Hunter Hunted Ch. 02

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A sly touch could kill a friendship.
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Part 2 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 10/03/2009
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Discovered Secrets

Chapter Two

Hunter's engaging smile was long gone before Dianna finished Mirage's story. A strange pang started in his chest, surprising him. Hearing of how Lineal and Lynette, Mirage's husband and daughter had been put to death was heartbreaking.

He could almost feel their pain. The scorch of the whip was a terrible thing. He'd felt it once or twice in his own inhumanely long life. But know that Lineal had been forced to endure the bite until he'd mercifully died was almost more than he could bear.

How must it have felt for Mirage? She'd been forced to stand there, to watch her husband's proud face as he'd been beaten to death. She'd been made to listen to his screams when he'd finally broken and she had pleaded and screamed herself, begging to prove her innocence or that the gods would punish her, not her husband. But he'd died, his bowed and broken body left dangling in the dirt for the carrion to feed.

And that hadn't been the end of their horror. Lynette, a scared six year old had been next. But her death was even worse than that of Lineal's. Mirage had been magically caged, held in a box no bigger than her own body. She'd been forced to watch as Lynette had been strapped down to a table and one by one, red hot coals had been put on her body until she was covered in their smoldering stench. Every inch of her skin had been layered with those coals, her screams growing hoarse and horrid until shock had finally killed her.

They'd forced her to uncover the child's body, to see the damage that the poor little girl had been forced to endure because of her mother. Mirage had been violently ill, unable to look at what was left of Lynette, of the little girl she had adored. And she'd cursed the gods, renouncing her beliefs and promising untold torments upon them.

They'd laughed. Bia, the goddess of violence and the one who'd begun this torment had slapped her. But no pain could get through the haze of her emotions, the loss of her child, of her beloved husband, had left her in. So Bia had thought up one more torment and she waved her scepter at Mirage.

Dianna opened Mirage's file and pulled out a small sheet of paper she'd placed in there last week when after years of searching, she'd finally found the exact wording to the curse. "Until time's end or when someone stands for you, willing to share in this curse, your touch shall cause nothing but chaos. Even the slightest of touches will result in a madness that is incurable. Only one will be immune and until you find that one person, you will be alone to walk this earth. But it is for you to decide. Is it worth it for you to lose those you love to madness? Will you be able to touch them, to see if they are the ones to save you?"

Bia had laughed and then they'd cast her out, throwing her from their exalted presence. But Aphrodite, the loveliest of the goddess had stepped in. She'd save the souls of Lineal and Lynette, rescuing them from Hades and sending them on to their reward after seeing what had been done to them and to Mirage but unable to stop Bia's ugly actions.

She'd gone to Mirage in her dreams, afraid of the curse that Bia's words had left upon the girl's skin. Showing her the renewed spirits of her family had helped but it did nothing for the hurt or the loneliness that the curse had left on her. People feared her and they cast her out of village after village, leaving her alone to walk the world.

During this time, She'd learned to fight and began to hire herself out to the great lords of the land who's presence meant constant torment and wars. She'd forged bonds and had proven herself to these great war lords. She'd made her way, the right hand of men such as Alexander, learning from scholars such as Socrates and Confucius.

She'd shorn her beautiful white blonde curls with little regard, keeping her hair short and out of her eyes. She'd learn to fight with every weapon she could place her hands on. From Scimitar to dagger to throwing stars, she'd become expert and everything in between. Never would she allow herself to be put in the position that those gods had. Never would she allow any man, woman or sentient being to tie her down and hold her captive. Never would she allow herself to fall in love with another, because it gave you a weak spot in your defenses. She would never have that happen again.

"Now," Dianna said softly, reaching out and touching Hunter's hand. "Do you understand why she acts the way she does? Why she pushes everyone away?"

Hunter's vivid blue eyes were tormented. He stared up at Dianna, finally placing his coffee cup on her desk. "I can't say that I really thank you for telling me this, Dianna."

She smiled, leaning back to snag the coffee carafe from where it sat, staying hot. She held it out to Hunter and then refilled his cup, topping off hers. "I know. What they did to her family was heart wrenching. I can't even imagine what I would have done. But Mirage has been alone in everyway that counts for over three thousand years."

"She's not alone," Hunter interjected. "She does have us."

"You went home with that little Were-kitten last night, didn't you? Imagine climbing into bed with Miss Puss-n-boots and suddenly finding her crazy as a coon just because you touched her. Try imagining never sleeping with another woman again. Would you feel completely alone?"

Hunter sighed. "But this isn't about me, Dianna. This is Mira. I can't imagine she would be very happy with you for blabbing her secrets. So I've got to ask, why did you tell me this?"

"Because you are the closest one to her. No matter what you think, I've seen her eyes when you walk in a room. She comes alive in your presence, Hunter. I've known her for a good long while; I recruited her for this team. I know she lets no one tease her or aggravate her the way you do. There has to be a reason for that."

"Lots of years of practice?" He sank back against the chair, suddenly feeling very tired.

"I also see your eyes when you look at her, Hunter. I know there are feelings in there for her. I've seen you run into places to back her up when most agents I know would be screaming for back up and retreating. I'm not saying that you should become this mythic savior who will stand with her against the gods and be willing to share in her curse. That's asking a lot, even for me. But I know you care."

"I do care, Dianna. I care for you and for Beasty boy as well. I also care about my own skin. If I suddenly back down on Mira, what do you think she's going to do? She's going to call me on it. Then what am I supposed to say. I'm sorry that the gods fucked you over? How do you think that'll go with her?" He rose suddenly, slamming his cup on her desk and spilling what was left in the mug. "You've really screwed me up here, Dianna and I can't thank you for it."

He turned and headed out of her office, slamming the door hard enough behind him that the glass rattled. He stalked away quickly, ignoring everyone around him and heading down toward the gym to find Mira. Going around a corner, he almost walked right into her.

He jerked back, his eyes softening as he stared down at her. He suddenly saw images in his head of Lineal and Lynette and he took another step back. "You ready to do this?"

"You that anxious to get your ass handed to you?"

Her soft voice seemed a bit shaken and Hunter felt his will to kick her ass dissolve just that quickly. Damn Dianna and her meddling. He was perfectly happy with the way things had been before she'd called him into the office for her little 'chat'.

"No smart ass remark?" Mirage took a step closer to him. "Not even a lame...'oh yeah, so's your mother?'"

"I'm tired, Mira. So are you ready to do this or not?"

"Not the way you're dressed." He looked down at her, his eyes sharpening as he saw all that gorgeously tanned and sculpted skin was now covered. Everything but her face was now hidden in tight white leather from the tips of her fingers to the tips of her toes. There would be no chance that he might touch her in the heat of battle and lose his mind. Yet, even with all that white leather, she still managed to look sexy and sensual. Maybe it was her eyes, he didn't know. He did know that if he didn't worry about his mind around her, he'd have been working to get her taut ass into his bed a long fucking time ago.

"Well, let's get going and I'll change," he growled, wishing he could reach down and adjust the sudden constant throb of his cock in the tight constraints of the uniform he was wearing. He let her go into the gym while he took a left down another hallway and walked into the men's locker room. It was full and all heads turned when he opened the door and stepped inside. But besides a few greetings, most of the men went quickly back to their own business when he slammed open his locker.

Unzipping his uniform, he pulled it off, glaring at his disobedient cock when it still hadn't softened. Why now did he have to have these uncontrollable urges around her? Now, after five years of working with her as closely as they were allowed to work, now he decided to want her, like the proverbial forbidden fruit. Damn Dianna!

He grabbed the one piece lycra suit he wore when he went up against Mira, seeing the small stain of blood that was left from a lucky punch she'd landed last time. He scratched at it with his finger then shrugged, sitting to tug the skin tight suit up his long legs. Wrangling it over his shoulders, he forced his big hands down the sleeves, twisting them until they felt right. Then he zipped the damn thing up and reached down for his shoes.

He wore something that was a combination of swim sock and ballet shoe. They were soft, tying tightly around his ankle. There was a thin rubber sole, but the shoe moved with his foot, giving him more control over his kicks and better balance. He pulled the long, thin lycra gloves over his hands, tightening the straps at his wrists. Grabbing a towel, he was as ready as he possibly could be to go up against Mirage.

He rose feeling as if he were missing his scuba gear as he always did in this outfit. Pulling his shoulder length hair into a ponytail, he headed out into the gym.

Mira stood with her back to him, her body molding beautifully into the sensuous and strong poises of the Tai Chi. He watched her for a moment, feeling a calmness seep into him. Taking two deep breathes; he stepped forward and let her see him. To give her credit, she finished the Tai Chi sequence, bowing gracefully to Dianna when she finished before facing him.

"You ready for this, hero?" he called, knowing that the nickname he'd tagged her with the first time he'd seen her all in white irked the hell out of her.

"Yeah, well you know what they say," she quipped, stepping forward and taking the sword that Dianna handed her. "Only the shadow knows..." She nodded at his pure black suit, her eyes lingering on the way it cupped the very noticeable bulge at his crotch. "You...ah...happy to see me there, Ace?"

"More like happy to kick the shit out of you." He picked up his own sword, turning to run into Beast and then glaring at him until he moved out of his way.

"And here I never would have thought you to be a sadist." She circled him, her eyes roaming over every muscled inch that the suit showed off so well. Then she looked up and into his eyes and shrugged. "But then I never would have thought you to be a narcissist either."

Hunter stepped into the mat, his sword swinging easily into a circle before him before he made his first attack. They had a rhythm at this, one that came from long practice and years of working together. Her sword clanged against his, sparks flying. She countered, admiring his back handed defense. With little effort, she blocked his first round house kick, ducking below his leg and bringing her sword up to block his sudden attack.

"You've been practicing, Hunt. This might be even more fun than I'd thought."

"Yeah, well Mira, I'd hate to think I was boring you or something. Oh, and I'm not a fucking Narcissist, either!" He blocked her next strike, feeling the vibrations all the way into his shoulders. "You have been doing this a few thousand years longer than I have, you know."

"Then maybe you should remember to respect your elders and quit being so fucking mouthy!" She grunted, blocking him once more. He had her on strength and on arm length but she'd been doing this longer than he'd been alive and she refused to take another beating at his hands.

"We never did discuss winner's prize."

Mirage backed up, tossing her sword to Dianna and taking the stun stick. "What do you want?"

"Well, my apartment needs cleaning," he said with a smirk. He handed his sword to Beast and then knocked the end of the stick on the floor, feeling it hum as it turned on. The stick was an excellent training tool. Every hit sent a surge of electricity through the body, growing stronger each time. Hunter had been around the sticks set on high stun only once and that was the fight between Callie Wolfe and Shadow about six months before the two of them had mated.

Now Callie was rounded with a litter of Shadow's pups and off on maternity leave for the last weeks of her pregnancy. She'd made it through the ordeal and if she could, well dammit, so could he. "And if you win?"

Mira glanced around her, twirling her stick expertly and then using the end to help hoist her body off the gym floor. She hurtled toward Hunter who dumped his stick to the floor, ducking the blow that she threw at his head and catching her easily. Lifting her slender form, he glanced down into her green eyes, seeing the sudden spurt of mischief that lurked there.

"You're trouble." His voice was low and just a touch hoarse. But he lifted her above his head, ready to spin her and then slam her to the floor.

When her weight lifted off his hands, he glanced up, surprised. He was so surprised that he didn't move quick enough to miss the blow of her stun stick and took it, full force upon his temple. He hit the ground hard, more surprised then hurt though that didn't stop his eyes from watering or his jaw from clenching.

Mira unwrapped her long leg from around the thick rope used for strength training in the gym and slowly lowered herself to the ground. She kept her stun stick at the ready and advanced toward Hunter, a sassy grin coming to her full lips. "Should have known, one good crack at your thick skull and you're huddling on the floor like a baby."

When he slid almost bonelessly to the floor, Mira quirked one slashing brow at him and then poked him with the end of her stun stick. The buzz of the electricity was loud and his muscles jumped and bunched but he didn't move away or say a word but a quiet moan.

"Hunter?" Mirage stepped closer and then knelt next to him. She felt a thrill of fear squeeze her stomach and she fought the sudden urge to touch him and babble in fear. "Hunter are you...ahh!"

Hunter came alive with a small roar, grabbing her easily and lifting her. He was so involved in his attack, he didn't notice that his glove had come unfastened and a scant three inches of flesh could be seen from between it and his sleeve. He tossed Mirage carelessly into the air, catching her easily. She weighed less than his blaster. Then he lifted her to his shoulder, tossing her over it. "Do you give up?" he teased.

"Do I look bloody?" Mirage snapped, struggling frantically against his arm holding her so effortlessly. "Dianna said first blood, you moronic idiot."

"Moronic idiot? Such big words there, Mira. You might want to watch it. You might actually say something smart one of these days. As far as the blood's concerned, I'm sure we can figure something out."

"The only way you're putting blood on me is if it's yours," she snapped, kicking her legs furiously. She hated being in this position, helpless across his shoulder like some cave bitch being dragged away by her mate. When his hand came down with stinging hardness against her ass, she screeched, letting her teeth dig into his flank.

"Now you're turning into a woman, next thing I know, you'll be scratching and pulling hair like all little girls." He smacked her ass again. "I never thought you'd act like a real girl."

Mirage squirmed even harder, not even feeling better when she heard the sound of his panting breath and knew he had to exert himself to keep her there. She wanted down and she wanted it now! She kicked harder and then doubled up her fist and hit him in the kidney.

"When I get down from here," she growled in warning, "you're going to wish you'd never met me."

"I wish that now, half the time, Mira. You want down all you've got to say is that I've won. Give in and admit to me beating you again, little girl, and I'll let you down. You can come over and start cleaning tomorrow."

"You are too, too funny, dickwad. Now put me the fuck down!"

Hunter spun, knowing that between her blood rushing to her brain and the sudden spatial changes around her, she had to be getting close to the edge. But he also knew that this was Mira he was dealing with and she would let blood flood from her ears before she'd admit to him winning. Stubborn wasn't a flaw or a character definition to Mirage. It was a fucking way of life. He spun once more and felt the clamp of her hands against his thighs, her nails digging into his workout suit.

"You sorry ass, son of a bitch, fuckwad." And that was only the beginning. She cursed the air blue around her until Hunter clapped his big hand down hard against the almost delicate curve of her ass. The sound was loud and he did it again and then once more until she hung motionless against his back.

"You want to try that one more time? It's very easy, Mira. I'll even it start it for you. Repeat after me...Hunter you are a god. You are a much better fighter. I don't even know why I ever thought I could beat you in a fight. You are my idol

"You are going to make me sick."

"Nope, wrong again. Maybe we just need to let Dianna judge this one." He turned to the tall brunette, cocking one finely arched brow her way. "So what do you say, mighty leader? Does Mira come to my place tomorrow and clean toilets and do laundry?"

Dianna sighed and rolled her eyes at him. "He does have you pretty helpless, Mira."

"Tell him to put me down and we'll see who ends up helpless," Mira growled, using her knee to kick him in the chest.

"Told you she was a rotten looser." He lifted her up a bit higher, letting her fall against his shoulder so her hip bones were bruised under her white leather. "So, little girl, will you concede?"

Mira gave it one more try, furiously trying to free herself from his tenacious hands. Then with a grunt, she relaxed. "You win."

The words were snarled and Hunter snorted his amusement. Then he reached up, lifting her off his shoulder to put her on her feet in front of him. She stumbled, her knees not quite holding her up and he reached for her to keep her from falling to the ground.

They both came to a halt when each felt the unmistakable touch of bare skin to bare skin as his wrist brushed against her cheek. Their eyes met, his stunned, hers fearful.

"Oh no, shit, Hunter, I'm so sorry." Her eyes shut tight and she refused to look at him, not wanting to watch as the intelligence and life drained from his face as her insanity spread it's tattered and ragged touch.

* * * *

Okay, I have a big question and I'm going to ask it whether it pisses people off or not. I've been posting here for quite a while, usually putting my stories on here before taking them down to get them published.

Now I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea in the reading department. I'm fine with that, but what I am curious about is why people don't comment on my work? I used to get thirty and forty comments per chapter and now on some stories, if I get one, I'm lucky.