Possessing Bella Ch. 16


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At first he fought his feelings, believing it was his protective instincts alone that had made him feel this way about her. As he watched and supported the growing relationship between Stephen and Bella, he was surprised to feel the first pangs of jealousy he had ever felt in his lifetime. The last month had made him question many things about himself and his latent needs, and he realised that his love for Bella stretched beyond that of a guardian.

"You look amazing, little one," Rob said softly and smiled as she came back into the living room.

"Why thank you, kind Sir," she grinned. "You look very handsome yourself tonight." She overtly eyed the big man as she handed him her lipstick and phone, which disappeared into his pockets.

It was rare to see him in formal attire with his long hair pulled back from his face into a neat tail tied by a decorative leather thong. Distinguished was the word that came to mind tonight. Usually when she pictured him in her head it was in his biker leathers as she had seen him that first night down in the club when she had agreed to serve him as she served Mel. She would have served him in exactly that way when she came back from the beachhouse, had he wanted her. Still she was grateful for the loving and flirtatious relationship they had. She trusted him more than anyone aside of her parents.

"Let's get this party started then shall we?" he offered her his arm.

When the elevator door opened onto the club, Bella had been surprised. She knew the numbers of members and guests had been restricted but she had still expected more of a crush of bodies. The foyer seemed almost empty as they walked through. Rob however did not veer off into the hidden offices. Instead he walked through to the saloon bar when more of a crowd had gathered.

Clutching tightly to Rob's arm, Bella was kissed, petted and groped in greeting by familiar faces and strangers alike. She was stunned at the number of people who seemed to know her by name. It seemed to take an extraordinarily long time to make their way through to the dining room. A large table in the centre of the room had been reserved for the stakeholders, and as they made their way slowly across the room, she could see Stephen watching her. She smiled widely in his direction even as another member stood to greet her.

Her view was blocked by the large figure of Wild Bill, and she squealed with delight as he picked her up and kissed her hard. "Great to see you, baby girl. You look very grown up tonight," he smirked.

"You look very nice too, aside of wearing more of my lipstick than I am at the moment," she giggled.

"Does it suit me?" He asked putting her down and striking a pose, making her laugh all the more.

"I'm not sure it's the right shade for you, Sire," she picked up a napkin from his table and offered it to him.

"Perhaps you're right," he wiped off his mouth. "Save me a dance later cutie," he winked at her and let her move away.

Flora waved from a table at the other end of the room, and she waved in return, receiving a friendly smile and nod from both Hunter and Keyon who sat with her at the table. She had almost made it her seat when Arek appeared beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into a long kiss that left her breathless.

"We'll catch up later," he stated and moved away from her. Bemused, Bella finally sunk into a chair between Rob and Stephen.

"Well aren't you the popular girl," Charles chuckled. "You had better get back up off that little butt of yours and greet me properly before I spank it," he warned and a chuckle filled the table. Bella dutifully got up and went to Charles and was pulled into his lap before being kissed soundly.

"You look so pretty tonight," he smiled.

"Dianne made the dress for me," Bella smiled at her friend across the table. She spent the next ten minutes greeting all of the Masters at their table while Dianne received compliments on her artistry and requests for further gowns.

"You look delicious," Stephen murmured as she kissed him in greeting and took her seat again. Jake came from the kitchen with the first course and joined them all at the table, ensuring the conversation was lively and fun as he teased and cracked jokes at everyone's expense, including his own. The atmosphere was jubilant and they each in their own way looked toward a new year full of new adventures, each regaling the table with plans and ambitions for the year ahead. Nearing the end of the long dinner, during which many people came to their table to chat and socialise, the tables closest to the bar and dance floor began to be removed.

"It seems the time has gotten away from us my friends," Rob said as he saw the movement. "Let's go and see the other entertainments while the band sets up in here." He stood and offered Bella his hand. Looking at his hand and Stephen sitting beside her frowning, she smiled and took the offered hand getting slowly to her feet and allowing herself to be led away from the table.

In the cavernous showroom each of the small stages was lit up to show some activity and entertainment. On one stage, a Nawashi was working on an intricate series of knots that held a pale girl, draped in the ragged shreds of a gauzy white negligée, a small distance above the bed she hovered over.

"That's Max, he's a member here. You might have seen him before," Rob murmured close to her ear. His warm breath sent a shiver down her spine as she watched the ghost-like girl hang as if in the sleep of death. She dragged her eyes away from the girl to study the man who was knotting the rope so expertly, his concentration unwavering as people spoke to him and about him. She didn't think she had met him before, but she had met so many people here she couldn't be sure.

At the next stage, a woman knelt over a Sybian, she was bound to some sort of T-bar behind it and her elbows pulled back to further expose her breasts to her captor, who alternately fucked her mouth and swung a heavy flogger at her bouncing globes of flesh.

On yet another stage, a girl in a latex dress and stockings was bound tightly to a pole. The hood she wore covered her eyes and mouth leaving only the nose free through which she snorted and breathed heavily between muted whimpers. Bella's eyes travelled down her body and saw that a large rotating wand had been strapped in place against her cunt and she wondered how that would feel through the latex of the skirt pushed up into her folds.

Each tableau was a peek into a different person's kink and, as they moved slowly stopping at each to watch, Bella felt her arousal growing along with that of the rest of the patrons. Rob, who held her tightly by the waist, appeared unmoved by what he saw. "Was he truly so jaded?" Bella wondered. Admittedly he was surrounded by beautiful submissive woman and men at the beck and call of their Masters and Mistresses every day, but tonight's entertainment was something else altogether.

They stopped for a time at the last tableau where a man fucked his male pet with abandon. The pet had a leather face mask to look like a dog, effectively muzzling him and giving him a sinister look as he let out muted howls to the room. He wore a leather body harness and cock cage which looked more than uncomfortable for such a well-muscled man, but Bella knew well that constrictive feeling of being harnessed as she looked on from the comfort of the audience.

"Mel never encouraged openly gay entertainments here, despite many of his friends being bi-sexual, and his insistence on the female employees being inclined toward both sexes," Rob explained as they watched the scene continue. "Seeing you pick up the pieces and explore everything the lifestyle had to offer has made me make changes of my own, both here at the club and in here," he brought her hand to his chest.

"Have you met someone?" Bella asked wide-eyed. She had imagined that Rob would forever mourn the death of his beloved Kitty.

"Sort of," he said cryptically. "It's more that I have had my eyes opened to all the possibilities around me," Rob murmured into her ear and nuzzled her neck.

"I'm so glad," she said earnestly. "I worry about you being so alone all of the time."

"How could I possibly feel alone when I have such a mischievous little brat running around and making my life exciting," he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "You have an uncanny knack for finding yourself in the middle of the drama you realise."

"I don't do it on purpose, Master," she looked crestfallen.

"I know," he dipped his head to kiss her lightly. "I know you try to stay out of trouble, but it does have a habit of finding you," he smirked, teasing her.

They walked out of the showroom into the saloon bar. It was more crowded than it had been earlier, and Rob flagged down one of the passing serving girls and took two glasses of champagne from her tray.

"Let's toast to good memories and even better beginnings," he said as he handed her the glass. "Mel put you in a cage like that the very first night I met you," he indicated something over her shoulder and she turned to look. Memories flooded back of the night she had been collared to Mel as she looked at the girl bound and blindfolded standing in the gilded cage.

"You were such a timid little mouse that night," Rob smiled. "So cute and adorable, I was a little jealous of Mel's happiness that night," he admitted.

"You were all bike leathers and intimidating growls," Bella recalled. "I had such a crush on you from that night on," she blushed and giggled, not believing she had admitted that. "You never really socialised with us the way Kurt and Dianne did though, so I never got to know you better until later on. There was that day when you came to rescue me from one of those dramas that tend to happen to me. I'd hidden under Dianne's desk," she giggled and blushed.

"Ah yes," Rob laughed. "I may have been jealous of Mel's happiness but I never understood how it came from such an innocent naïve little thing. I don't enjoy those initial aspects of slave training that he so loved with you."

"Well, I am not so innocent anymore," Bella grinned.

"I can vouch for that," Wild Bill said from behind her. "I've wanted to catch up with you, young lady, shall we dance?"

"It would be my pleasure, Sire," Bella smiled after looking at Rob and getting his nod of approval.

A large portion of the restaurant had been given over to a big band and extension of the current dance floor. A big band with multiple singers played a familiar tune that Bella couldn't quite place as she stepped onto the dance floor and was expertly guided around the floor by Bill as they chatted, almost yelling into each other's ears to be heard.

It seemed every time the music stopped another man was there to take the place of the one who had just left the dance floor. Bella became overheated and thirsty, her throat feeling raw from having to talk so loudly over the band. Just when she thought she could take no more, Stephen was there guiding her from the dance floor and offering her a glass of iced water. No one dared interrupt Stephen in the club, as the senior manager his word was second only to that of Rob. They sat at a quiet side table for a few moments while she sipped the water gratefully.

"Thank you so much, Sir Stephen. I thought I was going to melt if I had to dance again," she smiled a little crookedly.

"You are quite welcome. I will always be here to watch over you," he reached across the table to take her hand. It was Rob who eventually broke into their quiet moment, looking at her critically.

"Got your breath back, I hope?" he asked gently.

"Yes thank you, Master Rob," she smiled and stood up, taking his offered hand again.

"Good because it's almost midnight, and we would like you to join us," Rob smirked at Stephen, "Both of you. It's tradition Stephen and it must be upheld, or Charles may have a tantrum of his own." He chuckled and led the way across the crowded restaurant to his office where the people she knew so well had gathered. Kurt was pouring champagne, and everybody seemed in a festive mood as they join in with the conversations.

Charles silenced the room by clinking his glass with the small silver dagger that had been used to open the bottles of champagne, "Well friends, let's all just put it out there in the open. For most of us this year, 2014, sucked big time," he paused as they all murmured their agreement and he smiled sadly at Bella. "So before Midnight heralds in the new year, I would like us all to take a moment and reflect on the crap that happened and the diamonds we found once it was cleared away. You, my little Bella, are one such Diamond, shining ever so brightly with us tonight and for that I will remember the year fondly." He passed the dagger to Rob, who cleared his throat.

"I am big enough to admit this year left me shattered and was one of the darker times in my life, first with the loss of my life-long friend and then his son. I will, however, remember this year fondly for the friendships forged anew and for once again seeing light in the world around me and all the possibilities that represents," Rob said slowly looking at each person in the room, his eyes lingering lastly on Bella. He handed the knife to Kurt, who stood up and looked at the dagger in his hands.

"I'm a businessman, and not given to sentimentality. So I will borrow the words of Hilary Swank who I believe said it far better than I ever could," he took a small card from his pocket and read, "May we use this time to remember our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what new year is all about - getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to love more. And to stop worrying about what if, and embracing what could be." He passed the knife to Mark, who reiterated similar sentiments and added his own twist.

Around the circle, the dagger was passed amongst the men as tradition dictated until finally Stephen held it in his hand.

"We are the lucky ones. We lead the lives we wish, experiencing all the ups and downs that come to men like us and ladies," he added, nodding in deference to Josie. "This life is an adventure and we forge the way, dreaming big and pursuing those dreams, having the friends and fortunes to make those dreams reality. We are even more fortunate because we pursue them together in friendship and love. I will remember 2014 as the first year I truly felt like a valued member of this tight-knit group rather than an employee and be forever thankful to you all for that."

"Well as always you men have used up all the oxygen in the room, so there is little left for the female stakeholders to say," Josie said with a snarky tone. Not once in all her years with these men had they passed her the dagger, and it irked her more than ever, so she pressed them further. "But on behalf of Bella and I," she moved to place her arm around Bella's waist in solidarity as she spoke. "I think this year I will add just a little more. When the clock strikes midnight, let's remember not just the past but all the new experiences that have occurred this year and revel in the changes they have brought. Let's be nicer to each other. Let's be kinder and let's remember Mel in the very real way of how he brought us all together, here in this place as friends and equals."

Mike groaned loudly, "Enough of the equality bullshit. You've got bigger balls than Mark, and you know it." he said with a perfectly straight face.

"Hey!" Mark looked wounded, and most of the party burst out laughing.

"I think that is the nicest thing you have ever grunted at me caveman," Josie grinned. "We might be able to find some common ground, after all."

"I highly doubt that," He grunted in response as everyone continued to laugh.

With the good mood renewed Kurt began the countdown. Surprisingly it was Josie who kissed Bella first having not let go of her waist from when she had made her little speech. She had simply pulled her into a soft deep kiss when the counting got to one getting a jump on the men surrounding them. The girls each seemed to be passed around the room then to kiss each of the Masters in turn.

"Now that was a great trial run, shall we go out into the club for the real thing," Kurt's voice boomed above the chatter making everyone groan.

"I have to make sure nothing gets out of hand, stay close to Rob and Kurt," Stephen whispered in her ear and brushed his lips against hers as he left. The rest of the party followed him out of the door, and Bella watched as he disappeared into the crowd.

As midnight came, Rob picked her up and kissed her deeply with a tenderness that made her feel the love he held for her. "Happy New Year, little brat," he grinned as he finally came up for air. She was taken from Rob's arms and passed around the tight-knit circle of friends once again.

She found herself in Jacks's arms with him whispering, "I am looking forward to you coming out to the ranch."

"I am too," Bella smiled widely.

"I believe you know Sam," he indicated the man beside him, "He'll be seeing to your training."

"You're looking beautiful tonight Bella," Sam smiled and took her from Jack's arms to kiss her. "Happy New Year," he said softly.

"Happy New Year," she replied a moment before Hunter appeared and took her from his arms, hoisting her up and kissing her soundly.

"Hello Rabbit!" he said loudly and squeezed her tight. "Come and see Flora before she bursts. She has been dying to talk to you." He carried her off in the direction of the showroom. They stopped midway into the room's murky dim light while Hunter greeted a friend, letting go of her hand for an instant.

In that instant, someone had snuck up behind them and slipped a choke collar over her head pulling her back into the crowd and away from Hunter. Once he realised she was gone, he began looking for her, believing someone she knew must have stolen her away the moment he let go of her hand. He wasn't overly concerned, the members here knew her by name if not face and respected her position, but it unnerved him that in under a minute she had disappeared completely without even a word to him.

"Walk around this place without a collar or a uniform, and you're fair game bitch," a young sounding man growled in her ear as he dragged her to the dark centre of the room. Bella continued to struggle, her voice hoarse but seemingly unheard amid the cries of both pleasure and pain that were amplified by the entertainment on the spot lit stages. In fact, her voice which she thought was a scream was barely more than a whisper as the choker chain bit into her neck.

"Let her go mate, you don't know what you're messing with," Bella heard a deep familiar voice next to her say loudly. She felt rather than saw the young man behind her rise and puff out his chest. His grip faltered for a moment and she wedged a hand between the slim chain and the tender flesh of her throat. He was tall, muscled and full of the cockiness that young men often have when faced with conflict.

"Get your own slut, I haven't even begun to play with this one yet," his voice held an excitement in its aggressive tone.

"Trust me, if you have any sense at all in that steroid clouded head of yours you'll find a different girl to play with," Bella felt the choker chain tighten again. Her brain began to fog and she struggled uselessly in the young man's hold. "If you so much as leave a bruise on that girl's neck from that chain you'll be banned from this club for life, and so will whoever was fool enough to introduce you and mentor you."

"You can't touch me. Do you have any idea who I am? Who my father is?" The young man spat arrogantly at the familiar voice, and Bella heard no more as she went limp in the young man's arms.