Naked at College 03 Pt. 02

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Andrea Ashbee and Henry Dworkin complete their day.
27k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 12/04/2006
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This story is Part Two of my Literotica version of the "Naked in School" series, started originally by Karen Wagner, who so graciously gave permission for others to use theme and components in their own versions. There is a bit of introductory material from the first part at the beginning of this story (to help remind the reader of basic story components) but Part Two will make very little sense without having read Part One. Part Two is again quite long, but it can easily be read in sections. Please also be warned that this story includes material beyond exhibitionism that some persons may not enjoy (e.g., mature, reluctance, submission), but it does fit best within the exhibitionistic genre. Otherwise, enjoy!!

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After departing Psychology 457, Humanistic Psychology, Andrea and Henry quickly headed for the Administration Building, where they had started this ignominious day. There was to be a special luncheon for them within the boardroom of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. The administration wanted to provide a clear demonstration of their support for the two students who were participating within the third exhibition of The Program at Abberville College wherein two fortunate students, or unfortunate, depending upon your perspective, had been selected to spend the day naked on campus.

Andrea and Henry were walking speedily from the Social Sciences Building to the Administration Building. The sooner they got there the sooner they would be out of the searching, prying eyes of their fellow undergraduates.

Henry had fully enjoyed much of the experience that morning, being able to proudly show off his big, stout erection (at least within his own mind), but at the moment he had little to show. He now felt pretty drained, having ejaculated twice already that morning. His penis wasn't much to look at right now. He knew that. But, he also knew he could do it more. Two times in one day was well below his record. He had at one time spent an entire morning, afternoon, and evening with his pornography, having found three amazing websites that provided hours upon hours of fabulous entertainment. Needless to say he was pretty spent by the end of the day, but it was most definitely a day well spent spending. It's really nice to have a hobby that one loves.

Andrea though was in a hurry, not so much to get where she was going but for the day to eventually end. It was difficult to believe that she was only half way through. She still had an entire afternoon to complete, an afternoon of rude, disrespectful, sexist, nasty young men all feasting their eyes on her exposed breasts, bum, and cunnie, and there was nothing she could do about it. In fact, if they asked politely she had to pose for them in any way that suited them. Yes, she most definitely was in a hurry. The sooner this day ended, the better.

Plus, at the moment, she was feeling a bit frustrated. Henry had cum in the last class but not Andrea. She had been left, well, unfinished, while her partner Ted clearly had a happy ending, all over her body no less. Guys can be such pigs!

When they arrived at the luncheon President Rayburn greeted them at the door. He was a driving force behind The Program and he wanted to demonstrate his enthusiastic support for the impressive effort of these two young participants. "Do come in, you two. We're so pleased to have you with us for lunch and don't you both look so wonderful! I imagine that it has been quite a day so far. We're so excited to hear about it."

"Oh, it's been great so far, President Rayburn," Henry exclaimed. Henry was more than happy to tell his tales, although it would seem a bit odd to tell the President of Abberville how he had managed to shoot his load in two straight classes. He felt that was a pretty good achievement (he wondered if he was ahead of Robert and Michael), but somehow he wasn't too sure that the President would share his enthusiasm.

Andrea smiled knowingly. Oh yes, he would hear about it...someday, and there would be quite a lot to tell.

Henry was smiling broadly, wondering what would be in store for the next two classes. If it was anything like the first two he would have to rest his nuts on some ice this evening.

However, when he looked around the room his spirits dropped. The room was filled with some of the top brass of the college. There was naturally President Rayburn and Dean Worell, but also in attendance was the intimidating Professor Stumpf, the strikingly attractive Ms. Billingsley, the football coach, Mr. Haywood, members of the Board of Trustees (Mr. Watson, a prominent car salesman; Mr. Clark, a leading banker; Mr. Paternite, CEO of Telecom; and Mr. Monroe, the faculty representative); and various other Deans, Chairs, and prominent faculty and alumni. It was a very intimidating group, even when you're not standing there entirely naked, with a very limp penis. Somehow he felt that this time he was not going to be stroked to an orgasm by a pretty coed.

"Well, please, don't just stand at the door. Come on in and meet your guests. Everyone is so very excited to see you."

Henry's hands instinctively went to his crotch but the raised eyebrow of President Rayburn compelled him to remove them.

"President Rayburn," Andrea suggested, "aren't you forgetting something?"

"Excuse me?"

"Aren't the participants," Andrea reminded him, "to be provided the opportunity for relief upon entering?"

President Rayburn chuckled. "Yes, well, Andrea," he explained, somewhat patronizingly, "I believe that only applies to classes." He turned to Ms. Billingsley, one of the creative founders of The Program. "Isn't that right, Ms. Billingsley."

She smiled. "Actually, sir, no. That is a common interpretation of The Program guidelines, as they were written, but in fact there is no such stipulation, as it is quite possible that one of the primary activities might not in fact be in a class. You might recall in the report from Robert that he obtained relief during his luncheon meeting with me" (see "Naked at College, #2, Part 2").

"Oh! Oh, um, yes, yes, of course, now that you mention it." Well, he sure felt hoisted on his own petard. "Yes, well, well, of course, um..." He looked around the room. This was a bit awkward, to say the least. There were a number of prominent faculty, administrative leaders, and alumni in the room, a few of them in fact deep pocket donors. Somehow he felt they wouldn't have the interest in seeing Henry jerk off. But, Ms. Billingsley was indeed correct. "Alright then," he turned to Henry. "Yes, young man." He lowered his voice, leaned down toward Henry, and spoke very slowly, "Would you like to obtain relief," all the while his eyes opening wide, trying to convey his hope that Henry would understand that they really, really, really didn't want him to do it.

Or, at least, President Rayburn didn't want him to do it. Ms. Billingsley, on the other hand, was all for it. She would in fact be very willing, and happy, to facilitate the young man's efforts, having enjoyed such activity with both Michael (see "Naked at College, #1, Part 2") and Robert. It's good to have members of the administration become more fully involved with The Program!

Henry sensed the ambivalence in President Rayburn's voice, but it was moot anyway. Not only was he not really interested in jerking off in front of a room full of middle-aged to older men, he needed some time for recuperation. A good respite and a fine meal would do him well for the next class, whatever that might involve. "Oh, no sir, that's alright."

President Rayburn breathed a deep sigh of relief. Well, that was fortunate.

"Are you sure?" Ms. Billingsley asked, stepping forward, and leaning over, letting the young man get a good peek down into her cleavage. "I would be very pleased to help you obtain your relief."

Wow. Well, that was a different story. Getting jerked off by such a pretty teacher was rather tempting, to say the least. Ms. Billingsley was a strikingly attractive woman. She had long, flowing blonde hair, a glowing smile with full red lips, pink round cheeks, and large green eyes with lashes that fluttered so flirtatiously. And, any male had to notice as well quite full, prominent breasts, with which she was doing little today to conceal. Many of the students within her drama class had crushes on her, and quite a few more had rather ribald fantasies.

She was wearing a tight white blouse through which her breasts seemed to be bursting to escape, straining the buttons for release from their distressful captivity. Plus, the cleavage opened up so thoughtfully as she bent over.

Henry noticed as well that Ms. Billiingsley's skirt was equally tight and extremely short, which did well to display her long, shapely legs, so nicely accentuated by light blue nylons. He didn't think he had ever seen a professor wear light blue nylons before.

He bit his lower lip. As her perfume wafted across his nostrils he contemplated the offer, but he again noticed the concern in President Rayburn's eyes, plus the look of distaste in the eyes of the many men in the room. "It's a fine offer, ma'am, believe me. I certainly do appreciate it, but I really am fine. In fact, well, I kind of think I need a bit of down time, if you know what I mean."

That brought out some knowing chuckles, along with some nervous laughter of relief.

"Well, you will at least sit next to me during lunch, won't you, Henry?"

A very reasonable compromise to be sure. "Sure, ma'am. I'd be happy to."

She reached out to take his hand to lead him to his seat.

"And what about me," Andrea spoke up.

"Excuse me?" President Rayburn again asked.

"You didn't ask me if I needed relief."

A little smile spread across the lips of Dean Worell. It was this type of participation that she had been hoping for from Andrea.

Andrea could feel her heart racing. It was a difficult moment, a potential turning point. But her years as a leader of the feminist guerilla theater had perhaps built to this one shining moment and she was not about to fail. "If a boy is offered relief, so then should a girl."

President Rayburn cracked a nervous smile and glanced around the room. This was perhaps equally difficult for him. On the one hand, he knew full well that the rule was specifically, explicitly written to apply only to boys, the rationale for which he had fully explained to this young lady just this morning. On the other hand, he was not about to commit an act of sexual discrimination in front of so many college and community leaders.

Before he could make his decision Dean Worell spoke up on behalf of Andrea. "I think she makes a very good point, President Rayburn."

Well, that put an end to any further discussion. If the Dean of Women was supporting the young lady then he most definitely couldn't object. It would not look well for the President to stand in the way of a young coed asserting her rights as a woman particularly when backed by the Dean of Women. "Well, alright then, um, well, say, yes, um...Andrea." He turned to Andrea. "Andrea, would you like some...relief?" She won't really do it, will she?

"Yes sir, I would," she responded in her most affirmative voice.

She slowly looked around the room, realizing that this was not going to be easy. The fact was, she really did need some relief. On the other hand, she had never masturbated in front of anyone before, let alone a room full of older dressed men. Suddenly she felt like a hired stripper for a bachelor's party, rather than a feminist asserting the rights of women. Still, she also noticed that quite a few of the men looked more uncomfortable than her, making only a fleeting eye contact.

She stepped back to lean against the wall, bent her knees to slide down a bit, closed her eyes, and reached down with her right hand to softly apply the tips of her fingers to her cunnie lips.

The room was eerily silent. Nobody wanted to make any sound that might draw attention to themselves, as if anybody was about to look away from Andrea's performance.

Andrea spread open her lips, giving the men a peek inside her warm, wet, feminine cunt. She could feel the eyes of every person in the room, every man, every professor and administrator, even the waiters, staring hungrily at her as she displayed for their interest, their lustful pleasure, her inner cunnie flesh.

She closed her eyes and pressed the tips of her fingers against her stiffened clit. Andrea was a feminist but she was also a woman. She could enjoy sex, if it wasn't for the fact that she would feel that she was just submitting her body for the pleasure of the man. Today though she needed some satisfaction, a happy ending to her experience within Professor Maslow's class and, perhaps not surprisingly, she would have to do it herself.

She tried to imagine she was somewhere else, alone, in the privacy of her bedroom, beneath her blankets, all by herself, where there would not be a large crowd of older men standing around her bed. She rubbed her stiff clit around and around, her hips subtly grinding and writhing in unison. "Mmmmmm," she softly sighed.

Henry's cock rose to erection. Henry might not be a particularly strong, athletic, muscular young man, but he was pretty darned good at getting erections. He quickly covered it with his hands, but Ms. Billingsley, standing next to him at their place at the table, immediately but gently pulled his hands away. "No, no, Henry," she softly admonished, "you know the rules."

Henry grimaced. Up until this point he had fully embraced the opportunity to show off his erections but he now felt a bit insecure about it, if not totally embarrassed. First, he was getting a boner at the sight of his partner masturbating. Somehow he felt that might be taken as a sign of immaturity or at least lack of self-control. But, more importantly, there were no pretty coeds to admire it. Showing off your erection to senior male administrators really didn't have the same appeal as blushing, flustered, and embarrassed coeds.

"Here," Ms. Billingsley offered, "let me hide him for you."

Henry gasped as he felt the teacher wrap her soft womanly fingers around his shaft.

Henry had no reason to be terribly concerned about being judged as nobody even noticed his erection. Nor would they have been appreciably disapproving, as most every male in the room was having the same difficulty, or pleasure, depending upon one's perspective. The men were not in fact quite sure what to do about it. A few of them slipped their hands into a pocket to press their stiffening cocks back against their abdomens, avoiding thereby that tell-tale bulge. Others preferred to simply hope nobody would notice their bulge, as they felt a hand in the pocket was itself a tell-tale confession.

"Please, please," Andrea softly moaned, to nobody in particular, her hips now subtly thrusting, mashing her hard nub against her massaging, grinding fingers. She used her left hand to softly caress and squeeze her full, round, soft breasts.

Nobody really knew what the girl was asking for. Some did wonder if perhaps she was asking for someone to step forward, to help her in this dire time of need, perhaps help her with the caressing of her breasts. Only one hand, her own, would not really do them justice. Or, maybe her bottom. That was getting no attention at all. Or, perhaps even her cunt. But, each of the men knew that joining in with the coed would not be the appropriate thing to do, not for men of such high standing within the college.

Those with their hands in their pockets though at least experienced the benefit of being able to vicariously play along with the girl, gripping, squeezing, and surreptitiously rubbing their cocks as the girl more pointedly did the same with her clit.

Ms. Billingsley was now openly stroking Henry's cock. She leaned down to her left and whispered into his ear, "You can put your hand on my bottom, Henry. I do like it when a handsome young man clutches my derriere."

Henry's heart raced. He looked around the room. It was indeed true that no eyes were on them. He reached behind the teacher and tentatively, cautiously, laid the palm of his hand on her round, soft rump.

It was electrifying, being able to actually clasp a pretty teacher's butt with your hand. This was a perk of The Program that he had not been expecting.

"Oooooh, Henry," Ms. Billingsley whispered. "Are you going to give the teacher a spanking?"

Andrea crouched a bit further, looking as if she was perhaps about to pee on the floor, but instead slipped a couple of fingers from her right hand up inside her tight, wet, clinging cunt. Her hips began to more openly, more lewdly, writhe and squirm, like she was trying to screw herself onto her fingers. She knew that she was presenting a terribly obscene display, but she also knew that the more pornographic the better, as her report would then be all the more scandalous. In fact, if one or more of these sexist administrators actually came in his pants, she would most assuredly triumph.

And, a few of them would be quite willing to cooperate, if they knew they could get away with it. Some of them though looked away, feeling that it was really very wrong to be so blatantly ogling the writhing, wriggling naked young lady, although their ears could not escape her equally erotic mewing, whimpering, and moaning. They quickly returned their gaze.

She was just such a sight: her face scrunched up with her passion, her breasts heaving and wriggling, her cunt all inflamed, making little squishy noises.

Even President Rayburn was having difficulty controlling himself. He knew full well that it was rather unbecoming of the President to get a boner in front of all of his colleagues, including the Dean of Women no less. But, still, it was just so fucking hot! He again wondered if perhaps he had not been taking full advantage of The Program at Abberville College and why shouldn't he, being the President.

Henry was squeezing and pawing Ms. Billingsley's butt as she squeezed and gently caressed his cock. His heart was racing so hard. He wondered if he might in fact faint or, even worse, wake up. What boy had not had the fantasy of fondling a pretty teacher's soft round rump? And, this pundit was even sweetly, slowly, stroking him in return. He breathed in deeply the intoxicating scent of her perfume.

He wondered if she might mind if perhaps he even slipped his hand beneath her skirt. Would that be asking too much? Her skirt was rather short. It probably wouldn't be noticed, what with Andrea clearly commanding everyone's attention. Any other day in his life at college he would most definitely never have considered such an idea. Well, actually that's not true. He had considered it many times when a pretty teacher was bending over in front of him. What guy hadn't had such a thought? Such thoughts were pleasing and certainly harmless. It was in the doing that trouble would arise. His heart raced further with anxiety as well as excitement at the realization that he might in fact give it a try.

He shifted his hand lower, and lower, and lower still, slowly working his way across the round curve of Ms. Billingsley's derriere, eventually losing contact altogether with her body but then reaching the hem of her skirt.

Ms. Billingsley halted her stroking of the young man's stiff dick. She turned her head and looked down at him, her raised eyebrows bespeaking a stern gravity. "Where is it that you are going, young man?"

Henry halted as well, but only temporarily. He had gone this far. He was not about to stop now. Erections do have a way of providing the motivation, the courage, foolish though as it may be, to do things that are not well advised. He slipped his hand beneath the teacher's skirt, and followed his fingers up her sleek, smooth pantyhose. Pantyhose can so nicely compliment a woman's legs, her thighs, and they are so sweet to the touch, so slick and smooth.
