My Sister Made Me Ch. 22


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He paused just before knocking, though, suddenly unsure of his decision. He sighed, steeling his resolve and quietly knocking.

There was no answer.

"Sam," he said.

Again, there was nothing.

He sighed and looked at the floor, resigning himself to defeat.

Of course, he'd fucked things up. Of course, he had.

His head shot back up as the door quickly opened again. Sam reached out and grabbed his arm, yanking him inside before shutting and locking the door behind her.

He moved quickly over to the bed, unsure of what he could possibly say to smooth things over. Turning around, he saw that she had only moved a few feet from the door, her hands crossed across her chest and a severe look on her face.

"Look," he began, raising his hands.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she whisper-yelled. "Seriously? Are you fucking with me right now?"

"Sam, calm down and I'll explain," he stammered, shocked at how angry she was.

"You and I were together once, and you treat me like I'm some kind of leper, but you have no problem fucking Alex? Are you fucking kidding me?"

He sighed and rubbed his eyes, figuring that it was best to let her get it all out of her system before he explained everything.

To his surprise though, it seemed like she'd already finished yelling at him.

He looked up, seeing her still glaring at him angrily.

Taking a deep breath, he made a silent promise to himself to tell her everything that he'd done and not hold anything back.

"I didn't want you to find out about me and the twins like that," he said.

"Of course you're fucking both of them," she said, rolling her eyes and throwing her hands up.

"Sam," he said sternly. "I'm trying to explain things and admitting my guilt in all of this. The least you could do is listen."

She turned and looked at him, her mouth open in surprise. She quickly closed it again though, still looking irritable.

"Just come and sit on the bed, okay?"

She stared at him hard for a while, then nodded. The gesture seemed to calm her a bit and she moved closer. He moved around and took a seat near the headboard, gesturing for her to join him. She did so after a few seconds, staring hard at him as she sat at the other end.

"I'm going to tell you everything. Please just let me finish before you say anything."

She nodded at a few tense seconds.

He didn't look at her while he gathered his thoughts and tried to recall all that had happened.

"I should have told you everything after we were intimate the first time, but I guess I just didn't know how. Plus, we had other shit to deal with and I didn't want to add more to what you were already going through."

He rubbed his temples for a moment.

"I've had months and months to try and figure out how all this got started, but I'm still not sure I understand it all."

He chuckled, shaking his head at the futility of trying to make sense of it all.

"Regardless, it all began shortly after the twins' birthday last year."

"That long ago?" she snapped, but then quickly held her tongue, raising her hands to show that she was going to let him continue without interruption.

"Yeah, that long ago," he confirmed. "From what I can figure out, whatever it is that causes the women in our family to have extremely high sex drives is at least partly to blame. I know that sounds like I'm not taking the blame for my part, but trust me, there's plenty that I did."

He adjusted the towel around him, suddenly wishing that he'd stopped for some boxers at least.

"Alex's sexual awakening or whatever you want to call it, is what made her start flirting with me. It started small. There were times when one of us would be in the bathroom and the other would come in. Normally we'd be typical brother and sister and say mean shit to one another or just ignore each other. But then one day it just started getting weirdly erotic between the two of us. She'd drop her towel in front of me or deliberately start showering while I was still in the room. Or if I was the one in the shower she'd just be there watching and flirting. That went on for a few weeks and we got closer and closer to actually doing something. At one point she had me so turned on that I actually jerked off in the shower with her."

He chuckled in amusement at the memory, then caught himself and concealed his smile.

"Sorry," he muttered. "I know that it sounds like I'm putting the blame on her shoulders but I'm really not. I mean, yeah, she very clearly shares part of the blame, but at the same time, it feels like I can't fault her because of the way her sex drive seems to push her, kind of like it does you."

He fell silent for a few seconds, pondering that point before refocusing and continuing.

"Anyway, she kept flirting and pushing my buttons, massaging my ego and telling me that she'd let me have her if I wanted her, or that I could get a blowjob whenever I wanted. But for a long, long time that's all it was."

Shaking his head, he took a deep breath, readying himself for what was to come.

"But then, something changed one day. Toni and Alex, joined Danny and I and our girlfriends at a party. That night, due to some alcohol-related mix-ups, Hannah ended up in my bed and Sally ended up with Danny. We'd all gone too far by the time Alex figured out what was going on and tried fixing the issue."

The image of Hannah on her knees in front of him came to mind and he had to quickly push it out of his head before it caused issues.

"It was around this time that Alex's flirting started to get more... intense. It was as if she was actively trying to get me to have sex with her. I'd known that she was already sleeping with Toni's boyfriend Wade, and now she was trying to get me to fuck her too. It was maddening, honestly. Let me just say that she's very, very good at getting a guy turned on."

The image of her standing seductively under the stream of water in the shower filled his head, her dark-brown hair cascading around her shoulders and her eyes smoldering embers of lust melting his resolve. Again, he forced himself to push the memory away and focus.

"So, one day, Sally was over. We were fooling around but then she had to leave to go and do something with her parents, so we didn't get to finish. So, I was pent-up and needed to have a release before I went to work that night."

A long silence filled the space between the two as he drew quiet again.

"Fuck," he said shaking his head. He took another deep breath and looked up. There wasn't going to be an easy way of telling her what had happened. He couldn't do anything to make himself look good from any angle, not that he felt like he should.

"So, I just decided to take Alex up on her offer. I figured that if she was offering to fuck me and flirting with me so heavily, then I had no reason not to accept. She was in the shower at the time of this epiphany of mine, so I just walked in, stripped down, and got in with her. The first that she knew I was there; my hands were on her hips and I was... well..."

"Fucking her."

He looked up, seeing a different look on Sam's face than the one that had been there before. She was interested.

"Yeah," he confirmed.

"So, she has an orgasm and lets me in on something obvious that I missed. You can probably guess what it was."

"Oh no," Sam said, covering her mouth. "You didn't."

"Yeah," he said. "It was Toni, not Alex."

Sam was silent for three and a half seconds before she burst out laughing for a few seconds.

"Oh, you idiot," she said, shaking her head.

"I know," he agreed.

"Was she pissed?"

"Honestly, no," he said. "She loved it. I mean, I was flipping out, but she was telling me how hard she came and that she wanted to do it again. She quickly convinced me to keep going so we did. I felt suitably terrible afterward. She told Alex what had happened, and they shared a laugh at my expense. Then, they tried to get me to join them."

"Wait, what?" she asked. "Join them?"

He nodded. "The twins... well... you know. With each other."

"Oh... my... God..." she said, shaking her head.

After a few seconds she turned to lay down on the bed on her back, an arm up over her eyes.

"They're fucking each other. You're fucking both of them. What the hell is going on in this family? Is there anyone that isn't fucking a sibling?"

He was glad to see that even though it was heavy news, she seemed to be taking as lightly as possible given the subject matter.

"I don't think Danny and Toni have had sex," he said. "At least not yet."

"Wait... Danny has been with Alex too?"

He smirked at her as she turned to regard him.

For the next few hours, Dane spilled his guts about everything he could concerning his siblings. He went into depth about all the flirting he and Alex had done. He told her all that he knew about Alex and Toni having sex with each other and then went into great detail about the night that Alex had seduced Sally with him. He told her about the night that she'd gone over to Hannah and Danny's apartment and seduced him just in time for Dane and Sally to come in and catch them in flagrante. No detail was spared as he talked and talked. By the end of it, Sam was no longer upset. She was listening intently and laughing along with him.

"I'm sorry for treating you the way I did after the first time we were together," he said after the tale had been told.

She smiled and gave a quiet "thank you" in response.

"I just figured that you had enough shit to deal with without me adding anymore than I had. I didn't mean to lie to you or mislead you about anything."

"I understand, Dane," she said, moving up beside him and clutching at his hand. "I don't blame you for any of it though. I mean, yeah, you shouldn't have just started randomly fucking one of your sisters in the shower."

He sighed and shook his head, looking at her with mock disdain.

"Hey," she said, turning looking at him. "You know that I meant what I said last night, right? I love you, Dane."

He was caught in that moment by the pure beauty he was seeing in front of him. Her blonde hair was pulled back behind her ears, her blemish free skin pale and soft. She smelled of strawberries and rose petals, her eyes sparkling and bright.

"I can't imagine loving anyone more," he said, squeezing her hand.

She blushed a bit, but then leaned in to kiss him.

"For what its worth, though, what you saw earlier was seriously weird. I mean it. She just wouldn't stop, no matter what I said."

Sam winced, then shrugged. "I can kind of relate to what she was feeling," she said. "I'm already feeling the 'hunger' growing inside me again, and I know for a fact how powerful the urge to fuck someone can be."

"Maybe you're right," he said, shrugging. "Still, I'm sorry that you had to find out that way. I was planning on telling you when we had a chance to talk."

"Mmmhmm," she said playfully.

"You see..." he said, shaking his head and causing her to giggle.

Dane was silent for a few seconds before he cleared his throat again. "I'll have a talk with her and tell her that it's not appropriate for the two of us to fool around anymore, okay?"

Sam looked at him in surprise. "Why?" she asked, but then immediately chuckled and shook her head. "Us," she realized.

"I care about you," he said. "I don't want to hurt you. I mean, I know my track record isn't great right now, but I can be faithful."

"Dane, listen to me," she said, sliding her hand along his.

He looked at her, expecting the worst.

"You said yourself that you know how powerful this... hunger inside me is. Alex and Toni have it as well. From what Mom has admitted, both she and my birth mom had it, and God knows what kinds of trouble they got into. What I'm saying is that Alex, Toni, and I have a much higher sex drive than most men are used to. It's sweet that you don't want to cheat on me. I'd love to be able to say that I can be faithful and true and not have sex with anyone else. But that's just not reality. I mean, you can see why that wouldn't be logical, right?"

He frowned at her, unsure of what she was getting at.

"Because we're siblings?" he asked.

She covered her eyes for a second. "No," she said slowly, giggling at him. "I like that you're my brother and that I'm fucking you. What I'm saying is that you can't always promise that you're going to be there when I need... sexual attention or whatever you want to call it. Don't you think that the same is going to be true for Alex and Toni and that you might be the one that needs to help them?"

He hadn't considered that.

"Dane, I didn't want to have a conversation with you so that we could declare ourselves a couple and start planning a future. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, but we've clearly got other issues to deal with."

"No, I didn't expect that," he said, shaking his head.

"I love you more than I've loved anyone," she said. "I want to be with you and be a couple; I really really do. But that's not going to be easy, and not just because we're siblings. You're a wonderful lover and you're one of the few men that I've been with that can make this ache inside me go away for a little while. But..." she said, drawing his chin up with her hand, "it always comes back."

He didn't say anything for a long while, digesting the information and processing everything. Eventually he looked up and nodded.

"I understand what you mean," he said. "And I would agree with you. I think that... no... I hope... that you and I can... I dunno... find something together through all this. I think that we can be as faithful to one another as possible and though we won't put any restrictions on each other, I think that we need to agree to always make time to be with each other."

She smiled, leaning in and kissing him tenderly before sitting back.

"I'll try to be there when you need me, and if I can't, then that's okay," he said. "I think you're right and that we both need to be okay with the other person being intimate with other people.

"At least for now," she said, smiling at him sweetly. "There might come a time in the future that I want you all to myself."

He smiled at that and looked down, feeling her fingers on his palm. After a few seconds of nervously tapping, she looked up at him and started to say something, but then stopped.

"I wanted to let you know something, but I don't know if you even want to know," she explained. "I just don't want you to find out somehow and be upset."

He caressed her hand, wondering what it could possibly be.

"Wade is one of the men that I've been with," she said. "Toni was also trying to help me control myself and let me use him."

Though he was surprised, he found that he was relatively okay with that nugget of information. It wasn't like that was going to be the one thing about her that he got mad at when everything else was okay.

"I guess... I'm glad that he was there when you needed him," he said. "How uh... how many times?"

"Twice now," she revealed.

He nodded, falling silent and digesting.

"You okay?" she asked, caressing his palm.

He nodded, then after a few seconds said, "Yeah, I am."

"Good," she said. "I'd happily tell you all of my sordid secrets, but I'm pretty sure that you know them all now."

"I doubt that," he said, drawing a mock look of shock for his efforts.

"You know," she said, "there are some definite perks to being with me."

"Besides just being with you?" he quipped, eliciting a giggle.

"I'll bet that Duncan, Kara, and Kelly would love to get to know you. You could always come along the next time that I go over and fuck the three of them."

"The three of them?" he asked, smirking at her.

"Mmmhmm," she said. "Kara worked at Double D's with me. She's in a relationship with Duncan and Kelly, a married couple. The three of them are part of the group at The Mess Around, too."

"I see," he said amused.

"Duncan is the only other man that has been able to make me feel almost as good as you do, baby," she said, smiling at him.

"Oh yeah?" he asked.

"Actually, if I'm being honest, Wade is a very good lover as well," she admitted. "But yeah, Duncan, Kelly, and Kara are tons of fun to play with."

"And you want to include me all this fun?"

"Of course," she said. "Wouldn't you like to fuck a cute couple of redheads?"

"I mean... yeah," he said with an easy laugh. "But I think you're forgetting something important."

"What?" she asked at length, frowning.

"We're siblings," he reminded her. "They're just going to be okay with that?"

She giggled, shrugging. "Maybe," she said. "I can be pretty convincing. Oh!" she said, snapping her fingers. "I've got to introduce you to my girlfriend, Zoey! I'd bet that she's got an open mind. I'll probably be spending more time with her, regardless."

"Why's that?" he asked.

"We're lovers," she clarified.

"No," he said. "I mean, why are you spending more time with her?"

"Well, I can't exactly go back to being the girl in the closet at The Mess Around," she pointed out. "I don't think Mom and Dad are going to stop going."

"That's a good point," he said. "I'm sorry. I know that place was a good way for you to get some relief."

She shrugged. "I just feel bad for leaving them hanging, you know?"

He nodded, but then had a sudden thought.

"What about your friend?" he asked. "Zelda was it?"

She smirked, "Zoey," she said. "What about her?"

"Well, since you can't be there because of mom and dad, she could be the girl in the box, couldn't she?"

Sam looked up into his eyes, quiet for several seconds.

"That's fucking brilliant."

"It is?" he asked, confused.

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Tx_PiklTx_Piklabout 1 month ago

No hate just grateful. Hope you will complete this awesome story. It is well written and worth my time to continue looking for more. Please continue and complete this awesome tale! Please.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I agree with other comments about the crossover with other stories adding confusion as to who is doing what to whom and what if anything it has to do with the primary relationships. What make things worse is that the crossover dependence means months and even years between chapters of all the related open stories.

Reading the authors recent comments he says he working on finishing this story, Little White Lies and JtSoU before staring back up with Lucky Man. I’ll believe it when I see it. Wish the author would stick to one story at a time and finish it. Writing the way he does it’s going to take years to finish this story and the others. The never ending JtSoU story is over 13 years old and now taking a year between chapters. I haven’t read it and have no desire to even start. I just hope I live long enough finish this story. There is little chance I’ll be around for more of Lucky Man!

VlvdoctorVlvdoctor5 months ago

Dude!!! Awesome series, when’s the next installment. Please focus on this series now, it’s by far the most gripping. Although I do want more of Dex story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I hate the crossovers with other stories. Makes for confusion and hard to keep the characters and their primary relationships straight with so many from different stories fucking each other. Also why so many crossovers to the defunct “Lucky Man” story? That story has been dormant for over 2 1/2 years now

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I admit that I’m hooked on this story not because it has a plot (it doesn’t) but because it’s so bizarre and over the top. Everyone simply goes around fucking everyone else; family, friends, friends of friends and each other male or female. Can’t wait until the next chapter to see how much more ridiculous the author can make all these characters look and act!

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