Red-Hot Rita Ch. 01


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“Okay, it’s not too hard or anything.”

“Your mom’s told me that you earn good grades.” I could see her looking my way out of the corner of my eye.

“Yeah, it’s no big deal.” I said, staring straight down the road.

“What’s your favorite class?” She shifted her ass in the seat as she asked this.

“Umm, probably English.” I muttered. I didn’t tell her why it was my favorite.

“Do you have a favorite girl? I bet there’s someone you’ve been dating.”

I swallowed hard, scared that she was implying something about my adventure in voyeurism the night before.

“Paul, you don’t have to be shy with me. Your mom told me that you weren’t dating anyone right now. We talked about it this morning.”

“Well, I don’t know. It’s hard, I just haven’t met the right girl I guess.”

“I remember when I was in high school. All of the boys were just so awkward. You know, there’s really no reason to be. A good looking nice guy like you should do well with the girls.” She glanced my way again. “There’s no reason to be embarrassed Paul. We can talk about anything can’t we? I’ve known you so long.”

I was relieved that we were pulling into the garden center parking lot. As we walked toward the entrance, Mrs. Wilson nudged me, laughing, “Loosen up Paul. It’s okay. I saw you last night and I’m not mad.” I stopped in my tracks. She turned back and looked at me with a warm smile. “Come on, I need your help here.”

After that comment, I just followed her around looking at my feet as a clerk explained all of the positives and negatives of different plants. When the clerk showed us their variety of creeping clematis, Mrs. Wilson put her hand on my shoulder and said, “We need something to cover the side of the house but I don’t think fertilizer will be a problem.”

I was dying but finally Mrs. Wilson made her choices and I loaded the plants into the car while she paid for them. When she came out, she was carrying a flat decorative stone that looked like a step. She handed me the stone and looked straight into my eyes and said, “I think we’re going to need this if you’re going to fertilize that flower bed at night.”

I panicked. “Um, Mrs. Wilson, I’m so so sorry. I didn’t….”

“Paul, don’t worry about it, just get in the car.” She cut me off.

In the car, Mrs. Wilson leaned toward me and put her hand on my bare thigh. “Paul, it’s okay. I hope you know I enjoyed it too. It gave me a little extra thrill. And this morning, I noticed that you left quite a mess outside my window.”

“Oh gawd. I’m sorry. It just happened…I saw your light on and well….”

“You don’t have to explain Paul. I know young men your age are always horny. Gawd knows that I had to fight off boys by the dozen when I was in high school. I still do know when I’m at parties and the men get a few drinks in them. Although sometimes, I can’t resist a little…. Well, just don’t worry about it Paul.”

“I don’t know what to say Mrs. Wilson. It won’t happen again.”

She started driving and giggled, “Yes it will. Why do you think I bought that stone Paul?” and with that she turned on the radio.

When we pulled into her driveway, Mrs. Wilson got out and said, “You can get started with the flowers Paul. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

I started unloading everything and then went to get a shovel. Every time I saw the cum stain, I shuddered a little. I began digging holes and had everything set for Mrs. Wilson to check. I don’t think Rita was expecting me to come into the house because when I entered the kitchen, she had her back to me and was on the phone. When she turned toward me, I saw that her blouse was untied and she was braless. This didn’t phase her though and she simply pointed to a chair. When I froze, she pointed again and continued her conversation, “Yes, he’s been great. He’s did a great job with the lawn and we’re just about to plant the flowers.” Mrs. Wilson began to pour a glass of water.

“Oh yeah, it’s no bother. I owe it to him after all the work he’s done and he can keep me company since Bill’s away for the week.” She set the glass of water in front of me. I could see her big tits when she did this. “Uh huh, we should go shopping tomorrow. It’ll be fun. Oh, okay.” She touched my face and looked at me, her tits hanging so beautifully, so close. I was freaking out. “Yes, that’s great. Okay then. Bye.” She clicked off the phone and put it on the counter. I had cotton mouth and quickly drank down the water. Mrs. Wilson slowly buttoned her blouse and tied the bottom again.

“That was your mother. I told her I’m going to take you out for pizza as a reward for helping me today.”

“The flower beds are ready.” I blurted out.

“Oh okay. Let’s go have a look.”

I couldn’t believe Mrs. Wilson was so nonchalant. My cock was throbbing and I hesitated to get up but I had no choice. When Mrs. Wilson saw I didn’t move she stopped and said, “What’s wrong?”

“Um, nothing.” I got up trying to move quickly so she wouldn’t notice the bulge in my shorts but she was looking right at it. She merely smiled and walked out the door. I took the opportunity to adjust myself and slowly followed.

We walked through the gate toward the side yard and got to work. As each flower was set in place, I came to the conclusion that Mrs. Wilson wasn’t acting upset so I could relax. In fact, she was going out of her way to flirt with me and this surprise preoccupied my thoughts as I wondered what might happen.

About thirty minutes later we were finished and I started pick up the empty pots along with the tools. Mrs. Wilson suggested that we might get some pizza for dinner and I agreed. I was getting hungry. Then she asked, “Where does this go?” I turned to look and she was holding the foot stone. “Um… I don’t know.”

“How about right here?” She set the stone under her bedroom window. When she looked at me she saw embarrassment and smiled. “Paul, I told you not to worry or be embarrassed. This should be useful if you ever want another show. Now go get cleaned up for dinner and meet me here in a half hour.”

I ran home to shower, still wondering about Mrs. Wilson’s behavior.

We went to a pizza place not too far from the neighborhood and Mrs. Wilson actually let me drive her car. From the driver’s seat, I had a good view of Mrs. Wilson’s thigh and her tit profile with the seat belt creasing her chest. She was wearing a short revealing patterned skirt with a simple matching black t-shirt and plain black leather sandals. She looked like a college co-ed.

I felt much more comfortable at dinner and the conversation was a trip down memory lane as Mrs. Wilson reminded me of a time when I fell off my bike in her driveway. She said that that was one of the few times that she wished that she had had children. Our conversation even got funny at times like when Mrs. Wilson told me that her husband once got hit between the legs with a golf ball and I told her about the time when a kid at school fell out of his seat when he fell asleep in class. It was good to get over my anxieties and my dinner with Mrs. Wilson almost felt like a date for a while.

As we finished the pizza, I asked, “Mrs. Wilson, can I buy you an ice cream cone after this?”

“It’s Rita. Paul, I told you that you can call me Rita when your parents aren’t around. I know that they’re proper about manners but I’m not so formal in case you haven’t noticed.”

“Okay, Rita. Rita would you like to go next door and get some ice cream?”

She smiled, “That sounds good. I love French Vanilla myself. How about you?”

“I’m a Chocolate Chip man myself.” I offered getting up from the table.

The girl at the ice cream store went to my high school but I didn’t really know her. She gave Mrs. Wilson and me a strange look when she realized we were together. I paid for the ice cream and we went out to the car to sit in the evening heat. We didn’t say much as we ate. I was just enjoying the setting sun and the view of Mrs. Wilson’s extended legs.

On the drive home, the song “It’s My Life” was playing on the radio. It was one of my favorite songs and I started singing. Much to my surprise, Mrs. Wilson joined in. When the song ended, I asked her how she knew the song and she told me liked the song too although she knew the version performed by an eighties band I didn’t recognize. Pulling into the driveway, she told me to come in and that she would play the song for me. I happily followed her into the house and sat down on the sofa.

I guess I had never really notice the stylish décor in the Wilson’s home. Everything had sleek lines, especially the woman of the house as she sauntered over to the stereo. She played the song and went to get us drinks. We sat there with our drinks, playing music and talking about our experiences at high school dances.

On an apparent whim, Mrs. Wilson asked me if I wanted to go for a quick swim. I couldn’t pass up the chance to see Mrs. Wilson in a bathing suit given the events of the past 24 hours so I said yes. Mrs. Wilson went to change and I went out to the pool and quickly stripped down to my shorts and jumped in the pool. Even though it was dark, I was self-conscious. I stood in the water cooling off when Mrs. Wilson appeared on the patio.

I watched her take off the towel wrapped around her body and step out of her panties. Mrs. Wilson was completely naked. She cupped her tits as she slowly walked toward the pool. She took a few steps into the shallow end of the pool before she released them. I could see that she shaved her pussy. It was amazing. Her legs were firm and sexy too but her tits got most of my attention. Even though I’d seen them earlier, her tits made me drool, they were so big and firm and they looked so perfect. They hung there with just a bit of sag with incredible protruding nipples.

Upload: If y“Paul, I didn’t think you’d mind if I skinny?dipped.” She said casually. “It’s been a while and I thought it would be fun.” With that, she dove forward swimming past me and my hard-on. When Mrs. Wilson reached the deep end of the pool, she flipped over and backstroked her way back toward me. She stopped in water that was just deep enough to cover her body although the dim lighting of the pool allowed me to seen the outlines of her tits.

“This feels great doesn’t it? So nice after a hot day.” She asked.

Although I was certainly more at ease now, the fact that Mrs. Wilson was completely naked kept my cock hard and I was careful to keep myself submerged as we swam. I had to admit that it felt good to swim around in a pool with a naked beauty and I yearned for some sort of contact with her.

I was treading water in the middle of the pool, a little disoriented when Mrs. Wilson swam over to me. She surfaced in front of me and said, “Hi” in a sultry voice and then with a peculiar expression she dove down and pulled off my shorts. I was shocked as my hard cock was pulled free. Mrs. Wilson swam away with my shorts to the shallow end of the pool and I followed, playing along with her game.

When I surfaced next to her, she was neatly folding my shorts and then placed them on the pool’s edge. I looked at her, not knowing what to do. “So Paul…” Mrs. Wilson began, “Did you have a good day? I bet it’s not everyday that you get to skinny dip with a woman?”

“You’re so beautiful Mrs. Wilson. I…I… It’s been amazing….” The words caught in my throat. My cock was so hard at this point, I was scared to move. My thoughts were racing and I thought that all of my fantasies were about to come true.

“You’ve been very helpful today Paul.” Mrs. Wilson continued despite my babbling, “I think you deserve a reward. Come closer.” She opened her arms for me and added, “I don’t want to scare you, but I want to give you something special for your work.”

I must have looked shocked as she took me into her arms. It wasn’t what I had imagined for my first time. I thought I was about to lose my virginity in an incredible fantasy moment. Mrs. Wilson’s body was slippery and electric against mine. I looked into her face and her eyes softened. She then moved up to brush her lips against mine. It was a gentle kiss. When she didn’t pull away, I hugged her a little tighter and opened my mouth. Electricity shot through me when her tongue entered my mouth. I moaned and let my hands slide down her back.

Our hot kiss continued and I felt my cock bobbing in the water against her body. Breathless, Mrs. Wilson pulled back and her hands moved down between us. She looked at me as her hands found my cock. She held it in her hands and fondled it. Looking down into the water, Mrs. Wilson stroked it a little and then looked up at me again. “Oh my gawd! Paul, you’re so big. I can’t believe it. I’ve never….”

I was overcome by lust. Mrs. Wilson was holding my cock. I leaned down and began to suck on her tits in an uncontrollable frenzy. “Oh, suck them Paul. Suck my tits honey!” She moaned as she squeezed my cock. I took the opportunity to caress her ass as I licked and nibbled on her tits. Her nipples felt so good against my tongue. Mrs. Wilson was moaning and breathing hard.

“Paul, oh Paul….” She breathed. “That feels good honey.” Then she pulled my head back up to kiss me again. We stood there kissing and fondling. Mrs. Wilson kept running her hand back and forth across the length of my cock. “You’re so big honey. I can’t believe it.” She repeated. I took her words with encouragement and slid my fingers around her ass to touch her pussy. I had never felt a naked cunt before and I didn’t know quite what to do so I just held my hand there on her pussy lips and rubbed them gently.

Mrs. Wilson gyrated against my hand in a subtle motion. “Oh yes, that’s nice.” She kissed me harder, driving her tongue into my mouth, squeezing my cock. I was feeling an incredible bliss, better than cumming when I jerked off.

Moments later, I felt Mrs. Wilson moan into my mouth and pull back. She released my pulsating cock and stepped out of the pool. I was left standing there and took a few steps to follow her but she stopped me. She knelt down and put a finger to my lips. “Paul, this is just between us. I need to go to bed now but it’s going to be a long hot summer for you young man.” She then kissed me with a sloppy wet tonguing and moaned. “I am going to love having you around.” She turned and walked toward the house, her ass so sexy as water dripped from it.

I was dumbfounded and so hard. Standing there with my cock erect pointing out in front of me, I blurted, “Wait…Mrs. Wilson…” She turned as I caught up. Her eyes met mine and she smiled. “Paul, it’s okay. It’s okay.” She reassured me. She kissed me once more in a loving manner and added, “I’ll see you and your big cock tomorrow. Don’t play with yourself tonight. Wait for me.”

Suddenly I was alone and naked in the Wilson’s backyard. I ran back to put on my shorts and finished dressing. I walked past Mrs. Wilson’s bedroom window but was disappointed that the curtains were pulled shut even though the light was on inside. I raced home excited about what tomorrow might bring, my cock still throbbing. I went to my room thankful that my parents were already asleep. I thought I heard their voices down the hall but ignored them. I quickly stripped and jumped into bed with images of Mrs. Wilson in my head. I laid there for a while, my hard cock grinding against the bed as I tried to control my thoughts. Although I wasn’t certain, I was fairly confident that Mrs. Wilson had enjoyed our kissing and fondling. It was the best experience of my life to date and the memory of it eventually led me into a contented sleep.

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