Loving Brother Ch. 01


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"The only problem with that is my virginity. I had planned on keeping it until I was married."

Calvin stopped her hand again and growled, "You ain't got no cherry in your tight little ass."

Terry shivered but didn't let go of his dick. She intended to play this out until the end. Which end and whose end was still up for debate. "I sure don't but nothing anywhere near this big has ever been up my ass. My finger, my hairbrush handle, an old aluminum cigar tube, yes, but—"

"An aluminum cigar tube?" Calvin asked. "You stuck my cigar tube up your ass?"

"It's mine now," Terry said sharply. "And you ain't getting it back. I'm in love with that thing," she added a giggle. "Even a virgin has to be able to get her cookies off."

"You come with my cigar tube up your ass?" Calvin asked in disbelief. For the third or was it the fourth time, his sister had shocked him. "I ain't believing that. Nope, no way. You're making this shit up."

"Want to bet?" Terry asked softly. "A blowjob against me getting my pussy ate."

Calvin's eyes got wide and his mouth started to drop open. Make that five times, he thought as he groaned deeply. She was rubbing his dick again.

He quickly pulled her hand away from his manhood and took a step back. "What are you going to do, show me?" he asked quickly.

"I could, or I could let you do it. With the cigar tube, that is. I would come harder than hell in either case, with you watching or doing. So, it's a win, win for me either way."

She paused as a big shiver ran up and down her spine. "Not to mention when you eat my pussy afterwards. I'd probably die right then and there."

Shocked again, Calvin asked, "Who are you and what did you do with my little sister?"

Terry laughed and started unbuttoning her blouse. "Give me a minute and I'll show you all of me and then you can decide who I am."

Calvin groaned softly as the last button was undone. Then he groaned louder as she slowly opened the blouse with both hands to show him her body from the waist up. Her breasts were small but very firm looking. Her nipples were as big as the end of his little finger and were rock hard.

"What do you think so far?" Terry asked with a grin at the expression of shock and lust on her brother's face.

"I'm thinking how hard you would come with me sucking on your nipples."

Terry shivered from her head to her toes. With him just looking at her the way he was, she was about to come. If he even kissed her nipples, she would explode. She could barely reach her nipples with her own tongue so she had an idea of how that would feel.

To distract herself, she took off her blouse and hung it on the ball at the end of the stair rail. She felt exposed with her brother standing there and no shirt on. It felt exciting and naughty also. She wanted to cover her breasts with her arms but willed her hands to remain at her sides.

The silence stretched on until Terry finally asked, "Well?"

"A deep subject for shallow minds," was Calvin's reply. That and a grin.

Terry moved her hands to the button at the top of her shorts. "I'll take mine off, if you'll take yours off at the same time."

Calvin looked nervous for a moment and then hooked his thumbs in the elastic waistband of his shorts. "I'm ready when you are," he whispered softly.

Terry undid the button and pulled the zipper down. With a deep ragged breath she started to ease her shorts down off her hips. Calvin did the same only his hard dick caught in the elastic and was pulled out and down as his shorts went lower. It came loose and hit his belly with a meaty slapping sound,

With a whimpering moan, Terry let go of her shorts, which fell to the floor around her ankles unnoticed by her. Her eyes were glued to Calvin's ridged dick where it stood up against his lower belly. It had felt big but seeing all of it... Terry groaned as a shiver ran up and down her body and heat built in her sex.

Calvin was equally frozen at the sight of his youngest sister's tight athletic body. It was perfect from her small breasts down to her long narrow feet. His older sister had big breasts and wide hips. While they were fun to look at, they were not exactly too his taste.

Terry flexed her hips and moaned at the thought of what his dick might feel like in her mouth. Her mind shied away from thinking of it in her ass. There was no way it would fit. She wondered the same thing about her pussy and groaned loudly.

"Damn, you are beautiful," Calvin whispered.

Terry felt herself blush as the realization that her brother's eyes were roaming all over her naked body sunk in. She glanced up at his face and blushed even deeper. The look of lust and awe there made her flex her hips again. She could feel the wetness between her thighs as they moved against each other slickly.

"I... uh... we... uh..." She stammered for a moment and then her eyes returned to his hard beautiful dick. "So are you but it's so big..."

Calvin laughed and shook his head. "No, it's not really. Gary is just small for his age."

Terry giggled and shook her head. "I've seen pictures and..." She stopped in mid sentence, not sure what she should or should not say.

"Internet or magazines?" Calvin asked.

"Uh, both," Terry replied and then shivered as she remembered the web cam site she had stumbled upon late one night. Just because they were gay men, didn't change the fact that they were showing stuff she had never seen before.

"The internet I understand but whose magazines?"

"Some Debbie stole from her brother," Terry replied. Debbie was Terry's best friend and lived down the street.

With a wolfish grin, Calvin asked, "Did you two masturbate together?"

Terry's eyes were on her brother's dick as she mentally compared it to the ones she had seen in the magazines and on the Internet. He compared well. Her thoughts were interrupted by his question as she suddenly realized what he had asked.

Her eyes jumped to her brother's face as she wondered how she should answer that. After a second, she decided on the truth for some reason. "Actually we did but not openly. She was under the covers of her bed and I was lying on my stomach with my hand under me. We both got off quite nicely."

Calvin's soft groan made Terry grin. "Does that turn you on or do you have the hots for Debbie?"

With a sharp shake of his head, Calvin said quickly, "Debbie's a little too round for my tastes."

Terry frowned and then asked, "I take it you haven't seen Debbie lately?"

"Uh, no. No, I haven't. She hasn't been over much lately."

"Her parents got her one of those home gyms and she spends a lot of time working out on it. She also changed the way she eats." Terry paused a moment and then smiled. "She's half the girl she used to be and a lot more outgoing."

"You'll have to invite her over sometime," Calvin said off handedly.

"Should I leave my door open a little bit when I do?"

Calvin laughed and nodded. "Why not. I might learn something."

"You might get raped," Terry said under her breath. Debbie had always had a big crush on Calvin.

"Do what?" Calvin asked.

Terry laughed and shook her head. "Let's just say Debbie has a thing for you and always has had."

"Uh, huh," Calvin said thoughtfully.

Terry's eyes dropped to her brother's dick and her hand followed shortly. As she gave his hot hard dick a squeeze she asked, "I wonder if this thing would scare her as much as it does me?"

With a grin, Calvin whispered, "There's only one way to find out. Now, about that cigar tube..."

Terry laughed at the sudden change of subject. "I wondered how long it would take you to get back to that."

"You really get off with that up your ass?" Calvin asked. He still found it hard to believe that his little sister was so sexual.

"Oh yeah. That thing is the love of my life at the present," Terry whispered as her hips quivered and her asshole clinched up tightly.

"Like I said, this I've got to see," Calvin said with his eyes on his sister's hips and sex.

With a grin, Terry stepped around her brother and led him up the stairs by his dick. As they went up the stairs, she said, "It's going to cost you but I don't think you'll mind the payments in the least."

"Uh, what kind of payments?" Calvin asked at the top of the stairs. Was she talking money as in bribes or something else, he wondered in confusion?

"How about eating my pussy and letting me learn to give blowjobs on that big dick of yours? Then there are a few fantasies I want to try out," Terry whispered as she stopped at her bedroom door.

Calvin grinned and said, "You drive a hard bargain but..."

Terry giggled as she squeezed his dick. "It is hard and we are talking about my butt," she said as she led him into her bedroom.

Calvin had had his eyes on his sisters tight little butt since they started up the stairs. "And it is a cute little butt, believe me," he whispered as they stopped next to Terry's bed.

She let go of his dick and looked at him over her shoulder. "You haven't seen anything yet. Go stand at the foot of my bed and I'll show you a thing or two."

Calvin moved to the end of her bed and watched as she bent at the waist, and opened the bottom drawer of her nightstand. Her sex was peeking at him from between her upper thighs. The hair around and on it was the same light brown as the hair on her head. She rummaged in the drawer and came out with a small bottle of baby oil, a hair bush, and a long thick cigar tube.

She climbed on her bed and dumped the stuff she was holding as she laid down on her back. She had her head on one pillow and pulled the other down to stuff it under her ass as she lifted her hips high. Her knees were together but as she lowered her ass to the pillow, her knees parted and fell open wide.

Calvin heard himself groan softly and his dick twitched at the sight of his younger sister sprawled out so wantonly. She shivered hard and made a soft whimpering noise as she looked back at him. Her eyes moving from his eyes to his hard dick and back again.

"I'm going to come so hard with you watching me," she whispered as she picked up the oil and squirted a little in her other hand. "Would you like a little oil for something of your own?" She asked teasingly. "You could play while I do."

"Uh... I... Uh..." Calvin stammered for a second. "Uh, I better not or there will be a big mess on the foot of your bed."

Terry put on a pouting face as she laid the oil aside and picked up the brush. "I've caused that to happen before but I've never seen it," she whispered as she rubbed oil on the brush handle. It was round and tapered, about five inches long and a little over a half an inch at the thickest.

Calvin groaned softly as she lifted her legs, pulled them up close to her body, and spread her feet apart. In this position, her slit was opened. It was bight pink and slick looking. Calvin licked his lips and Terry groaned softly. Her hand with the oil on it came over between her legs and a finger searched the crease of her ass for her asshole.

When it found the puckered ring, she rubbed the slippery finger around and over it. A moment later, she groaned even louder as the finger pierced her anus to the first knuckle easily. She held really still for a few seconds as tremors and quivers ran up and down her body and then she pulled the finger out.

"I'm right on the edge of coming," she whispered. "Your eyes are burning into me."

Calvin swallowed hard. "Maybe I should get a little of that oil and a towel. A big towel."

Terry giggled and shook her head. "I'm going to come hard enough for both of us several times before I get that cigar tube up my ass." She paused to groan softly and then added, "After that, I might just want to try something bigger. It would be a shame if it was all deflated."

Calvin groaned at the thought of his dick sliding up his sister's tight hot ass. He'd had a girlfriend a few months back that had wanted to try it. He had never gotten more than the head and a few inches of his dick in her but that was enough to know he liked it. She had came her brains out and tried to crush him with her inner muscles. He had come as her ass massaged and squeezed the head of his dick so fine.

Now here was his sister offering the same thing to him. He could not believe it. He felt like he should pinch himself to see if he was dreaming. A groan from Terry brought his full attention back to his sister. She had the oily finger next to her asshole and used it to guide the end of the hair bush to the spot. The handle was just entering her ass.

Terry groaned, as did Calvin, as the handle slowly sank into her ass. When it reached it's farthest limit, Terry released the handle and flexed her hips rapidly. The brush stayed where it was even as the head bobbed up and down. Terry groaned even louder and shivered hard. Her eyes were closed and squeezed tight.

Calvin could see the ring of muscles around the brush handle tighten and then relax. The opening to her sex grew smaller and then opened back up at the same time. Her clit was stick up above the folds of her sex. It was un-hooded and a bright scarlet pink. He licked his lips and wondered if just one flick of his tongue would set her off.

Terry opened her eyes and whimpered as she saw where her brother's eyes were. It just about pushed her over the edge. As it was, she grabbed the brush handle, jerked it all the way out and then rammed it back in. Her knees slammed closed as she let out a loud yell, her stomach muscles jerking and twitching as her orgasm crashed in on her.

Calvin's eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped open as he watched his sister squirm and wiggle on the bed. She fell over on her side and gasped loudly as she pulled the brush part ways out and jammed it in again. Her hips jerked and flexed as she fucked herself on the handle as best she could in that position.

It was nearly a minute later before her hips slowed and finally stopped moving. She moaned softly and shook all over for a second. Calvin still could not believe what he had seen and was still seeing. He had seen a few girls come but this was ridiculous to say the least. His dick twitched at the thought of what it would have felt like to be inside her. He shook his head to clear it and walked around the side of the bed.

Terry moaned and opened her eyes but they were not focused for a few seconds. When they did focus, it was on his dick a foot or so from her face. She whimpered loudly and then moaned as her hips gave a sharp jerk. Her eyes slowly closed.

Calvin grinned and then laughed. "You're like that damned pink bunny with his batteries in backwards."

Terry whimpered and opened her eyes to look up at her brother. "Yeah, with you here, I just keep on coming and coming."

"Then this isn't normal?" Calvin asked.

Terry shook her head slowly and then groaned as she spread her legs slightly and pulled the brush handle out of her ass. She gave out with a sigh as it came free. "I come hard but never like this," she whispered as she laid the brush aside.

Calvin sat down on the side of the bed and ran his hand up and down his younger sisters back. "You need some rest. We can do the cigar thing later."

Terry giggled and nodded. "I've never been this rung out in my life from an orgasm or even two or three," she said and then yawned. "A nap might help at that." Her eyes slowly closed as Calvin rubbed her back.

A minute or so later, he stood up and got the old quilt off the chair in the corner and covered her up with it. He was smiling as he walked out her door. He closed it all the way and then grinned as he opened it up an inch or so.

Back downstairs, he put on his old shorts and picked hers up to hang them on the ball with her shirt. He paused, brought the crotch up to his nose, and took a deep breath. The scent of pussy was all over them. He licked his lips and let the thought of eating his sister's sweet smelling pussy wash through his brain.

As he hung them up he whispered, "It's Saturday afternoon. Mom and dad won't be home until Monday night. That's all the time in the world."

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babaloo92babaloo926 months ago

Love your writing. Great beginnings.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Lovely premise.

Nicely told.

Goou, slowbuildup.

Five stars.

CherryGlitterCherryGlitter9 months ago

Nice one. I like stories where they use each other to satisfy their Ragin hormones.

BilleyedBilleyed10 months ago

Very good story!

NakedRoyNakedRoyover 1 year ago

VERY hot story. Maybe I enjoyed it so much because I grew up with two of the most gorgeous sisters you could ever imagine. One was a thin brunette with a body like a gymnast while the older one was blonde with all the curves in all the right places. I spent half my childhood either peeking at them or having filthy fantasies about them and their friends.

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