It's the Same Old Story


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"Do you remember anyone hitting you?" Munson asked.

"No... I don't think so," I said, "but a lot of what happened is still a little cloudy. What is my wife saying about what happened?"

"She claims that she found out you have been cheating on her on your business trips so she wanted to teach you a lesson. She said that you weren't supposed to be injured and that they were going to release you as soon as she was done getting even with you."

"Did she say where she got the idea that I cheated?" I asked.

"She said that Mr. Williams told her."

"What a stupid bitch! The only proof she has that I cheated is the word of one person and he is the one she decides to fuck to get even with me?" I said. "I thought she was smarter than to fall for something like that."

"So, you are saying that you never had an affair?"

"Your damn right," I said. "I have never cheated on my wife and all she had to do was ask me about it. I could have easily proved that I hadn't cheated. It kind of makes me wonder if maybe this was just something she wanted to do and she used this supposed cheating thing as an excuse."

Detective Munson asked me a few question to clarify some points but he didn't challenge anything I had said.

I was released from the hospital the following day. When I got home, there was a message on our message recorder from Tammy. She was pleading with me to come down to the police station and tell them this was all a misunderstanding. She said she needed me to post her bail so she could get out.

I erased the message and got a beer out of the refrigerator. The phone rang again and it was Susan Crawford, Tammy's best friend. Susan was a divorcee. Her husband caught her cheating and tossed her ass out in the street. I had never liked Susan and I didn't like the influence she had on Tammy. Somehow I knew she had something to do with Tammy's behavior. Susan said that she needed to talk to me and it was important.

Being the curious sort I invited her over.

Susan arrived an hour later.

"I talked to Tammy," Susan said. "She's at her parent's house. She told me that that you were cheating on her when you went on your business trips.

"You know that's bull shit. I have never cheated on her. Did she tell you what she did?"

"She just said that there was some kind of misunderstanding and that you called the police and they arrested her," Susan said. "I can't believe that Tammy did anything that bad. You really had her arrested? Why?"

I spent the next twenty minutes telling Tammy the same thing I had told Detective Munson. After all, most of it was the truth. Susan pretended to be shocked but she didn't turn against Tammy.

"That is not like Tammy. I just can't believe she would do something so insane unless she had some sort of a breakdown," Susan said.

"Maybe so."

"Are you going to talk to her? Give her a chance to explain her side of things?" Susan asked.

"Maybe, if I have to. But I have to ask why she didn't give me the same consideration. If she thought I was doing something out of line, why didn't she discuss it with me before doing something so drastic? Did she talk to you about this?"

"No. If she had, I would have told her to talk to you about it," Susan said.

I didn't believe that for a minute. I was pretty sure that Susan didn't think much of me so I didn't think she would have objected to Tammy's idea for revenge.

"I really don't know what got into her, George. All I can say is that you shouldn't do anything until you have all of the facts," Susan said.

"Don't worry. I won't," I said.

Susan said, "Good," and then kissed me on the mouth and asked me if there was anything she could do to help me.

I had no doubt what she meant but I played dumb. "No, Susan. You have already been a big help. I just need to be alone for a while.

As soon as Susan left, I called a lawyer and made an appointment for that afternoon. At two o'clock I was in the offices of Bryan L. Townsend III. I quickly outlined what Tammy had done to me and that I wanted him to start divorce proceedings against her as soon as possible. I told him that I would like her served with the papers the very next day.


"Mr. Grant, are you sure you want to proceed so quickly with this? Before you have all the facts?" Mr. Townsend asked. "I am sixty-eight years old and have handled more divorces than you can imagine. A lot of those marriages could have been saved if the couple had just spent a little more time to be sure it was what they wanted to do. Don't you think you should take a little more time to think about this before you proceed?"

"Perhaps you are right. Maybe I should give this a little more thought," I said.

"Good... Good. I am glad that you are willing to give this a little more time."

"Yeah, I'll give it some more time," I said. "Instead of serving Tammy with the divorce papers tomorrow like I had planned, why don't we wait until the day after tomorrow?"

Mr. Townsend looked a little perplexed. "The day after tomorrow? I thought you agreed to wait a while. Are you sure you want to move that fast on this?"

"Mr. Townsend, with all due respect, if you are not willing to act on my behalf in this matter there are several other lawyers in the phone book who will," I said.

"Okay, Mr. Grant, if that's what you want, I will have the papers served on your wife day after tomorrow."

I told Mr. Townsend III that Tammy was at her parent's house and gave him the address and I gave him her work address as well. When I left his office I was feeling numb, except of course for my right ankle that was still hurting like a son of a bitch.

As soon as I left Mr. Townsend III's, office I went to the bank and closed all of our joint accounts and canceled our joint credit cards. Then I opened new accounts in my name only. I knew that eventually I would probably have to give her half of the money but I was going to make her work for it.


Over the next couple of weeks Tammy tried to call me several times at work and at home. I didn't answer any of her calls. Then I got a call from my lawyer and he told me that Tammy was going to contest the divorce unless I agreed to sit down with her so that she could tell me her side of the story.

"I'll need some time to think about that," I said.

"That's fine. Just call me when you decide what you want to do," Mr. Townsend III said.

I waited a little more than a month before I called Mr. Townsend III back.

"Does Tammy still want to meet with me before she will agree to the divorce?" I asked.

"I expected to hear back from you much sooner than this," he said. "I'll contact her attorney and find out if she is still insisting on a meeting."

Mr. Townsend III called me back later that day and told me that Tammy did indeed still want a meeting with me."

"Here is what I want you to tell my wife," I said. "Tell her that I will not sit down for a face to face with her and if she wants to contest the divorce, that's fine with me. We will just put the whole thing on hold until she is ready to agree to the divorce. We will still be married in the mean time but I will not see her or talk to her. Is that clear?"

"Perfectly clear, Mr. Grant. I will pass along your response."


The next day I went to visit Mike's wife, Beverly. She invited me in and offered me a drink. We sat on the sofa next to each other and she started to apologize for what Mike had done but I stopped her.

"Beverly, you are no more responsible for what Mike did than I am for what Tammy did. They are responsible for their own actions."

"You're right, of course, but I still feel bad about what happened to you."

"The reason I came over today was to see if perhaps you would like to comfort each other," I said.

"Why, George, you little devil."

"You know, Beverly, I have always thought that you were very attractive, and had I met you when I was single, I probably would have asked you out. I just kind of thought that now maybe..."

Before I could finish the statement Beverly leaned into me and kissed me.

"I'd love to," she said.

Beverly led me to the bedroom where I relieved her of her clothes. Our love making was slow and deliberate. When Beverly took my cock into her mouth I wondered for a brief moment if she was disappointed that I wasn't as big as Mike but I could wonder about that for only a moment as the pleasure she was giving me pushed all other thoughts from my mind.

When I pushed her legs apart and started to move my head between her legs Beverly stopped me.

"You don't have to do that for me," she said.

"I know I don't have to but I want to... although if it is something that you don't enjoy, I won't do it," I said.

"I don't know if I would enjoy it. Mike never did it. He said a woman's pussy was for fucking not eating."

"What a fool," I said and then pressed my mouth against her vulva and pushed my tongue inside her.

Beverly went crazy humping her pussy against my mouth and telling me how good it felt. I gave her two orgasms with my mouth and then I pushed my cock inside her. As I started stroking into her, Beverly nibbled on my ear and told me how good it felt to have me inside her. Beverly was tight and it felt wonderful to pump my hard cock into her. Beverly had another orgasm just before I climaxed inside her.

I pulled out and rolled onto my back. Beverly slid down my body and took my flaccid cock into her mouth and cleaned our combined juices off my limp member. She continued to suck and play with my cock until it slowly began to recover.

"I've never done that before," she said.

"Never done what?"

"I never took Mike back into my mouth after he had been inside me. I never thought that I would like doing that," Beverly said.

I pulled Beverly back up next to me and kissed her using my tongue to probe the inside of her mouth.

"Mike would never have done that. He wouldn't ever kiss me after I had his cock in my mouth. The way you just made love to me made me feel so sexy. I can't remember when I felt that way with Mike," she said.

I entered Beverly with my recovered erection and we moved slowly together and just enjoyed the sensation of have my cock inside her.

"Any time you want to get together to comfort each other again just let me know," Beverly whispered into my ear. "I love what you are doing to me and I think I love you."


The following week I got a call from the district attorney's office.

"Mr. Grant, this is Andrew Hartley. I am the assistant DA handling the cases against your wife, Mike Williams and Tyrone Mathers. Your wife's attorney has told us that he believed that you were not going to press charges against your wife. Is that correct?"

"No, that is not correct. I haven't discussed that with anyone. I really don't know what I should do. I know that my wife was involved in what happened to me but I don't know if she had planned to have me drugged and beaten or to have me tied up. I think she did but I can't prove that. I also don't know who tied me to the bed so tightly that I was losing circulation to my hands and feet. I am not asking that any charges be dropped. I'll leave it up to you to decide what to do with these people.

In the end, everyone got what they deserved. Tyrone was convicted of assault and kidnapping, along with felony drug possession and another felony for the guns found in the trunk of his car. Mike pleaded guilty to assault and Tammy plead guilty to conspiracy to commit unlawful restraint. I think they make that one up just for her. Mike got one year at a minimum security prison and Tyrone got hard time at a maximum security prison. Tammy got off the easiest. She was put on probation.

In spite of the light sentence Tammy got, it was still considered to be a felony conviction. She no longer had any say in the matter of our divorce. I got rid of her but kept the house and all of our savings.

A month after our divorce, Susan came to see me and asked me if I would talk to Tammy. She told me that Tammy just wanted to explain what she had done and apologize to me. I acted reluctant to meet with her but in actual fact I was a little curious to hear what Tammy would have to say. I let Susan talk me into meeting Tammy at a cocktail lounge about a mile from my house.

"Thanks for agreeing to see me," Tammy said as she slid into the booth across from me.

"George, I am so sorry for what I did to you," she started, "but you have to understand what I was going through. I had just found out that you were having affairs every time you went out of town."

"No, I wasn't."


"I said no I wasn't. I was not having affairs. I never cheated on you," I said.

"Of course... I know that now but I didn't know it then," Tammy said. "Mike told me that you were cheating on me and I believed him. He was your best friend so I didn't think he would lie to me. I was so hurt and angry I guess I lost my mind for a while."

"Let me get this straight. When I was getting ready to go away on that last trip, you already thought that I was having affairs every time I went away?"


"So, when I asked you what was bothering you before I left, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I should have but I needed more time to deal with it before I could talk to you about it."

When I was finally able to stop laughing at her, I said, "You had only Mike's word for it that I was cheating on you but you weren't ready to ask me if it was true although you were ready to plan your revenge. And it didn't make you at all suspicious that Mike wanted to be part of your revenge?"

"I'm sorry. I can't explain what came over me."

"Bull shit. Whose idea was it to bring Tyrone in on this deal?"

"Mike suggested that we needed someone to make sure that you wouldn't hurt us or get away before we could tie you to the bed. Tyrone was a friend of Mike's."

"Mike has nice friends. I didn't know that he hung around with drug dealers," I said. "How did you let Mike talk you into letting Tyrone fuck you?"

Tammy's face turned red and she looked away from me. "I had sex with Mike the night before you came home. I didn't know it at the time but Mike had hidden a video camera and taped the whole thing. He showed me the tape Wednesday morning and said he would send a copy to my parents if I didn't let Tyrone fuck me that night."

"Mike blackmailed you into letting his friend fuck you? Holly shit... This story just keeps getting better. "Can I ask you what you expected would happen when this was over? Did you expect me to forgive you for what you did to me?"

"Well, I thought it would make us even then so we could move on and put this all behind us."

This caused me to have another laughing fit.

"Let's assume for a moment that I was actually cheating on you, okay? You didn't know about it so it wasn't hurting you until Mike told you I was cheating," I said. "I can understand how painful that would be to you but you still didn't actually catch me cheating. You never saw me even talking with another woman, let alone fucking one.

"So, instead of confronting me and telling me that you found out I was having an affair you decided to get even. Your plan for getting even was to drug me, then tie me to the bed so that you could make me watch you fucking two guys, one of which used to be my best friend. This whole scene was designed to humiliate me and you somehow thought that this would make us even? Most wives would just have an affair of their own if they wanted to get even. What you did was way beyond just getting even. You went way too far and even if I had cheated on you I would not be able to forgive you for what you did to me."

Tammy dropped her head and began to sob. "Please give me another chance. I love you. I have always loved you. You are the only man I have ever loved. I didn't mean to hurt you. What I did with Mike and Tyrone was just sex; it had nothing to do with love. Please, isn't there anything I can do to make you love me again? I'll do anything you ask if you'll just give me another chance."

Tammy was looking at me with her eyes open wide and tears streaming down her cheeks. I never could stand to watch her cry.

"Did you really mean it, Tammy?"

"Did I mean what?" she asked.

"Did you mean it when you said that you would do anything I asked?"

Tammy tried to wipe the tears from her face. "Yes, I meant every word of it. I'll do anything you want."

I slid out of the booth and stood up. I put my hand on Tammy's shoulder and bent down so that my mouth was close to her ear and said, "Drop dead."

Tammy's head dropped down on top of the table and she began crying. I could still hear her crying as I walked out the door.

Three months later Beverly and I got married.

The end.

Authors Note: In this story I tried to fit in as many over used themes and ideas as I could. I am sure that I missed a lot of possible themes but the story just isn't long enough to cover them all. See how many you can identify.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I had no idea that ex Navy Seals are such pussies. He couldn't break a choke hold and didnt even know what type of choke hold it was. Unless that was sarcasm, which it doesn't come across as, you really don't think much of the special forces. Getting with Beverly, FFS so generic.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

While I think it was a good attempt at flooding a story with cliches, you could have at least.... done it well?


The story as it stands, is pretty sub-par in the writing, dialog and pacing. In fact, the best thing about it is probably the cliche riddled plot. That's a testament to the obvious lack of care you put forth, which makes me wonder - why even bother? If you're going to satirize something, do it well at least.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

He never said during the talk that what she did wasn't love at all, but his "drop dead" more than made up for it. But I wonder why the author would knock himself out for using overused themes in a story & not write a decent one from scratch.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

FTDS! Did she drop dead? Probably not. Just like you would expect from a dizzyhead like her, a lot of talk but no follow through.

AllNigherAllNigher4 months ago

Sigh... Purple saying certain shirts are retarder missed the whole point. The entire story is retarded and that's the point. It's a trope aganza ... Funny read!

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