Manipulation Ch. 02


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I reached for my mobile, "I'm going to call her to discuss this, I am not at all sure I want to be held to ransom in this way."

"No, don't call her, I'm afraid she will call the whole thing off if we start changing the rules. The video is nothing, it doesn't matter, we will not even know its there, you will be far too occupied with me, I'll make sure of that. In any case, I have my own rule, there is to be no communication between you and your wife until you return to England. I do not want you even thinking of her, all your attention is going to be focused on getting me pregnant. By not speaking with her you will be on such a high that when you get back to England you will make love to her like a young stud. Speaking to her will take the edge off both off you.

"Don't worry, we know what we are doing. Just remember that apart from the fantastic sex your going to get from me, and your wife when you get back to England, you are doing me the greatest possible favour, a favour that only you have the right to fulfil. Remember I will love you forever through my child."

We walked for a few minutes in silence as I tried to absorb these new elements of the plan, I felt completely manipulated but what the heck, I can see some sense in what they are both doing to protect the relationships already in place. If I am honest, all I want to do is get on with the fucking, I am not sure my dick can take this much pressure!

Anna drew me to a shaded park bench. She sat down and turned her body face where I sat. She pulled my hands into her lap pressing them into her crutch as far as decency would allow.

"Let me explain something to you. Your wife and I have a very special relationship. She has, at various times been a mother, a sister and a surrogate lover to me. Don't misunderstand we are not and have never been lovers but we have shared some very intimate moments and she has taught me many many things to enable me to reach my potential. It really all started that day with the blouse episode. She was furious; I thought that is it I am fired. I went home so miserable and cried myself to sleep. She had asked me how I had the nerve to behalf like that, trying to seduce you in such a wanton way. She sent me home with her jacket saying I was not decent enough to be seen in the streets dressed like I was. I ran down the stairs with tears streaming from my eyes. The next morning she came into my office and closed the door. I thought this is it she is going to fire me. First, she said, "I see you are at least decently dressed today." I immediately started crying. At first, she just stood there looking at me. Then she knelt down and took my hands and said "don't cry Anna, you're not in trouble; though I'm not sure what would have happened if I had arrived a few minutes later. Your blouse was completely transparent; he could see your breasts and was starting to make tents in his trousers." She laughed and I started to relax. "My God," she said, "we had the best sex ever, right there on the sofa after you left. You left him so horny that he went at like a buck rabbit."

"Look, its ok if your flirt a bit, he works hard enough, he deserves a little pleasure but try for my sake not to cross the line. I don't mind your hormones giving his a good working over. I don't even mind too much if he is occasionally thinking of you whilst he is fucking me, but he is not to touch you. You are so damn sexy that if he gets his hands on you now I am afraid he will never let go. Its enough that his office smells like a fresh young pussy all the time, God alone knows how he concentrates on his work, I don't think I could. Promise me, just flirting and nothing more."

"Of course I gave her my promise, I couldn't do any thing else. After all, she was giving me permission to be sexy with you. She kissed me on the lips, like a mother would kiss her daughter, holding my face in both her hands. "Now go out there and see if you can get him revved up for me again, I want more, like last night."

"Did she know that you were not wearing any panties?"

"I don't think so, at least she didn't mention it, not then or ever."

"If I had realised I think I would have dived straight in."

Anna laughed; she pushed my hands further into her groin. I released my index finger so that could gently caress her, somewhere near her pussy. She looked at me with her head slightly sideways. "You're not to do that now, it's wonderful and I want you to, but not now. We have plenty of time to be together. Now take your hand away."

"Excuse me." She said, and she reached under her skirt to adjust herself; or at least that is what I thought. She brought out two glistening fingers. "This is for you for being a good boy."

She brought one finger under my nose and then slid it gently between my lips. My God the smell and the taste almost overwhelmed me. It was just what I remembered. She slowly pulled that finger from my mouth and rubbed the other finger all over my lips spreading the juice under my nose.

"That should keep you going for a while," she said sticking her fingers in her mouth to clean them. I nearly came in my pants right then, this woman was astounding.

"Where did you learn all this? I thought you and Federico had a pretty tame sex life."

"I have an excellent coach, surely you recognise some of these moves?"

That had me reeling again. Not only were they conspirators she had been coaching her on how to seduce me.

"I'm going to kill her when I get home."

"No your not, your going to make love to her, fiercely, passionately, like a young boy again. That is part of our bargain, I have to leave you on such a high that your wife gets to share in some of our pleasure. Don't misunderstand, she is not complaining, she just thinks you need a little hormone boost. You see everyone is going to get something out of this. Except you, you're going to be exhausted."

We set off walking down the park. Anna said, "You know, we both realised quite quickly after the Lycra pants episode that you were never going to touch me. You seemed to be quite content to feast upon me with your senses; I on the other hand was struggling to keep control of my self. I was wet most of the time and had taken to bringing spare panties and panty liners to the office. Over a period of months, your wife taught me how to get some control over my body and I could finally begin to relax a little and start to plan things without the risk of embarrassing myself. Later she taught me lots of other things."

I decided not to press her for an explanation; I was enjoying this too much and anyway I knew now that she will tell me everything in her own time.

"Was the paper clips episode planned?"

"Absolutely. That was so much fun, although I was so embarrassed, I felt such a slut. We both thought you had been working far too hard. You were neglecting your hem... obligations, she told me you hadn't screwed for nearly a month so we planned to get you heated up. Do you remember that day, you were wearing the shirt I had bought you for Christmas, it was the same colour as the skirt I was wearing I thought the Gods were telling me something. I know, its stupid, but any excuse. I called your wife and told her what I planned. Later, I think it was in the afternoon; anyway, I dropped the paper clips and got down on the floor to pick them up with my bottom wiggling at you. At first, you seemed not to notice, and then you just sat there, staring. I am not sure you even noticed when your wife came into the room until her pretty little bottom was wiggling away next to mine. As luck would have it, we were both wearing identical panties, the ones she bought me, so tiny they don't really hide anything. So, you got a double treat, two little bottoms, barely contained by their panties wiggling away at you. She told me afterwards that it had worked and that you were back on the sexual treadmill.

"The only time I nearly lost control of myself was that day when you accidentally crashed your head into my breasts. You did do it accidentally?" I nodded. "It was so unexpected, and suddenly you were there, pressed into me. I could have held you forever. I wanted you to take out my breasts, to suckle them. My nipples were tingling and I could feel the dampness seeping into my panties. I could feel your hands moving down my body and I knew that any second you would reach my bottom and move your hands onto the skin of my thighs. My legs were covered in goose bumps. As your hand moved onto my thigh I really started flowing and the anticipation of what you were about to touch was almost more than I could bear."

"I don't remember touching your skin."

"Well I remember it. It is the touch I get off to, when I feel the need. It is burned into my memory and all I know is that I have to feel your touch again. Your touch is so different from your wife's. Yours is firm, authoritative, demanding, hers is so gentle, like being brushed by an angel. Who knows where we would have gone if that damn phone had not rung. I was trembling as I went back to my office. I went to the toilet as soon as I had put the call through and brought myself off, it took about five seconds."

"I know; I heard your little whimpering groans through the wall, I thought about joining you."

"Well meu amore, here is where we must part until tomorrow. Any more of this talk and I will take you up on the hotel offer and that is definitely not part of the plan. Before you go, I want you to think about two things. Do you remember that Saturday when you came to the office and caught me there? You may care to think about the fact that your wife was with me. You never saw her; she heard you coming up the stairs and sneaked out through my office. Also, I want you to remember the day we were caught in that torrential rain. We were both soaked through and took our shirts off to dry. We both thought that that was the nearest you would ever get to seeing me naked. I was cruel to you that day, not that you didn't deserve it. We are going to relive that, with a different ending. Now, please give me your house keys."

"What, why?"

"Because I will enter your house and your bed at a time of my choosing. We are not going to spend a tortured day deciding the right moment to hit the bedroom. The next time you will see me is naked in your bed. Now give me your keys please."

I gave her my keys.

"Now, I want you to take these tablets."

"Why? What are they?"

"Sleeping pills. I know you better than you think; you will not sleep tonight running through everything that we have discussed. Then you will be tired and will not be able to perform properly. Look at you now, you have bags under your eyes and, despite all this excitement, you look exhausted. I bet you have slept no more than a few hours in the last couple of nights. These will just knock you out for a few hours. However, I have to tell you something else. For all of the years I have known you I have had one big fantasy, it is simply you waking to find me naked in your bed and making love to me, fiercely and passionately. I want to act that out. I know it will not be such a surprise now, but this is very important, you must do this for me. Take one pill at 9.00 o'clock; by ten, you will be fast asleep. Tonight you can get plenty of rest. The other one is for tomorrow night; take it at the same time. Of course, you will not actually know if I am going to come to you tonight or tomorrow. Oh, now you are excited! I know it is silly, but it is what I want and I expect to be indulged, I am going to give my self so completely to you, meu amore, that you can indulge me in this. No cheating, if you are awake when I arrive then I am going straight home. You will do as I ask, meu amore."

"Anna, you are completely nuts. Yes, of course, I will do it, I cannot think of anything more exciting, if you don't come tonight, I will go mad. By the way how am I supposed to get in?"

"You are slow sometimes, go to your cleaning lady on the way home and borrow her keys. Tell her that you do not need her next week because you have decorators in. We do not want to be disturbed; we have babies to make. Remember, no calls to your wife, set up the video. Oh, and get some food in, I don't want to waste sex time by having to go shopping."

She leaned into me, hugged me, and kissed me, "And don't play with yourself, not even once, those seeds are mine and I'm going to put them just where I want them. Now go home and get some rest. I love you, meu amore."

We separated and went our different way's, I watched Anna all the way to the Metro, my eyes feeding images to my brain of just how she will be under those clothes.

Good, that went better than expected; boy is he ready for me, so easy, now he has permission, to get him to obey. Everything is set up. If he takes the pills, he will not hear the telephone, just in case she calls. Everything should be ok, but I am not taking chances. I have waited too long for this. Tomorrow I will unplug the phones 'so we are not disturbed' and then I just have to follow through with everything. The sex will be no problem, I cannot wait to get him into me, once he's had me, once he gets his youth back… I just need to be careful with the other things, make it all believable.

On the way home, I stopped at the supermarket. I bought flowers, food, and a bottle of Aguadente Velha, a mature Portuguese brandy. The food was the type we could just put in the oven; I didn't think either of us would want to do much cooking. I organised the house, hoping Anna would come tonight. Changed the bed lined, had a shower, I set up the video equipment and checked everything was working. I put the video controller next to the bed and a timer alarm set for 1 hour 55 minutes. Five minutes notice to change the tape should be enough, just in case we were in the middle of something. All the time thinking about the two incidents Anna had mentioned.

That Saturday, it was about six months after the Lycra pants incident, my wife had told me she was shopping for curtains with her cousin. I was supposed to be playing golf with a mate, he called off at the last minute; a family thing he had forgotten. I got bored, and about 11.00 o'clock, I decided to go into the office, engineer's drawings needed checking.

When I got to the office the lights were on, I thought I remembered turning them off, but maybe I forgot. When I walked into my office Anna was there by the sofa. She was not in complete disarray but it was clear that she was adjusting herself.

"Hello." I said. "What are you up to?"

She blushed a bright crimson, "Oh, I just popped into the office for something I forgot. I'll be out of your way in a minute."

"That's ok, you're not disturbing me." Well at least no more than normal, I thought to myself.

Just then I heard a noise on the stairs, as I turned away I saw Anna out of the corner of my eye push something under the sofa with her shoe.

"Did you hear that, is someone else here?"

She said, "Its probably just the cleaner on the stairs. Look, I'm going now. I will leave you to get on with your work in peace."

I was intrigued and wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on.

"Don't rush, stay and have a coffee with me, we never get a chance just to chat these days."

"Ok, but I'll make it, you get started on your work."

With that, she bounced off to the kitchen. My immediate thought was good for her; she has had a bloke in here. The room reeked of sex, it was clear that something had been going on. I remember thinking, she has gone to the kitchen to freshen up and compose her self, then I recalled her pushing something under the sofa and went over to see what it was.

It was a pair of tiny white cotton panties, damp from her juices. I brought them up to my face and inhaled her intoxicating perfume. I could not resist, I sucked at the crutch band.

"Are you taking sugar today or not?" came from the kitchen.


I thought I need the energy; my legs were buckling! I stuffed the panties into my pocket as she came from the kitchen carrying the coffees. She looked a great deal more composed and brought my coffee to me at the sofa, glancing down to make sure she had concealed the evidence.

"So how are things going? Are you dating?" I asked.

She blushed again, "Well, sort of, I'm just kind of letting things progress at a nice slow pace."

"That's great!" I said, "Anyone I know?"

She hesitated as if trying to work out the best answer. "Yes, I think you may have met the person once or twice."

"Is it that guy from the engineer's who's always popping in to see you?"

Another blush, "I'm not going to tell you!" She laughed, "You will just embarrass the hell out of me next time he comes in!"

"Ok, ok. I am not going to pry. I am just very pleased that you are having some fun. You deserve it. Let yourself go. Enjoy life." Christ if she let herself go much more she will flood the room, I thought.

She smiled and stood up.

"I've got to go. Someone's waiting."

"I guessed!" I said and grinned foolishly at her. Then on impulse I reached into my pocket and pulled out her panties.

"You might be needing these, later!"

She took the panties from me, looked me in the eye, and held my gaze; quickly she stepped into her panties, barely taking her eyes off mine. Of course, I had to keep eye contact when I really wanted to look at her pussy.

She took a step toward me and gave me a full kiss on the mouth, her tongue just flirting with mine, and her hand caressing the back of my head.

"Thank you for being so understanding, you're the best."

And with that, she flounced out of the room her skirt dancing to the rhythm of her bum cheeks.

"See you Monday," she called.

Christ, that was hot. I licked my lips; you know, I thought to myself, that tastes like pussy juice. No, no way, not Anna!

That evening I discussed the whole episode with my wife.

"Do you think she has got as girl friend? Maybe she's a lesbian, maybe that's why there have been no blokes around!" I said to her.

"Well, maybe she's just experimenting, we all do at that age."

I raised my eyebrows, "Really, is there something you want to tell me?"

"No, I want you to get into that bedroom right now, all this talk has got me as horny as hell, I've got an itch that needs scratching."

It was delicious, my wife's talent at love making never ceased to amaze me. She rode me at her own pace bringing herself to the edge time after time and finally releasing our flows in one tumultuous orgasm. We fell asleep with my dick going limp inside her and her still laying over me.

Later, she shifted to my side.

"Are you awake?" She asked.


"You know, the only man Anna wants is you. If you want her, just have her. I won't complain, but then of course you will have to sack her and I will get you a PA like that dragon at the accountant's."

"How do you know all this?"

"I'm her confidant, I've trained her to tell me everything. That way I can head off trouble before it gets out of hand. I am serious, just ask, and I will set it up. It might just be the best thing for all of us."

"Are you serious about this? This is great! You want me to start fucking a girl half your age, with great tits and a wiggly bottom? You really want me to start fucking that sexy little package?"

My wife's face suddenly looked aghast.

"No, don't worry. I am not going to do that. This is the body I want and need. I'm content just to watch and smell Anna, besides think of all the great sex we are getting every time Anna has one of her 'special days'."

"You ticked all the right boxes! Come here. Put that damn thing back in me."

Reviewing all this now, I was seriously concerned, Anna said my wife was there, what was she doing, giving Anna and her boyfriend pointers! May be it was only the two of them, must have been, I only heard one person on the stairs. Surely Anna could not have been going down on my wife, she certainly had a whiff of something on her lips. I felt both shocked and excited, the thought of those two eating each other out was a real turn on; I was tugging at my trousers, trying to get the fellow more comfortable. Should I phone my wife? Have it out with her, I can't honestly believe they were that involved, yet from what Anna has hinted at. I need to get this sorted out, should be really interesting to hear what Anna has to say, then when I get home, my wife can explain herself. I can't believe she could have kept something like that from me.