My Mother's Daughter Ch. 07-08


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"I'm done, let me up," I said, stopping him as soon as I could speak.

He pulled out and I rolled over to a standing position, working my neck back and forth while he stood and watched me. He was smiling and looking at my breasts, so I pushed him onto the bed, crawled up his body and eased back onto his cock, using my hand to lift it in. I was in control now, driving down hard and grinding onto his pubic bone with my clitoris, before lifting off slowly until just his head was inside me. I held myself there, teasing him, rocking back and forth so his head moved around the entrance to my hole. It was very sensitive at the opening and his wet, bulbous head felt really good. Without warning I slammed down hard, taking all he had into me and making him moan.

My hands went to his chest, scratching my nails along his pecks, over his abs and back up as I rocked back and forth on his hot rod. I was enjoying myself, worshiping his body and taking my time to bask in the sensations under my hands and in my pussy. I was having the time of my life with a boy I had just met. My new found libido if full gear, spurred me on, wanting the man beneath me more than anything else in the world at that moment. He had an amazing cock, it stayed hard, curved perfectly, and he lasted and lasted, letting me ride him for over a half hour. I coaxed two more small orgasms from my body during that time, doing most of the work myself. That's not to say Adam didn't participate. He touched me everywhere, mostly my breasts and bum but caressed my back, legs, arms and even pulled the hair out of my face a few times. When I would lean over him to grind my clit he sucked and licked my breasts and kissed my chest and neck.

After my second orgasm I rolled off of him onto my stomach. He took the hint and straddled my body, licking my back. He trailed his tongue down my spine to my bottom and while licking grabbed and pulled my cheeks, rolling them in his hands. He then moved forward placing his penis between my cheeks and proceeded to try and stick it back into me. I was pretty sure it wasn't on purpose and probably because of how arched his penis is but instead of going into my vagina his head began pressing into my butthole.

"Whoa, wrong hole! You need to go lower," I said turning my head to look at him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to," he said, pulling away from me before too much went in.

He then used his hand to push himself down and into my vagina. I was lying flat and that probably didn't help matters. I was so wet and turned on that I possibly could have let him fuck my ass but I wasn't ready for that yet. Once he was in he let himself down onto me, grabbing the bed with both hands and rocked back and forth into me. It was much different since his curved penis now arched toward my back instead of my stomach. His hot hard body felt incredible on my back and his amazing penis found new places to spur my pleasure on. He kissed and licked my neck, as he rocked in and out of me. His hot breath, turning me on further mixed with the wet tongue. It was so erotic to be taken this way, he was in total control, doing what he wished as I was trapped under him and speared by his tool.

Before long he got a little too heavy and I made a motion to sit up. He felt it and without pulling out rose up and let me do the same. I knelt with my legs spread wide, back arched and head on a pillow, pressing my butt back toward his body in doggy style. He grabbed my hips and went at me, driving deep and fast, making me scream from the fast thrusts that rocked my body. He was able, with his height, to grab both my breasts and still continue to pound me with long deep thrusts. He pinched my nipples and I screamed all the more the harder he twisted and squeezed them. If I laid my head sideways on the pillow I could watching him with one eye, thrusting into me and feel his penis as I watched his face enjoy my wet hole.

He alternated touching my boobs, hips and shoulders with his hands. For another twenty or so minutes he pounded me like this until, all of a sudden he was cumming on my back. I guess he assumed I wanted him to pull out again, because I had neglected to remind him this time. I was too over whelmed with pleasure to even think about anything other than the intense sensations he was causing. He splattered my butt, back and shoulders in reverse order with another runny hot load. I turned just in time to watch him finish up and see the expression of bliss on his face as she stroked his arched penis over my body. It was awesome. He found the used towel, it was getting pretty gross by then, but he managed to clean me off anyway.

He was sweating heavily and fell exhausted next to me on the bed. I curled up to him, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Looked like he had to earn that climax. His athletic body soon relaxed and his breathing returned to normal as I traced his muscles with my finger.

"Can we shower now? Without you running away?" he asked.

"Okay, I guess. I can't believe you're complaining."

"I'm not... just teasing you."

"We've done this a lot since our last shower, we should probably clean up."

"I know, then we should get some lunch. Look at the time."

I turned to his clock. It was well past noon. We had spent hours doing each other and the time had just flown.


After the shower, Adam and I went to a sandwich place and had lunch. For the first time since my mother and Drake began 'instructing' me in the art of boy pleasing I felt normal again. The sex with Adam had satisfied me so I wasn't constantly thinking about cocks and fucking or sucking one. It was nice and we enjoyed a yummy meal and talked about teenage stuff, finally getting to know each other without being naked. My mom was right; having a boyfriend was what I needed. I can see why she 'needed' Drake. If I was like her and she like me then she'll began to go crazy without sex and a good hard cock around. Maybe I shouldn't have broken them up. Maybe Drake was actually good for my mother. I began to regret fucking him big time. Maybe I could convince her to take him back and move out with Adam.

Except that was moving way to fast with Adam. We hadn't known each other more than two days yet and already I wanted to move in with him? I decided to keep that to myself and listen to him talk about soccer, music, cars, what he plans after school and many other things. We spent the afternoon together and before I knew it, it was time for my mother to be getting home from work and I promised I'd talk to her.

"I got to go home, my mom is getting off work now and I told her I'd talk."

"Okay, I'll drive you," Adam said.

He held the door open for me and I gave him directions to my house.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" he asked when he pulled into my driveway.

"I'm sure my mother would love to meet you, and if you're here she can't get too mad," I said. The problem was I needed to talk to her about things Adam didn't need to hear, like Drake and sex stuff. I guess that could wait unit Adam went home.

The garage was open and Mom was already home. Adam turned off his truck and we both got out and went in through the garage.

"Mom, I'm home," I called out when we entered the kitchen.

She came around the corner, grabbed me and hugged me tight, "I'm so glad you are okay, I should have never kicked you out of my car," she said.

"I'm fine, Mom."

She released me and turned to Adam.

"Mom, this is Adam... my... boyfriend," I said, hesitating because I didn't really know what to call him.

He smiled so I figured it was okay.

"Hello, Mrs. Gilbert, It's nice to meet you."

It's actually Mrs. Hayes, but call me Linda, and it's my pleasure to meet you. We don't see many boys come to the house and especially not boyfriends.

"Mom," I warned with my voice.

She stopped going on and started asking Adam questions. I went to work on dinner and invited Adam to stay, which was more than fine with Mom. That's when I noticed she was flirting with him and getting closer, actually touching his arm a few time while they talked across the table. I was working on dinner and didn't notice until her laugh and body language changed. Since she kicked Drake out she hasn't had sex, and the urges, I get so quickly now, she must get as well.

"Mom!" I called out, trying to think of something to ask her.

She turned toward me perturbed but I needed to distract her before she didn't something really bad.

"What is it, Suzy?" she asked.

"Umm... what kind of salad dressing do you want?" I asked.

She shook her head, blurted something and went back to flirting with Adam. I needed to finish dinner and get over there before she scared the crap out of him. I hustled and took some plates over to the table. Mom was leaning over, showing way too much cleavage and I purposely set the plates down making her sit up.

"Mother, could you please set the table?" I asked.

She looked more perturbed but began setting the table. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring Adam over, at least not while Mom wasn't getting any. She might think it's fair that she have Adam since I screwed Drake. I couldn't handle that and I didn't know Adam well enough to decide if he could stop if Mom really made the effort.

She had to get up to set the table and when she wasn't looking I mouthed the words, "I'm sorry," to Adam when he looked at me concerned.

"Mom, dinners going to be ready in a few minutes can you watch it while I show Adam my room?" I asked.

She didn't want to see him go but finally relented and came into the kitchen. I grabbed Adam's hand and pulled him to my room.

"I'm so sorry about my mom... it's... well she's a lot like me or... maybe I'm like her but well, you know how I am, especially after what we've done, right?"

"I understand, she's a crazy woman like you and really likes sex." Adam stated.

"Exactly, I just didn't think she'd flirt with you so bad. It's just since she kicked Drake out she's needing a man. I got to get them back together."

"Why did she kick him out?"

I realized my mistake instantly. I shouldn't have mentioned Drake, let alone Mom kicking him out. I wasn't about to tell Adam I was the reason.

"They're just having problems right now, but it would be much better if he was here for her."

"So she gets really horny like you, huh?"

"Yep, just like me."

"I must have curbed your urges for a while because you're acting fine." He smiled.

"Yep, you did at that but it won't take long before it's back."

"Looking forward to it," he replied.

"Sure you can keep up?" I asked, moving forward.

He bent down and kissed me, "I'm sure."

The kiss sparked something inside of me again, the urges were already returning. If I was getting horny so quickly Mom was probably going nuts. I knew Drakes cell number and decided I should text him. It was either that or Mom might ask me to share Adam. If Mom was horny enough she might just forgive Drake and let him back in.

The urges got worse as Adam kissed me again. I wanted him then and there in my room, or at least I wanted to suck him. As he kissed me my hands found his bulge and he grunted as I grabbed him through his shorts. My door was wide open and I knew I probably had less than ten minutes before the time on the oven went off. I pulled away from him, kicked my door closed but didn't hear it latch and didn't care. I turned back around and grabbed for his hardening dick.

"Now? Here? Already?" he said as I pulled at his shorts.

"Are you complaining again?" I asked, pulling his shorts down with his boxers.

"What about your mom and dinner?" he asked as I fell to my knees in front of him.

"I'll work fast," I said taking him into my mouth.

It was like a drug I had to have, as soon as I had his warm hard cock in my mouth I felt better, almost instant relief as the sensation of his arched rod filled my mouth. He moaned loudly before cutting it off in fear and looked down at me. I peered up, sucked harder and began stroking as well since I didn't have time to just use my mouth. He tasted wonderful, and was soon oozing in my mouth the slippery pre-cum. My sex tingle, my nipples hardened and I went to work like I've never done before.

From my vantage point, if I looked right I could see my bedroom door. It hadn't closed all the way and therefore wasn't locked. If my mom walked in right now it would be really bad. The excitement of that thought and slight fear spurred me on. I worked Adam's cock fast and vigorous, creating a foam with his juice and my saliva, using all my skill to get him to cum as soon as possible. His balls were already tight and he was as hard as ever. He recovers very quickly and could be the perfect boyfriend since it looks like this issue I have isn't going away anytime soon.

Three or so minutes had gone by; I could feel his legs tightening and knew he was very close. From out of the corner of my eye I saw movement and looked toward the door without slowing down my sucking. Mom was peeking through the crack watching. Adam didn't know and I wasn't about to stop. If anything it encouraged me more. I still wanted her approval and to show her what I had learned and how far I had come since that first 'lesson' with her and Drake. I kept my eyes on Mom, taking Adam deep and playing with his balls. Just then he began to cum, deep in my throat and I swallowed the spurts as fast as they came. They were not as thick as before, runnier than the first time but he came quite a bit, bucking and squirming as I held him deep in my mouth and sucked his load out.

By the time he was finished and I pulled off of him, licking my lips, Mom was gone. Seconds later I heard the timer on the oven begin to beep.

"There's dinner, just made it," I said standing up.

"Holy shit, Suzy, that was amazing," Adam said, pulling up his shorts.

"Thanks, I think I'm getting better each time."

"I'll say. I can't believe how good that felt and how fast I came."

"We should go out to dinner, though I'm surprisingly full now," I said, giggling.

He just shook his head and I grabbed his hand, heading toward the kitchen. Mom was taking the food out of the oven, acting like nothing had happened. When she saw us she just smiled pleasantly and brought the food over. Sitting down we enjoyed a nice meal and pleasant conversation. After dinner Mom asked me to help with the dishes and Adam stayed at the table finishing his apple juice.

"Very nice work in your bedroom earlier. You've got blowjobs down," my mom said, quietly.

"I've had lots of practice. Adam's perfect, Mom, he's always ready to go when I need him."

"So was Drake, he never disappointed."

"Do you think you can forgive him...? I mean it's really not his fault, it's mine. I never understood what you saw in him, but I understand now, boy do I. You need him to come home, Mom. You'll go nuts without him."

"I know. It was all I could do not to walk in your room and help suck Adam. I finally had to wrench myself away when he started cumming in your mouth. I couldn't stand to watch anymore without participating. I noticed you didn't eat much dinner. He must have given you a good load."

"He did, he's got quite the potency, I don't know where it all comes from."

I had to admit two things. One it was very odd to be talking to my mom about this stuff and two I enjoyed it. It was something we now had in common. We were both nymphos and as we talked quietly we sort of bonded and it was clear she forgave me for fucking Drake, but whether she would forgive him was still up in the air.


"You going to be okay without me tonight?" Adam asked as I walked him to his car.

"It's going to be a struggle and I'll probably attack you as soon as we're alone next, but I'll manage."

He chuckled, but I wasn't kidding. I already wanted him. A blowjob helps with the urges but I needed a good hard fuck again already. Whatever I inherited from my mother was getting worse. I needed to learn to control it better like she was doing now.

I kissed Adam good night for a while before finally letting him drive off, missing him already. I walked back inside and Mom was waiting for me.

"How you holding up?" I asked her.

"Fine, I'll manage."

"I don't know how you're doing it; I'd be going crazy by now."

"I'm older than you, I can control it better."

"You'll have to teach me. I can't believe how strong it is, Mother, and it's only getting worse since all of this has happened."

"Good thing you have an outlet in Adam. Now you know why Drake and I felt it important to teach you and encourage you to find a boy. I knew this was coming, you actually surprised me how long it laid dormant."

"Well it's full on alive now. You really should call Drake, tell him to come home and at least talk about it. I know you're dying for some, probably thinking about Drake's huge cock constantly."

"It is amazing, but you know that," she said giving me a dirty look. "And yes I'm thinking about it. It's just I don't know if I can forgive him. I mean, really, he fucked my daughter! How am I supposed to forgive that?"

"By knowing what your daughter is and that the urges caused it to happen."

"Yes, maybe, but he knows how we are, and knew you were going to be the same way soon. He was hoping to have you and me, that was obvious. And it looks like he succeeded."

"Well, can you blame him? I mean we are damn hot and love it so much and need it so bad, why wouldn't he take advantage?"

"Point taken. I'll consider it. You need to get to bed. You missed school doing your new boyfriend and need to go tomorrow and make sure you graduate, young lady."

"I know, it was worth a day off. I can't tell you how awesome today was. I get hot just thinking about it."

"Bed, now... before you get too worked up to sleep."

"Okay. And what about you?" I asked.

"I won't sleep, I'm sure of that. But I have plenty of toys to keep me occupied so just ignore the screams if I get too carried away."

"Wow, okay, I can't believe we're talking about this so openly now, but it just feels right, like we're... bonding, ya know?"

"Yes, it's nice to have my daughter talking to me again and finally understanding me."

I headed to my room, hoping to get to sleep before I heard any of those screams she mentioned. If I did, I might not be able to sleep and I only had the one toy.


The next morning I woke up early, the urges were terrible. I woke up sweating with my nipples taunt, pussy flooding and practically climaxing already. Must have been the dream. It was crazy... Adam's entire soccer team was gangbanging me. It was all so real. I remember their faces from practice, even the coach was in on it. I had a cock in every hole, something that hasn't happened in real life, but I loved it in the dream. I wondered what it would really feel like to have a cock in my ass and pussy, mouth, hands.... Judas! I was way too worked up now.

I looked at the clock, 4:45 A.M. I knew I would never get back to sleep so I got my new toy out and began to play with it, shoving it in and out of my body but soon got frustrated. I needed Adam in a bad way. Knowing the toy wouldn't do it for me. I first tried texting him but he didn't reply quick enough for me so I called his phone. He finally answered.

"Suzy? What's up? It's like five in the morning."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just... well I need it... I need you?" I stammered.

"Rough night?" he asked.

"I slept, well up 'till now and it's bad, Sweetie... can I come over?"

"My dad's still here, not a good idea. I could come to you?"

"Okay, just don't ring the doorbell; I'll be waiting for you. We'll try and be quiet."

"On my way."

The fifteen minutes it took him to get to my house was pure torture. Secretions were dripping down my legs as I stood by the door waiting for him. It didn't help that I was playing with my clit under my nightshirt but it was impossible not to. I wanted it... no needed it so bad. Finally I heard his truck pull up and watched through the peephole until he was on the porch. I opened the door quietly and let him in. Damn he looked good. I wanted to attack the moment I saw him, right there in the front entry way. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my room.