Fated Destiny Ch. 02


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Sandra Haskins was a woman in her mid-twenties with shoulder-length brown hair. Her most appealing features were her big, brown eyes and the sincere smile she gave to everyone as they were introduced. Her loose, white blouse and black wraparound skirt showed off her athletic, hourglass body without being ostentatious.

"What is it, Tim?" she asked Father Roberts in a melodious voice. "What was the urgency? You sounded like you had seen a ghost."

Father Roberts choked and went into a coughing fit. Sergi stepped forward and kissed Sandra's hand as Gretta thumped Father Roberts on the back.

"You must excuse Timothy, Mrs. Haskins," he said. "Ve have a mystery and I am afraid I am the one who requested you to come immediately. I have to ask you some questions that vill be painful."

Sandra looked at Father Roberts, who nodded to her reassuringly. She took in a deep breath and said, "Go ahead."

"Vhat can you tell us about your first husband's disappearance and Milton Haskins?"

"Um, Andy, my first husband, disappeared five years ago," said Sandra. "He worked for Milton. The police could not find out what had happened to him. Our insurance company refused to make any payment on Andy's life insurance until seven years had passed by. I was unemployed and going to lose our house, car…everything."

"That was when Milton first called me. He said Andy had been a good worker and not one to run off like that. I'm afraid I broke down at that point and sobbed out my whole predicament to him. The next thing I know, he loaned me the money to pay off my debts at a very low rate. Milton gave me a job and later we started going out together. I said yes when Milton asked me to marry him. He was much older than I was and I didn't really love him, but he gave me something I desperately needed…security."

"Vhat do you think happened to your first husband?" asked Sergi.

"I know he's dead," said Sandra with a finality that could not be denied. "Nothing else can explain his continued disappearance."

Dr. Maleski was interrupted by the loud buzz of a doorbell. Father Roberts went to see who it was and returned with Detective O'Malley following behind him. Her expression changed from indifference to suspicion when she spotted Tom, Anya and Sergi in the office.

"Practicing for the choir, Parta?" she asked sarcastically.

"Mr. Parta's presence here is entirely of my doing," said Sergi in a cool tone. "He helped us search this church and in doing so ripped his clothing, thus necessitating the wearing of the robe. He does not need an indecent exposure charge. I am surprised to see you here."

Colleen grimaced at the rebuke, sighed and said, "I'm on call. When the dispatcher gave out a call for a body being found, I came right over. Andy Vettana was one of my first cases as a detective." Colleen looked over at Sandra. "You were his wife, right?"

"I was."

"Well, where is the body?" asked Colleen, looking around at everyone.

"Ve think it is in the basement," replied Sergi.

"Think?" repeated Colleen with suspicion creeping back into her voice.

"Ve found an unusual wall vhich had been built during one of the church's renovations. There appears to be a stone slab on top, vhich may cover an opening. I believe this lady's husband may be in there."

"Might? Maybe? Believe?" repeated Colleen. The look on her face clearly showed she thought she was on a fool's errand. "Let's take a look and get this over with."

In the basement, Colleen's interest perked up as she examined the sloping wall between the buttresses and the stone slab on top. Tom dug out the putty around the slab with a knife from the church's kitchen. With several scraped knuckles, pinched fingers and some frayed patience, he and Father Roberts managed to pry the slab up using screwdrivers, a crowbar and a lot of luck.

"There is an opening up here," grunted Tom through gritted teeth as he managed to get his fingers under to stone to lift it.

Huffing and straining, he and Father Roberts managed to move the slab off to one side. They climbed down to catch their breath as Colleen climbed up with a flashlight. Everyone waited with baited breath as she looked down into the opening. It was several long moments later before she came down before saying anything.

"I want to apologize, Dr. Maleski," said Colleen as she jumped to the floor. "There is a body in there."

"Is it…is it Andy?" asked Sandra with a catch in her voice.

"Probably. If I remember the clothing description correctly, it's a match. We won't know for certain until the M.E. examines the body. I am sorry for your loss."

Sandra's face turned white and she began to sway back and forth. She would have fallen if Father Roberts and Gretta had not caught and held her up by the arms.

"I think it would be best if you went back to the office," said Father Roberts to Sandra. He looked at Colleen. "With your permission."

"I'll meet you in the office," said Colleen. "I know this must be a shock."

"The second one today that she didn't need," replied Father Roberts as he and Gretta led Sandra away.

"The second one…?" asked Colleen

Sergi motioned for Anya to follow Father Roberts. He then said, "Mrs. Haskins' second husband has just died and his body is in the church. She vas coming in to finalize the funeral arrangements with Father Roberts. Vill she be suspected in her first husband's murder?"

"If this is her first husband," said Colleen. "I believe she was with her mother the entire time of Vettana's disappearance. That's a good alibi. Who's this Haskins' guy?"

"The man who renovated the church and probably built this wall," stated Sergi.

Colleen's eyebrows arched upward and she glanced back and forth between Sergi and Tom. Tom could see the thoughts racing through her mind. Colleen finally shook her head and pulled out her radio to call for the Crime Lab and the Medical Examiner.

"You know you just put her back in the bullseye," stated Colleen to Sergi.

"These are facts any detective vould have found," said Sergi. "She told us Mr. Haskins gave her a loan vhen she vas bankrupt an then gave her a job. The company's records vill verify that. Do you think it might be that Mr. Haskins wanted her?"

Colleen did not answer him. Several hours passed by before Colleen, Sergi, and Tom came back to the office. The lab technicians and the crew from the M.E.'s office had come and gone. Another officer had dropped off a thick file folder to Colleen, who perused through it. In the office, Colleen pulled out a notepad and pen before turning to face Sandra.

"When did you meet your second husband?" she asked Sandra.

"Over five years ago," replied Sandra. "Milton's company was having a huge success. He threw a grand party on the 4th of July for his employees and their families. That was when I first met him. I didn't see him again until after Andy's disappearance."

"I was correct in that the clothing on the body matches that which Andy Vettana was wearing when he disappeared," stated Colleen. "I sure the body is his. The body's skull was fractured by a blow from the back. That means it had to be someone who had access to the church and knew about the renovation."

"It might mean more than that," said Sergi. "The blueprint shows that the vall renovation was added after the repair vork had been started."

"Added? Added by whom?" asked Colleen.

"Uh…it was added by Milton Haskins," said Father Roberts meekly. "He told me the wall needed additional support."

"What does that mean?" asked Sandra, looking around. "What are you saying?'

Colleen's eyes met Tom's and their faces mirrored the sympathy and pity they both felt for Sandra. Colleen snapped her notebook close and stood up.

"Father, I will need to borrow these blueprints," she said briskly. She turned to face Sandra. "I am sorry and I'm afraid we will have to contact you tomorrow, okay?"

Sandra just nodded dumbly, unable to comprehend or grasp a coherent thought. Colleen sighed, rolled up the blueprints and left. Sandra shook off her incoherence at the sound of the closing door.

"I want to see my husband's coffin," she announced as she stood up.

"Um…Er…I don't…" stammered Father Roberts as he looked to Sergi for direction.

"Ve need to see it anyway," said Sergi. "I think it vould be best if you, Anya, and Gretta stayed here."

"Grandfather!" protested Anya.

"I know. I am a male chauvinistic pig, but ve do not know if it has gone or not. It vould be best if just Thomas and I vent vith Mrs. Haskins."

The look on Anya's face bespoke her dislike to his plan, but she did not say anything else against it. Tom and Sergi ushered Sandra out of the office and into the Narthex. Sandra's face was set and expressionless as Tom held open the door for her. As they walked up the center aisle, a puzzled look came to Sandra's face.

"Where is his coffin?" she asked. "It should be right here."

"It is in the baptistery," said Sergi as he led her around to the alcove.

Sandra stopped as soon as she could see through the arch into the room beyond. The iridescent light still surrounded Haskins' coffin. The casket shook and rattled as if something was attacking it. Sandra turned to Sergi in fear.

"What is that?" she whispered, her voice breaking in fright.

"The spirit of your first husband trying to take revenge for his murder," said Sergi softly. "I had hoped that finding his body vould have released it."

"Can I…Can I talk to him?" asked Sandra.

"I wouldn't," advised Tom. "He attacked us earlier."

"Why?" asked Sandra.

"Angry that he vas murdered," stated Sergi. "Angry that you married his killer. Vhatever bonds held his spirit in check vere removed by Haskins' death. If you wish, ve can proceed, but vith caution."

They walked up the steps to the baptistery and stood in the archway. Sandra called out tentatively, "Andy?"

The blue light froze and the coffin ceased its rocking. Tom tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry. The blue light flew off the coffin straight at them. Before they could do anything, Tom and Sergi were knocked backwards by a tremendous force and landed in a heap up against the front pew. Sandra screamed as the blue light surrounded her and lifted her up off the floor.

"Please, I didn't know!" pleaded Sandra to the light. "No one knew! I've been in hell all these years since you've been gone. Haskins meant nothing. He was never the man you were."

Tom made to get up and rescue Sandra. He stopped when Sergi grabbed a hold of his arm and held him back.

"Sit still," ordered Sergi. "Look!"

Tom looked up. The blue light had ceased lifting Sandra up. It held her still, her feet a goof foot above the floor, as if it was contemplating her words. Suddenly, Sandra gasped as she felt one of her breasts being fondled. The touch moved across her stomach to rub the V between her legs. Sandra sighed at the remembrance of a touch from five years ago.

"Oh, yeah, baby," she crooned as she closed her eyes. "You always were a horny devil. You know how I like it."

Tom jerked in shock as Sandra's blouse was quickly yanked over her head by an invisible force. Her breasts, held by a sheer lace bra, bounced free as the bra was pulled upwards. The spirit did not pull her bra completely off, but used it to tie her wrists together. Sandra gasped as she was spun around and her arms lifted over the tall statue's head. Sandra was lowered until she was just hanging by her wrist and the spirit whipped off her skirt and panties. The blue light moved back a foot or two away from her.

Tom gasped as the blue light coalesced into a translucent human shape. Tom got the impression of a beard and ponytail, but the image was too indistinct and blurred to make out any other details. The ghost did not look at Tom or Sergi, but moved up behind Sandra.

Andy's ghost grabbed Sandra by the hips and pulled them upward. Then, with one quick lunge, he sank his phantom prick all the way into Sandra's waiting cunt. Sandra yelled in delight as her pussy lips were pushed apart and a fullness invaded her vagina. Tom could only watch wide-eyed as the ghost began to pound its eerie blue cock in and out of Sandra's hot pussy.

Tom grimaced as his cock became hard in a very uncomfortable position. He shifted it around so that it was not bending in half. Sandra's body shook with each impact as she gasped and panted in passion. Tom was half surprised not to see the statue rocking back and forth from the intensity.

"Oh. God! Andy, YES!!!" cried out Sandra. "Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Sandra stopped chanting as her passion rose and she could no longer catch her breath. Her body was shaking and her tits jiggling as the ghost continued to pound her pussy. Suddenly, her body tensed up as her orgasm exploded inside her. Sandra, hooked up by her wrists, could do nothing, but cry out in the throes of her sexual release.

Andy's ghost pumped his transparent cock in and out of Sandra's hot, dripping cunt. Sandra hung her head down limply as her orgasm had drained all the energy out of her body. Tom saw the ghost shimmer brightly and then shimmer again. It rammed its cock all the way into Sandra and held it there.

"Oh, God!...Oh, yes!!!!" moaned Sandra as she felt a hot, unearthly liquid spurt deep into her womb.

The scene before Tom's eyes remained frozen for the longest time. In fact, it was only a couple of moments before the ghost withdrew its prick from Sandra and gently lowered her hips. Sandra was still panting heavily as the ghost leaned over to kiss her brow and caress her hair. It turned to face Tom and Sergi, raised an arm and disappeared completely.

"Come, Thomas," said Sergi. "We must cut her down."

Sandra hung limply from the statue, her body quivering every few seconds or so from orgasmic aftershocks. Tom stopped, acutely embarrassed, when he realized that he would have to hold the naked woman up while Sergi Undid her wrists. Licking his dry lips, Tom grasped Sandra around the waist and lifted her up. Sergi was unable to untie the bra and had to cut it with a pocketknife.

"Thank you," panted Sandra as Tom lowered her to the floor. "He's gone, isn't he?"

"I believe so," stated Sergi. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, better than I have been since Andy's disappearance," replied Sandra as she bent over to pick up her blouse and skirt. Tom averted his gaze when he caught himself staring at her hanging breasts.

Sandra quickly dressed, sans bra. She, Tom and Sergi headed out of the church and back to the office. Anya quickly took in Sandra's disheveled state and raised a questioning eyebrow at her grandfather. Sergi made a small motion with his hand which forestalled her questions and comments.

"Well, what happened?" asked Father Roberts.

"The spirit is gone," stated Sergi.

"It is? Great! We can move Milton's coffin back to its proper place."

"I'm afraid not, Father Roberts," said Sandra flatly, startling everyone. "Please leave the coffin where it is. I'll have the funeral home come by to pick it up and bury it."

"What? Why?" asked Father Roberts in shock. "His last wishes…I mean…"

"If you are worried about the lost of the endowment the old bastard left to the church so he could be buried in grand style, I'll make sure it's paid," said Sandra harshly. Her voice and face then softened at Father Robert's hurt look. "If it's his soul you're looking after, please feel free to say something at the gravesite.'

"I'm ashamed to say I was thinking about the money more than his soul," admitted Father Roberts. "Have the funeral director contact me before they come and I'll go to the gravesite.'

"I believe that is our cue to leave," stated Sergi. "I will call you tomorrow, Timothy. Mrs. Haskins, it has been a pleasure."

"That will be Miss Vettana, Dr. Maleski and please make it Sandra. I will also be calling on you later."

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JustHere5JustHere5over 18 years ago
Would love for you to continue.....

I really like your Fated Destiny series. Please consider continuing it. I noticed the last Per was submitted early October. Maybe you are taking some time to catch us up on Tom? Hopefully....

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Please can we have some more,SOON!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
More, please!

I noticed in the latest Rescue submission you said you have stories written but are just a slow typist. I hope you have some more Tom Parta stories as well. I wouldn't mind helping you type! I love this series... just wish it were longer. (oops! Am I supposed to say that to a man?)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Thank you

I was hoping you would continue this story as well as the Pervikar series. Please don't stop.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Glad you continued the series....

The character development of Tom, Anya, and Gretta was good. I like the side track you had them take by solving the mystery of the ghost in the church instead of just jumping right in with the vampire. I must admit that I felt guilty that they were in a church setting. (It must be my Catholic girl background.) Anyway, thanks for continuing, I wasn't sure you were going to, it has been a while. I noticed you also continued with Per. I am going to read that next. You were a busy boy!

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