James The Butler


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Three stories up from the entry I could hear deep voices as James greeted my date. I glanced down before I made my dramatic entrance.

Henry was your typical Italian stud. At five feet eleven inches he wasn't overly tall, but he had broad shoulders, a well muscled body, and a killer butt. His hair was such a dark black it shined almost blue and his eyes were a brown so pitch they almost ate the light around them.

He looked damn good and smiled broadly at me as I came down.

"Keelin, you look great!"

He passed me some flowers and we did the cheek bus.

"Roses, how nice. James could you put these in water?"

"Certainly miss." The miss sounded proprietary and with resignation I knew I'd have to bring Henry back home with me to get the point across. When men take care of you, they feel they own you.

What can one do? The lawyer had a face and a body no woman could resist and though he barely moved me, James didn’t know that.

My butler watched me with those dark eyes and held the roses in front of his crotch. Perhaps I’d dressed too well, and for a moment I was breathless. It was an eternal glance and Henry cleared his throat.

I turned back and accepted his arm. “So, shall we go?”

"Of course. Your jacket?"

"Please, Henry. Thank you." He slipped my fur lined jacket for me and we were off.

The night was okay. The little portions of food were good and then the gala was decent. The music and dancing was upbeat and I made small talk with many members of the upper crust and Grandfather’s circle. We posed for society pages and Henry and I danced quite a bit.

He was an airy dancer, graceful, and his manners were perfect. He was handsome and rich and so he should have been more. However, he was the most boring man on earth and couldn't discuss anything outside of cases my grandfather was involved in. He had no sense of humor.

As the night wore on I noticed that he was older than I’d thought, nearing fifty perhaps, and his hair was a fake black, his face had been pulled back by an expert hand. He had good bone structure but vain, fussy ways, and I began to think he might be easy to manipulate.

He saw me home and afterwards I asked him inside. He lit up like a Christmas tree, making me rethink, but I went with instinct. James' frown cemented the decision as we stepped inside. I told him to show Henry to the second floor lounge and pour some drinks while I freshened up.

I reapplied lipstick and touched up my hair, rubbed my sore ankles. I'd worn three inch heels to make me six one and taller than Henry so I felt safe. I couldn't help but notice that James topped me still by three inches, making him six three in his stockinged feet, six four in shoes.

A delicious shiver passed over me as my mind flashed on James' mostly naked body. When I thought of Henry, oh- so-cute Henry naked, nothing. James made me hot and shivery and I knew I was far gone.

"Shit," my reflection swore with me. A night with Henry and nothing, two seconds of James and I was wet and ready to rip his clothes off. What was wrong with me?

I made my way on high heels and a bum leg upstairs. My cut ached from the dancing where my garter had rubbed it and I was only too happy to sit down. James was watching over Henry like a nervous father and positioned my chair for me. "What would you like to drink?"

"Just water for me tonight."

He raised an eyebrow but said nothing, just poured. I excused him and then Henry and I were closed in alone. I heard James go into his room and knew he was listening. This parlor was thin enough that he would hear is very clearly if we raised our voices.

"So Henry, how's tricks?"


"Work, you know." He'd been talking about old cases of his all night as well as sharing his opinions about cases in the media. Nothing too recent so I thought that was a safe place to start.

"Well not much. We've got a real estate deal cooking in South America, but it’s the darendest thing."

"Tell me about it."

My mistake. Never ask a boring man about his work; they won't shut up. I pretended rapt attention even as he moved closer. He sat on the edge of the sofa, our knees touching, and his hand rested on my chair, along my thigh but not on it. I looked down nervously at it and tried to decide what to do.


“Yes, dearest?”

“Thank you very much for escorting me tonight, but I feel like I have a migraine coming on. Would you mind terribly showing yourself out? I need to lie down.”

I started to rise but he grabbed my hand and forced me back down to meet the filmy look in his eyes. It would have been a dreamy look on anyone else. Before I knew what was happening Henry was kissing me and it was like latching onto a fish-lit cigarette. Just as unappealing.

I pushed away, a hand on his chest. "No, Henry. I hope you didn't misread me. I needed an escort and because you work for my grandfather I'd hoped we could just go as friends. I want you to leave now."

He laughed. "Don't give me that bull. That dress, the dancing, you want me, Keelin. You know you do. All the women do, don’t pretend you’re any different."

I refused to explain myself and jerked my arm free, standing and moving away. "I said no. Now leave."

He outweighed me by seventy pounds and he calculated the move. But he was slow and I'd seen it coming. I ducked out of the way and grabbed his arm, wrenching it and throwing him from the chair to the ground. This threw me into a table and I yelped as my wound opened up.

He stood while I scrambled away but my heel caught on the carpet and I fell against the love seat, yelping again in pain. He was reaching for me again and the door burst open. It seemed, impossibly, that James was simultaneously here, lifting me out of the way and there, smashing his large fist into Henry's face.

The smaller man sprawled on the floor, cradling his perfect nose.

"Are you all right?" James turned to ask me.

I nodded and he hauled the other man up by the collar and dragged him from the room.

I stumbled after, wincing. I'd moved fast and my leg was throbbing, I knew it was bleeding again. Halfway down the stairs I froze when I saw James shove Henry through the door and punch him once more, slamming the door shut.

Outside Henry was making noises about lawsuits and rights.

"Jesus, you shouldn't have punched him that second time. I'm pretty sure you broke his nose and he really is the type to sue." I leaned against the railing with a sigh.

"I broke his nose the first time." James fumed. In his rage he was breathtaking but terrifying. I couldn’t move and my heart hammered as he stalked closer to the stairs where I stood.

I groaned when what he said sank in. "Damn it, now I'll have buy him off when he cries foul. And he will since I'll have him fired tomorrow morning."

I turned to hobble back up but whimpered at my leg.

"Keelin, what's wrong?"

"Just my leg. I was on it too much tonight and when I threw that idiot to the floor I hurt it again."

He jogged up the stairs with a lightness one wouldn't expect from a man his size. Without a word he leaned down and scooped me up, I was too surprised to stop him.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting you off your feet. Come on, I've still got the stuff in my room."

"You don't-"

"Damn it, just accept help, all right?"

I nodded and he turned his angry face away as we moved.

This was no good, no good at all. My heart was racing pressed so close to him. All I could think about was his warmth, the feel of his muscles against my body. My nipples were hard and I was wet instantly, surrounded by his slight cologne and heated temper.

I couldn't fuck my butler, for so many reasons. The first being work relations, the second being grandfather, and the third, well, that was silliest of all. I hadn't had sex in five years and I didn't think I'd remember enough to be very good. I wasn’t sure it would be worth it if I turned out to be, well, dysfunctional.

He set me on his bed and went to retrieve the things from the dresser where the small lamp set a golden glow on the dark cherry wood and black motif.

"Just lift your skirt high enough. Do you need to remove those?" He pointed to my stockings.

I blushed knowing what was beneath. "Probably not."

I hesitated but he gave me a hard look and finally I raised the delicate skirt sliding up my thigh slowly in fear though it must have looked seductive, shyly wanton.

His eyes were blazing and hard as he stared at the top of my stockings where the powder blue satin garter belt latched on. He looked closely at the cut just above. "I'll have to unsnap that."

Before I could protest he did so smoothly showing he was an expert at undressing women. I had bled only a little and the stocking was ruined but the garter belt was clean, and I felt safe thinking I wouldn’t have to remove it. After he cleaned me up and clasped the snap his hands should have left but they stayed, stroking. I trembled openly and watched those hands on my thigh.

In an erotic fugue I was unaware that my breathing had sped up and my eyes were dark. I watched fascinated as he teased me, and he could openly note how aroused I was.

I was lost, lost to the sensation, to the chemistry that flared between us. Spark would have been too mild a term. I‘m not sure how or when it happened, but finally we moved. I leaned back slightly, onto my elbows and his hands moved higher.

His fingertips were rough on my smooth flesh and he pushed the skirt higher until he saw my panties matched the garter belt and stockings. James’ eyes met mine and I knew what he was asking, though neither of us could speak. Somehow I managed to nod.

I expected to be naked first, to be taken by force. Surprisingly James stood and kicked off his shoes, undid his tie while his eyes scored my face. I watched fascinated as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the body I yearned for.

He slid his pants off and to my surprise, his underwear. I knew what it was; supplication, a statement that he knew what our positions were. I breathed a sigh of relief and held a hand up to him.

Naked he was magnificent, a marble statue that was warm and alive, free to touch and willing to respond. His torso met his hips in the classic V line, the hair there golden curls like wire, his penis swollen and merely a darker reflection of his golden skin.

He took my hand and raised it to his lips, his breath hot, his lips soft.

Before I sighed over that soft kiss he was kneeling beside me, sliding the straps of my dress down my arms. He cradled me gently and reached behind me to lower the zipper which slowly brought his face towards mine. Now that my dress was loose it slipped to catch on the slopes of my breasts and his eyes flickered down.

I’d been expecting a kiss but he only teased me with his breath as he pulled away. Together we slid my dress down my body, over my hips, off my feet. He laid it over the chair carefully and stood to survey me. I wore my underwear and shoes still, feeling like a Penthouse fantasy.

I wanted to blush, I wanted to feel embarrassed, even expected it, but his hot looks made me bolder. James whispered something unintelligible but kept it from my ears. I knew it wasn't meant for me to hear as I watched him move to my legs. He held my rapt attention as he undid the small straps of my shoes and pulled my feet free of the awful things.

Stroking his hands up my legs his breath was hot on their trail. I shivered against it, my lips parting as my legs wanted to do but he skimmed past the juncture of my thighs via the indent of a hip. I could only whimper and tremble.

By a small flex of his powerful arms I was sitting up and he unhooked my corset style bra. It slid open and he pulled it off, tossing it aside.

Looking down at my breasts his eyes widened and I felt his erection swell against my hip to epic proportions. It was large and hot and all soft skin over a core of steel. My hands itched to touch it but I still held his upper arms for support, waiting for a signal.

"Keelin," he breathed slowly, a plea evident in that one word. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, James." He needed to hear his name, to know I realized it was him I desired. "I want you."

Once more I braced myself for a barrage. Instead he slid his hot palm into my hair, his fingers tangling with the artful waves as he cupped my cheek. His lips finally met mine, and the kiss was so soft I melted. My lips parted and our tongues met in the smoothest flow I'd ever felt.

Every nerve ending in my body was on fire, every cell burned for him. Still he only touched the nape of my neck with one hand, cupped my knee with the other, the briefest of touches made his mouth only hotter.

I arched my back, grazing my nipples across his hot skin, silently pleading. He growled and the hand rose from my knee to cup one breast fully. His thumb scraped my nipple, plucking it and driving a moan from me that felt almost as painful as it sounded.

"How does this feel?" he whispered with his lips brushing mine.

"More," I demanded, squeezing his arms with my fingers. I felt urgent and wanted to claw at him, force him down and ride him. I didn't need foreplay, it had been too long and I was too excited for this torture.

Frustrated, I brought my hand down in a sliding caress until I met his penis. Without preemption I grasped it and it was hot and heavy and so thick. I could barely close my fist around it. As I tried James sucked in a deep breath.

He jerked from my grasp and pushed me down. Finally!

He covered my body halfway with his and I cried out in frustration. I needed to be filled, fast and hard, but all he did was tease me. James' tongue, when it found my nipple, was hard and pointed, flicking before his teeth caught the nubbin and pulled. I gasped and shuddered. The pain was so pleasurable I wanted to scream, but I knew he hadn't even started.

His left hand pulled my panties aside and he slid two fingers home. I was so hot and wet the entrance was smooth and oh, did it feel good. It had been long, much too long. At last something filled me and my hips pumped up to meet that sensation.

I arched my back again and my eyelids fluttered closed. The sheets were cool to the touch and twisted easily in my hands as I mewled. There was no other way to describe it.

He moved down slowly, kissing and nibbling my stomach and hipbone until he met my pussy. He licked fiercely, making me gasp and arch again. His tongue was softer as it pulled the hood back on my clit and licked the underside of it. I made a broken sound as he licked and rolled it, cried out into the pillow when he suckled.

James was devouring me now and the darkness was closing in, the sensations rising higher and tighter until I swore I could peak from tongue and teeth alone. I was on the verge, shaking, but he stopped suddenly.

He pulled away, breathing laboriously. "Condom."

"I don't have one."

"Shit!" he smoothed his hair back and tried to think.

"I have an IUD. And, uh, I'm healthy."

He stopped and looked at me, grasping the offer. “So am I.”

I reached for him and he nodded. He pushed my hands to my sides and grabbed my panties. In one tug he ripped them off and in a flash he was on top of me, my legs spread. I felt his huge hardness right where I wanted it most. I clutched his back and waited, breathless. Then he poised frozen at the entrance when I needed him so badly.

"Keelin, look at me."

I opened my eyes and saw him above me, his blond hair wild as I'd never seen it before, his bright sea-blue eyes blazing like the purest flame.

"I want to watch you."

He slid in slowly inch by inch, stretching me wide and burning a path inside. All the while our gazes were locked and I hadn't realized my breath was held until it whooshed out when at last our hips were firmly pressed together. God, it was so erotic.

He dropped his forehead to mine, his body super taut beneath my hands. I knew he was close.

"I can't-"

"Then don't," I whispered. I was mindless and close, closer than he could possibly be.

He reared back and the thrusting began in earnest. Hot and hard and primal, I lost myself to the rhythm. There was no helping it, my eyes closed as I caught the tail of orgasm and climbed towards the peak.

I didn’t need it but James slipped his hand between us to pull back the hood of my clit and rubbed it with his pelvis at every thrust. This positioned his thick cock so it rubbed my g-spot and suddenly I was there.

Bursting I cried out his name into his mouth and he surged once, twice, three times inside me with ferocious slowness. I shuddered to the very end on a long orgasm that seemed to burst from my soul.

He didn't collapse on top of me or try to keep himself held above me. Instead James gathered me close and rolled with a leg outside mine, keeping us together but now on our sides. He was still inside me, still thick but soft.

He kissed my face gently, the tip of my nose, the bow of my lips, my eyelids. Deflated only slightly he was still huge inside me and his body was a hot cocoon around mine. Delicious, perfect sensation floated in and out and all around.

"I'm sorry I couldn't wait."

I smiled at that. "You probably noticed I couldn't either."

He stroked my hair with a free hand, the other held me close. "That I did. Not to pry but it's been a while for you, hasn't it?"

I opened one eye. "You have no idea."

He kissed me then, smooth and sweet. "I promise better next time."

Some shadow of thought passed over me and I waved it off. The last thing that needed to be injected into hot lust is cold reason. They just didn't mix. That he was a spy didn’t matter, nothing but the feel of him inside me still.

I curled into his kiss, gave my mind up to the sweet surrender of promise. His fingers stroked gently over me, drawing every twang of nerve out along the less traveled routes of flesh. The curve of my hip, the back of my arms, the sensitized sides of my breasts were all treated to the rough callus of James.

I touched him too, my eyes closed to the dim light so I could drink in the feel. I've always been a creature of touch and with my eyes closed I see things so much better. I could draw a better picture from reinforced imagination, and the curves of taut muscle sang to me in the long halls of my memory.

He shifted slightly, pulling out and I felt a cloth press against me. I opened one eye to find him smiling softly as he cleaned me up.

"Thank you,” I whispered.

He nodded and tossed the towel to the floor after cleansing himself. Silently he urged me off my side and I rolled onto my stomach with an eyebrow raised. Promising, very promising.

His hands returned and smoothed my skin, so hot against the cool night air I shivered. I felt the bed dip and sway and he straddled me. The swollen mass of his penis cushioned in the cleft between my buttocks as his hands smoothed out my shoulder blades.

I moaned on the lightest breath.

He chuckled and kept going, driving me mad. Relaxation and anticipation, it was devastating, all the more because I knew what was in store.

The hot touch of his mouth followed his hands as James planted gentle kisses, leaning down so the delicious ripple of abs teased my back.

Urgency grew and his hands slid up my restless arms to pin them there while his mouth turned biting, teasing. I gasped and shivered and it only spurred him on. The bites were deeper now, pulling, but only what I could take. It was very unusual for a new lover to be so bold and I had no idea he was even remotely kinky. James had always struck me as a straight-up missionary-fuck guy.

Now he ground his renewed hardness into my butt, teasing me with the promise of violation and gentle movements. The pain across my back was exquisite and still interspersed with gentle kisses.