Hurricane Gina


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"I think you can do a little better than that." She said. I sped up even more. I was now going ninety in a seventy zone. I never went this fast.

"That's a good start, Matt. I'll tell you what, Matt. On the way back, you let me drive. I'll show you how to really do it." Gina said.

"Okay, that's fine." I agreed nervously as I slowed back down. We took the turnoff towards the restaurant, and within a few minutes, we were pulling into a parking spot. We got out and walked inside together. We walked towards a cute girl waiting at the podium up front.

"Two." I told her. She glanced at me, and the hot-bodied older woman next to me, and gave us a confused look, but that quickly passes, regaining her professionalism.

"Follow me." She said. Gina stepped in front of me, and I couldn't help but notice her perfect round ass highlighted by her tight skirt. She shook it as she walked. We reached our table, and as the girl walked away, Gina looked at me expectantly. I realize what she is waiting for, and I pulled out the chair for her. She smiled and thanked me. She removed her coat and set it over the chair before she sat down. As she does, her shirt pulled up and revealed the fact that she was wearing a thong, and the thong created a perfect whale tail leading under her skirt. I was in a daze as I walked to the other side of the table.

It just seemed like such a contrast. I have never met an older woman who wore a thong. Most of the older women I encounter are frumpy, overweight women, well past their prime. I couldn't imagine any of them wearing thongs. I don't want to imagine what kind of underwear they wear to be honest. But this woman. She was wearing a thong and she was pulling it off. I've only really known younger girls to wear thongs. I've never known an older woman to have a visible whale tail. Most younger girls are not that brazen. The only ones that do that are kind of slutty. My mother-in-law couldn't possibly be a slut, could she? Nevertheless, she was confident enough in her looks that she felt she could compete with girls half her age. She might not be wrong about that.

I smiled at her as I looked across the table. This place came across as kind of romantic. I couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't just two people catching up. I couldn't shake the thought that this is a date. A mature woman on a date with a younger man. A MILF on a date with her son-in-law. I shook my head, clearing away these thoughts.

We caught up and chatted as we ate. It was going well. She wasn't being as outwardly flirty as she was the last time we met. We shared a bottle of wine as we ate. I had a surprisingly fun time. I didn't feel like I was talking to an older woman. I talked to her as I would talk to any other woman. Time flew by until I realized it was two hours later. The waitress placed our bill in the center of the table and walked away. Gina made no move towards it. She just locked eyes with me, waiting for me to make a move.

"I'll get it." I relented. As I grabbed the bill, she smiled at me. I covered the bill and the tip, and once we finished off the wine, we made our way out. She shook her butt at me as she walked. I noticed she gave the girl at the front a smirk as she walked. The girl flashed a disgusted look at Gina. I was confused by this as I walked out. I made my way to the driver's side, until she turned and out her hand on my chest.

"Uh uh. You promised." She said, holding out her hand. I didn't know what she was talking about. Then, I remembered. I pulled out my car keys and put them in her palm. She smiled.


"Holy shit! Slow the fuck down!" I ordered her.

"HA HA! Never, babe!" She yelled back, shifting gears with her right hand. This woman was nuts. She was driving 110 on the highway, a road other people were on. She was passing people right and left. People were honking and flipping us off.

"Gina, slow down! We could get pulled over." I told her.

"It'll be fine, baby." She said, laughing. We finally approached the off ramp we had to turn on, so she slowed down enough to make the turn. Amazingly enough, we were able to reach my neighborhood without getting arrested. As she pulled into my driveway and put the car in park, she turned and said, "That's how it's done."

I carried her bag into the house as she took a look around. Then, suddenly, she turned and looked right at me.

"So, do you fuck on the first date?" she said, staring holes through me. I immediately start to choke on my own spit. She started to laugh.

"Honey, I'm joking. What have I been trying to tell you? You need to loosen up." She told me. "To be honest honey, I'm beat. I think I'm ready to turn in for the night. Mind showing me where I'll be sleeping?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course." I told her. I led her upstairs and took her to the guest room. She looked in, smiled, and turned to me.

"Thanks, honey." She said, giving me a peck on the cheek. "Good night." She told me, closing the door. I felt disappointed for some reason. I didn't know why I felt like I expected more to happen tonight. Everything felt strangely calm after such a busy day. It was an unusual calm after the storm. Part of me realized I might be in the eye of Hurricane Gina. The worst might still be coming. I headed over to my room and decide to go to bed early, too.

I tossed and turned, not really able to get comfortable. It's gonna be one of those nights. I could tell already. I decide to pull out my laptop and cruise the internet a little bit. I started to think back to what Dr. White told me. Why did she try to insist I had some MILF fetish? It was like she was trying to push that idea into my head. Trying to instill into me that I am into older women. I'm not. I mean, yes, I find Gina to be unbelievably attractive and sexy. I think somehow Dr. White could sense this. I wasn't attracted to Gina because she was an older woman. I was attracted to her because she was hot. Being older didn't hurt matters. Her sexiness combined with the fact that she was 46 and as hot as anyone I'd ever seen didn't hurt matters. The thought of all the experience she must have. She had a body that no younger woman could compete with. Only an older woman could have a body like hers. Massive yet perky breasts. A tight, round ass. A gorgeous face, with not a wrinkle on it. Long, curvy, sexy legs. Gorgeous hair. An older woman has to conquer the affects of nature itself to look as good as she does. She had to work damn hard to look that good. But the reward was worth all the work. Her reward was that hot fucking body. And with a body like that, lots of sex was inevitable. I have no doubt that Gina gets laid constantly. She must know all the right moves. She must know what's good and what's bad. She must be an expert in sex. And with all of the sex she has, it was impossible to not constantly be flirting. That kind of thing can't be turned off. No MILF could turn it off. Taking this all in, I came to a realization. MILF's must be the peak sexual creatures.

I suddenly realized I was rock hard. I had gone to a page full of porno. It was one of those pages that had lots of different types of porn for the choosing. I scrolled through it till I found a link MILF section. I clicked on it and entered the world of MILF pornography.


Two hours had passed, and I was still at it. I had never realized the addictive qualities of MILF porn. I couldn't stop. I had to consume it all. All those perfect MILFy bodies, fucking those younger men harder than they've ever been fucked. I viewed all kinds of rough stuff that only MILF's could do. I had to close my computer and really take it all in. My hands were on my rock hard nine inch dick, jacking as hard as I could. Just the thought there was a perfect MILF two doors down from me drove me over the edge. I came all over myself. I came down from this, and could barely keep my eyes open. I just passed out, covered in my own juices.


Okay, so maybe I had a bit of a MILF fetish. That's not so bad right? It doesn't change things. I still love my wife, and would never cheat on her. Not even if a MILF threw herself at me. It's just a bit of a fetish. I could understand that. Maybe that's what Dr. White was getting at. I had to own the fact that I had this fetish, so I could understand it for what it was, and keep it in its place. It would play no part in my relationship with Jenny. Dr. White knew that Gina was a MILF without even meeting her. She knew that I would have to separate the fact that I have a fetish for the exact type of woman Gina is, with the fact that she is my mother-in-law. I obviously couldn't do anything with her. I had to keep my fetish in check to build a healthy relationship with her, which would allow Jenny to trust her. I guess Dr. White really did know what she was doing.

I had been lying in bed thinking about these things. I had woken up a few minutes earlier and had been trying to sort out my feelings. It was nearly eleven. Those hours in bed jacking off to MILF porn felt like I was in that late-night tunnel vision, getting fixated on one thing, and not really thinking clearly, out of exhaustion. Now that I felt I had sorted everything out, I got up and jumped in the shower.

I got cleaned up and got dressed. I walked by Gina's room, which was empty. She was clearly already up. I braced myself to see her again as I headed downstairs. But I could not find her. I looked through all the rooms, but I can't find her. As I walk through the kitchen, I heard a splash. Oh, she must be in the pool. I stepped outside to face her.

She was swimming laps with surprising ease. I admired the fact that she has clearly kept herself in great shape. I watched her swim for a minute until she noticed me and slowed down. She floated in the deep end and looked at me.

"Morning, Matt." She said with a smile. "Care to join me?"

"Um, not now, maybe later." I replied.

"Good, I was about to get out anyway." She replied. She swam towards the ladder. She started to climb the ladder, and I gulped as her body started to appear. She was wearing a powder blue bikini, and it should have been no surprise that it was skimpy. Her top was two patches that covered only a small portion of her sizable chest, connected by some tiny strings. And, oh my God! She was wearing a thong. Her ass was just hanging out there, begging to be appreciated. She was studying my reaction as her body appeared, and believe me, I was appreciating. She stepped out and walked towards me. My eyes couldn't help but lower and watch her breasts jiggle and bounce in just the right way. My eyes were drawn in by her endless cleavage. She walked by me with a smirk as she walked towards one of the pool chairs to grab her towel. I could not help but let my eyes follow. Her ass was just perfect, and the way she walked just highlighted it. I just wanted to reach out and grab it. As she dried herself, she kept one eye on me. I looked up into her eyes to acknowledge the fact that I knew she was watching. She kept her body uncovered, daring me to look back down upon it. But I held out and maintained eye contact until she wrapped the towel around her waist. She smirked as she walked inside. I was planted to the spot, unable to move. The image of my hot-bodied mother-in-law in a teeny bikini was something I could never forget. I don't think I could go inside and face her after what I had just witnessed. I don't know how long I stood there until Gina called out from inside.

"Hey, Matt, you hungry? I thought I would make us lunch." Gina said. I shook my head clear.

"Yeah, sure. That's sounds good." I replied, and started to head inside. Luckily, she was fully dressed at this point. She had cleaned herself up. She was wearing a tight black blouse, tight-enough where her breasts seemed like they were pouring out, bursting to be free. She wore a short, tight, jean skirt, which hugged her ass. I tried to clear my mind of her body, but it was hard. I sat at the table as we made small talk, as her hot body floated though the kitchen. She quickly finished up, and we ate our meal together, sitting across from each other, not talking much. You could feel the tension in the room, and I'm sure she could too. As we finished, I offered to clean up the dishes. As I did so, she called out to me.

"Hey, when you're done come out to the living room. We should talk."

"Okay." I replied. We've been talking. What else does she want to say? I took as long as I could on the dishes, until I could avoid her no more. I entered the living room. She was sitting on the loveseat, so I'm forced to sit across from her, on the couch. She looked right at me as we sat in silence.

"What are you afraid, Matt?" she asked, sensing my nervousness.

"Um, nothing." I stammered.

"Honey, you look terrified." She said with a smile.

"I'm fine." I replied. A pregnant pause fills the room. Then, the humor disappeared from her face.

"You know I can help you?" she asked.

"Help me. With what?" I asked, confused.

"I know what you are going through. I know it's not easy." She replied.

"What's not easy?" I asked, still confused.

"It's never easy to the first time. But believe me, once it happens, it'll get much easier. After awhile, it won't bother you at all." She explained.

"What won't bother me?" I asked impatiently.

"Cheating." She said simply.

"Excuse me?!" I replied in disbelief.

"I know you think what your feeling is a bad thing. I know that you feel like its wrong for you to feel the urge to cheat on your wife. But believe me baby, it's not. It'll get easier. Eventually, cheating won't even bother you. You'll be free." Gina replied. I stood up in anger.

"How dare you Gina! What makes you think I want to cheat on my wife?" I yelled out.

"Matt, please. Don't be a child. The way you stare at me is all the proof I need." Gina responded.

"So Jenny was right about you, huh? You're just gonna throw yourself at me, is that it? You're attractive, yes. I'll give you that. But you expect me to cheat on my wife simply because you're hot? You're sadly mistaken." I argued back. She simply smiled. I continued, "What kind of woman does that? What woman would try to convince her son-in-law to cheat on his wife, her daughter, with her? How evil must you be to do that? What kind of person does that?"

"Matt, you have no idea how much you're turning me on right now. Seeing you now, so high and mighty, and knowing where you're gonna be soon. It's so hot." She paused, clearly turned on. "Make no mistake Matt. I'm not nice. I'm not one of these vapid airheads who think they can hold onto a man because they laugh together, because they have cute little dates. That line of thinking is quite simply wrong. I know how to hold onto a man. You hold onto a man by fucking them into submission. Doing things that these young girls are simply not capable of. Fucking men so good that that they don't know any better, fucking them so good that they'll do whatever you want. You are mistaken about many things. You will fuck me because I'm hotter than my daughter. It is in your nature to fuck the most attractive creature, and you know that's me. It doesn't matter that I'm not nice. That I'm a complete bitch. That's not enough to stop this from happening. And one last thing. You said I'm throwing myself at you. You are wrong. I am not throwing myself at you. When I've said what I have to say, you're going to be throwing yourself at me."

I was stunned, just stunned. This woman was evil. Pure evil. Just a complete bitch. And so arrogant. She's got another thing coming.

"Get out." I ordered her, pointing to the door.

"But, Dr. White insisted that we spend this weekend together. For Jenny's sake. If you kick me out, Jenny will start asking questions. She'll get paranoid. You know her. Even if nothing happens, if I do leave now, she'll think that something did happen. She won't trust you or me. If you kick me out, it is the beginning of the end for your marriage." Gina said. Matt searched his thoughts, and knew what Gina said to be true. He lowered his arm.

"There you go Matt. If you're going to make it through this weekend, you're gonna have to work with me." She said. Matt didn't know what to do. He was in the viper's nest. And there was no escape. He couldn't leave, because what would stop her from leaving too? She no doubt would, which would ruin everything as well. He really was trapped with her. The only way out was to resist. "Please Matt. Sit down." She asked. He had no reason not to comply, so he sat. He looked at her with hate in his eyes.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to ruin our lives?" Matt asked, referring to him and Jenny.

"I'm not trying to ruin your lives. If I get what I want, everybody wins. Jenny will be past her issues with me, not knowing what's about to happen between us this weekend. I'll win, because I'll be getting your nice, fat cock whenever I want. And you'll win, because you get to be with the woman you always dreamed of, plus maintain whatever relationship you have with her. I say that, because you know and I know, if we start fucking, she'll never catch on. She trusts you. And if this weekend goes well, she'll trust me. This allows us to do whatever we want behind her back. And she's too naïve to ever figure it out. Quite honestly, my daughter is not very smart. I bet you, that even if she catches us, I bet we could convince her that it was a dream. She's that fucking stupid." Gina explained. Matt shook his head.

"You're crazy! Why do you hate your daughter?" Matt asked.

"I don't hate her. I resent her. She is a lesser woman than me in every facet imaginable. She feels inadequacy every moment of every day, because in her heart of hearts, she understands that her husband is not satisfied by her. I bet she has noticed that wandering eye of yours. It'd be hard not to. I bet she noticed how hard you got whenever a hot, mature woman walked by. You wave that huge dick under the noses of all those older women and not expect her to notice. How hard you got whenever she mentioned me. Why should a woman, who knows she's not good enough for her man, be allowed to have him when I am clearly more deserving?" Gina said. Matt was speechless.

"Let me lay it out for you. I am clearly hotter than my daughter. I've got better hair than my daughter. I'm prettier than her by a long shot. Long, smooth, legs. Better than what my daughter's got. My ass is rounder, firmer, and juicier. My tits, well, just look at them. 44EE. All natural, baby. Wait till you see them in the flesh. My nipples are just begging to be sucked on constantly. You've never seen anything that'll compare to these. And my pussy? I've given birth, but it's tighter than anything you've ever felt. Tighter than my daughter's that's for sure. And, on top of the fact that I'm hotter than my daughter in every way, I'm more confident, I'm smarter, I'm funnier. Not even to mention the fucking. I've heard her fuck her little boyfriends in the past. My daughter is the type of girl to just lay there and take it. Right? My daughter will never take over in the bedroom in the way you need. She will never push you down and fuck the shit out of you. She will never take control the way I will. And believe me Matt. I will control you. Not just your sex life, your entire life. You will do whatever I say. You will worship me. And in return? I'll fuck you. Hard. I'll fuck you, day after day, hour after hour. I'll wear you out."

Matt's jaw was on the floor. This woman was pure evil.

"But it won't stop with the fucking. No, it'll go farther than that. With the amount of fucking we'll be doing, it'll be inevitable that I'll end up pregnant. Imagine, your mother-in-law's belly growing with your children, while your wife wonders why she just can't get pregnant too. It'll be because I'm going to leave no sperm in those balls. I'm going to milk you dry."