Fuck Well and Prosper

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She learns that sex can provide more than orgasms.
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When I was starting high school an older man, a friend of my fathers, said that I looked like the young Ann-Margret, the actress. A couple weeks later I saw that an old movie of hers was on TV, Viva Las Vegas, so I watched it. I guess I do look something like her. My body is similar, slim but with all the right curves. My breasts were B cups back then but still developing. My red hair was real, I suspect hers was dyed. She had a really pretty face and I probably do look a lot like that. Some girls are late developers. Not me. I had my full female body at fourteen. Now, sixteen years later it's almost the same. I've added a little weight, have a little more boobs and butt, but no major change at all. I was also always athletic, ran and swam and did regular exercising and still do.

Looking back from where I am now, I realize how self centered and selfish I was. Very manipulative. It might have started in the womb. Either that or I learned early. I was an only child and I could get my parents to do almost anything for me. I always ended up getting my way. When I started school, I learned I could do the same with the other kids and even the teachers sometimes. I always made good grades in school, it all came easy to me. So I didn't need help with school work. It was mostly just me getting my way, getting to be first in line, getting the seat I wanted. As I got a little older I learned that I could really get boys to do anything for me. Boys have always liked me, girls usually not. That's probably because girls usually didn't have anything I wanted, I never had to be nice to them. I was pretty rotten.

As I got older I always had dates. I went to dances with whoever I wanted. I got rides to and from school. Guys bought me cokes and burgers. I teased a little but that's all I did was tease. In fact, I was probably a little late at getting interested in the opposite sex. At least as far as sex went. I always got whatever I wanted without sex entering into it. Things changed when I was about ready to graduate from high school. I was teasing some boy and whirled around, my skirt flying up, and then sort of ducked around the corner. Mr. Rogers, who taught me the year before in math, was standing there and he muttered something. I wasn't sure what he said.

"What'd you say, Mr. Rogers?" I asked him, still smiling and feeling good about my teasing. He answered me but I couldn't really hear him. I was pretty sure the word "fuck" was in there somewhere. Now I was no angel, I knew what fuck was even though I had never done anything like that. I actually felt it would be pretty icky to do anything like that. So I said, "What?"

This time I heard him. He said, "What you need is a good fuck."

"Oh, Mr. Rogers," I answered right away. But my mind was racing. I think he meant that he wanted to fuck me. Me being me, I saw it as an indication that I had something he wanted. I had something I could use to control him some. So I decided to tease him like I usually did. "I've never done anything like that."

We're alone in the hall. No one else can hear us. He says, "I know, it's obvious from the way you act. I didn't say you had, I said it's what you need."

"Well, when I finally do," I told him, "It will be with someone that's offered me something very great, something really worthwhile. So it probably won't be you Mr. Rogers. I don't need grades, I already have them. And as a teacher you don't have huge amounts of money, not that I'd ever sell myself anyway."

He just smiled. He was always a nice guy. I liked his class. He's actually pretty young, somewhere in his mid-twenties. He's only taught for a few years. To girls his age he's probably attractive. "So, Kaylie, if I could offer you something really big, something really worthwhile, you'd fuck me?"

"I didn't say that." I said back immediately. But my mind whirled. I had actually been thinking about sex more and more lately. Maybe he'd be a good one to learn with. "But maybe so," I finally said and then whirled around and hurried away.

I graduated. I was probably going to have to find a job. My parents didn't have much money and neither had any higher education and showed no interest in my needing any. Then I saw Mr. Rogers on the street one day. "Kaylie," he said to me, "Hi. Are you going off to school somewhere?"

"No. I'm looking for a job."

"You're a really good student, you should go to college."

I grinned but felt sorry for myself. I felt the same way. "Well, that would be nice but the money just isn't available."

He just looked at me a moment. "You know, there are a lot of scholarships available."

"Huh," I replied, "One of those $1000 things wouldn't do me any good. I'd need a complete full ride like the top football players get."

"There are full ride academic scholarships, too," he says. "I even have a good friend that's in the scholarship office at McKinley." I must have got a look on my face or something because he looked at me and got a big grin on his face. "Would a full ride scholarship be something really big, really worthwhile Kaylie?"

I knew exactly what he was saying. I think that's the moment when I discovered I was interested in sex, in fucking some guy, having someone else give me an orgasm. So I just smiled back. "Yeah, it certainly would." He said he'd work on it. Well, I'd learned long ago that you don't get too dependent on promises. You wait for real results. So I knew what I'd done but I also knew it was never going to happen.

Two weeks later he called me. "Kaylie, I've done it. You have terrific grades. I have some forms I need you to complete and I think I've got you a full ride." I couldn't help but get a little excited. McKinley is a private college, considered to be very high class, very elite. It has a big endowment, has at least one Nobel l;aureate on the faculty. So I filled out the forms and he sent them in. It was almost a month later when I got the scholarship offer in the mail. It was real. It was full ride, tuition, books, room and board. I had to make good grades to keep it but I was confident I could do that. No surprise to me, my parents weren't overwhelmed at all. They were nice about it and told me how I had done very well but they weren't as impressed as I was. I knew what it meant to me. A completely different future than working in a factory somewhere. Then Mr. Rogers called and asked if I got the scholarship and then suggested we needed to meet. So I met Mr. Rogers. I had thought about it a lot before I met with him. I knew I had to deliver. I mean, he had. And it was certainly worth it.

So I told him, "You said you'd like to fuck me. And I admit you've earned it. I even look forward to it. I'm also a little scared. But I've thought about it and I don't want you to just fuck me. I want you to be a teacher. I want you to teach me how to be really great at having sex with a guy. After being with you, I want to be able to be the best any guy has ever been with. I want to learn to be a great lover. Can you do that?"

"Yes. I think so. At least as well as anyone could. But you know this isn't just a quickie. We'll have to get together over and over for lessons. "

That really turned me on. "Yeah, I think so too."

Then he really stared at me. "I was going to tell you this later but I'm too honest. I'll really love being with you, experiencing your body, teaching you. But there is another guy that you're going to have to use your lessons on. My friend at McKinley expects to also get rewarded for his coming up with the scholarship."

"Oh," my mind raced. I had actually talked myself into wanting to have lots of sex with Mr. Rogers. But a second guy I'd never met? "You mean both of you at once?"

"Oh no," he smiled, "But when you get to McKinley he'll want to. By then I think you'll like it. He's a good guy, will treat you right."

"O.k., then I have some questions. When do we start? Where? And what;s your first name, I don't want to call you Mr. Rogers all the time." I was ready to trade my virginity for a college education. Ready? I was anxious to.

He grinned. "Jim. You're eighteen so you don't need your parent's permission so go to Planned Parenthood and start taking the pill, the contraceptive pill. I'll use condoms but before you go off to school I want to ride you bareback and feel your delicious cunt squeezing my cock. I have an apartment so that's the best place for us. I taught a 3 week summer school but right now I'm completely free so we can start any time you want. Let me take you to Planned Parenthood and then we can go back to my place and entertain each other until you go home for dinner. O.k?"

Well my life changed that day. The Planned Parenthood thing was easy, no problem. Jim even paid the small amount of money involved. Then at his place, he suggested we both get naked. I hadn't been naked in front of anyone since I was maybe eight and then it was my mother. So being naked with someone was a problem. It never will be again. He told me he'd start by making sure I realized how much I would love this. We lay on his bed and he kissed me and held me and then moved his kisses down over my shoulders to my breasts. I had never felt aroused the way I did with him licking, kissing and sucking on my breasts as he told me how gorgeous I was. Then he kissed down my stomach and almost had to force my legs open. They flew open willingly after this. Then he got his mouth to me down there. I don't know what all he did although over time I know now.

"Kaylie. even your pussy is gorgeous, like the rest of your body. Some are sort of wrinkly and brown, yours is all pink and soft, looks like a powder puff with a split in it, all clean and enticing and delicious. The small amount of hair, all red and up above, makes it even more beautiful." Then he started licking and sucking on me even more.

I had an orgasm and then another and then another. Or else I had one long one with separate peaks or something. I just about fainted. I'd never felt anything like it. And then he fucked me. It hurt for a second. Hurt a lot. But then the feeling of him filling me up was just glorious. I came again. He seemed to last forever. At first he was on top, leaning over me, his body between my legs and he pushed into me. After I came, he pulled out and lay on his back and had me climb over him and sit on him, taking him up inside me. Then he had me rotate and glide back and forth. I came again. Then he had me get off and kneel and he got behind me and shoved into me again from the back. Boy he really pounded into me. Banging me like mad. I have no idea why I like that so much. It's like being an animal. He couldn't fuck me too hard or too fast. Then he finally came and so did I.

We both lay on our backs, next to one another, exhausted. I felt odd. I sort of felt like I had been working and was worn out. My vagina actually hurt. My clit was sore. I had sore muscles as if I had been working. And I was ecstatic. Happy. I rolled towards him and lay about half on top of him. I just wanted to feel his naked body against my naked body. I don't think I planned it but my hand ended up on his cock. It was sticky and soft and a lot smaller. And as I looked at it, red. He must be sore, too. I rolled off him and sat up, spread my legs and leaned over as far as I could to try and see my vagina and what it looked like now. Although, truthfully, I had never looked at it carefully before so I'm not sure if I could know whether there was a difference of not.

"We're both beat and sticky. Why don't we take a shower?" he suggested.

In the shower with warm water running over us he washed my whole body with his bare hands and a bar of soap. I have to admit it aroused me a lot. He even slid his finger into me down there as he washed me. Then he gave me the soap and I was to wash him. So I did. His sticky little penis got a lot bigger as I washed him. I knew that happened but it was the first time I ever actually saw it happen. Really interesting. I also discovered that the skin on his penis slid back and forth some which is not at all what I expected.

When I was done he asked me, "Kaylie, what did you think when you were washing me. Washing my cock?"

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking much. I remembered how good it felt when you licked and sucked me and fucked me and how I wanted it to happen again."

"When I washed you, I loved your body. You're gorgeous and the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I wanted your body. I wanted to suck your tits and lick your pussy and fuck you all over again. You didn't feel that way about my body though, did you? I mean you didn't want to lick my cock, suck it, or anything like that did you?"

"Well, to be honest, no. I was interested in your penis . . I mean cock. It grows a lot and the skin slides almost loose on it and I've never seen that before but that's about it."

"I've got a tough job ahead of me then. I guess it's no surprise. You're really very self centered, very selfish and I guess I already knew that. But I thought some great fucking might wake you up but it hasn't. You loved it all but only because it made you feel good. Well, lesson one, to be a great lover you have to try and make your partner think he's the greatest ever and that you lust for him like mad. For you that's going to mean some acting, some faking it. For most girls it's really how they feel. But not you."

"Well if anyone's good at faking it, it's me," I told him.

"I'm sure that's true. How sore are you? I mean, would you like to do some more now of what we did earlier?"

"Absolutely. I don't think I'll ever be too sore for more. And your cock is all big again so I guess you want to, don't you?"

So we did. Then I went home and ate dinner and thought about what had happened and what Jim had said and thought about what we'd do tomorrow and slept really good. The next day he said he'd get me in the mood so he sat me on the edge of the bed and knelt down between my legs and licked and sucked me until I came all over his face twice. Then he lay next to me and had me take hold of his cock. He told me how to masturbate him, slide my hand up and down fast holding him tight. He told me things to say and to lean down and lick it and kiss it and get my lips around it. It's really too big for my mouth; I have to stretch my jaws to get it in and I can't take all of it before it hits the back of my mouth. He taught me how to give a blow job. His description. Use my mouth to suck and lick and my hand on the rest of it to masturbate him, sort of milk him. He even had me go ahead and do it and had me keep him in my mouth when he started shooting his icky stuff in my me. He said there's not a woman in the world that doesn't like getting eaten and there's not a guy that doesn't like getting a blow job. He also said that usually the girl goes first. Then while the guy is eating her he gets a chance to recover and get hard again so he can then fuck her. And while he was telling me all this he got hard again and he fucked me. Again, every time I came, we changed positions. It was terrific, he lasted a long time and I was sore enough when he was done that I thought I maybe made a mistake when I said earlier that I would never be too sore to do some more. But then we showered and after just a few minutes I was hoping we would do some more even though I was still a little sore.

I think I spent part of about twenty days in his apartment having sex before I went off to McKinley College. He talked about all kinds of things. How forward I can be and how there are times when I need to hold back and let the guy make the moves and so on. I think I got pretty good at telling him how great he was and how much I loved his body and particularly his cock that I sucked over and over. I knew it was baloney and was just to make sure that he did me some more but I think maybe he began to believe me. Then, at McKinley, after I got registered and into my dorm room where I had a room mate and actually started classes, a guy came up to me after class to tell me that he was Jim's friend that had arranged the scholarship. His name was Dave and he was actually pretty gorgeous himself so I knew I wasn't going to have any problems doing what he expected.

He told me how great looking I was and I went with him to his rooms. He didn't have a room mate but he actually lived in one of the dorms. So I told him how great his body was and masturbated him a little and sucked him off as if I really wanted to. Then he ate me in a way that let me know he really wanted to and told me what a gorgeous pussy I had, like Jim had. And then we fucked. He didn't last as long as Jim but it was all just great. I pretended ignorance and asked him what the arrangement was, how often were we supposed to have sex and I hoped that he would tell me often because I really wanted to have him do me some more. Well, we both agreed that we shouldn't be seen as boyfriend and girlfriend because of his position at the school but we could have sex as often as we wanted. So that's what we did, both again right then and a lot more later.

As I learned more about the school I started to have more thoughts of what to do. I had to work harder than in high school but I did manage to keep up my grades. I got through my freshman year fucking Dave regularly as I kept my eyes open for a better opportunity. I had no reason to take summers off, I would just have to get a stupid job. So I decided on getting my degree in three years by going all year round. That first summer I saw a guy, a professor, and heard more about him and decided that if I could I wanted to try and get him.

Dr. Abrams taught management courses. He had a couple books out and apparently was getting fairly famous. On the side he was a consultant to companies. I looked him up in the library and realized that he earned really big money from some of these companies. And he did work for some really big ones. And was getting more and more famous. He and his wife were separated. I gather that she was angry that he was gone so much and spent so little time with her. She had filed for divorce. In fact, her filing for divorce was what caught my attention first. She was asking for more than a million dollars and probably was going to get it.

He actually was pretty good looking. Seemed fit. And he wasn't old, he was 42. And he probably was going to earn even more money in the future than he had up to now. I figured that he probably was pretty horny and would like to have sex so I just had to make sure it was with me. I thought about it a lot and what I did actually worked. I knew where he lived. I watched him and figured out his schedule. At least his schedule when he was in town. I borrowed a bike. I rode to his neighborhood when I knew he was about to come home for the day. I saw his car drive into the garage. I took a rough stone and scraped it along my leg. It hurt like hell but I needed real blood. And it had to be high, way upon my thigh. I had on a top that showed off my boobs and a really short skirt. I wasn't wearing any panties. I rode down to his house, dropped my bike on his lawn and went up and rang the bell.

I told him that I was sorry to bother him but I had just fallen riding my bike and hurt myself and wondered if he had any first aid things to put on my cut. Boy, it was so phony but I think when he looked at me his mind quit working or something. So he asked me in and went to a bathroom and came back with a bottle of something and a box of band-aids. I sat down on the couch and then sort of leaned back and lifted my sore leg up to him. I lifted it high enough that my skirt fell back and he could see my naked pussy. He paused with everything in his hands and just stared. I asked him to wipe it clean and he startled and then reached out and held my leg and used a cloth to wipe my leg. He was perspiring and kept looking at my pussy. This is so dumb but again, I already had him, so I asked him to kiss it and make it better. And he did. I took his head and pulled it towards my pussy and just said to go ahead.