Pixie, Joy and Me Ch. 04


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Joy went on, "Then we switched and Mel ate me, bringing me to a couple of orgasms. We also sucked on each other's tits and talked about how we'd act if we were sluts. Then we decided as good sluts that we'd fuck the first guy that came in the door. And do you know, the door opened just about then and you walked in – you lucky guy."

I pumped harder into Mel as Joy talked, then she crested into an orgasm and rolled to her side, jerking her body from my erect prick. Joy immediately impaled herself on my shaft, her warmth and moisture now the focus as I thrust upward into her body, meeting her down strokes.

Mel moved in and sucked on my nipples for a minute then shifted so she could lower her pussy onto my mouth. I inhaled her sweet musky aroma and drove my tongue deep into her vagina. In a few seconds I'd located her clitoris and started to alternately inhale and rub the bulbous sex shaft of her body with my tongue.

Mel became the one to talk dirty at this point as Joy's focus turned inward. "Oh, pump that pussy with your cock. Drive into her. Wash her insides with your cum. Make her cum. We love fucking with you lover. Oh, shit, your tongue ... it's just right ... oh gees."

One of my hands went to Mel's breasts and the other to Joy's clit, so I could bring as much pleasure as I could to my loves. Our bodies oscillated in carefully orchestrated harmony for a few minutes then Mel spasmed over my face again, falling to her side on our large bed as she clenched her pussy in the happiness of a passing climax.

I focused on Joy, watching a series of small waves of pleasure wash through her body. After one of her small tremors she rolled to my side.

"Doug, both of us are going to fuck you at the same time. Just nestle in. We had this idea earlier."

Joy and Mel approached my body from either side of me, carefully interlacing their legs across my body so that their dripping pussies ground together with my fleshy rock-hard shaft between them. They pushed towards each other creating a moist pulpit made of two pussies around my cock. I truly felt like I was inserted in the vaginas of both women simultaneously.

I slowly started to pump upwards into the space of our union. As I pumped, each girl swayed forward in her own surge towards climax and sexual sensation. Mel said, "Oh fuck! As you do that, as we move, you rub against my clit. You're going make me cum again."

Joy spoke too, "He's hitting my clit too, right where ... well, it couldn't be any better." She sighed and pushed into our union.

I pistoned upward with ever-longer strokes, watching as the girl's breasts swayed and feeling the unusual sensations of our three-way fuck. Then I felt my orgasm start. This time was not a sudden arrival and ejection. Instead, I felt a series of surges deep within me start to send my semen towards my cock.

I warned the girls of my impending explosion. Mel moaned, "Me toooooo!" Joy just nodded enthusiastically as she threw her head back in the arrival of her ecstasy.

I could feel my juices jet through nature's plumbing low in my body. I kept pumping between the two juicy cunts that tightly surrounded my cock. All the sensations they delivered to me were the right ones. I exploded upwards into the space above where our three sexual organs joined.

Jet after jet left my body, flew upwards and then splashed back onto our union. Soon the three of us were covered in my cum. I couldn't believe I'd ejected so much fluid. When I opened my eyes, my milky white fluid covered everywhere I looked on our lower bodies.

"Oh, God, that was sexy," I told my lovers.

Both women were panting. "We came too," Mel confided.

"Yea," Joy said. "That was powerful. I felt I was having intercourse with the two of you, not just one." She reached down and scooped up some of my cum and brought the fluid to her lips, showing the two of us in a highly erotic move as she sucked the cum from her fingers.

Not to be outdone, Mel repeated the process, this time allowing the fluid to drip from her fingers into her upturned mouth. She laughed as she caught the first couple of droplets then devoured her fingers and the remaining cum.

As they continued to play with my cum, I asked, "Do I always cum this much. I haven't cum outside of a pussy in years?"

"Yes, Lover," Mel said. "You gush. That's one of the things about you that turns us on. You are always fulfilling. You have lots of little swimmers and it's a good thing we're on the pill."

Joy added, "Haven't you noticed that we always have to drain away the excess or wear a pad after we've made love?"

"I guess not."

Mel said, "One other thing, although my experience is more limited these days, you have amazing recovery powers. I know you don't think you do, probably because you're servicing two thirsty pussies, but I assure you that you can reload and fire again in near record time."

Joy said, "I'll prove it to you." She shifted around on the bed and inhaled my tumescent cock in her mouth. Mel focused on kissing me, and directing my hands and mouth to her luscious breasts. In no time at all I felt Joy mount me again, my shaft sliding readily into her vagina.

Joy started to ride me for all she was worth. A sheen of sweat and cum covered her body from our earlier episode; both made her look so appealing and so slutty, I couldn't resist hardening.

She started to talk dirty to me and Mel picked up the litany and repeated some of it to me: "Oh, fuck me Doug. Drive that cock deep into me. I want more of your cum deep inside my hot tight pussy. I want you to fuck this cunt. Feel these muscles tighten around your cock; they want you. Drive that into me. Surge into me. Fill me."

I flipped Joy around without breaking contact. I wanted release and she was the target. She shrieked with gales of laughter over my sudden dominance. I drove into her body at a frantic pace. This was a 'hard' fuck. Our pace increased until our bodies and movements on the bed must have only been a blur.

Then we exploded – again. I felt surge after surge of my cum jet into Joy's uplifted pussy. She hugged me to her and we kissed with wild abandon.

"Oh, I love you so," I told her. She repeated our passion back to me.

Before my after glow had even passed Mel had my cock in her mouth, masturbating me back to some state of readiness again.

She knew yet I was surprised. I'd never paid attention to my recovery time. In less than a couple of minutes I was hard again, at least hard enough to service another damsel in distress.

Mel pulled me over her body and directed my shaft into her tight little pussy. The vocal invectives coarsely urged my sexual performance and directed how I should pummel her small body. "I want a fast, hard fuck too. Lay it on me." I complied, of course.

A few minutes later, as Joy lay beside us lightly stroking her clit, I blasted yet another load into Mel's pussy. We hugged and kissed. This time Joy joined us.

"See!" Mel said. "That's three times for you in less than a half hour. I doubt there are many males on the planet that could match that. Plus, in case you didn't notice, Joy and I are both seriously leaking your man juice. When you give, you give a lot, even if you've just given."

Joy added, "Soon we'll have you having as many orgasms as we do." She pushed a breast into my mouth. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" I nodded as I gently bit onto her nipple.

We did 'nooners' a lot over the summer.


Both Mel and Joy took trips home multiple times over the summer and even into the fall and winter of their senior year. Thanks to fortuitous timing I never slept alone. That said, things started to change in our relationship, particularly with Joy.

Joy came back from an early July trip to Cleveland and told us she'd 'reconnected' with Tyler, a nice guy she'd met at a family wedding a year or so before and someone she admitted she had great 'chemistry' with. The two had apparently spent quite a bit of time together on that weekend and Joy seemed inclined to spend more.

She saw him again in early August and at the end of the summer after school started, and then a few more times over the fall. He drove up from Atlanta on his way to the Cleveland area at Thanksgiving and picked Joy up so they could drive to her home together.

Mel and I got to meet him for the first time; we both knew instantly. We'd lost Joy.

Somehow, Tyler was not bothered by the unusual relationship Joy had with Mel and me. He apparently didn't want to participate in any way, but he did like Joy – a lot, and it showed just in the short time we met him. Later I reflected on how it was the way they looked at each other. Joy called it chemistry; I called it love.

Christmas and the spring semester turned into a bittersweet time for the three of us, only I think Joy was oblivious to it. Neither Mel nor I said anything to each other for several months, yet later, when we compared notes, we'd both seen the inevitable long before Joy did. We'd suppressed our observations and didn't bring them up with Joy either. Some days my heart would ache and I wasn't sure why, until I realized Joy would be leaving.

Mel became more attentive to me. We were both grieving – before the fact. Mel would go out of her way to find me alone when Joy was out, not to make love but just to hold me and tell me she loved me. I provided the same support to her. We were softening the eventual blow to each other when the time came for Joy to leave us.

Joy's trips to see Tyler became more frequent and he became an attentive lover from the stories we heard and the gifts that arrived weekly at the apartment - flowers, a book, a trinket of jewelry, a handwritten love letter or poem.

The three of us finally talked about the dissolution of our threesome in mid May, just a few weeks before the girls' graduation. I guess we were all skilled at denial to have been able to postpone the discussion for so long. The talk was teary, both in our remembrances of the happy times we'd had as well as the thought of separation. Joy thought she'd just decided a few days before our discussion; Mel and I knew we'd lost her heart months earlier.

The day after our talk I went home when I knew Mel would be alone. I found her sobbing uncontrollably on our bed. I joined her and soon the two of us were flooding each other's shoulders with our tears. After a good hour, during which we said few words to each other, we both ran dry. I brought wash clothes for our faces and we cleaned up then went for a silent walk with each other.

Later I found a line from a poem written by some unknown author that I thought wrapped up what happened: "Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes." Joy was our butterfly and we turned her free, with our love and affection.

We made no pleas for her to stay and laid no guilt trip on her. We loved her and wanted the utmost in happiness for her. Right now, in her life, the most happiness seemed to be by strengthening her relationship with Tyler.

Symbolically and in a teary good bye one morning, Joy returned the diamond ring to Mel and me. She told us she still loved us but felt compelled to pursue this other bliss. Believe it or not, we both understood. This was part of our philosophy and part of what we believed about how the world should work. We'd know all along that things weren't always going to be happiness and joy for all the players.

Joy assured us she would always be there for us, in spirit, in mind and in body. She even emphasized the last part with us in our last torrid lovemaking session that morning we had our dissolution discussion. Even as we all made love that last time, we all shared tears about her departure from our midst. Oddly enough they were tears of both sadness and joy over her newfound happiness with Tyler. After that day, I never say Mel cry about Joy's departure again.

Classes ended and Joy moved her possessions back to Cleveland. Mel and I helped her pack the U-Haul trailer she towed to her parent's home. Two weeks later, she and Tyler came back for the graduation ceremony. He proposed marriage to Joy after the ceremony. She accepted of course.

Before she and Tyler left to return to her home, we feted Joy and Tyler's engagement at our apartment with a bottle of champagne, and hoped our melancholy didn't show or dampen her spirits.

I could tell Joy carried her own grief at departing from our midst, even though the choice had been hers. When we kissed goodbye that weekend, her hug was so tight and her kisses so poignant and loving. She whispered in my ear, "I shall always love you. I shall always remember." Then she was gone.

Mel and I moped around for weeks and I gradually got over the sudden urge to cry without warning. Spaces that Joy had occupied in our thinking, our conversations or our apartment, gradually got filled with our own thoughts, comments and remarks, or our own possessions. Summer had started; Mel and I were working together full time again now that school had ended; I missed the third leg in our partnership.

Mel and I found not only solace in each other after Joy moved out, but also realized that we still loved each other dearly and now with all our hearts. We healed each other's pain over Joy's departure and then realized we were good for each other. We brought out the best in each other and pushed each other out of our comfort zones so we grew and expanded our thinking. As the days past, our happiness and laughter returned.

Mel went on a couple of dates in June, just to reassert her individualism to the Universe. I rolled with the situation, appreciating that I had to take her the way she was. I didn't think I'd have too much impact if I set out to change her.

Even though the two of us were skeptical of the 'institution', I proposed marriage to Mel on July 4th as we watched a fireworks display along the Scioto River. Mel accepted and that night jumped my bones with glee. Mel started to have cold feet about the whole idea of marriage from time she accepted my proposal right up until our unique ceremony. She even went on a couple more dates after she'd accepted, as though to prove to me that nothing had changed in her thinking. I just rolled my eyes and accepted the situation, hoping she had fun.

Mel and I talked a lot the rest of the summer about what we wanted our marriage to be like. Neither of us envisioned the traditional two-person relationship with the dominant man and the 'little woman'. We both wanted kids while we were young, so that after they'd left the nest, we'd still have many vital years ahead of us. Moreover, we recapitulated the tenets of what was now a four-year relationship. We were equals. We were open to other people in all ways and at all times, even when love and sex were involved, and we'd share whenever possible. Communications were the hallmark of our relationship with no subject taboo. In a crisis we would not accuse and blame, but rather support and find loving solutions. We would be flexible in whatever roles and directions our relationship and union took us. We would strive to provide peak experiences to each other as a couple and to each other as our lovers. We both thought of our relationship as making us more than we were as two stand-alone individuals; there was something greater there because we were together.

Mel and I went to Joy's wedding in October. It was a very traditional ceremony and reception. Mel was the maid of honor and I was her escort.

Mel and I were married over Thanksgiving. I've never known of any wedding or reception like it, before or after. Mel and I wrote the ceremony and planned the event; it was all very New Age and somewhat 'hippie'. All the guests took an active and individual part in the ceremony. The whole thing was a very informal affair at a beach in New Hampshire with a big cookout afterwards; fortunately the November weather cooperated with our plans. Joy and Katie were there too.

After that, I thought things would settle down; little did I know.

The story will continue. Watch for the posting of the 'Pixie and Katie' some time in the near future and if you haven't already, read 'The Loving Porn Queen' in my stories. Please enjoy, vote and comment.

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Insemin8Insemin8over 1 year ago

Great story. I did kinda wonder what type of timectravel got those two porn flicks involved years before they were made, though!

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearalmost 4 years ago

5 Stars

Even though I knew what the 'weepy part' would be since I am reading these stories now years after they have been written and could "read the writing on the wall" so to speak. I still got weepy at the ending. I hate to sound like I'm harping but you still have continuity issues, and IF you ever decide to do a rewrite on these three story series to fix said issues, I'd be happy to help. You have helped and Inspired me, so I would love the opportunity to return the favor even in a small way. I love your style, your story lines, character development, and so on. Thank you.

talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowover 9 years ago
Great Sex, Less Philosophy.

Director Frank Capra once famously said: "If you want to send a message, try Western Union".

The story was hot and technically well written, but the constant, reiteration of the warmed-over "free love" cheerleading got tiresome. It started to feel like a very good porn movie, interrupted every fifteen minutes by an ad for Dyanetics.

The author should have trusted the readers to "get" how positive the relationship was without insisting we attend his philosophy seminar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
once again

Once again you have brought us to new heights with another "where in the hell is he taking us next time."

Every story tends to leave us there wanting more. Oh and thanks for the new road trip.

Davew south and west of the Mason Dixon line

ABQDUDEABQDUDEover 12 years ago

Could not think of a better ending. wish you had brought joys boy into the play.

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