moment my phone rang, drowning in my discarded clothes. I fished it out and checked the number. Not one I recognized so I had to answer. This phone connected me to a whole world I never imagined could exist. I turned away and out of the orbit of the dangle where Annie was spinning in space, refusing to put her feet down and stop it.

"Hello?" I said.

"A, hi, is this Sonny Duncan?" A thin, female voice said into my ear. It tickled.

"Yeah. I mean, yes this is Sonny Duncan."

"Oh good, I mean, hi, this is Miriam Travers."

"Oh, oh yes, Mrs. Travers."

"No, not Mrs. Travers, Miss Travers. I am Rictor Travers' daughter. I will be at the China Sparrow tonight. I wondered if we could meet tonight, after I get in."

"I...I thought you all were going to arrive tomorrow."

"We are. I mean, Mom is but I wanted to arrive early, you know, so we could talk. Do you mind? I'd like a chance to...uh...."

I waited for the object to appear closer than it was.

"I want to talk to you about something."

"Yes. What?"

"Can we meet? I'd like the chance to explain myself. Face to face, I mean."

"Explain yourself?"

"You know, help you understand."

"Knowledge is good."

"Yeah, but it isn't always comfortable."

I understood that sentiment.

"What do I need to understand?" I hesitated to explain what I knew about the situation because in fact, I was insecure on that particular issue. Just because I seemed to be boning every female who winked at me, that didn't mean the next one was going to open house and knees to me. That's like presuming that the next hit in a baseball game will be a home run because the last one was. I was on a hot streak and like they say in baseball, don't fuck with a streak...streak, not streaker.

"Why I consented to come...meet you."

I wasn't sure if the hesitation was Fruedian or not and I wasn't sure I cared.

"Okay. Call me when you get in. I'll see where I am. If it's too late we'll have to make other arrangements."

"Thank you, I'll call...shit, gotta go. My plane is boarding, I can see you tonight, then?"


"I'll call when I am at the hotel, around seven."

I shook my head.

"Fine. I'll be downtown this evening anyway, you call and I should be able to meet with you."

She disconnected.

I turned around. Annie had swung down and was trying to see around the corner. All she could see was the bare back half of Laura Wills bent over the rail. I moved around her, around the corner.

Chris stood before his father, stark naked mind you.

Neither guy spoke. Neither one moved.

I moved. My cock had been wavering but the voice in my phone averring that she'd surely suck and fuck me and let me have her ass provided the prefect impetus to straighten up, and it did. I got behind Laura Wills. I laid my hands on her hips and stepped on the fly peddle. Her legs splayed out to the side and behind me. The mechanism felt spring loaded and smooth. Laura cocked her hips so her pussy appeared between her splayed legs.

I put my cock against her entrance and pushed. At that moment, I glanced over and saw Quilla Favors laying on the futon, fully clothes, her arms folded under her torso. I say fully clothed only in the sense that she had one of everything on people usually wore. However, she wore a very short skirt that imperfectly covered garters holding up stocking on her otherwise bare legs. She lay so still she seemed asleep.


"Yes, Laura. I'm here. Look who is with me." I pushed my cock into her.

The woman groaned but lifted her head. I felt the electric zing when her eyes found Jeb sitting on the stairs. Her pussy clinched down on me so hard I thought I had the wrong hole. The feeling was fucking fantastic I groaned in spite of myself. I pulled back and slammed into Laura. She bucked and the rail shifted. Both things pulled Marie out of whatever lull she'd be in. She lifted her head. She looked around, twisting imperfectly. When she found Jeb, she snapped back straight but with her head straining up to look at me.

"Laura, Jeb has come home. I told him I'd give you to him but only if you'd let me. We are here to make arrangements for him to come home, or, if not, then not, so you know where you stand with each other."

I pulled out of Laura's pussy. My eyes were on Jeb who stood up. Chris stood in front of him, still naked.

"No, please. Don't leave." Laura cried.

It was elegantly ambiguous as to whom she was speaking. I, however, ignored her, but Jeb apparently heeded her cries.

Out of shyness or to give Quilla the once over, I walked around the back of the rail to the other end. Before I got on the box behind Marie's box, I bent to her and kissed her shoulder.

"Trust me, Maria, and things may work out, so long as you agree that I own you."

Her head lifted. She cast a partial glance in Jeb's direction.

"Blonde lady crazy but I like. I not give up...."

I stopped her with a touch.

"You'll get what you want, I think. Just, just don't talk unless I ask you a question."

She regarded me with her brown-eyed gaze for moment then nodded slightly. I realized then for the first time what I'd learn in greater measure later on, that Tia Maria was no dummy. She understood in an instant what I was doing, even while I was still comprehending it myself.

She groaned loudly and approvingly when I entered her. Her body bucked, jerking at Laura's arms and body even while the rail pushed her backwards. I grasped Tia Maria by the hips and ran my cock into her several times before pulling out of her. I hesitated, thinking of my options. I moved to where Quilla lay and nudged her with a bare toe. She lifted her head.

"Sonny? What are you doing here?"

"I came over for a blow job and you're the only one available." I muttered.

She got right up to her knees. I'd expected some debate but nope, she was getting already to blow me when I pulled her to her feet. She looked chagrined or at least surprised. I grinned and walked her around to the other side of the rail.
