Louise Ch. 16


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"Who pays for all of this?" Leon asked. "I'm sure that not all vampires are as wealthy as the Sinclaires."

"All expenses are paid for by the Sinclaires. Leon, I know that you are concerned about your sisters. I swear to you that they are as safe with Patrick and Nathan as Juliette and the children are with me."

"Nathan never raped?" Leon asked.

"No. In fact, he was a product of rape but he still has to tell the family history to any children that he and Louie have." Hans replied.

"Excuse me." Leon said abruptly. "I need to make a phone call."


Juliette wrung her hands. Angel and Hans were going to meet for the first time in less than two hours. She told him about Hans two days after they got home.

"You brought a strange man back with you?" Angel asked surprised. "And you exposed our children to him? Julie what are you thinking?"

"His name is Hans Ahlburg." She replied. "I'm sure that you'll Google him."

"Is he staying with you?" Angel asked.

"Of course not!" Juliette snapped. "Look, I know that this is fast and believe me, I was as surprised as you are. Hans would like to meet you. When can you come over?"

That night had finally arrived. She checked the coffee pot to make sure that it was ready to go and went to check on the kids.

Wanda was on the phone with Victoria chattering as only girls their age can do. Juliette couldn't help but smile. It was good to know that Wanda had a friend who understood half of what she was talking about. It wasn't that she didn't have friends, but they weren't as mentally or academically advanced as she was. Victor was in his room working the model airplane kit that the pilots gave him when they deplaned. It was more challenging than any of the others that he had assembled. His face was scrunched up in concentration as he looked at the diagram of what he hoped would be the end result. Celeste was playing with a doll and coloring. Juliette almost walked by but stopped. Celeste was talking to herself or was she talking to the doll? She couldn't tell, but either way; Celeste had never done either thing before.

Juliette strained to hear what Celeste was saying, but she was too far away. Celeste stopped talking, looked up at Juliette and smiled. That smile was filled with such happiness and peace that Juliette's eyes burned with tears. It was the smile that she had been waiting for from her baby girl and here it was. In the wake of that smile, Juliette forgot that just moments before that Celeste had been talking to herself.

"Don't cry mommy." Celeste said softly.

Juliette crossed the room and scooped a surprised Celeste up into her arms and hugged her. Juliette hadn't been aware of how worried she really had been about Celeste. Now all she felt was relief. Celeste was going to be fine. All of them were.

Hans arrived at six-thirty. He wanted to spend a few minutes alone with Juliette and the kids before Angel arrived. As soon as she opened the door he took her into his arms and kissed her.

"It will be fine. I promise." He told her.

"I know." Juliette replied. "But I'm still nervous. What's in the bag?" she asked.

"Something for later." Hans replied. "What are the children doing?"

By the time Angel arrived, Hans had spent a few minutes with each child.

"I am meeting your father this evening." He told each child. "He is and always will be your father so there is no need for you to choose between us. If he asks any questions about me; be honest."

Wanda and Victor both let out sighs of relief. Celeste just smiled at him as if she didn't see where there would be a problem.

Hans was in the living room when Angel knocked on the door. Juliette gave him a nervous smile and went to answer the door.


Leon paced as he waited for the phone to be answered. He knew what he saw and heard, but he had to hear it straight from the source.

"Patrick? Leon here. I have a question and I want the truth. Is what Hans told me about your family true?"


"You aren't going to lie about it?" Leon asked surprised by the one word answer.

"Lying and keeping it secret was the reason why it went on for as long as it did." Patrick replied. "Talking about it is not only a reminder to us of what we were and what we are; but it helps others to come forward. Leon, we will always be what we are... rapists. Just as you will always be a recovering drug addict, we are recovering rapists. We can never allow ourselves to forget or to stop telling this story."

"Did you... did you rape my sister?"

"No." Patrick replied. "I hadn't raped anyone in over twenty-five years when I met Kevyn. I had one close call after I met her and no, it wasn't her. It's a long story and I'll tell you about it when you have time."

"I have time." Leon replied.

He heard Patrick murmur something to Kevyn and then come back to the phone.

"Kevyn sends her love and wants to know what we can do to get your home ready."

"Back at her and make sure it's got food and cable." Leon replied. "Now talk to me."

"Her name was Melissa... she was a student in my class, the same class that Kevyn was in..."

Leon listened without interruption as Patrick told him about Melissa and her mother Linda.

"It was during that time that I told Kevyn what I was and what I had done. As you can imagine, it didn't go well. As I told Gene, she ran away to Pittsburgh to get away from me. That's why she happened to be there when your mother died."

"So you're saying that if it weren't for Kevyn and your brothers, you would have raped that girl?" Leon asked.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying." Patrick replied. "In retrospect, when I saw her in my office I should have walked out. That begs the question, why didn't I? I can only guess that on some level I wanted to hurt her. I was fine until she came along. I saw her as the one who almost destroyed what I wanted with Kevyn. While that was true, the ultimate responsibility lay with me. Melissa was a stupid little girl who was taught to believe that money is everything."

"Why did you call for help?" Leon asked.

"Because I didn't want to be that man who hurt women." Patrick replied. "I already had so much to confess to Kevyn and I didn't want to add that. As it was, I was going to have to tell her about the close call."

"How do you know that you won't rape again?" Leon asked.

"I just do." Patrick replied. "The day that Kevyn claimed me, the dragon as I call it died. It was the same for Martin and Ethan. Leon, I know that you're concerned about Kevyn's safety with me. I don't know how to allay those concerns, but I swore to you that I would always love and protect her. If I have to take my own life to do it, I will."

"This is some fucked up shit." Leon said softly more to himself than Patrick. "Let me talk to Kevyn."

"Hey Leon." Kevyn said softly.

"Kev are you alright with this?"

He closed his eyes and listened to her answer.

"Leon, I know that this is hard, but... am I alright with this? I'm alright with Patrick and I know that he won't hurt me or anyone else for that matter unless it's to defend me. As far as the rapes, no; I'm not alright with it and I never will be. It's something that we'll always have to work through. Do I think that he would do it again? The answer is no. I am as certain about that as I am my name."

"Will you tell me if he hurts you?" Leon asked.

"Yes." Kevyn replied.

"Swear it."


"Swear it and I'll let it rest."

"I swear to tell you if Patrick hurts me." Kevyn said.

"Good, put Patrick on the phone."

As he waited for Patrick to come back to the phone, Leon realized that he believed both Kevyn and Patrick. But that wouldn't stop him from reiterating a promise that he made before the wedding.


"Do you remember what I told you before the wedding?" Leon asked.

"I remember." Patrick replied, "And I would expect no less from you. Do you remember what I told you?"

"I do and I expect you to keep your word."

Leon hung up a few minutes later feeling more at peace. He would keep an eye on things and take action if need be. If that meant killing Patrick, then he would.


Patrick hung up and let out a sigh of relief. Of all of the Yancy's, he had been most concerned about Leon. He had no doubt that Leon would come after him if Kevyn were mistreated in any way.

"Are you okay?" Kevyn asked.

"I will be." Patrick replied. "Kev, I know that I've said this before; but thank you for being here. I don't deserve you any more than Martin deserves Rachel or Ethan deserves Katrina."

"If I didn't believe that you're a different man, I wouldn't be here." Kevyn replied. "I believe that you are the man that you were meant to be. I love you, I feel safe with you and I know that you would never hurt me. I told Leon the truth when I said that I will never be alright with what your family did. But I don't only hold them responsible. I hold the entire vampire community responsible. They sat by and let this thing happen, they let children be taught that it's alright to hurt people."

Patrick felt her anger. She was right; but he still had to assume his share of the responsibility. On some level he had known what they were doing was wrong but had lacked the courage to confront his father and grandfather. It took Ethan raping Katrina and almost losing her and the girls for him to step up beside him and try to end it.

"What are you thinking about?" Kevyn asked.

"That I could have ended it long before Ethan raped Katrina."

Kevyn kissed his cheek and moved away. He didn't want to be comforted nor did he want his conscience eased. He wanted to remember and think about what he had done. Before they rested, he would make love to her taking no pleasure for himself. When she was sated, he would kiss her and hold her as she slept.

"Hey." She called softly. "I love you."


Angel eyed Hans suspiciously as he shook his hand. On the face of it, he liked him; but looks could be deceiving. He waited until they were seated before he started questioning Hans. Juliette might well as not been in the room.

"I looked you up on Google." Angel said.

"I thought that you might." Hans replied with a smile. "I would have been surprised if you hadn't."

The longer they talked, the more Hans realized that Angel still loved Juliette. It was the only explanation as to why he was being asked such in depth questions.

"Are you going to be able to provide for them? If not, then..."

"Mr. Mendoza, I am more than able to provide anything that Juliette and the children might need. I am also more than capable of keeping them safe, but let's discuss what really concerns you shall we?"

Angel found that he liked Hans even more as the evening wore on. He was a man who didn't pull punches and said what was on his mind.

"I will tell you what I told the children." Hans said. "You are their father and I have no desire to replace you as such. It is in their best interest that you remain an active participant in their lives. The other item of concern to you is the speed in which Juliette and I seem to be moving. I want to assure you that Juliette will be loved and cared for and that I have no issue with you being involved in her life as well as that of the children. The two of you have a history and three beautiful children as a result. There will always be that history and I have no wish to destroy the relationship that you have."

Angel was quiet for several minutes.

"Most men would take issue with their... woman being involved with their ex." He said.

"I am not most men." Hans replied. "I am secure in my relationship with Juliette and I know where her heart is. As I mentioned, the children need you in their lives and I will do nothing interfere unless they are being harmed."

Angel looked at Juliette who sat quietly next to Hans, her hand in his.

"Do you want to move to California?"

"Yes... I know that it's far away, but we can set up visits and you can call whenever you want. You, Anna and the baby can even come to visit." Juliette replied.

"What about the special things?" Angel asked. "What about Wannie's science fair projects or Victor's ball games? What do I do about those?"

Angel looked at Hans and stood up.

"You seem like a good man and I want my kids to be safe and happy... but I don't know about taking them back to California. I need to think about that."

"That's reasonable." Hans replied.

"When are you going back?" Angel asked.

"I don't know yet." Hans replied. "But take your time, it's a major decision."

Angel went to speak to each child before he left. When he was ready to leave, he pulled Juliette aside.

"I really want you and the babies to be happy."

"I know, thank you." Juliette replied and kissed him on the cheek. "Give Anna my best."

Hans watched from across the room and recognized the scene for what it was.

Juliette was saying goodbye to her and Angel's past relationship. He doubted that she realized or understood it, but it didn't matter. All that remained was to wait for Angel to decide whether he would let the children move to California.

"What if he says no?" she asked after Angel was gone.

"Then we stay here." Hans replied. "There are hotels here too."

"You would move here?" Juliette asked. "But you love California."

Hans put his hands on Juliette's waist and pulled her close.

"Yes I do love it there but it is just a place." Hans said. "My home is wherever you and the children are, and if it happens to be Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; then so be it."

"But your house...."

Hans shushed her with a kiss.

"I'm staying." He murmured. "We'll talk later, but for now; get the children; I have gifts for them."

"You don't have to buy them gifts." Juliette said. "They're happy that you're here."

"These are what I consider necessary gifts." Hans replied. "I have one for you too."

"Should you be spending money like this?" Juliette asked. "You don't have a job."

Hans took Juliette's hand and led her to the couch.

"Juliette," he said when they were sitting, "When I told Angel that I could give you and the children whatever you needed; I meant it. I am more than able to give you and the children anything that you may want or need. I am nowhere as wealthy as the Sinclaires..."

"Hans this isn't about how much money you have or don't have. The only thing that matters is that you love us enough to completely uproot yourself."

Hans looked at her, his gray eyes glittering. He couldn't wait until he had Juliette and the children where they belonged- with him and Juliette in his bed.

"I would follow you anywhere." He said touching her face.

He laid his hand on her cheek. He was mesmerized by the difference in their skin tones, her dark against his light.

"Our children are going to be so beautiful." He murmured as he leaned toward her. "So beautiful."

Juliette had never thought about having more children, but somehow; it seemed right. She had always enjoyed pregnancy and the sense of wellbeing that came with it. She even welcomed the pain of childbirth because she knew at the end of it she would be rewarded.

She moved closer and returned the soft but yet demanding kiss that Hans was giving her. Her nipples hardened as she pressed against Hans' chest.

"Mom?" Victor called from his room. "Can you come in here for a minute?"

Juliette pulled away breaking what was possibly the most erotic kiss of her life. Her face felt hot beneath the coolness of Hans' hands.

"You've accepted me." Hans said softly. "That is why the kiss felt different."

"Mom?" Victor called out again.

"I'll be right there!" Juliette called back.

The problem turned out to be a relatively minor one, but one that Juliette couldn't help with; but Hans could.

"You need a much smaller tool." Hans said. "I'll bring one the next time I come, but in the meantime; could you get your sisters and take them to the living room?"

A few minutes later, all three children were sitting in the living room on the couch. Hans was sitting on the floor in front of them with the bag at his side. He looked at each child, smiled at them and took the contents out of the bag.

Two pairs of eyes widened when they saw what was in the bag. Celeste seemed only mildly interested.

"I want to explain something to you." Hans said. "These cell phones are not for chatting with your friends or for playing games. In fact, you can't play games on these phones. They are to be used only if you are in trouble or frightened. My cell phone number is already programmed in as well as your mother's and your father's. I have also programmed each of your numbers in so that you can contact each other if the need arises.

There is one more number programmed into your phones. That number is only to be used in dire emergency. Such an emergency would be if you are in danger. If someone is chasing you or trying to hurt you; then you use that number. Someone will be there within seconds. His name is Spike..."

"Spike?" Wanda asked wrinkling her nose. "What kind of name is that?"

"He is called Spike because he wears his hair in a spike type style. You will know him because of his hair and it will be dyed in the favorite color of whoever calls him. For instance, if Celeste calls him, his hair will be pink, but I cannot stress enough that his number is only to be used in cases of extreme emergency. You may use the phones to check on each other, in fact; I encourage it. Are there any questions?"

When no one spoke, he called Vincent to his side. He patiently worked with him until he could operate the phone without difficulty. He helped Wanda and finally Celeste.

"Come here." He said gently.

When Celeste was sitting on the floor with him; Hans took her phone out of the box and handed it to her.

"Your phone is special." He said. "You don't have to push any buttons. All you have to do is say the name of whoever you need. Try it."

Celeste looked at the phone and then at Hans.

"Mommy." She said softly.

She jumped when the phone that was still in the box rang.

"See, it's that simple." Hans said. "Call Wanda."

After she called Wanda and then Victor, Hans asked her the name of the emergency contact. She gave him a dubious look, stood up and whispered the name in his ear.

"That's very good Celeste." Hans said hugging her. "Always keep your phone close to you."

After Celeste was in her room, Hans kissed Juliette and handed her the phone he had gotten for her.

"There are extra numbers programmed into your phone. Any of those numbers will bring help to you no matter where you are. Unlike the children, your phone is for you to use as you wish. You can call me any time day or night and I will always answer."

"Why the phones?" Juliette asked.

"It is one of the ways in which I am keeping you safe." Hans replied. "You and the children will always be watched even though you won't be aware of it."

"Is this really necessary?" Juliette asked.

"It is." Hans replied. "The safety of you and the children take precedence over everything. It is the same for all of who are blessed as I have been. I have something else for you." he said as he reached for his wallet.

He took out a card and handed it to Juliette.

"This is for you to use for anything that you and the children may want or need."

Juliette looked at the back card that had her name on it. She had only seen a card like that once in her life and up until that time thought that they were an urban legend.

"Hans... I can't take this." She whispered and tried to hand the card back.

Hans closed her hand around the card.

"You are my mate, my wife; everything that I have is yours."

"I don't know what to say." Juliette replied.

"You don't have to say anything." Hans said.


Juliette jumped when the phone rang. It rang four times by the time she reached it.