Marrying for Money Ch. 11


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As Trevor watched Leanna's reaction to the gift, he felt his heart swell with love for her. When he spoke, his voice was soft and husky. "I hope you like it."

Leanna jumped, thinking she was alone in the room, and when she saw him in the shadows, her face lit with joy. She ran to Trevor, threw herself on his lap and began showering kisses on his face and neck with the exuberance of a child.

"Oh yes," she cried breathlessly, her eyes shining brightly, "I love it!"

Trevor chuckled and grasping her jaw in his hand, he managed to capture his wife's mouth for a more thorough kiss. He finally released her lips and smiled down at her beaming face.

"I wanted you to have something special for tonight," he murmured, tracing a finger around her delicate ear.

"Oh Trevor, it's the most special, most beautiful gown I've ever had. How can I thank you?"

Trevor assumed a serious expression as he raised a dark brow and ogled her cleavage, one hand slipping underneath her robe to intimately cup her hip and thigh. "Mmmm," he said thoughtfully. "I'll have to think of some way you can show me your gratitude. But for now, shouldn't you start getting dressed?"

"Oh yes," she cried, giving him a last quick kiss before hopping up to run and tug on the bell pull.

Camilla appeared within moments to dress her mistress for the grand occasion, and she exclaimed over the beauty of Leanna's new garments. If the maid thought it strange that her employer remained in his chair watching her help to dress his young wife, she didn't say anything. In truth, Camilla was too engrossed in her work to notice the undercurrent of lust that flowed between the two lovers.

Leanna, on the other hand, had a heightened awareness of her husband's unswerving attention. When Camilla removed her mistress's robe, Leanna's skin flushed a rosy pink under Trevor's roaming gaze. Standing nude before him, she wondered what he thought of the changes wrought by her pregnancy as his eyes took in her heavy breasts and the small but definite bulge of her belly. She was almost three months pregnant, and she worried that her husband might soon begin to be repulsed by her rapidly swelling form. Her worries were put to rest when her gaze met his in the mirror.

Trevor's sapphire eyes were smoldering with such intensity that Leanna felt their heat from across the room. His gaze dipped once again to roam greedily over her body, taking in every detail in the golden candlelight. When Camilla dropped the delicate chemise over her arms and head, Leanna noticed that Trevor's eyes followed its descent until it had dropped over her hips to hang at mid-thigh. The material was so fine it did nothing to shield her from his scrutiny. In fact, the gossamer fabric made her appear even more wanton, with the clear outline of her nipples straining against the silk and the dark triangle of hairs clearly visible between her lithe thighs. Taking in the sights, Trevor squirmed in his chair, trying to find relief from the blood pounding in his loins.

Leanna noted his discomfort and inwardly smiled. Beneath Trevor's lustful perusal, she began to feel like a skilled courtesan, and she made it her goal to purposely fan the flames of her husband's desire. Donning the corset, Leanna turned toward Trevor and bent over the bed while Camilla cinched the laces tightly down the back. Leanna was aware that from his vantage point, Trevor had a clear view of her bobbing breasts bouncing over the corset's rim and threatening to overflow the confines of her chemise. She suppressed a grin as she saw him squirm once again, his eyes riveted to her bouncing bosom.

Leanna stepped into the lacy pantalets and cinched them tightly at the waist. Then, she turned her back to her husband and lifted one dainty foot onto the stool to slip on the first of her stockings. She took her time with the task, aware that Trevor had an unhindered view of her bottom and thighs, snugly encased in the sheer silk pantalets. She inwardly smiled when she heard him clear his throat nervously.

When Leanna had donned both stockings, she took special care to smooth them lovingly over her calves and thighs before she straightened and stole a glance at her husband from under her lashes. There was a fine film of sweat on his brow, and he was running one finger along the inside of his collar, as if it were suddenly too tight.

Without donning a robe, Leanna perched on the padded stool, and Camilla came to style her hair. As Trevor watched, Leanna's hair was brushed until it gleamed like burnished copper and fell in sensuous waves down her back. Camilla braided several swaths of it into an intricate knot at the back of her mistress's head but left a mass of streaming curls hanging down in the back. Leanna reached up with both hands to hold the gleaming tresses so that Camilla could anchor it with a multitude of tiny pins. When Leanna looked in the mirror, she noted that Trevor couldn't tear his eyes away from the delicate curves of her slender arms and the upper swells of her breasts. Dainty ringlets also hung beside Leanna's ears, framing her lovely jaw. Camilla finished by weaving velvet ribbons of midnight blue and gold through the gleaming curls at the crown of her head.

Her coiffure completed, Leanna rose and stepped into her velvet slippers. She smiled at Trevor, and for the first time that evening, she stepped behind a tall privacy screen so Camilla could lace her into the new gown. Leanna stepped from behind the screen, and Trevor felt like the breath was trapped in his lungs. His heart pounded in his ears as he took in his wife's appearance. She had never looked more beautiful.

The gown was designed to hang off her shoulders, leaving acres of luscious ivory skin exposed. The bodice clung to her like a second skin. She definitely wouldn't be able to wear this gown as her pregnancy progressed, but for tonight the fit was perfect. The rich velvet hung in elegant swirls from the fitted bodice to fall in flowing waves to the floor. The weight of the fabric made it hang perfectly, and as she turned before him, Trevor thought she looked like a princess.

Camilla was glowing with pride for her mistress, and she clutched her palms to her cheeks as she watched Leanna turn this way and that before the mirror. "Oh Missus, you look just beautiful. Nobody else is going to look as wonderful as you tonight." The maid turned excitedly toward Trevor. "Isn't that right, Mister Trevor?"

Trevor rose with a chuckle of pride and prowled toward his wife to stand behind her. "That's right," he answered softly. He smiled at Camilla, "Would you give us a few moments please?"

Camilla beamed and gave him a small curtsy. "Oh yes, Mister Trevor. I'll go and see if there are any last minute things to be done." She quickly made her exit, leaving the couple alone.

Trevor placed his hands on Leanna's shoulders as he stood behind her. He took in her appearance in the mirror, and his expression turned considering, a slight frown marring his brow. Leanna quickly scanned her reflection, wondering what was causing him to find fault.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked nervously, turning this way and that while searching for a flaw.

"Hmmm," he murmured. "There's something that is just not quite right." He cocked his head to one side. "Something's missing."

Leanna frowned at her reflection, wondering what could be done to improve her appearance until Trevor turned and walked to his wardrobe. He opened a drawer and returned holding out a large velvet box with a hinged lid. Trevor gave her a gallant bow, and his eyes were twinkling when they met hers.

"My lady, I thought you might have need of some jewels to accompany your gown." As he said the words, he opened the box, and Leanna gasped.

Lying nestled in the box was an exquisite necklace made of finely wrought large gold links. Diamonds and brilliant sapphires were scattered along the chain's length, and from the center hung a dazzling pendant with a tear-shaped sapphire surrounded by fiery diamonds. There was a matching bracelet and dangling earrings to complete the ensemble.

Leanna's eyes were as round as saucers when she looked up from the box. "Trevor, these are magnificent! I've never seen jewelry this beautiful." She swallowed hard as she blinked back tears. "I'm overwhelmed."

Their eyes locked, and for several long moments, they stood frozen in time, lost in each other's eyes. Trevor finally cleared his throat and circled behind her.

"Here, let's get these on you," he murmured.

Trevor lifted the necklace over her head and fastened the heavy clasp. It snugly circled her neck and the pendant dropped to nestle on the upper swells of her breasts. Leanna put on the earrings and allowed Trevor to fasten the bracelet on her slender wrist. Trevor turned her to face him and gave her a boyish grin.

"Oh yes, there's one more thing," he said softly.

He reached in the pocket of his jacket and retrieved a ring which he slipped on her left hand. He brushed a warm kiss over her fingers as his eyes met hers over her trembling knuckles.

"I meant to replace that simple gold band anyway," Trevor murmured, drawing her into his arms and letting her hands drop onto his chest.

Leanna looked down to see that he had placed on her finger a matching ring with a large sapphire surrounded by glittering diamonds. The stones caught the light as she turned her hand from side to side. She looked up at him in wonder.

"How . . . when . . ." She cleared her throat and tried once more. "Where did you get these?"

Trevor beamed down at her. "I ordered them from the jeweler the day after we arrived from London." He grinned at her teasingly. "If you hadn't run off, you would have received them much sooner, but with all that's been happening, I only got a chance to pick them up yesterday." His expression gradually turned serious, and he stated with simple sincerity, "I love you, Leanna." He swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat. Trevor had never been good at expressing his feelings, and his voice was husky as he continued. "I don't want to live without you beside me."

Leanna stood looking into his eyes for several long moments before she stretched up on her toes and gave him a kiss so achingly sweet and tender that Trevor could barely breathe. When their lips finally parted, her fingers traced his brows, the fine bones in his cheeks and his firm jaw before returning to the sensuous curve of his lips which she traced lovingly. When she finally spoke, her voice was a hoarse whisper.

"Of all the gifts you have given me, I cherish your love the most."

Once again, time came to a stop as the two lovers stood gazing at each other for long moments, their love binding them together. At last, Trevor brushed one more intimate kiss across the back of Leanna's hand before tucking it through his arm. He grinned down at her, his sapphire eyes twinkling in his handsome face.

"Come on, Cinderalla. I believe you have a ball to attend."


The Grayson ball was a resounding success, with every prominent family in the region in attendance. Folks had naturally been curious about the young English woman who had managed to snare one of the most eligible bachelors in Virginia. However, when news had spread that Leanna Grayson had run off and then had to be hunted down by her husband, natural curiosity had been whipped into a rabid frenzy. Not one person had declined their invitation, and folks were clamoring to get a look at Trevor Grayson's bride.

The few people who had seen Mrs. Grayson around town had extolled her beauty and charm, but everyone wanted to see her for themselves. No one was disappointed. The ladies who were present viewed Leanna with either envy or admiration, depending on their age and marital status. The younger ones, some of whom had dreamed of snaring Trevor for themselves, greeted his new bride with polite, if rather chilly, etiquette. The older ladies, who had never had their matrimonial sights on Trevor, greeted Leanna with warmth, respect, and acceptance. The gentlemen who were present were unanimous; they greeted Leanna as if she were delectable!

Trevor stood bursting with pride at the head of the receiving line with Leanna to his left, then Amanda and Steven. As a seemingly endless stream of guests arrived, Trevor made the introductions, ensuring that the rakes and scoundrels were quickly ushered past his beautiful wife. Close friends and neighbors were allowed to linger a bit longer, as Trevor and Amanda coordinated their efforts to make sure Leanna was never left to flounder. It was Steven's job to make sure if any guests lingered too long, they were ushered on into the ballroom, thus allowing the line to flow smoothly.

The only unpleasant moment happened when Eliza arrived just ahead of her brother Tom Taylor and his wife Marie. Trevor gave Eliza a polite bow. She greeted him too warmly, ignoring proper conduct to throw her arms around his neck and plant a noisy kiss on his cheek.

"Good evening, darling," she cooed for all to hear.

Trevor swiftly removed her grasping arms and held her away from him as he responded coldly, "Good evening, Eliza." His voice dropped low enough that only she could hear it as he glared at her sternly, "don't forget what I told you about showing my wife proper respect."

With that, he ushered her on to Leanna, wishing to hurry her down the line. Eliza inwardly seethed at the reminder, but plastered a bright smile on her face as she turned to face Leanna. Her smile froze on her mouth, at Leanna's appearance. Eliza's hatred roiled around and threatened to bubble over as she took in the incomparable gown and the magnificent jewels Trevor had given her rival. Eliza's frustration was supreme, knowing that she could have been the woman standing beside Trevor. Reminding herself to be calm, Eliza renewed her smile.

"Oh what a lovely gown, Leanna. I had heard that Trevor ordered you some new clothes. Having seen your other gowns, you really did need some new ones. It's amazing what wonders Mrs. White is able to accomplish, even when faced with such a challenge." She said the last as she pointedly eyed Leanna's belly.

Leanna tensed, but feeling Trevor's arm squeeze her waist, she was able to withstand the hateful slurs. She took a deep breath and smiled sweetly, if not very sincerely, at her adversary.

"Thank you, Eliza. And I must say you look absolutely ravishing tonight."

Eliza preened before them, confident in her own mind that her charms were beyond compare. "Thank you. Now I have been meaning to talk with you both about arranging a visitation for Trevor and our daughter, Miranda." She spoke so loudly that several people nearby overheard and stood watching with interest. Her smile was triumphant as she continued. "Trevor darling, when would you like me to bring our daughter over to see you?"

It was Leanna who managed to bring the ugly scene to a close. "Eliza, please feel free to bring Miranda to visit anytime." Leanna placed her arm around Trevor's waist and smiled up at him serenely before continuing. "We would love to get to know her better."

Eliza's surprise was evident. Seeing that she wouldn't be able to addle Leanna, she turned without another word and stalked into the ballroom, forgetting to even greet Amanda and Steven.

Tom and Marie didn't share Eliza's poor manners. Tom and Trevor greeted each other with the warmth of two brothers while their wives were instantly at ease with one another and seemed destined to become close friends. While the women were chatting, Tom leaned over to whisper in Trevor's ear.

"You must have a horseshoe up your ass you lucky devil."

Trevor nodded good naturedly, beaming with satisfaction as he watched his lovely wife talking with Marie. "Indeed. Fate has truly smiled on me."

"Well, if anyone deserves such good fortune, it's you," Tom replied. His smile faded and he looked pained as he met Trevor's eye. "I'm sorry for all the trouble that Eliza has caused for you. After everything she's done to you and your family, I'm embarrassed to admit she's my sister."

Trevor clasped Tom's arm in genuine friendship. "Everything worked out for the best. I never dreamed I could be this happy, so let's just forget about what happened in the past."

Tom looked at him for a moment and then nodded his agreement, smiling in relief. Their conversation after that was relaxed and jovial, and Tom and Marie eventually moved on down the line.

After more than an hour, the number of new arrivals dwindled and finally stopped. The glittering ballroom was jammed with ladies and gentlemen in their finest clothes and trappings, but none shone as brightly as Trevor and his lady.

With the introductions completed, the orchestra struck up a waltz. Trevor led Leanna onto the floor and the crowd cheered as the couple bowed and curtsied. Trevor gathered Leanna into his arms and they glided effortlessly down the ballroom floor, her skirts swirling as he spun her around. Their movements were full of grace, and murmurs drifted through the crowd. What a perfect couple they are . . . they look like a prince and princess . . . how lovely she is . . . see how they look at each other . . . no wonder he was determined to find her. The whispers spread like a wave through the crowd as everyone watched them revolving on the floor. After several moments, they were joined by Amanda and Steven and then the other guests until the dance floor was packed.

Trevor and Leanna were oblivious to the other couples on the floor. The intimacy and promise that they had shared earlier carried over into their exchanges. Every glance, every casual touch was invested with an undercurrent of sexual tension. If Trevor's arm innocently brushed the side of her bosom, shivers of anticipation would race up Leanna's spine. The touch of her hand caused goosebumps to emerge on Trevor's arms.

The first occurrences were by chance, but soon, they were purposefully inciting each other. He stealthily caressed her hip; Leanna leaned close to run her tongue along his ear. She fingered the hair at his nape; he brushed his loins against hers. Under cover of the crowded ballroom, they made love to each other with no one being the wiser. When the dance finally ended, Leanna's cheeks were suffused with glowing color and Trevor's eyes were smoldering with desire.

It was past three in the morning when the ball finally wound to a close. Trevor and Leanna stood on the front porch, along with Steven and Amanda as they waved goodbye to the final departing guests. Reentering the house, Leanna leaned her head against Trevor's shoulder and smiled contentedly.

"That was lovely," Leanna sighed, "truly a night to remember."

Trevor's face was glowing with pride. "Indeed. You and Amanda pulled the whole thing off without a hitch."

Leanna turned to Amanda and two women embraced, congratulating each other on their shared success. Amanda covered her mouth as she yawned sleepily.

"Well that's enough excitement for one night. Let's go to bed and worry about restoring order tomorrow."

Everyone mumbled their assent, and the two couples mounted the stairs in companionable silence, parting at the top with sleepy goodnights before going to their separate rooms. When Leanna and Trevor entered their room, he closed the door behind him and leaned against it as he watched his wife approach the dressing table. She smiled dreamily to herself as she sat on the padded bench, humming a tune and removing the pins and ribbons from her upswept hair. Trevor came to stand behind her and helped her remove the remaining pins and her jewelry, depositing the jewels carefully in the wooden box he had given her. Then he assisted her by unfastening her dress and corset. When she turned to thank him, his eyes were like clear, deep pools of desire.