Hermaphrodite Ch. 04


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"Uh," was Luke's witty reply.

"My panties were in my left hand, if you need more details. My idea about the g-spot drew a nod and then he spent a few minutes exploring inside my vagina with his fingers. He concluded that I might be right."

"Was he wearing gloves?" Luke asked since he had no idea what else to say.

"Yeah, boxing gloves," she replied with a grin.

"Funny," he replied with a matching grin. More seriously he asked, "How about the birth control thing?"

"Nope, I can't have any kind of birth control," Janet said in a whisper.

Luke looked at her with wide eyes and groaned. "I'm sorry to hear that. Is there a physical problem?"

Janet laughed. "No dummy, I just wanted to see what your reaction would be."

He gave her a hard look and said, "You're mean, ya know that."

"Oh yes, I do know that," Janet replied as she leaned over to kiss him softly on the lips. As she leaned back, she said, "Everything is taken care of. After a bit of discussion, which is interestingly stimulating with me in the position I was in, we settled on an IUD and he installed it for me."

"A what" Luke asked.

"An Intrauterine Device," Janet replied. "A small coil that sits at the entrance to my uterus."

"Okay, that's deep inside right. What if I poke it?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

Janet laughed. "You won't poke it unless you are using a broom stick and that ain't happening."

Luke sighed and leaned back to relax. "So we're good to go?"

Janet grinned and replied, "Not for the first forty eight hours of so. Things need to recover after the Doctor's probing instruments. There will be no swimming or hot baths and a few other things."

Luke looked at the clock on the dash and Janet laughed again. "Are you planning on setting your alarm?"

"Hey, a guy can dream, right."

Janet shivered. "Do you think you'll be the only one dreaming?"

"Uh, how about orgasms between now and then?" He asked.

"Not a good idea for me and if you are thinking about your own, remember how close I came to having one when I sucked your dick."

"So we're both going to be celibate for the next two days," he said with a soft groan.

"There's always the butt plugs," Janet said with a wink and then added, "Home, James."

Luke put the car in gear and slowly backed out of the parking space as he whispered, "No sex and she's already forgotten my name."

Janet chuckled and said, "Always remember, you are always at the top of my list and there is no forgetting that."


Janet's mom's car was in the driveway when they got home. She had worked the early shifted today. As they stopped, Luke said, "There goes the fashion show I was expecting."

"There goes the mutual butt plug play time also," Janet added.

"What now?" Luke asked as he turned the car off.

"Inside and sort the clothes out," Janet replied as she opened her door.

"And the butt plugs?" Luke asked as he opened the console and got the bag out.

Janet took the sack from him and grinned. "I'll take care of these, you grab the clothes."

Luke looked at her and grinned as he replied, "Yes, Mistress, as you wish, Mistress."

Janet laughed and said, "Don't make me get the whips out."

"Ouch," Luke whispered as he leaned in and grabbed the sacks.

As they walked toward the front door, Janet looked at Luke and asked in a whisper, "Have you ever had a spanking?"

"Uh, no. Have you?" He asked in return.

"No but...." She replied and let the sentence trail off.


Inside, Janet's mom was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand. This caught Janet's attention because her mother drank very seldom. "What's up?" She asked her mother as she laid the bag with the butt plugs on a side table.

Kate looked from her daughter to Luke and back again. "I got myself invited next door to go swimming," she said with a catch in her voice.

"Skinny dipping or do you want to borrow my bikini?" Janet asked with a grin.

Kate frowned and said, "When I told her I didn't have a swim suit she said that was okay."

When Luke groaned, both women looked at him. "Uh, just chalk that up to my active imagination."

"Or to the memory of you and my daughter skinny dipping," Kate said with a grin.

Luke blushed deeply and looked at Janet. She chuckled and said, "I told you that mom and I talked."

"Yeah, but...." Luke started to say

Kate cut in and said, "Yeah, we talked about that also."

When Luke's head snapped around toward Kate, both women laughed. "It's all good," Kate said. "I'm the only source of information my daughter has on our condition, shall we say so yes, we're going to talk."

Luke took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay, I can understand that."

Janet looked at her mother. "Go up stairs and try on my bikini. It should fit you."

Kate stood up, downed the rest of her wine and sighed deeply. "And what if it don't or I have an accidental fall out problem?"

"Then you grin and bear it and see where she stands on the idea," Janet said quickly.

Kate groaned as she sat her glass down and headed upstairs. As she went out of sight, Luke asked, "So what are we doing?"

"Sorting clothes to start with. Maybe even a fashion show for each other, anything to keep your mind off what is going on next door," Janet said with a grin.

Luke groaned and asked, "And what if mom isn't good with, uh, things?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Janet replied.

Kate came down the stairs wearing Janet's beach robe. "Bikini or no bikini?" Janet asked.

"The, uh, bikini and it fits very well," Kate answered and then shivered. "But when I'm hard I have a pop out problem."

"So does your daughter," Luke said and then blushed.

Kate looked at Luke. "Have you ever worn a Speedo?" When Luke shook his head, Kate grinned and said, "We'll have to get you one."

Luke groaned and shivered. "I'd, uh, have a pop out problem of my own in one of those."

"Exactly," Janet and Kate both said at once.

Kate took a deep breath and headed for the front door. "Here goes nothing," she said as she opened the door and went out.

Luke turned and looked at Janet. Janet grinned as she picked up the clothing sacks and dumped them on the couch. "Come help me sort," she said as he stood where he was. When his eyes darted to the toy sack, she laughed and shook her head. "Later if there is time."


Janet had her clothes in her arms and the toy sack in one hand as they went up stairs. They laid their clothes on the bed and Janet laid the toy sack on her night stand. Looking at Luke she said, "Time to strip but keep you underwear on."

"Keep yours and the stocking on," Luke whispered as he took his t-shirt off.

Janet unbuttoned her blouse as she watched Luke slip off his shorts and toed off his sneakers. He watched her unbutton and unzip the skirt. Her hands behind her back had her breast pushed up and out. He licked his lips and took a step toward her.

Her skirt hit the floor and she shook her head as she put up a hand to stop him. "We're trying on clothes remember. Grab that long sleeved shirt while I try on my dress."

Luke had the long sleeve shirt on and buttoned up. It was tucked into a pair of slacks. Janet had the dress on. It felt funny. She had never worn a dress before. Tight skirts were one thing but the flared skirt made her feel like she didn't have anything on below her waist.

She looked at Luke and nodded. "So much better," she said as she stepped closer to him and unbuttoned the cuffs on his shirt and rolled the sleeves up two turns each. With another nodded she said, "Even better."

When she stepped back, Luke took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I love that dress. So girly."

Janet laughed and replied, "And you look so grown up and masculine. I'm going to have to carry a club to beat those college girls off you with."

Luke groaned as his eyes ran up and down Janet in the dress. "I'll dig out my old baseball bats. You carry one and I'll carry the other."

"I don't think the college will go along with that," Janet whispered with a grin.

"Probably not," Luke said with a matching grin.


They had finished up trying on all the clothes and Janet had hers put away. They were folding up Luke's and putting them in the sacks when Janet looked at her clock next to the bed. "It's been an hour and a half since mom left."

"Is that good or bad?" Luke asked.

"I'm thinking good," Janet replied. "But we'll have to wait until she gets home."

At the word but, Luke's eyes went to the sack on the nightstand. Janet chuckled as she stepped over and picked it up. "Why don't you shut the door."

Luke groaned and did as she asked. "I'm starting to understand that scared, excited thing."

Janet upended the sack on the bed and looked at Luke. "Who's going first?"

"I, uh, good question. I've, uh, never and you're not supposed to have an orgasm. Maybe we should postpone it."

Janet grinned as she picked up the butt plug with the skull on the end and tossed it to him. "Compare that to your finger." When he did and groaned, Janet turned and got her small vibrator out of the nightstand.

Luke's eyes grew wide as he looked at the vibrator. It was way larger than his finger but smaller than the butt plug. "I, uh, I," he stammered and then groaned.

"It's been in my butt and it didn't hurt at all. In fact, it felt very, very good. Mind blowing when I turned the vibrations on," Janet said softly.

Luke groaned and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his briefs. "Sooner or later," he whispered as he pushed them down slowly.

As the briefs fell around his ankles, Janet smiled and said, "I have to take it easy on you remember."

With another groan, Luke asked, "Where?"

Janet looked at the bed and shrugged. "On the edge of the bed on your knees to start at least."

Luke's eyes dropped to the head of Janet's hard dick poking out above the waistband of her panties. Moving to the side of the bed, he shivered and whispered, "I trust you."

As he climbed on the bed, Janet slapped him lightly on the ass. "Spread your knees wider and lower you head and chest to the bed and relax."

Luke groaned as he did as she said. "Yes, Mistress," he whispered a moment later.

Janet grinned as she got the lube bottle and squatted down behind him. "Such an interesting view," she whispered before she leaned in and gave him a lick on one ass cheek and then the other. He jerked at each touch of her hot wet tongue.

Her hand landed on his ass and pushed the cheeks wider apart. Her next two licks were right up the center between his cheeks, each one a little deeper than the last. He jerked even harder. The next lick bumped over his asshole and he gasped loudly as he came up on his hands.

Janet grinned and swatted his ass lightly. "Back down and relax," she whispered.

He groaned and started to say something but he gasped again as her tongue found his anus again. The more she licked his asshole the more his hips flexed and wiggled. She tried probing the tight ring with the tip of her tongue but his muscles were stronger than her tongue.

She sat back on her heels and picked up the lube to put some on a fingertip. "How's it going?" she asked quickly.

Luke groaned and whispered, "So far, so good."

"Good, good," she replied as she rubbed her slippery fingertip against his anus. He groaned and she pressed the end of her finger against the tight ring of muscles. He gasped and the groaned as the finger tip entered his ass an inch or so. "That is my finger," Janet told him.

He groaned as she pulled it out and pushed it back in. It went deeper as his muscles relaxed. She slowly fucked his ass with her finger going a little deeper with each stroke. His asshole would grab at her finger as she moved it but would relax as she stopped moving it.

When her knuckles touched his ass cheeks, she asked, "How does that feel?

Luke groaned and whispered, "A lot better than I expected."

"Good, now I need you to roll over and bring your feet up next to your ass," she said as she slowly worked her finger out of his ass.

Luke didn't move for several minutes and then he sighed. When he rolled over, he whispered, "That made my dick tingle in a funny way."

"That's why I want you on your back so I can get to your dick," Janet explained. When Luke gave her a questioning look, she grinned and added, "You will be coming soon and I don't want to miss it."

"Miss it?" He asked.

Janet licked her lips and leaned forward to kiss his dick. His eyes grew big and he said, "Oh."

Janet grinned as she picked up the lube and applied some to her fingertip again. She rubbed it against his asshole and pushed her finger inside easily. She fingered his asshole for a while and then grinned at him. "Hold you dick up pointed at me but don't do anything but hold it with a couple fingers."

"But," Luke said and Janet nodded as she picked up the pink vibrator and lubed it up.

She touched the tip of the plastic tube to his asshole and his hips jerked up and then came back down. The end of the tube disappeared inside his anus. He groaned deeply as she held the vibrator in place. His ass flexed up and down and more of the vibrator disappeared.

"I, I, I," he stammered and flexed his hips again. Nearly half the toy was in his ass.

When he didn't move again, Janet pulled the toy out a little bit and pushed it a little deeper than it had been. Luke groaned deeply as his hips bounced up and down, fucking himself on the toy. When his hips slowed, Janet pushed it deeper.

Luke yelled, Janet's head shot forward to suck on the head of his dick as she hit the little switch for the vibrations. Luke was coming like mad as his hips bounced up and down. His dick in her mouth felt wonderful. The vibrations in his ass made things even better.

As his hips slowed down, Janet groaned and switched the vibrator off. Luke was breathing very hard and rapidly. She raised her head and released his dick with a slurping sound. Luke groaned and opened his eyes. His eyes closed slowly and he groaned again.


Janet had the toys cleaned up and put away by the time Luke sat up and grinned at her. "Now I understand the top of your head thing."

With a grin, Janet said, "You were coming so hard, I had to swallow twice."

"Am I sleeping here," Luke said softly.

"I don't think mother would understand," Janet said. "Anyway, I need to get the dirt on what went on at your house. It's been almost three hours."

"Three hours? My how time flies when you're having fun," he said with a grin.

"So, you did enjoy yourself?" Janet asked with a big grin.

Luke did a double take at his girlfriend and then said, "Well yeah. It was different but stimulating in more than one way."

"Want to try your butt plug?" Janet asked.

Luke looked thoughtful and then shook his head slowly. "I'll wait for the both of us."

"I'd like that," Janet replied and then sighed. "So, I guess we need to get dressed and go watch some TV until mother gets home."

Luke stood up to pull Janet into his arms for a deep and passionate kiss. When he broke the kiss, he smiled and said, "That is probably a good idea."


It was another half hour before Janet's mother got home.

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f86supersaberf86supersaber28 days ago

You should do at least a chapter 5 on this story, they should consumate their relationship, And college stories would be great. Lots of room for this story to grow, Even with their moms!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I'm really enjoying this story and hope someday you continue. The mothers were together for 3 1/2 hours, something good must have happened.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Please add some more chapters, the story line is great. Looking forward to reading more of this story.

MurseDMurseD4 months ago

Great story. I hope you can get around to finishing it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

HERMAPHRODITE CH. 04 when will CH 05 and ending coming

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