Miss Frumpy


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Then she started talking about the news. The conversation was light and she did better with the topics than she had in the past. He was feeling impressed. He even laughed a few times. That was unusual for him to laugh with someone who had just been annoying a few months before.

And he was feeling safe. They would be out in public, he would be her coach, and they would drive home. There would be no kissing and groping.

Dinner was pleasant. George made a few corrections and suggestions ... she was eager to follow. He was glad it was a dark restaurant, she was still too frumpy in her nicest clothes, and there was no hiding frumpy, especially that ugly puffy suit jacket.

Walking out of the restaurant he caught himself looking at her calves as she walked ahead of him. He hadn't noticed her legs before. Her thick wool skirt fit like a heavy curtain, wrapped twice around the back, was way past her knees and yet her calves and ankles looked nice.

This time he helped her into the car and gave her pointers on how to get in and out of a car, her knees always together.

She practiced and he encouraged.

He explained how she should sit in the car, her ankles crossed, her knees together and body tilted slightly towards the man. It was something he had read (and he liked touching her knees, he had a chance to touch her calves).

They drove around and found a place with the most cars outside. As they went inside he told her he wanted to stay at the bar so they could observe. In the back corner where the noise from the DJ was tolerable he described what was unfolding around them.

George started off by explaining about the drinks and the dangers. He told her to always watch the bartender make her drink, never taking her eye off him until it was in front of her. Then she was to hold the drink in her hand, never to let it sit by itself for an instant. He explained the danger of rufies. The safest thing would be to drink beer or a bottled beverage where she could see the cap come off in front of her.

And he warned Prudence that she should only have one drink on the first date, one every two hours on her subsequent dates and never get drunk until she was comfortably in a relationship and trusted her partner implicitly.

Then he explained about drinks, the different type and what the significance of each was. Shots were only for wild and crazy behavior, not caring about a reputation, so never do them. Wines were usually safe from the alcohol side, but again, they came from open containers and could easily be drugged. George was constantly disbelieving that he was telling her all this ... he loved when his dates went for shots ... that told him for certain what he was getting that night. One of them did body shots on the bar and he had her naked half way to the car ... he couldn't remember her name.

George then pointed out all the men in the bar and what he could tell about them. He pointed out their clothes, their hair, their shoes and their mannerisms that gave away their secrets. That guy was rich, the other a wannabe ... this one was comfortable in his skin, his job, that one not. That guy was definitely married, trying to hide it. And there were the pretty boys, too obsessed with their own vanity to be worth dating.

Then he pointed out all the women. He found two that had that 'look'.

"What look?"

"The wanna-get-preggers look. Some women will get to a point in their life when all they care about is having a baby. They dress as seductively as possible and have a sad look on their face, signaling that they want to make babies, married or not."

"And see that one and that one ... the tattoos on the small of their backs? It means they are sluts. That one with the neck tattoo? She is into drugs. The tongue studs? More sluts, they do that to impress the guy with their blow jobs."

Prudence's eyes went wide, she never knew that.

George wasn't sure what he said was accurate ... it was just what he heard in the locker room. He just knew that tattoos and piercings for him were a turn off, like graffiti splashed across a DaVinci painting.

And he continued pointing out all his observances about each and every woman in the place. He started pointing out their clothes, makeup, hair, shoes ... everything including handbags and shoes ... what each meant. A lot of the insight he had just read in those body language books, but much of it his own preferences.

What George had just told her about the women ... most of it, was extremely painful for Prudence. She felt like a lowly sewer rat the way she was dressed. She couldn't look anymore. She turned away and stopped participating.

George could see she had gotten upset. He sat there and realized why. He thought it would help if he asked her to dance, even though he didn't want to dance with Miss Frumpy. He was relieved when she declined.

They had been there over three hours and the last half hour was silent. "Prudence, do you want to leave."

Prudence picked up her clunky pocketbook and walked out, George following her at a different pace, trying to look like he was not with her. He was used to having the hottest babes hanging on his arm.

Helping her get in the car, he turned onto the highway and started home. There was uncomfortable silence for the first hour.

It was too warm; she took off her puffy suit jacket.

He could see she was on the edge of tears ... but she didn't.

A few minutes from home she finally broke the silence. "George, I mean Mr. Hanigan I think I understand now. I still have a long way to go. Would you mind helping me with the rest of it ... my wardrobe, hair, and makeup?"

George thought that was a stupid question to ask a straight guy. "I am clueless about hair and makeup. I would suggest you get professional help with those. Go to an upscale mall and put your faith in someone that does a nice job with their own appearance. Do you have the resources?"

"Yes, I still live at home and my parents don't make me pay rent."

"Okay, I would suggest starting with undergarments. Look for comfortable sexy, even daring. No one but you will know what you are wearing under your clothes and it will have a profound impact on your attitude and self confidence. Then look for new business attire. I would suggest talking to Marla ... in accounting? She always looks the most professional; her suits are just a little tease on the sexy side. And then talk to Stephanie ... in logistics. She knows what to wear socially ... accentuating her best features but never slutty. Find out what stores she shops, she's nice, maybe she could take you ... does that help?"

"Yes, Mr. Hanigan ... this has certainly been informative. I guess I could have done this on my own, but never in a million years would I have been as observant as you. You seemed to know everything." Prudence was thinking that George may have been a bit dumb back in the office, but out in the world, he was a guru.

They arrived at her car and he was relieved that it was completely deserted behind that building. He made her stay and wait for him to open the door and then helped her out. "A gentleman will never look when a lady exits the vehicle. If you are on a date and the man doesn't treat you with the utmost respect, make him take you home immediately, or tell him you are going to the lady's room and call a cab. Never ever put up with even a second of disrespect."

"I understand," she said standing and facing him. "Are there any gray areas?" She remembered those words from Wednesday night.

"Let's see. If the man is aroused either visually or by proximity; take that as a complement ... but I already told you that. Okay ... if a man lets his eyes wander to another female, you have to make a judgment. Has he been paying attention to what you have been saying and looking you in the eyes? If not, say goodnight and run. If a woman happens to flash him, as women will sometimes do ... don't blame him unless he looks too long, strains in some way to look, or loses his concentration on you. There are little games other women play ... one thing to remember is that women never show anything they don't intend to show. A woman leaning over to pet a dog or fix a shoe ... it's intentional. Most guys fall for it anyway, so the women keep doing it."

"Thank you Mr. Hanigan. You have certainly been thoughtful and attentive tonight ... I mean we were looking at other women, but I never lost your attention."

"So don't accept any less from your date. He needs to make you feel like you are the only thing important in his life ... Oh, and gray areas ... you should probably give the guy a break if what happened to you should happen to him."

"I don't understand."

"Okay ... I'll try to be delicate. Remember during our lessons when you felt out of control, that you couldn't stop what was happening?"

Prudence blushed and said, "Yes," looking down at the ground, brushing the hair out of her face.

"I guess I am saying that you should give him a break if he gets a little carried away. I'm not saying he can do something bad, a woman always has the right to say no at any time. I'm talking about if he does a little something and then apologizes quickly."

"Can you give me examples?" Prudence was standing close and smelling his cologne.

"Okay, let's say you are wearing a short skirt and you are kissing on the couch, this is your third date and you like him. Let's say he sees your legs part slightly and slides his hand all the way to your private area before you have a chance to react. It was totally uncalled for, but if he stops when you tell him and he apologizes ... you should give him a break."

"I think I understand. The rufies you mentioned ... is it as bad as it sounds?"

"That is a tough question. I don't know. As you can tell I never put anything in my body that is not healthy, I don't know much about drugs. I have never seen a rufie, never met anyone who admits to using them, but the danger is real. Waking up in some strange motel a day later with no clothes on and totally violated would be devastating."

"I can see that."

"I was at a Taco place and watched the kid in the back walking around with my taco, talking to his friends. He disappeared around the corner for just an instant ... I was hungry and ate it anyway. I was sick for the next three days. So remember to be extra careful at bars, especially if you're not with long time friends that you can trust. I guess I would suggest that you not trust anyone until you really know him. That includes meeting their friends and family, coworkers ... believe the rumors. They might not always be true, but it's better to be safe."

"Thank you Mr. Hanigan." Prudence was feeling her heart pumping a little louder with him standing so close, his smell so intoxication. "I'd like to practice the kissing just a bit. You know, to build up my tolerances?"

"Understand. Let's just do the first date kiss to start with ... I'll give you pointers."

They kissed and George had to caution her not to be passionate on a first date kiss.

They tried again.

"Excellent. Now let's try a second date kiss."

They kissed for a long three minutes, he leaned in for a press and she backed away.

"Very good Prudence, now let's try a third date kiss."

He leaned in for the press and she returned the pressure, not grinding, their tongues playing happily.

She was hoping he could count higher.

"That was nice ... do you want to try a fourth date kiss?"

"We haven't talked about that," she said out of breath.

"I guess not ... I would suggest if the relationship is progressing smoothly, that first base would be appropriate."

"Okay," as she leaned in and he immediately went for her breasts. She moaned with his caresses and manipulations. Then he pulled her tight using his hands to grab her butt cheeks, grinding her mound into his crotch ... she pressed back into him and moaned loudly.

They kissed more passionately and he pumped his tongue in and out.

She pumped back and moaned some more.

Then he started kissing and licking, nibbling on her neck and ear.

"Oh ... Mr. Hanigan ... We never did that before."

"Do you like it?"

"It sends shivers up and down my spine; it's making my heart beat loudly ... feel." and she placed his right hand on the top of her breast.

"Let me do it again and I will explain." Then he repeated the action, this time using a wet tongue and slurping in her ear, causing her to scream and laugh at the same time.

"Prudence this is especially dangerous ... it excites you sexually and tickles at the same time ... you will find yourself with your guard down so that if I were to try and get to third base, it would be hard for you to regain control."

"Can we try that?" wanting more.

"Okay, but I won't go all the way." George proceeded to start with some french kissing, more tongue action, caressing her breasts, getting her to moan, pinching her nipples harder this time, then he pulled her butt cheeks in tight, she did the grinding ... then he pumped his tongue in and out ... she did the same more vigorously ... and then he kissed and slurped her neck and ears, she giggled between moans, unable to get enough oxygen into her lungs. Continuing down her neck, he kept kissing her chest onto her breast and she moaned loudest when he mouthed her nipple through all those layers of clothes, getting her blouse all wet.

Leaning back against the car she was holding his head tight to her chest, breathing fast and moaning uncontrollably.

Since he was bent over, he reached down between her knees and found those calves he had felt before. He slid his hand up her heavy dress, touching the back of her knees so intimately, then caressing her bare thigh skin. He did the same with his hand behind her and then straitened his back, his hands sliding higher, moving his mouth up to hers. He slipped back into her waiting mouth, his tongue pushing in and out, she was doing the same.

She moaned the loudest ever when his hand in front reached her mound and the one behind squeezed her tight butt cheek.

He continued up higher with his hands and found the top of her panties both front and back.

She still didn't stop him; quite the contrary, she was almost screaming her desperation for him to make the next move, to keep going.

George slipped both hands, front and back under her panties, From behind he was sliding down her butt crack ... and in front he was moving down her smooth flat stomach, feeling her soft skin and then her pubic hair as he continued lower.

She pumped her tongue into him faster and moaned her pleasure screams into his mouth, breathing hard and fast, pulling his head into her mouth with a death grip. She spread her legs a little, as far as her panties around her knees would allow

George let his fingers continue down over her pussy lips and she began to quiver and shake in anticipation. She was wet as could be, dripping in love juice. His hand in back was playing with her puckered butt hole. With his front hand he pressed his outer fingers against the pussy lips first and then drew his middle finger up through her wet lips and across her clit.

"Oh my God, George ... oh George, I have never ... oh George, don't go inside me ... oh George not inside me like that ... Oh I can't stop you ... George ...Ah! ...Ah! ... Yes! ... Yes!"

George then slipped the hand behind under further, placing a finger from that hand inside her, while his front hand went to work on her love bud. He sloshed her clit and lips rapidly side to side at a furious pace while his other hand kept pumping her pussy, his thumb teasing her anus.

And after just a few minutes she shivered and shook in her first man induced orgasm.

His hand was drenched and she was perspiring at the uncontrollable spasms her body was making.

She finally reached to pull his hand away after her body stopped shaking. She wished she had bought nicer clothes already. She was especially embarrassed about the old-ladies underwear she had halfway down her legs. But her fears were allayed when George reverted to his coach's persona.

"Prudence, that was third base. And if you find a guy you think you like and he is not willing to do that for you at least a couple times a week, keep looking."

But she was too spent to talk anymore.

"Are you alright?'

She nodded her head that she was, then reached and pulled her panties back on, knowing they would be soaked.

George helped her over to her car door.

Her voice came back to her when she was worried about seeing him again, "George, I'm going shopping tomorrow, and maybe after work with Marla and Stephanie on Monday ... I could show you if you come over Wednesday. I won't wear the new clothes to work unless you approve."

"That will be fine ... I'll stop and pick up dinner."

She stopped before getting in the car and kissed George, her tongue dueling with his, his hand back on her tit. "Thank you Mr. Hanigan, I'll see you Monday morning."

"You are certainly welcome Prudence." and he reluctantly released his grip.

On his ride home, George was torn between feeling good about giving her that first orgasm, and bad because he took advantage of her. Then he recalled feeling her flat stomach and firm butt cheeks ... I hit him right there. Flat stomach and firm butt ... that's not frumpy ... he dismissed the thought just as quickly, he hadn't seen, only felt it. And everyone knew Prudence was Miss Frumpy. He saw the puffy jacket she had left in the back seat. He hoped he would never see her wear it again, he decided to toss it in the garbage.

As Prudence was driving home, she wished her parents would go to church every night; she wanted to get on third base with George and stay there. That thought sobered her ... Wednesday night ... they would only have a few hours. To show him everything ... there would be no time. She decided to shop the web as soon as she was home.


Sunday was a long day for Prudence. She sprang the cruise surprise on her parents early, so she had to help them pack in a hurry and then drive them and their luggage three hours to the port. She had found an unsold berth at 70% off. Then she was at the mall for five hours for her hair, make-up, and shopping. She was feeling pretty naughty when she bought all those unmentionables.

At home in her room late at night with the door locked she tried them on. With each set she tried to imagine what they would feel like with George's hands on them.


Monday early, Prudence found Marla in Accounting and asked about her favorite shops for business attire. She took notes. Then she found Stephanie in Logistics and she offered to take Prudence shopping after work. It was another five hours of shopping that night.


Tuesday she arranged her room with all her new clothes, taking off all the tags and trying to strategize what she was going to show him. She went to bed wearing her skimpiest underthings, getting them completely soaked.


Wednesday after work George rubbed the top of his shoes on the back of his calves to get the dust off, combed his hair, straightened his tie, his belt, and rolled his sleeves up. He knocked on the door. When she let him in he seemed anxious to get started on the dinner he brought.

"Mr. Hanigan we don't have to rush this evening, my parents are on a cruise this week."

"Oh, I didn't know ... but we can't stay up too late, we have work tomorrow. I love your hair like that ... I noticed Monday first thing, but didn't feel it was appropriate at the office to comment."

"Yes, I could tell." She had watched his expression intensely when they got together for their first meal that morning. He seemed a little bothered, unable to speak, a little out of breath.

Dinner was more relaxed without the alarm clock and they were laughing at little things. She had stayed in her frumpy old clothes and felt comfortable.
