My Sister Made Me Ch. 09


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He glanced over and burst out laughing at her antics, causing her to grin. "Just kidding," she said, smiling.

"Craig," he said, nodding at her.

"Sam," she said with a smile.

She did a few more reps with the free weights, ignoring Craig for the remainder of the time, and looked back over at the first guy that had spoken to her. He was still watching her, and she found that she could watch him without him seeing that she was doing so. His eyes were basically locked on her ass when she wasn't looking.

She smirked. She hadn't thought that she had much of a butt, but she knew that guys were attracted to weird things sometimes. She smirked quietly and finished up her set. Then, feeling delightfully naughty, she set the weights back on the rack and then lined up in front of the mirror, glancing around the room as she moved back and seeing a dozen or so pairs of eyes on her, Dane's among them.

She wondered if she should just behave herself, her brother watching and all, but then shrugged internally. If he was ogling her, that was his fault.

Straightening her legs, she put her arms up and stretched, then leaned back and made of a show of stretching before switching directions and touching her toes. She locked her knees and made sure that she kept her legs straight, knowing that the guys in the room probably wouldn't be able to resist looking. Feeling deliciously bad, she kept her head low and glanced between her calves. She couldn't see everyone, but those she could had their eyes locked on her rump, not to mention that all other sound had stopped.

She raised up again, her arms reaching for the sky, and exhaled. Out off the corner of her eye, she saw a guy holding a phone, and realized that he was videoing her. She briefly wondered if she should call him out on it but decided against it. Glancing over, she gave him a look that told him that she knew what he was doing. He looked up just as she smirked and shook her head in mock-dismay.

He grinned, putting the phone down, garnering a wink from her in response, along with a mouthed, "Thanks."

A few more times, she bent low, stretching her back and leg muscles, always keeping her knees straight to give the guys a good look at what she was working with.

Finally, she stood up and looked around. All the guys were staring at her, and she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Could you guys be any more obvious," she said between laughs.

They chuckled, realizing that they'd been caught.

The first guy came over though, obviously not one to be caught flat-footed. "Come on now, you know you've been carrying on over here." There was a murmur of assent.

She smiled and shrugged. "Maybe," she said. "I don't mind all that much."

"Who would've thought there would be a chick that doesn't mind getting' ogled," one of the guys said.

She snickered. "You guys know you ogle the other girls too," she said. "You can't fool me."

They shrugged, and Craig seemed to speak for the rest of them. "Yeah, but we have to be sneaky and shit about it."

She looked at him, slightly confused. "They obviously know you're looking. They dress in tight outfits for a reason." She sighed, shaking her head. "I don't understand other girls sometimes."

"Yeah, we have to be like... a ninja with that shit," another guy said. "Can't be lettin' them catch you watchin' them titties bounce," he said, grinning and getting a few high-fives.

She laughed as well, catching a look of mild concern from Dane. She ignored him. "Well, consider me one "chick" that doesn't mind the looks."

The guys all looked around at each other and a quiet cheer went up from them. She laughed and looked around.

"What should I work out on next?" she asked, looking around at them.

The guys looked around at each other, and then all smiled widely.

"Come on," she said. "You've been good boys and have left me alone. I'll work out wherever you like, and you can watch whatever you want."

"Shit," one of them said. "You're the coolest chick ever."

She giggled. "Just don't tell my boyfriend," she said, wiggling a finger at him. There was a smattering of groans from them, and she raised an eyebrow. "What, you don't want to ogle me now that you know I have a boyfriend?"

There was another smattering of laughter and she turned, looking around at the machines.

"Squats," one of the guys asked, looking around at the others.

"Oh, hell yeah," another guy said, slapping the guy's hand in celebration.

Sam smirked and shrugged. "Okay, but you'll have to put the lightest weights on for me. I am actually here to get a good workout."

She was almost disappointed when none of them took the opportunity to make a lewd comment about giving her a good workout. Still, she knew she better not push her luck.

Craig took the liberty of putting the five pound weights on for her, and she stepped in to the weight rack. He began to coach her through the process and told her where to put her feet and how to hold herself.

She realized then why the guys were happy to have her do the squats. Her butt would stick out pretty far, and her boobs would hang low for a few seconds. She laughed, seeing their eyes lock on her cleavage for the first time that she bent low.

They cheered her on, some in front watching her cleavage, a few more in back, watching her ass flexing and releasing.

"God, you guys are easy to entertain," she said, setting the bar down after a few reps.

"Sweetie," one particularly tall black guy said, "You fine as fuck. That's some good entertainment if you ask me."

She smiled. "Aww, that's sweet."

She stepped back into the rack again and did a few more reps, feeling the real burn in her thighs and butt, deciding that she liked squats.

The guys asked her questions, and she answered them as honestly as she could. Her name, how often she came to work out, and things about her boyfriend and not minding being ogled.

"Well, honestly, it's empowering to know that a guy wants you. It can be scary out there for women, but if you know how to handle the attention, it can be exciting."

"Man, I wish more girls were like you," one of the guys said.

She shrugged. "Both of my sisters are much more outgoing than I am," she said. "I'm actually the good girl of the family."

They all laughed at that and continued to watch as she toweled off and moved around to another area.

"Where to now?" she asked, smiling as they followed her.

"Shit, the showers," one of them said, drawing some loud laughs.

She laughed along with them and shook her head.

"Bench press," one of them asked.

She shrugged and went to lay down as a couple of the guys changed weights. The first guy that spoke to her moved around to help spot her, and she had to stop herself from laughing.

He'd moved up until he was practically kneeling on the bench, the top of her head against his legs. She couldn't be sure, but she thought she saw the tell-tale shape of his cock. Then, suddenly, he shifted, and it was very apparent, hanging down from his underwear and looking impressive.

"So the point is to get me to look at your dick?" she asked, causing him to grin and wink down at her.

She giggled, and shook her head, forcing herself to look way.

A few sets later, another guy took the first one's place. She found herself looking upward, but he was wearing white jockeys, as were the next couple. Finally, her arms burning, she figured that she had had enough ogling and working out.

"Well, I think that does it for me guys," she said. She smiled, seeing Dane head toward the showers. Just as soon as he disappeared into the locker room, she stood and went over to get her things.

"Yo Sam, mind if I get a pic?" the tall black guy asked.

She shrugged. Customers too asked to take pictures of her all the time at Double D's.

He came over and held out his phone, his arm around her and smiling widely. She grinned, seeing that her cleavage would be featured prominently in the photo.

She laughed, shaking her head. "Here," she said, taking it from him. She held it a few inches above her sports bra and snapped the photo, then tossed it back.

The other guys immediately got out their phones and began jockeying for position. Laughing, she went about letting them take selfies with her, much like when she was at work, and then let them take obvious photos of her top, her cleavage on display.

Hearing a snap behind her, she saw Craig holding his phone out and snapping a pic of her ass. She smirked, and bent over slightly, causing a new flurry of activity. She held the pose for a few moments so everyone could get a pic, and then playfully waved.

"Thanks for making this an entertaining evening," she said, smiling and waving as she walked toward the women's changing room. "You were incredibly well-behaved."

She could feel them watching her as she walked away and felt incredibly empowered and sexy. She knew that every single one of them was going to go home and jerk off, showering their muscled chests and washboard stomachs with their warm, sticky cum. Stifling a moan at the lascivious thoughts in her mind, she wished that it wasn't going to waste and that somehow she could drink every last drop. Feeling naughty again, she turned right before she got to the bathroom and saw that they were all still watching.

"Such good little pervs," she said, smiling. Reaching up, she took hold of the zipper and lowered it a little. "My good pervs deserve a bit of a reward for cheering me up."

Phones came out again, and she giggled, pulling the zipper down as they started to click away and take photos.

Her breasts, the nipples already erect from excitement, spilled free and the guys groaned collectively.

After letting them get pics, she waved playfully and went immediately to the bathroom. Once she was safely inside with the door closed, she gasped out in surprise at her own actions, collapsing against the door and laughing out loud. Reaching a hand up, she put it up against her chest and felt her heart pounding, then covered her mouth for a moment.

"I can't believe I just did all that!" she said to the empty room.

Smiling now, she quietly realized that she must gotten turned on even more by what had happened and how she'd behaved. She ran a hand down to her crotch and felt the fabric. It was slightly damp. In a mild panic, she went over to the mirror and looked at the shorts. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that you couldn't tell.

Thinking back to health class in high school, she knew that some girls could experience lubrication down there when they were aroused. She smiled quietly to herself. Besides constantly thinking about dick, now her nether regions were starting to get... wet, was that the right phrase?

She briefly considered taking a shower but figured that it wasn't the safest idea; not with all the guys she'd just deliberately turned on still out there. Instead, she zipped the sports bra back up and went to the locker. Gathering up the stuff, she came out of the bathroom and saw most of the guys still there.

"Don't forget this," Craig said, holding up the water bottle in his meaty paw.

She smiled and took it from him. "Thanks!" she said, turning and heading for the exit.

"You gonna be here tomorrow?" one of them asked. She smiled quietly to herself and stopped, turning back around.

"I don't think I'll have time, but don't let that stop you from looking around for me sometime," she said, still not believing that she was doing so.

She waved playfully again and turned, heading out the door and to her car. She glanced over at where Dane was parked and saw him waiting in his truck. He wiggled a finger at her like she'd been a naughty little kid and she grinned widely, then shrugged. He smiled and waved, then started his vehicle and pulled out.

Sam smiled, feeling satisfied. She was still horny and tired from the workout but satisfied. Hopping into her car, she quickly started it and pulled out, heading home.



For Alex, the second day of class was certainly going to be interesting, to say the least. She and Toni had signed up for the same course, unbeknownst to the other sister. It wasn't until the day of the class that they actually realized it.

"What are you going to wear?" Toni asked. "Wanna be a little slutty and make me think about licking your pussy all day?"

Alex smiled and shook her head, glancing out of the bathroom door and looking for anyone that might have heard. Turning back, she sighed at her twin. "Keep it down!"

Toni smirked and shrugged. "I don't care who hears me," she said. "You and I both had sex with Dane already and you nearly did with Danny as well."

Alex smiled, despite her attempts not to. Technically, sucking a dick was considered sex, at least in her estimation. Danny had cum in her mouth and she had most definitely wrapped her lips around the head as he did so.

"Like either of them is going to have a problem with it?" Toni added, peering into the mirror and doing her makeup.

"Well, Samantha doesn't know, and there's still our parents that we probably don't want to find out," she pointed out.

Toni shrugged again. "I'll just blame it on you."

Alex sighed, causing Toni to laugh out loud. Turning, she smiled and came up to her twin, her arms going inside of Alex's and pulling her tight. Smiling playfully, Toni squeezed with her arms, hugging her twin and playfully squeezing her butt.

"I'm just kidding Alex," she said. "I'm just thinking about how good it felt to take care of you last night."

A pleasant memory flashed into her mind for a moment and Alex couldn't contain herself. Leaning forward, she smiled and kissed Toni on the lips.

Her pent-up orgasm from the previous night had been super-intense. Toni had prodded her about what had her so turned on, and she told her twin about the incredibly hot encounter with Brie Logan, and what was going on within their family.

Toni had commented, "There must be something in the water," since incest seemed to be more prevalent there.

Alex had been getting her pussy absolutely devoured by her talented twin and couldn't really respond. Toni had several fingers inside of her and was expertly licking her pussy in a perfect rhythm. When she'd orgasmed, it had made her head pound and she blacked out for a few seconds, her skin tingly and pussy super-sensitive for several long minutes. Her legs shook for a good half hour afterward, and Alex had slept very hard.

Toni stepped back, seeing the sigh of happiness and look of pleasure on her face, grinning as she did so.

"Someone liked what I did last night?" she asked.

Alex nodded, smiling widely. "I don't think I've ever cum so hard," she admitted, blushing.

Toni kissed her again, longer than before. Her tongue pushed into Alex's mouth and she sucked gently at her lips. "Well, good," she said, breaking off and returning to her makeup.

Smiling, Alex went back to doing her own. She'd been paying attention to Toni's lessons about putting on makeup more and more, throughout the summer. She only needed to ask Toni a few things every once in awhile and would usually just get her final approval to make sure everything looked good.

"That's what I was going for," Toni added. "You work this afternoon?"

Alex shook her head. "I'm free if you want to come home and let me return the favor."

Toni smiled but shook her head. "I'm working the afternoon and dinner shift," she said.

Frowning, Alex nodded and refocused on the job at hand.

"You can always see if Beck wants to do something, or if he's busy, you can call my boyfriend over for a fuck." Toni didn't even look up as she spoke.

"I might see if I can get Beck to hang out," Alex said. "It's a little weird that you want me to fuck your boyfriend."

Toni shrugged. "If Beck has any talent in the sack, I expect you to let me fuck him too."

Alex briefly mused about how consumed with sex her life had become and nodded. "I know, but it's just... odd."

Toni shrugged again. "It's just sex, babe."

Alex shrugged, only offering, "Maybe," as an answer. As she turned to leave a few minutes later, Toni stopped her one last time.

"Wear a skirt with no panties, or I'll make you," she said, smiling.

Alex sighed. "Toni... can't we just go to class normally today? It's the second day of school!"

Toni grinned and shook her head. "I feel like being dirty," she explained.

Alex sighed, knowing that if she didn't skip panties, that Toni would do something like make her take them off in front of her.

After getting dressed and getting the final approval from Toni, her twin made her lift up her skirt. Alex rolled her eyes and did as she asked, showing she indeed didn't have any underwear on.

Toni came forward quickly as the two stood in her room. Sliding a single finger across her clit and then gently inside, Toni kissed her again, then pulled the finger out and pushed it upward into Alex's mouth, before she withdrew it again and kissed her once more.

"Just think about how horny I'm going to be, sitting there thinking about your hungry, naked pussy sitting a few feet away from my tongue that's going to be buried in it as soon as I get home tonight," she said.

Alex whimpered and closed her eyes, feeling Toni's hand slide inside her again. Groaning, she backed up to get away, but only succeeded in finding the closed door to her twin's room. She briefly thought Toni might drop to her knees, and it actually looked like she was when Alex opened her eyes to check.

"God..." Toni said. "It's too bad we've gotta leave 'cuz I wanna lick that pussy right now."

Alex whimpered again, her twin's finger pulsing in and out. Suddenly, it was gone and her twin had turned around to finish getting dressed.

Seeing her opportunity, Alex quickly opened the door and left, having to walk slowly to steady herself for a few steps.

After retrieving her backpack, she went downstairs and had a quick breakfast before heading off to school.

Walking into her first class, she saw that Toni had a seat for her in the back of the room. She would have preferred to sit more to the middle, but it was a moot point now.

In typical fashion, Toni started flirtatiously talking to the boy that sat down next to her. As soon as Alex sat next to her, another guy, this one relatively good looking, sat down on her other side.

"Behave," Alex whispered, glancing at Toni as she smiled playfully.

Class was relatively dull, and the professor was one of those that didn't let them leave early on the first day. Toni, surprisingly, didn't mess with her at all, but instead talking to the guy next to her for most of the class.

Afterward, she caught a wink and playful wave from her twin before she turned to go to her next class. Spending the free time she had, she texted Beck and asked what he was doing after he was done.

"Nothing," he said. "What about you?"

"Oh, nothing," Alex replied. "Was going to see if you wanted to come over and hang out?"

"Sure," he sent back. "But you're welcome to come over to my place," he said. "We can watch TV or something."

She smiled. Maybe he was going to put the moves on her after all!

Smiling, she texted back that she would be happy to, and let him know that she would meet him at 1:00 if that worked. After her last class, she quickly went home and freshened up, dropping off her books and actually putting on panties. She definitely didn't want to give Beck any reason to think she was a slut.

Time seemed to drag while she was waiting, but eventually she hopped in her car and drove over to the address that Beck sent. He lived in a pretty decent neighborhood and his apartments were surprisingly nice. She texted him that she was there, and a few seconds later, he opened the door.

She got out of the car and returned his wide smile as she walked up to the door.
