Lexie's Affair


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Up stairs beside the ramp to the front door which opened, not with the silent brilliance of electronic wizardry but with the mumbled greeting of the tall, so incredibly tall, gray haired, cadaverous doorman. Lexie looked up at him, shocked that he could be so tall and saw a face that looked terribly like Walter Chambers.

"I'm delirious." She thought to herself. She giggled because she simply didn't care. The want and need was joined in action.

The door opened and in they went, straight to the elevator to the penthouse which attracted a coterie of passengers. At the fourth floor, his hand smoothed down the tight black dress onto her full rump. Lexie bit her lip, trembling grasped her body. The hand squeezed her at floor twelve, pausing to disgorge a couple there. They gained space.

Lexie turned her head to look up at Chambers just as his hand clinched onto her ass and turned her towards him. His mouth found hers and hers opened this time, and she had a flash of him mounting her against the wall of the lift, and her body disappearing behind his except for the one crooked leg at his thighs, locking them fast together. The kiss did not dispel the vision, which as it resolved into more clarity, brought Lexie closer to the precipice. In heroic desperation, she pulled her lips apart from the man clutching her to him.

"God, Walter, take me. Mount me. Make me open up and consume you, fill me up!" She panted the words and only when he glanced over her head, did she register the world beyond the points where their bodies touched. She glanced around but immediately buried her head in his chest. Then, as though that old Lexie as being renewed and replaced. She lifted her head, laid a hand against his cheek and turned his face and thus his eyes to hers. "I mean, it Walter. Take me now or lose me forever!"

He growled in the basement of his throat. He pulled her to him and his hot breath puffed into her hair and her right ear. When he kissed her ear, she groaned horribly. It sounded loud, like the orgasm she craved already possessed her. Walter's lips kissed down her neck and she felt him then, take tight hold of her skin and as he sucked, her knees turned to jelly and she sagged in his arms. He held her upright. She felt the wild strength in him, greater even than she'd imagined. She felt airy and light in his arms. Behind her, the bell signaling the door moving open or closed dinged and dinged as though it were attached to a pressure gage measuring the temperature in the car.

His lips did not relent, pulling at the flesh of her neck. He bruised her. Lexie felt it not as pain but as the claws of his passion sinking into her flesh, piercing her. The dinging stopped and the lips sucking hard at her neck released her. She backed up and looked around. They were alone. The doors had opened on the foyer of a penthouse. A man servant stood there bowing stiffly from the waist.

"Milord." The man intoned as though calling the faithful to mass, the sort of voice a Gregorian chant required.

"Go home, Jenkins. Don't come back until I call you." Walter's voice sprang at the man like an angry cobra out of a birthday present box.

"Very well, Milord." The man nodded, stood aside and when they were clear of the car, he stepped in to it. For a moment, his gray green eyes synced with Lexie's gaze and the slightest smile ghosted his lips. He nodded to her before the doors began to slide closed and they stepped back to let the elevator carry him away. Lexie felt his approval and oddly, it warmed and then aroused her anew.

"Is every butler named Jenkins?" She asked, her mind aflame with desire but struggling for calm and cool deliberate action. She tried to turn to look at the place she'd arrived at but Walter caught her into his arms again and bent her over backwards. Her elbows crooked behind her, limp as storm torn riggings, he covered her mouth with his and the kiss immediately robbed her of all her cool and calm. She lay in his grasp, one hand supporting the middle of her back and the other clutching tightly at her ass.

The kiss lingered on and on, his lips mashing hers, pushing against her, his tongue snaking into her mouth and tickling along its roof, making her toes curl. She was completely supported by his arms around her but still, she felt as though she dangled from his lips. She groaned softly and he carefully pulled her back upright.

As if a choreographer signaled her, Lexie knelt before him. She felt him stiffen, his muscles, not his cock which was long ago hard and at full attention. His muscles pulled taut and he went still, like a panther when it sniffs the wildebeest. He snorted a little when she touched the palm of her hand against his crotch, pressing against the lurid arch of his hard, erect cock. Very carefully, like a safecracker subverting a combination, she unzipped his pants but slowly, so as not to cause any alarm or to startle the wild beast she hoped to capture.

His cock bulged through the parted seam in his trousers. Lexie smoothed a hand up and down it, feeling the heat in his body concentrated there, burning through the soft cotton of his briefs and scoring her skin. Her lips tingled and her throat contracted. In that flashing moment, her hands began to shake. Trembling with that abrupt need in her body, she parted his fly and wrestled his cock out into view. Her eyes fixed on his length, the carved beauty of his erect cock, the flare of its fiery red bullet head, the vein snaking down the side, the heat that taunted her fingers, daring her and she succumbed. Her hand wrapped around his cock and bent it down, like a gangway lowering into place to take her aboard for some arresting adventure.

She licked the end and tasted him for the first time. It agreed with the smell that formed an aura about him and had lingered in her mind, just off that conscious stage until that moment. Her heart thundered in her chest and the inclination swelled, to linger and savor and admire the marvelous creation, man! That casual affection vanished, enveloped by a greater need, a greater good, to hell with the needs of the many, she was one woman and her singular need mattered more than all the madding crowd. Lexie kissed the end of his cock, she sucked the head into her mouth.

"Oh fucking god!" Walter groaned. The only motion he managed was to move a hand to her head and lay it there, gentle and still, blessing her with it like the Pope touches and anoints. She sucked his cock inside her mouth, pushing urgently until she felt the length fill her mouth and that spongy tip press against the entrance to her throat. She inhaled, then pushed again and relaxed her neck, allowing the end of his cock to push down into her throat.

Walter groaned again but this time Lexie felt it as a vibration in her throat that turned into a tingle shooting through her body and ending concentrated between her legs. She sucked harder on his cock. She wanted him to come, to feel that lewd tickle in her throat as he poured into her, emptying into her mouth the first time so when he finally entered her, she'd have him for that much longer before he erupted in her again. All thought but his body had vanished replaced by intruding lust that was not to be denied. Her tongue worried around the hard flesh in her mouth and still she sucked.

"Oh god, Lexie, oh my god, I'm going to come." When she did not respond except to add some small increment to the suction, he tapped her head. "My god, please, I can't stop it. I'm going to come!" His voice went raw, like passion scrapped flesh and exposed bone.

She finally understood. The hand clamped onto his left thigh relaxed, moved around to the back and patted his ass encouragingly and she nodded her head just a little, the slightest motion that she hoped completed her message: Come in my mouth! The words were screamed in her head, her body echoed with them but no sound emerged. They roared in her head like a caged lion.

He came.

His body bumped against her, his cock flexed and surged and she felt it, the tickling spurt of his cum deep in her throat. Lexie swallowed and swallowed to the music of his groans. She moaned with sensual satisfaction, not satiation, but basking in the fulfillment of her first desire, to taste his need and feel his surrender to the simple act of taking him into her mouth. Walter grunted and then sagged over her. Her hand on his thigh seemed to steady him and he straightened. Lexie glowed with her success and with careful precision, backed off his cock and stood up.

When he kissed her it was complete, no tentative probing, no gentle hesitancy, just a voracious inundation of her senses as they combined their passion into a single throbbing whole. When he released her, he looked at her with such hunger, she felt that twinge of foreboding, the little tentacle of terror that had no edge but merely presence attached to the dawning awareness that this man desired to consume her and leave her an empty gasping husk of ecstasy. The real fear, though, was the sure and constant knowledge that she'd let him, that she met him this night full of this desire, this wanton need to be ravished, taken, used and consumed and left a shaken shadow of her former self.

Over and over she felt the reality strobe around her. The kiss ended and her eyes opened. The world canted and tipped. She felt her balance shift and then her feet left the floor. Her arms looped around his neck. One arm under her knees and the other around her back, Walter cradled her and carried her straight to a bedroom, a man's room with no feminine flourishes, no frills, just a metal bedframe and spare furniture, utilitarian and clean. It looked like a hotel room but felt like a dungeon to which she'd been consigned for all time. There was no escape. The need burned up in her, the fuse once lit ignited in her the thrusting demand so when he laid her on the bed, she dared not move.

His hands moved on her, shoes, then the garters released and those hands rolled stockings carefully down each leg. Her body quivered. Her dress went next, she helped but little, lank in his careful attentions but alive with the sensations of his brushing fingertips on her bare skin. Her bra and panties left her body and she lay nude, staring at him, alive with the sensation.

"Oh my god, Lexie, you're more beautiful than I imagined." He breathed. For three heartbeats neither of them moved. She lay, arms outspread, legs apart, her sex open to his sweeping gaze, her nipples tingling, begging for attention. Walter stepped back and very slowly unbuttoned the cuffs on his tailored shirt but then had to look around and left her side. She felt his motion as though gravity clung to him, emanating from her to pull him back into her orbit and thence into her gravity well.

Two clinks, he dropped cuff links onto a metal tray on the chest of drawers then returned to the side of the bed. Lexie watched him unbutton his shirt, exposing the strong, nearly bare bronzed chest, with mere wisps of white hair sprinkled across the plateau above his nipples which were dark and stark against his skin. He dropped the shirt. She licked her lips. His cock glittered in the cool gray of the bedroom, a soft easy light from a hidden source along one wall at the ceiling let her see him clearly but offered no glare to her hungry eyes. Walter unbuckled his pants and skimmed them off his hips and down and gone, the briefs followed and he stood staring down at her, naked but still, like a sculpted Adonis startled to life, unfamiliar with life's motions but eager to try every possible one.

"Oh god, Lexie," Walter whispered. "I never dared to dream of this moment, of this time when I'd be about to have you." He was in motion before the last syllable kissed her ears. He was on her, his mouth on hers but better, his body covering her, coating her like a hint of the little death to follow. His mouth on hers distracted her so when he entered her, it was a lavish surprise. That a kiss could so focus her attention that her body would ignore the man between her legs, mounting her, entering her, penetrating her...it all seemed surreal but too too real and her senses burst like a sky flower of colored fire and she felt her body rip away her attention, arching under him as he thrust into her.

She was wet. The sound bumped aside the sensation of his lips and then the consuming feeling of his cock sliding through the living folds of her cunt overwhelmed her and left her gasping and jerking. The little orgasm, some poor cousin to her true ambitions, arrived as herald to the King, the great coming arrived, rising like thunderheads in the distance that flashed and growled and stalked towards her. Lexie keened, her voice a tight contralto that sounded harsh in her ears.

"Oh fuck me!" She murmured, embarrassed by the crudity of her passion, bypassing all the poets in her mind and pounding with fists on desks, demanding and undeterred by social niceties and a lady's inhibitions. "Oh god, Walt, fuck me!" She cried now, her voice warbling with her need.

The bastard stopped.

Lexie opened her eyes. Her arms were flung wide, her legs flared beside him like landing lights.

"What?" She said. "What's the matter?"

Walter smiled, bent down and sucked one nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue until Lexie's body bucked. Then he changed and tortured her other breast with his tongue again, not with words but with that little flicking motion in his hot mouth against her turgid nipple that set her body tingling and twitching again.

He remained fixed inside her and as her body responded to his mouth on her, her pussy contracted and convulsed around the gentleman visitor in her foyer. Her own contractions gave her pleasure so she continued them. She squeezed down on his cock and his tongue went still.

"Don't stop!" She whined but in a fit of perverse wickedness, she tensed her hips and ass and clamped down on him, so tightly she thought their hearts thudded together in sync and time, indivisible and indistinguishable one from the other. When Walter moved, it was as a storm rising suddenly under lowering skies. Her legs were hoisted up, the man still planted firmly between them and then he bent over her and speared into her, filling and stretching and etching his sudden raucous passion into the very walls of her vagina.

Their bodies slapped together, the sound of it seemed unduly salacious, wetly announcing to her ears the reality of the lust in her body. He pounded her, hammering down into her with his rigid cock with metronomic regularity. With each plunging stroke, her body spoke in lush syllables testifying to the flooding passion that consumed her.

Her orgasm arrived, her first true orgasm, not some pandering sycophantic servant but the true aristocratic heir. She convulsed, her body bucked against his weight but he held her, knees locked up beside her shoulders, his cock thrusting into her. Lexie quaked with it, her orgasm, her body shook, leaving her control, thrashing against his constraining weight, his restraining urgency that kept him thrust into her, filling her penetrating her. Lexie's orgasm swelled, broke and then rose again, leaving her no time to recover, to gain more air, to gather her wits and escape the bonds of the pleasure wrapping around her, controlling her every thought.

Then she felt it, the stiffening of his muscles, that lurid tension that presages his coming storm. She clinched down on his cock, concentrating on those inner muscles and in doing so, she felt sure she sensed the little swelling of it, the tightening, the sudden urgent thrust deep into her.

He came.

His voice rattled in his chest, pushing away the sound of their bodies as he stilled inside her, punching in her with little microbursts of erotic energy that blossomed into a tingling sensation that ebbed and flowed and then rushed out of her pussy and enveloped all of her body. She felt the rising tide, the approaching storm of a titanic orgasm, hers, the consummation of all the others, the crescendo, the home chord, frosted with anticipation, engorged with need.

Walter thrust into her, his little jerks and convulsions teased her body but then, just when she thought he'd run down too soon, her body jerked and then she arched her back, even with his sagging weight on her legs and ass, and then reversed and contracted her torso then arched again, her whole body shaking and tensing.

Her orgasm fell on her like a mighty wave, enveloping her and erasing her mind, leaving her a panting, gasping husk of erotic joy, a paean that gave her voice a ruffled, ragged atonal harmony all minor notes and dissonance.

"Oh Walter!" Lexie said, surprised by the calm though tense quality of her voice. She felt like screaming but the pleasure in her body diverted every excess bit of energy to her tensing and writhing muscles and left a spare little for her voice. "Thank you, Walter." The words felt strange, alien, without meaning or reason.

For a moment, all he did was pant and gasp over her. His ecstasy had run its course and he was emptied for the moment, hollowed out so each little sound he made seemed to echo and reverberate. He released her legs and when she relaxed them out straight on the bed, parted around him like the petals of a flower, he lay down on her, his chest touching her nipples then pressing her breasts down. He didn't weigh on her but balanced precariously on his elbows. He kissed her softly on the lips, his lips were dry, stiff but even then she felt it the raw passion still in him but unstoked for now, humming in him, not extinguished, kindled but no longer roaring in him.

"Thank you? For what, dear Lexie? What are you thanking me for?"

She kissed him but it was no fragile, delicate thing and her hands clasped his face and pulled him against her mouth. He'd softened after his release but her kiss, her mouth on his stirred him and she felt that secret thrill as he hardened inside her, moving as though with great care, pushing aside her inner walls and folds to fill her once more. It felt magical but in Lexie's mind she breathed her lust into him and his rousing cock was her reward, her doing, her accomplishment.

Walter lifted off of her lips and looked down at her in the soft light of the bedroom.

"Why thank me?"

She smiled then, blissfully full of cock, floating in the backflow of her orgasm. She stroked his face, lifted her head so she could peck at his lips with hers.

"Because you waited for me to come to you." She said.

He smiled at her acknowledgment.

Lexie felt it then, the incandescent glow of his smile, the erotic approval that made colors vibrant and sensations sharp and whole. She returned his smile, reaching up to touch his cheek bone with her fingernail.

"Does this mean I can call you, now?" She whispered.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

So now she's a high-price prostitute.

rick4all69rick4all69about 7 years ago
Erotic, Hot Sensual - Riveting

I can only say one thing- this is searingly hot and erotic.

Right from the first word to the last..Lexie is indeed a woman of every man's dreams.

She is strong and at the same time soft..the two sides of her and her expressions of desire, at times denial to give in and then finally giving into the man who is equally passionate and sensual. The love making is fantastic..there is a tease factor, some passionate sex, and then followed by hard raw deep copulation.

This post transported to me to the scene as Rick (in place of Walter) with Lexie....and all I can say..I virtually could feel Lexie and I holding each others in our arms and making the exact same passionate love as described here - made me thoroguhly aroused and of course had to do the 'needful' to get relief..:):)

dreamer3366dreamer3366about 7 years ago

Beautifully written story. hank you.

ishtatishtatabout 7 years ago

This is as good as anything you have written - a real relationship with ragged edges, contradictions and almost violent raw honesty. The absence of sentimentality marks this as exceptional. Well done.

Ignore the ratings. Your fans were expecting Sonny Duncan and only want more of the same. They're a bit annoyed with you. Stuff 'em this was a fine piece of work beautifully crafted.

Lexie_LockheartLexie_Lockheartabout 7 years ago
What to say when all the words have already been used?

This is simply perfect.

You truly have the gift of words.

I can't think of nothing else to say besides telling you that this is the best piece of writing that I've ever read.

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