Penny Lover


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I chalked it up to nothing, I guess. Penny was my friend, and I doubted it would go further than just them being 'comfortable' with each other.

Then they started dating.

The first night he asked her out, we'd just sat down to some of Mom's homemade layer cake after dinner. It was as much a shock to me, as it was to Penny. Mom and Dad were thrilled that Vic was finally showing interest in dating; something he hardly did while he focused on sports.

They only went to a movie and then to a local burger joint afterwards, and he had her home well before any possible curfew her father might have imposed. It must've gone well, because soon after that, our weekly routines had to adjust to a two-date addition; once on Wednesday, and then again on Saturday night, baring any games Vic and Penny had to attend.

It must've started getting serious, because soon Vic started calling her 'Sugar', and she'd call him 'Babe' right back. Real love-dove sweet talk!

Now my major concern was for Vic. Going out with a branded school "slut" was bound to be a black mark on his rep (even though we both knew Penny better . . . apparently).

When I actually voiced my concerns to Vic, he brushed them off with that good-natured ease of his. I guess Vic had thought of that, since I found out later from Penny he took her to places outside of the normal watering-holes for the school crowds. She chalked it up to him wanting to take her to places that they both wanted to go, because it was as simple as "been-there-done-that" and all.

Eventually though, my worries settled into a low rumble when no recriminations sprang up at school from the other kids -- and especially from Taylor or Suze, when I didn't see them mention either Vic or Penny.

I really don't know why I felt the way I did, really. Perhaps I was starting to feel a bit jealous of Vic for taking up time with my friend. Or was I jealous of Penny for taking time with my older brother? Confusing, to be sure.

That's when the next surprise happened.

I got up late one Saturday night -- thirsty, hungry, I can't remember now -- and was making my way to the kitchen, when I heard voices in the den. Mom and Dad were asleep upstairs, and as far as I knew, Vic and Penny should've been on their date.

When I peeked into the den, I got an eyeful of my older brother, on the family's love seat, with Penny draped across his lap.

It was something to see. Penny was shorter, compact but build with all the right curves. Her breasts were hight and firm, and her legs looked like a cheerleader's should, but more defined in her heels. Vic wasn't super-tall -- he's only six-foot-four -- but with his lean frame he looked positively huge next to Penny's body. Her legs were clad in thigh-high hose and heels, and she wore a simple chiffon dress that was rucked up high enough to show off a hint of her stocking top. Vic was in semi-formal slacks and a shirt -- which was unbuttoned down to his waist, so Penny could run her hands over the surface of his chest; threading her fingers through the light covering of blond chest hairs. Vic for his part was rubbing his hand along her spine in slow, easy strokes; cupping her hip and bottom with a squeeze for good measure.

The two were just kissing and petting; classic make out stuff. I shouldn't have been surprised . . .but then that small part of my head was still shouting; She's a slut! Why isn't she screwing his brains out by now?

Eventually I saw them break off their kissing, with Penny whispering something I couldn't catch. It must've been something along the lines of reminding Vic of her curfew, because they soon straightened up and started fixing their disheveled state.

I ducked out and slipped back to my room, giving them their privacy to say good-night. Yet, I didn't go back to sleep. I couldn't. I kept thinking something really wasn't clicking, if Penny had the rep that everyone thought she had.

Eventually I did go to sleep, but only after replaying the image of them making out in my head . . . over and over again.

*** *** ***

It all came to a head the following weekend.

Out of the blue, Vic surprised me by saying Penny had recommended that the three of us go out to eat and enjoy some pool or dancing at a club Vic had discovered. It was a semi-private place; not one for huge crowds, and certainly not one for most high-school scenes. He'd learned the owner was friends with Penny's dad, so it came highly recommended.

I agreed to go, though I couldn't fathom why the two lovebirds wanted me along. Why? I'd be like a fifth wheel on a pickup . . . and I don't mean the spare, either.

Mom and Dad had other plans, so they were gone long before it was time for us to get ready. Vic had long since gotten dressed in his best jeans, shirt, boots and leather jacket, while I was going for a denim skirt, low-heeled flats and a red, long-sleeved blouse. I was trying to fix my hair, when Penny arrived at our door.

"Hi, Tish! Vic," she said, smiling fondly at him. She was wearing some jogging sweats and sneakers, with an overnight bag over her shoulder. "I brought my change of outfit with me, so Tish can help me with my hair and stuff."

Vic just smiled back. "Sure, sugar, that's okay. I've got to leave ahead of you two, if I'm going to secure us a table."

I glanced at my brother. "Thought this was like a pub-bar?"

"It is, but you have to make a reservation to sit down to eat, Tish." Vic reached out and gave Penny a hug and a smooch. "Don't be late, you two. I'll get us a choice seat."

"We won't, Babe," Penny assured him, giving him a bus-kiss on the cheek. With that, he was out the door and gone.

Penny and I got back to my bedroom, where we quickly got her hair fixed up sweet and into her outfit for the night; it was a fetching blue scoop-necked blouse, a pair of camel-tan paints with a pair of matching pumps and a thin belt.

In the midst of putting on her make-up, Penny kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye. I was doing a last-minute touch up, and was about to suggest we get moving, when she put her compact back into her purse and sighed. "Tish . . . can we talk?"

I looked at her. "Sure. Got something on your mind?" I half expected her to be smiling or such . . . it was a surprise to see her pretty face wreathed with a sad frown. "Penny? What's wrong?"

"Well, nothing but, I guess . . . can we sit down?"

I nodded towards my bed, and followed her over there; sitting on the edge and facing her. I started to worry, because Penny wasn't acting like her usual, cheerful self. If I had to peg it down to a label, I'd say she looked . . . afraid.

"Tish . . . you've been such a good friend to me," she said, cupping her hands in her lap. "Ever since I first met you in the gym, during practice . . . you didn't judge me, or push me away like everyone else."

I swallowed a small knot in my throat. "No, why should I have--?"

"Please, let me finish, 'kay?" I fell silent, letting her go on. "I really, really like that we became friends, and your family's been so accepting of me," she said. Now a small smile flickered across her face, along with a flush of blush. "Especially your brother. He's been a great guy overall . . . despite what people say about me."

I shouldn't have tried to lie, but I didn't want to see Penny more upset than she was starting to get. "What have people said about you?"

Penny gave me an arched look. "Don't bull shit me, Tish," she said, a little of the old Penny showing through her 'blue talk'. "You've been around Timberland to know what everyone thinks about me" With a wry twist of her glossed lips, she added, "After all, a girl doesn't become known as a fucking slut without some help, y'know." She looked up at me, seeing the disbelief on my face, and she frowned. "I know what you're thinking, Tish. It's something I can see on your face, when you don't think I'm looking." When I didn't say anything, she pressed on, her voice taking on a slight edge. "It's something I tried to fight for a while, though there's nothing that can be done about it now. Everyone considers me the school roundheels . . . the girl who's so easy, all a boy has to do is smile all sugary and, well . . . it's not true!"

I squeezed her hand and asked, "So, why's everyone calling you, um, well--?"

"A slut?"

I nodded.

"That's something Suzanne started," Penny said, the hurt coming through in her voice. "I dated her brother during my freshman year. You know him, Daniel Truman?" I shook my head. "Well, Daniel's the apple of his little sister's eye, y'know . . . before he graduated, he was top-dog on the football team, all-star and the best boy on campus. Any girl would've given her left tit to be his girlfriend . . . but, he took a liking t'me, so I went out on a few dates with him.

"It wasn't until the fourth one, that I learned just what kind of boy Danny was." She shuddered, and I couldn't stop myself from leaning up to wrap one arm around her shoulders for support. She drew strength from that, and continued speaking. "Oh, he tried to make nice with me . . . but, when he started getting rough, I panicked! I ended up running away from him, with a torn shirt, hose and a missing shoe, before one of the sheriffs deputies found me on Shackelford Road."

I nodded as I figured out what was coming next . . . so I opened my arms, and she leaned into me as tears of injustice started pouring out of her eyes. Wrapping her own arms around me, she clung to me like I was a life-preserver as she cried over the past-crimes of the Truman sibs.

"I told the sheriff what had happened," Penny said with a sob. "But, that bastard's sister decided I'd tried to seduce her big brother . . . next thing I knew, every kid in school was calling me 'slut' and everything else nasty behind my back."

She looked about set to burst into fresh tears, so I quickly reached for the tissue box on the end-table behind me. After giving her a couple, I let her dab her eyes and blow her nose before letting her return to our half-embrace, with me adding a comforting rub to her back as she tried to get her emotions under control. "So . . . what happened next?"

"So, I wanted to just curl up somewhere and die," Penny said at length. "Daddy told me that I couldn't be put in another school, because he didn't have the money. So, I had to do the best I could, and ignore the jibes and whispered words while I kept attending school. I joined the cheer leading squad, because I found out later that a few of the girls had also faced some trouble from Danny in the past." She sighed. "They, sort of became my shield, from all the rumors and the hurtful words. It's also how I learned to put on a positive attitude . . . to be my armor, as it were."

I nodded. "I see now," I said. "So, when you wanted to be my friend--?"

"You were the new girl at school, someone who hadn't learned about the rumors (or so I thought)," Penny explained, looking at me with a fragile expression of hope, for understanding. "When I saw you had a brother, I never expected anything to happen between him and me. I was just looking for another friend. Yet, when Vic started talking to me . . . and he started hanging around when I came over to study with you--."

I had to smile, a bit weak, but I smiled nonetheless. "Vic's charms won their way into your heart, hm? Believe me, I know how that can affect a girl . . . ." I trailed my words off a bit, before clearing my throat. "So now your in love with Vic."

She shrugged in that little, helpless gesture I knew so well. "Honest, Tish, I only thought we were gonna be friends . . . I, um . . . I never thought I'd fall in love with Vic . . . or--."

"'Or'? What?" I sensed something else was up, from the way she cut herself off just now.

Blushing a flaming red, Penny looked away for a moment, then she locked her hazel eyes onto mine and whispered, "Or . . . with you too."

"Me?" I squeaked, backing up from her on the bed. This was something I really wasn't expecting. "But . . . you--? Vic--?" I stumbled along, before I asked with exasperation. "How can you be in love with me? I thought we were just friends!"

Getting some of her courage back, Penny said, "I think that's part of the whole deal. I mean, you were the first girl out of everyone else who accepted me . . . you must've heard about me from Suze, yet, you let me study with you, stay over for dinner with your folks . . . ." She slid a bit closer, reaching out to take one of my hands. "You've stood by me, helped me with my classes . . . even when I was getting to know your brother, I still felt, well, something was happening when I was with you." She shrugged again. "Maybe you didn't know, but while I was dating Vic, I was wishing I was going on dates with both you and him."

I sputtered. "But, Vic's been your boyfriend for weeks now," I said. "How could you even be the slightest bit attracted . . . to me?" I looked down, and admitted something I've always felt about me and my brother: "Vic's the handsome twin . . . I'm just his plain, brainy little sister."

At that, Penny just giggled, but it was a fondness, not something meant to be teasing. "Tish! Come on," Penny said. "Your brother's a hunk, but you're just as beautiful as he is." When I didn't face her, she reached out and tipped my face towards her with a finger. "Tish . . . you've got such a lovely face, and that hair and your smile. Geez, you don't know how much you light up a room when you do that!"

I giggled softly. "Oh, come on!"

"Serious!" She sighed, before gently caressing my cheek. "The two of you are such heartbreakers, it's not even funny." Her voice got all dreamy, like she did when doing love-talk with my brother. "Tish, you are a beautiful girl, and I'm not lying. I have fallen for you, girl . . . big-time hard, hit the sidewalk from the water-tower, hard."

I couldn't stop the knot in my chest, nor could I look away from her eyes. Out of reflex, I said what I usually told Vic, when we were kids and he'd tell me something profound. "Honest and for true?"

He must've told her this, because Penny got this warm smile as she said, "For true."

Her gazing into my eyes was like iron before a magnet. Before I realized it, we had slid close enough to be nearly nose to nose; Penny's hands clutching mine to her chest as my arms unconsciously wrapped themselves around her body. I could smell the light perfume she'd dabbed on her neck, feel the warmth of her breath on my face . . . and the moment just swept me up into the middle of it all. Before either she or I could say anything, I dipped my head a bit, leaned forwards and brushed my lips across hers. Her intake of breath and the slight widening of her hazel eyes told me volumes. As did the way she sank deeper into our lip lock, sliding her arms around me in a fierce hug.

For a minute, I kissed my brother's girlfriend like she was mine and mine alone. I had no practical experience in kissing a member of my own sex . . . but, with Penny, it just came naturally.

When we broke from our clinch, I was panting like a race horse and Penny wasn't too far behind me on that score. I stared back into her hazel eyes . . . awestruck. Mostly by the fact that I'd just kissed my brother's girlfriend, but also by the fact that Penny was staring back at me. Her eyes were filled with mostly lust, but there was some hesitation and . . . fear?

"Penny," I said, after I swallowed around the thick knot that rose again in my throat. "What's wrong?"

Penny dropped her eyes. "I'm sorry . . . I just--," she said softly, her hands were clutching my back in a nervous rhythm. She drew in a shaky breath, letting it out in a rush as she added, "It's just, I never did anything like this . . . before now."

That last statement floored me. "What? You're saying . . . you've never done anything with a girl before?"

Shaking her head, I felt her pull back a bit. "No . . . I never did anything like this, with anyone. Either a girl . . . or a boy, before I met Vic."

My heart just went out to her. "Me either," I admitted softly. Dropping one hand down to her waist, I traced a circle on the exposed flesh, just below the raised edge of her blouse, staring into her eyes. "Do . . . do you want--?"

"Only if you do, Tish?" She had such an expression of longing, lust and hope.

I just tipped my face towards hers, brushing her lips with mine. It was all the answer she needed. In moments we were back deep into a clinch; our hands now moving slow and gentle over each other's bodies, as we pressed ourselves against each other. Penny felt so warm, and her tongue in my mount made the tingles just drizzle like hot chocolate down my spine. We were rank beginners, but our experience grew with every pass of a hand, a stroke over skin and every wet, sucking kiss we shared.

Eventually, Penny moved her hungry mouth down along my jaw, until she had her lips and teeth against my neck, nibbling and licking, making me shudder with renewed pleasure. "Oh! Yes," I gasped, trailing my nails over her back. She responded with a nip, before seeking my ear to give it another bite and suck.

"God, I've wanted to do this for so long, Tish!" Penny's voice was deeper as she whispered in that same ear. She added with a light smooch to my neck, "Thank you for letting me."

I just giggled, a loving sound, before I ducked my own head to return the favor. Turns out she's just as responsive when I kissed and paid loving attention to her neck.

Eventually, the warmth between us grew too hot. Amid more kissing and fondling, we started to tug at our clothes, seeking flesh to flesh as our passions grew. Penny was the first to get my top and bra off, revealing my small-yet-generous B-cup tits. At once, she swooped in and latched onto a turgid nipple, making me savor her lips, teeth and tongue as I fell into a new level of lust for this red-haired girl. I matched her by slipping her blouse and bra off, before feasting my eyes on her bouncy C's; round, firm and so, so scrumptious looking.

Penny giggled at my horny gaze. "You know . . . I always thought Vic would be the first to see them, but . . . I'm glad you did, Tish." She pulled her arms in, making the globes of flesh form an inviting cleavage. "You like 'em?"

"I love them . . . as much as I love you, sugar," I cooed, using the pet name Vic used, before I reached up and wrapped my fingers, then my own mouth around her breasts as I began to feast. Penny was soon moaning and rocking against the bed as I twisted and sucked her nipples, licked and tried to swallow one tit whole as I drove her to bliss. Soon, her chest was wet and glistening; both nipples like large, hard bon-bon's of pink atop her creamy skinned mounds.

Yes, I was loving this . . . making love to my brother's girl, while she returned the sentiment in kind.

Soon enough, we stripped our remaining articles and threw ourselves onto my bed after shucking the plush comforter to get at the cool sheets below. Naked, we slipped together into a snake's embrace; arms, legs entwined, pressing bare bellies against each others, making such sinful contact as our skin hissed against the sheets. Penny got on top, moving one leg between mine, making my pussy press against the ridge of her muscled thigh with a moist motion.

"Ahh, God," I moaned. The contact pressed against my opening lips, making my clit spark as it touched her hot flesh.

Penny was moaning too, as her own cunt flowered open on my opposite thigh. Together, we started to grind, making our sex scent flow up and outwards; filling the air with a sweet, musk that filled our senses. With every pass, our pussies were like furnaces, fueled with the fires of two teenagers' lust.

Holding on tightly to her body, I could feel a sheen of sweat over Penny's back, making my hands slide across her spine as she squirmed. "Mm, Geez you feel so good, sugar!" My fingers rode down until they met the tops of her butt cheeks. Feeling her taut muscle under my touch, I slipped my roaming digits further to cup her undulating ass and rode with her as she made slow, steady fucking motions against me.