Fulfillment 15


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He strides into their suite and she remains there, bent over the railing, snowflakes settling on her back, a large vibrator humming in her pussy. While pleasant, it wasn't doing a whole lot for her, just sitting there.

He had only told her to hold it and stay. So, she began to move. She rested her chest on the railing, took another grip on the vibrator and slid the other between her legs. She felt her nipples rubbing against the fabric of her blouse. And her fingers were stroking her wet, engorged clit. She pulled the vibrator out, slid it back in, and moaned. Again, and again, as she started the climb back up.

She almost dropped the vibrator and yipped at a stinging slap on her ass.

[Did I tell you to get yourself off while I was gone?]

He pulls her hand away and holds the vibrator in place. She whimpers and shakes her head.

His stiffened length presses against her leg. [I washed up and was going to offer you this. But, now...]

Randall grabs Ariel and hauls her backwards. Sitting in a chair on the balcony, he pulls her into his lap, her back to him. He spreads her legs over his so that she is spread wide. He puts an arm around her waist and the other on her thigh. She sits still as the vibrator begins to inch its way out of her sopping pussy.

He had her; she couldn't move away and she felt the warmth and firmness of his stiffened length between their bodies. Her skirt had flopped back over her legs and the vibrator was about ready to fall out, still humming.

She felt his breath against her ear. [Go ahead, El. Finish what you were doing.]

Ariel grabs at her skirt and bunches it up, catching the vibrator as it moved out. Taking a deep breath, she starts to pump the vibrator in and out of herself. Her fingers have returned to her clit and she resumes her stroking.

It felt good but she was distracted. By his smell, by his warmth behind her, by the feeling of his hardness behind her. His mouth descended on the side of her neck and he bit down; human teeth leaving only bruise marks. She shuddered as he licked it.

One of his large hands captured her breast, but he simply held it.

What she was doing was a pale substitute of what he could do for her and would, therefore, be less satisfying.

He was right there, and she needed him.

[Randall,] she growls, [give me your cock.]

[I thought you meant to pleasure yourself, mate.]

Her voice goes low. "Give me your cock."

At that, he rips her skirt off, pulls her hand, still gripping the vibrator, from her body, then takes her hips and raises her emptied channel above his now-freed erection.

Poised above him, she grits her teeth. "Yesss."

Her wetness drips down onto him.

Randall fairly drops her, her legs still spread wide, onto him while pushing the vibrator back against her clit.

She writhed and shrieked, "YES!", feeling her muscles clench around him. Again.


Lyssa was simmering by the time they got upstairs to their suite.

Emmett guides her inside with a hand to the small of her back. Once inside she rounds on him, coffee sliding over the edge of the cup. "Were you gonna decide without me?"

"No, Lys, I was not."

"You have to say yes, don't you?"

"Not necessarily. No. The decision is ours."

"Would Randall let us go?"

"He would not be happy about it but, yes, he would."

"Is it me?"

"Lys, sweetheart," he sits heavily in a chair, "I'd like to start from the beginning."

She gives him a bit of a dirty look. She was overtired, and grumpy, feeling she'd been left out of something terribly important. She took a large gulp of the coffee, barely tasting it.

He took her short silence for acceptance. She was standing, watching him, which wasn't the best sign but... "Michael was the Alpha's only heir. Under normal circumstances, it would either be a nephew or a Beta who would now be groomed for Alpha. The Alpha Ross, unfortunately, has no nephews. And his Beta is unwilling to accept the role of Alpha."

Lyssa opens her mouth, but he continues on before she can interrupt. "It is a very rare thing. He cannot leave it to chance or the pack would fall into chaos with the infighting. So, he and Sampson discussed possible candidates to take over the Ross pack. My name. Our names. Were on the list. Randall told me about it yesterday. I wanted to wait until you got some sleep so we could discuss this calmly and rationally."

His name. She focused on that until the end of the last sentence came up. "Am I being irrational?"

Emmett closes his eyes, inhales, exhales. "I only meant to have you in a better frame of mind."

"There's nothing wrong with my mind."

He was going to piss her off even more if he kept pausing, but he had to think of how to go about this when she was this cranky. He takes a sip of his coffee.

"Ask your questions."

"You want to say yes, don't you?" "I've not decided."

"What about Roland?" "He's to be Alpha of Wyeth."

"What about Erich and Madeline?" "Too new to the position of Beta."

"Why wasn't I there when Randall talked to you?" Another sigh. "You won't be happy with the answer."

"Why?" "As I would be the one to be Alpha, the offer was extended to me."

She stood, grinding her teeth, eyes looking daggers at her mate. "Our society is patrilineal, sweetheart, you know that, although it offends your sense of fairness."

"Randall will let us go?" "Yes." Some emotion crosses her face that he doesn't recognize.

"Is it because of me?" She looks upset now. "I don't know what you mean, Lys."

"Have I become too much trouble?" Her eyes are bright. She was too tired for this, working essentially double shifts for the past three days, and wasn't thinking clearly.

He set down his cup and rose. Emmett stepped up to his mate and took her cup and set it aside. He then took her in his arms. "Randall would not be happy if we left, we, both of us, are valuable to him. But, Lys, he understands the opportunity and would not begrudge us our decision. It is a positive reflection on both of us, to be chosen, that they think enough of us to consider us."

She mumbles into his chest. "Me, too?"

"Of course, dear heart, you were part of the process. Mates would not be separated." She looks up at him, a little confused. He puts a hand to her face. "Lyssa, if they felt you were not up to the task of Madam Alpha, I would not have been asked."

"Oh." Her dark eyes widen. "Oh! Me?"

He takes her face in his hands and kisses her. "Of course you. What did you think would happen?"

"I didn't... But I'm...." She rests her forehead against his chest. "You're right, I'm not thinking straight."

"Come, mate, sleep for you. I have early sweep again tomorrow and, then, we'll talk about this."

Lyssa sighs and sniffles slightly, face still against his chest. "I love you, Em."

He squeezes her tighter. "Ah, Lys, I love you, too."


Stephanie was nervous.

Trevor was driving her back to the Ross den in the dark. Snow shown intermittently in the glow of the headlights. He kept glancing over at her, until she snapped, "What?"

"Nothing, ma'am."

Ma'am? He was young but she was an Omega, too, and had no more status than him. He was acting like she was more.

He kept his eyes on the road from then on and the rest of the drive passed in silence.

She contemplated her actions as they traveled up the drive from the road.

The driveway was long, sloping. It bore to the left and up a small hillock. And, there, behind a rather dense copse of trees, stood the Ross den.

It was not as tall as the Wyeth den, only three stories, but was broader. Some outbuildings stood off to one side bordered by a long, low field. Trails led off to various directions. Wolves moved out there, patrolling, as they did at Wyeth.

The house was low, rambling, and light green in color. Large windows on the third floor showed the location of the Alpha and Beta suites. Lights shown out of several windows, slightly obscured by the falling snow.

Calvin Ross waited for her there.

Trevor dropped her at the side door and was mildly irritated when she got out without waiting for him to open the door.

Stephanie inhaled, squared her shoulders, and entered the house.

Sampson met her there. "Is there anything you require?"

"No." A slight pause. "Thank you."

"Calvin awaits your company in his suite."

"Thank you."

She turns to the right and climbs the stairs, a small bag in her hands. She stood outside the door.

He waits, having felt her approach, well, their approach, as Sampson had come upstairs with her.

She was here and he had not brought her to his room. She came of her own accord. She need only come in.

Baby steps, she was taking small steps towards recovery, from a past she had escaped so long ago, but still consumed her.

He rose, went to the door, and opened it. And offered his hand to her.

Stephanie swallowed, took his hand, and stepped into the room.

He pulled her closer, brought her into his arms. One arm went around her waist, the other hand went up to her face and he leaned in for a kiss.

She looked at him, as his face approached hers, her arms out to the side, bag still in her hand. His mouth touched hers, softly, and she felt his mouth open. His tongue touched her lips. It then traced lightly along their juncture and she relented, and opened for him.

Calvin's tongue entered her mouth, on a combination of a groan and a growl. He'd just barely gotten a taste of her when she drew back, closing her mouth.

No. Any expression of pleasure or remote sexuality and she pulled away. He stepped back slightly, grasped the handle of the bag and tugged. As she releases it he drops it to the floor. His hands then go to her shirt and he gets the first button undone before she growls and grabs his arm. "No."

So, he steps back into her, arms around her, lightly stroking her back. She had stiffened up, and he wanted her to relax. He felt her start to step back and moved with her, keeping contact.

Stephanie then used her arms to break his hold on her.

He stepped back and she glanced at his face, seeing both anticipation and disappointment on it. "Would you care for anything to eat or drink?" She shakes her head. "Television?" Another shake.

Calvin then takes her hand and pulls her toward the bed. She plants her feet and pulls back against him. As her hand leaves his he turns to look at her, hears her heavy breathing, sees discomfort on her face.

"Stephanie?" She backs away slightly and, as he moves toward her, sees fear on her face. He stops and waits, for her to calm, for her to say something, do something.

If he had suspected before, he was almost certain now. He whispers. "Who was it Stephanie? Who betrayed you to the rogues?"

She turned away from him and stood, unfortunately, looking at the bed. She blinked and swallowed, then walked to the window, looking out and hugging herself.

He walked up behind her, without crowding her, and says, quietly, "It was someone you loved. Or someone you thought you loved."

For the first time since he'd met her, he heard an emotion in her voice other than anger. It was decades of pain distilled into a single word. "Cody."

"He took your virginity, maybe screwed you a couple of times, and handed you off after making you think he felt something for you."

Her breath hitches and he steps closer. Calvin hesitates slightly before placing his hands lightly on her shoulders. Stephanie jerks and he switches to lightly holding her upper arms. "Have you ever heard of this happening in any of our packs?"

He waits, then answers. "No. You haven't."

She twists to face him, looking down. He shifts his hands downward, to take her hands in his.

Calvin was taller and, so, with her head down, felt the question against his chest in the warmth of her breath. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to trust me, Stephanie. I want to wake up with you in my bed again."

Her chest heaves and he hears her swallow. "I can't."

"You can't? Can't lie beside me in the bed and sleep?"

"Just.. just sleep?"

"Yes, Stephanie, sleep. You know, closing your eyes and resting?"

She picks her head up and examines his face briefly, before ghosting a smile.

"Go, change into your sleepwear. It's late and I'm tired."


He felt as if he hadn't been asleep very long and wondered what had woken him.

Sounds and movement from beside him on the bed.

She was throwing her head from side to side and moaning. At least she was still in human form. She rolled to her side and he put a hand on her shoulder. "Lys?"

She shifted to wolf, her fur thicker in the cold of winter. His fingers grasped that thick coat as her feet began to paddle. "Lyssa. Lys!"

Claws catching on the light blanket, she starts inadvertently dragging her body sideways on the bed. He sighed, what was she thinking of now?

Emmett stroked down his furred mate's side. "Sweetheart, wake up."

Off the side of the bed, again, with a thud and a yip.

As he came over to her side of the bed he heard a heartfelt. "Dammit."

A hand grabs the edge of the bed as he looks over the side. "Should I get us some more coffee?"

"What? Why?"

"Well, I'd say we need to finish talking about Ross." He takes her hand as she climbs back on the bed and squeezes it. "It's got you unsettled."

She inhales deeply and blows the breath out. "Yeah, I guess. But, no, we should get some more sleep."

"Are you sure?"

She nods as she lays back down.

Twenty minutes later, she blows out another breath. "Is it because Michael Ross lived there?"

"I don't want to mess up an opportunity like this."


"But, yeah, his ghost will haunt me."

"I can understand that." He rolls to his side, putting a hand on her stomach. "It wouldn't be comfortable for me there either. Of course, that's if we meet with the pack's approval."

"What would happen?"

"We'd have to go there to live for a while, learn about how the pack runs, learn the business, and see if we fit in, if we'd be accepted."

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"The packs all have different cultures, different ways of working. We'd have to fit in with them."

Lyssa pauses, closing her eyes. "And you'd be Alpha."

"We'd be Alpha, sweetheart."

Her voice goes quiet as she asks the next question. "Would we, Em? Would they accept me?" He rolls to look at her face, a question on his. "I'm not.. Emmett, I wasn't born a wolf. Won't that be trouble?"


"Tell me the truth, could I mess this up?"

Emmett puts a hand on her face and his voice is serious. "Older pack members, especially, would have a problem. There are those that would never accept you as Alpha."

She rolls into him, putting her face against his chest. "Shit."

Emmett brushes her hair away from her face and speaks, to himself as much as to her. "I'd have to look back into pack histories to see if it's ever happened before. If a changed human has ever become Alpha."

Lyssa makes a gasp of surprise. "But, isn't that how you started? The original werewolves were human."

He squeezes her tightly. "You're right." Then he sobers. "That still won't convince some though."

"What would I have to do to get their respect?"

"Calvin's choice would carry some weight but there would be fights. I'd certainly be challenged but you likely would be, too."

"OK. Um, OK. I could knock them down."

"Yes, but there would be grumbling about that, too. Most males wouldn't consider it a fair fight."


Emmett strokes down her back. "Yes, sweetheart, it would be both males and females."

Lyssa knocks her forehead against his chest a few times. "It would be hard on both of us, Lys, but really, really hard on you. You've brought up a couple of things I hadn't considered and we should probably talk more before we decide."

She pulls her head back from his chest and looks at him. "Who goes first? I mean, how would they start?"

"I think mated pairs would be preferred. That way the Alpha pair would already be established. The Alpha Ross probably has a list with his rankings. He'd start at the top, I suppose."

"I wonder where we are."

"Near the top, sweetheart. Near the top." He yawns.

"Sorry I woke you."

He was starting to nod off as she thought to herself - if they became the Ross Alphas and couldn't have pups, what then?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Have I mentioned that I hate the Alphas? Because I really, truly can't stand Ariel or "Ran." In other news, I do like Cal & Steph's relationship so far!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I have had the same hope for Stephanie and Cal since they started and I really hope that Lys gets pregnant soon. I love the story and can't wait for the next chapter.

oneboobeeoneboobeealmost 12 years ago
Stephanie and Calvin

I agree with Nicole/Nicintas comments!!!! She has great suggestions.

nicintasnicintasalmost 12 years ago
Stephanie and Cal....

NEED to mate and give birth to the next Alpha!!!!

Lyssa and Em are fine where they are. They just needs pups of their own to fulfill their lives. Stephanie deserves a true mate, true happiness and pups!!!!!!!

Don't deny her that after all she's been through. Let the scum of her past find out she was never really theirs through those bites they gave her. That she rose above their violence to become the Ross Alpha bitch who will give birth to the next Ross Alpha!

Let Lyssa be an advisor to the Wear Counsel or something like that.



oneboobeeoneboobeealmost 12 years ago

Glad you came back to give us more!!!! Can't wait until the next chapter is posted.

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