Fairy Tales: Analella


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It was awfully sweet of him, though. She understood him not wanting to lose her so easily again. She didn't want to be lost like that either.

"El, will you marry me?"

Ella knew the question was coming, and still it caused such fluttering inside, such a feeling of excitement and light-headedness.

"Oh Kit, I--"

"You will not!" Francesca frantically screeched. "This can't happen! I'm still your guardian!"

"And Ella's an adult," Kit said, halfway between amused and annoyed. "More importantly, I'm the prince." He turned back to give Ella a wink. "Would you like to know one of the best parts of being the prince?"

"The money?" Ella guessed.

"No. Well, yes."

"The palace? The servants? The--"

"My fault for asking," Kit sighed. "But in this specific case, no, none of those. Captain?"

"Yes, my prince?" said the man who had earlier briefly stopped Ella.

"What's the punishment for interrupting a royal proposal?"

"Not sure off the top of my head, sir, but I expect light treason at the very least." The captain moved forward as Francesca got a rather horrified look on her face. "Something will stick, I can promise you that."

"Very good, captain."

Ella was quite overcome by the sheer satisfaction of watching her stepmother get dragged off by the guards. It was so nice to watch that it somewhat overwhelmed the lovely, warm emotion of Kit proposing again, despite how handsome and dignified he was about it.

"Oh Kit," Ella said, wrapping her arms about his neck and burying her face against him to try and hide the tears of joy.

"You still have to say yes," he said. "Ideally loud enough for people to hear."

"Yes! Yes, you silly boy. Of course I'll marry you."

The cheers erupting were louder by far than any before, and Ella was glad to be whisked away by Kit and his escort. She really only wanted to be alone with him. Somewhere together where she could regain her emotional footing.

"It won't be right away, will it?" Ella asked. "I want to marry you. I said I would. But--"

Kit laughed. "Not for some time yet, I should think. I'm not quite ready for it either. But it's official, is the main thing, which rather frees me up from entertaining other offers, and gets you to the castle with me."

"That I can live with," Ella readily agreed. "Can we go now?"

"Well, yes, but I'm afraid you won't like the journey."

"Why ever not?"

Kit shrugged helplessly as they arrived at an open-topped carriage, and attendants suddenly bustled around her, fitting her into a dress that was the second finest she'd ever worn. They were efficient and matter-of-fact about it, as though it were a common occurrence to have to dress a naked princess in the middle of the street.

It turned out the return to the palace was by a terribly circuitous route, meandering through several towns and villages, all so Ella could be shown off next to the prince.

"You owe me for this," Ella told Kit fiercely, all the while keeping a smile plastered on her face as they waved to townsfolk on the roadside.

"I believe I do, at that," Kit said.

"How are all these people lined up everywhere? There must be thousands."

"The heralds are very good at their jobs, I understand."

"You only found me again this afternoon!" Ella protested.

Kit nodded. "And they've been racing ahead of us ever since."

Ella sighed. "Is it all going to be like this."

"All of it? No," Kit assured her. "But some of it, yes."

"I oughtn't to complain, I suppose," Ella said. "It's only waving, after all. It isn't the worst of jobs."

Kit took her hand with one of his and squeezed it gently while continuing to wave with the other. "It is already better with you beside me, as well."

"You and your sweet flattery."

"You enjoy it."

"I do," Ella admitted. "It is lovely to think that I shall have so many more chances to enjoy it in future as well."

"Isn't it though?" Kit agreed.

"It is possible I am simply tired and hungry at the moment. It's been quite a day. Quite a long several days, actually."

"Ah, well I can't do anything about it just now, but as soon as we arrive home I can arrange rest and snacks. You must let me know these things."

"I appreciate it, sweet Kit," Ella said, batting her eyes at him. "There hadn't been much of a chance before now, as it happens."

He laughed softly. "True, true."


The parading about felt interminable, though judging by Kit's demeanour it was nothing overly out of the ordinary. There was a certain relief to arriving at the palace at last, though even that wasn't the immediate rest and respite that Ella was hoping for.

It turned out that the palace during regular function--which was to say not hosting a grand ball--seemed much more imposing and intimidating. Especially when it felt as though the whole staff of the castle must have turned out just to watch her arrival.

"I think I preferred showing up anonymously," Ella murmured.

"They shall get used to you shortly," Kit said. "But yes, let's get away from all this. And get some refreshment sorted while we're at it."

Ella clung tight to Kit's side as he ambled casually up the front stairway and through the halls like he owned the place. Which was mostly correct, actually. He had such an ease of passing along instruction to a man in fancy outfit who discreetly shadowed them, and who in turn passed said instructions along to other staff. Ella could have sworn half the communication happening around her was purely psychic in nature.

But the important thing to think of was getting to hold Kit's hand all the while, and no one said anything at all about it. She still wasn't convinced she belonged, but that was largely in her head. She was getting away with it, at least, and was greatly comforted by the easy way Kit walked next to her, fingers twined together, as though it was something they'd been doing for years.

Kit's bedroom was a whole different experience entirely. They got to be alone there, mostly, and the sheer scope of it was fairly dazzling. Enough so that Ella forgot her continued hunger and desire to hide away from any people other than just the two of them.

"This isn't a bedroom!" Ella said.

"Yes it is," Kit said. "There's the bed right there. Although technically we might have to move a second one in, there's etiquette for these sorts of things."

"Never mind that. I mean that it's at least three rooms. That's not a bedroom, it's a house!"

"Oh, I see. Well my clothes need somewhere to be safely stored, and it's nice to have somewhere to relax unobserved."

"I understand," Ella said. "Yet despite knowing how fantastically big this place was, the castle I mean, I don't think it sunk in quite how spoiled you were." Ella padded past comfortable chairs, a large fireplace, and some nicely stocked bookshelves. "Though I suppose I could learn to enjoy being somewhat spoiled too, in this case."

"When you're royalty, it's not called being spoiled," Kit said.

"That's a lucky break for you then."

Kit laughed. "Alright, have it your way. Come out on the balcony, at least. Food has arrived."

Ella was happy to be distracted by food and drink. She felt ungainly about it, as though she lacked regal patience and poise, but it only really bothered here when servants kept darting in and out bringing things and taking them away. The in between times were nice, and helped her mentally adjust to where she was.

As she settled in, and as the palace staff began to let them be, Ella found Kit becoming interested in getting closer. It only made sense after their separation, and she longed to be close to him too, but the circumstances weren't nearly as private as she would have liked.

Still, he was only teasing at first. Footsie under the table and gently brushing behind her to toy with her hair. Nothing that couldn't be hidden or ignored if someone else walked in.

He of course went further, eventually trying to get her right out of her dress, even though he knew very well she had only a bra and butt plug underneath.

"Out here?" Ella asked, not fighting him but not yet helping either.

"It's a lovely view," Kit said.

"Me or the garden?"


"You wouldn't perhaps care to go to the bed and lock the door, by chance?" Ella tried.

"On such a lovely afternoon?"

"I'm perfectly ready to enjoy the sunshine and view," Ella said. "You seemed determined to let everyone else enjoy me."

"No one else is about at the moment," Kit said.

"At the moment, certainly."

"If I bar the front door, would that help?"

"Yes, of course it would."

Kit kissed her forehead and darted away. "I shall do it then. But just so you know, locking the staff out will cause more problems than being caught in compromising situations. The latter is practically expected, actually."

"Easy for you to be so casual about it," Ella said. "I'm starting to think I've been tricked into feelings for a man with no shame."

Kit considered the matter as he rejoined her. "In certain areas, that might be correct, I suppose. I'm used to a lack of privacy, though I do enjoy it when I have the chance. When I've been with you, for instance."

"Then you'd best find more ways of getting it in future," Ella said lightly. "We shan't be doing some of our most fun activities with spectators, I assure you."

"No spectators now," Kit said.

Ella grinned, saying nothing, but allowed him to work his way toward disrobing her entirely, including pulling her plug out and setting it aside for cleaning.

It left her all abuzz to be naked on Kit's balcony. The sun was warm, the wine in her hand was cold and sweet, and she couldn't decide between relaxing into it or waiting nervously for someone to catch her at it. It was probably alright for Kit to be naked and lewd in his rooms. He was the prince. She wasn't fully confident she'd get away with it so easily.

But it was so hard to resist the temptation the hornier he got her. The wine didn't help either. She knew it, but kept taking sips anyway.

She knew she'd given in to trusting him and the situation when she found herself leaving against the balcony railing, admiring the landscape, while Kit knelt half-dressed behind her and ate her ass.

There was still plenty of risk for her to be seen in their compromising position. It wasn't like that had vanished. There was just something about Kit playing with her bum that she'd always loved, and had come to make her feel cozy and safe.

The longer and deeper Kit's tongue teased her bumhole, the more Ella relaxed and felt her tensions flow from her like water. How could anyone stay anxious or on edge when they were getting treated so wonderfully and lovingly?

"I most likely shouldn't admit it," Ella purred softly, "but this does make up for ever so much of that parading about the countryside."

"If it helps at all, I was already fairly certain of your weaknesses," Kit said, patting and spreading her booty as though trying to feel out new places to taste her. "It's not exactly new information to me. Though it is nice to have it confirmed all the same."

Ella moaned and leaned further over the railing, careless of how her tits definitely dangled visibly to anyone directly below should they happen to pass by and look up. She just wanted to make herself as accessible as possible to Kit and let him lick her bum so good.

Kit's interest transitioned naturally and happily toward wanting to put his cock in. His desire was made very clear as the rest of his clothes came off and he started rubbing himself up against her, leaning over to kiss and nibble at her neck. Ella was well ready for such a move even before she felt his hardness against her bottom.

Feeling him sink inside her was a slow burn of delicious stretching and cozy emotions. After having only done it once before, it was amazing how easy and comfortable it felt, and how ready she was to do it several times daily, now that they were living together. If he wanted to, of course, but she didn't see any reason he'd object.

Ella had one of the best cums of her life while getting her bum pounded by her beloved Kit out on his balcony, mind all awhirl at possibilities for their future, heart overwhelmed with feelings for him. It was all so much, perhaps even too much, and she only barely managed to hold it together until he came inside her, filling her ass with princely cum, as was his wont.

They retreated to his sitting room and library afterward, allowing her to recover. They curled up together in one large, sumptuous chair that wasn't really made for two, but was very cozy for sharing intimately. Ella heard servants moving about in the other areas while she and Kit were safely shut in by themselves, but she was all calm from her cum and current relaxation, so the sounds of other people didn't bother her so much.

It also helped the way he held her close, occasionally kissed her, and kept a warm pair of fingers up her bum in their casual cuddle.

"It's so nice to have you here," Kit said quietly, kissing the side of her forehead.

"Mmm, it is," Ella said.

"You aren't planning on running off again, are you? Just for some advance warning?"

"One time I did that," Ella pouted. "One time!"

"Is that a no?"

"It is," Ella said. "Although--"


"Shh, let me finish. I was just saying we do need to go gather my things. Probably tomorrow. Gus Gus will be worried."

"Ah yes, your mouse."

"Don't say it like I'm crazy," Ella said, pouting even deeper.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Kit said. "At any rate, we can certainly arrange it. Though fair warning, we shall have to get into more of a royal routine before too long. With pomp and circumstance and everything."

"Will it all be dreadfully tedious, do you think?" Ella asked.

"Much of it, yes. Much of it is fun too, though. And much of the tedium can be made more exciting."


Kit nodded seriously. "If we consider that no one need know precisely what the princess is wearing under her fancy outfits."

Ella slowly narrowed her eyes. "You're imagining the sorts of things you can trick me into wearing in my bum during official functions, aren't you?"

"Wouldn't dream of tricking you," he said with a straight face. "But otherwise... yes."

Ella giggled and started maneuvering herself more properly into his lap for riding purposes. His fingers needed to be dislodged so she could replace them with his cock up her booty. Somehow he seemed amenable to the switch.

"Luckily, I suppose, I know someone who does a brisk trade in fun, anal objects," Ella said. "We could visit her tomorrow too."

"That is fortunate," Kit said deadpan. "Quite a coincidence that you of all people would have such a connection."

"Oh shush, you silly boy. You're just as obsessed as I am, and don't pretend otherwise."

"That's true," he grinned. "So what about--"

Ella put a finger to his lips. "I think," she said slowly and decisively, "that perhaps if it isn't urgent, I'd like to just enjoy my happily ever after for a little while."

"Is that what this is?" Kit asked, gently nipping at Ella's finger.

"I should like to hope so. Do I need to pout again? Because I shall if need be."

"I suppose you don't need to, strictly speaking," Kit said thoughtfully. "But you do look cute when you do, so... yes, yes you should pout again."

Ella rolled her eyes. "This is how it's going to be, is it?"


Ella pouted as prettily as ever she could, going out of her way to be ridiculous about how far she stuck out her lip, and how outrageously she batted her lashes. Kit laughed and cut her off by kissing her deeply, holding her close so long that they both ran short of breath.

"I love you, my sweet Analella," he whispered.

Ella smiled and kissed him again, just soft and quick this time. "I love you too, my handsome Kit."

She sank her ass fully onto his cock, taking him deep as could be inside.

"Happily ever after," he purred contentedly while wrapping her up in his arms again.

"Exactly so," Ella said, getting all snug and rocking around in his lap, squeezing his cock with her bum while wiggling to her heart's content. "Our own happily ever after."

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Client8Client827 days ago

Not nearly enough stars to give!

The way this odd take of an old tale (or TAIL, have it) "seduced" the reader was brilliant. When i first saw the story was 14 pahes, i nearly gasped. But, just after reading the second paragraph, i knew i'd be in till the end. I'm now an official "Xarthy"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This may be the strangest story I’ve ever read, and I absolutely loved it. Such a unique and inventive take on a classic fairytale, it immediately sucked me in and I read it all in one sitting. This was a very satisfying read, and I look forward to exploring your other works.

bcgabba6913bcgabba69134 months ago

WOW!!! this story had it all for me. a 10+ all the way. pure class, romance and anal play. it doesnt get better than that for me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is what happens when a writer starts believing their own hype.

DragonMikeDragonMike5 months ago

Absolutely stunning. Adored this story so much!

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