Sapphic Suburban Sighs Ch. 3


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“I know what will get us up and running.” Amanda said. “Why don’t we go over and get in the Jacuzzi for a while. It always relaxes me and helps get my juices flowing.”

“I’ll say, getting into the Jacuzzi naked with you always gets my juices flowing.” Sue chimed in. We agreed and cleaned the kitchen quickly.

Amanda and Sue put on the clothes they’d worn the night before. I threw on a long dress with nothing under it and we traipsed over to Amanda’s house. Minutes later we were all three in the soothing water, gloriously naked. Sue was right, and it quickly got our collective juices flowing. Amanda showed me how to adjust the jets so that they flowed over my spread pussy and the pulsing jets soon had me on the verge of a climax. The two moved beside me and began to fondle my breasts and stroke my thighs.

Amanda moved behind me and wiggled so that I was against her pussy. She reached around and her magic fingers, with the addition of the pulsing jet, sent me over the top. My cries filled the room and I had a wonderful intense climax. I moved away, for I only wanted one climax this morning. Sue slipped between Amanda’s thighs and let the jets, and Amanda, bring her to two intense climaxes. We both held Amanda and caressed her as she wiggled and found just the right touch on her pussy. She came while Sue and I caressed and kissed her lovely body. With our passions slaked, we lay for a while and just let the bubbling jets calm and relax us. When we got out we all felt 100% better.

We decided to go shopping and I ran home to dress while Sue went home to change. Amanda picked me up, then Sue, and we had a wonderful day together shopping at the huge mall nearby. I bought a few of the things Joanne had suggested for the house.

Wandering around in my house, the next day, I was constantly pleased with the beautiful job Joanne had done. It kept reminded me of her and her lovely personality and even lovelier body. I decided to thank her with a gift. I made the rounds of the stores trying to find something that I thought she would like and would show her my gratitude. I had all but given up when I entered an exclusive art store. When I saw the statue, I knew instantly it was the gift I had been looking for. It was rather expensive but an original, and I bought it with no hesitation. I went home overjoyed. I called Amanda to come over and see it.

When she arrived I had it draped, sitting on a table under a spotlight. I had told her I had bought a gift for Joanne. I had Amanda sit down and then pulled the cloth off. Her eyes went wide. She gasped. “Oh, yes, it’s perfect. It really is her! The sculptor could have had her in mind.”

It was a beautiful original alabaster statue a little over two feet tall of a tall slender naked water nymph. The base was of a shining blue stone and where she stood ripples in the water surrounded her. Every feature was Joanne perfectly. The artist could not have done any better if she had Joanne before her when she sculpted it. It caught the lovely willowy figure of Joanne, the face, hair, even the breasts were her. The legs were long and shapely. There was the slight indention of her sex. We both sat and marveled.

“How can I give it to her?” I asked. “I want it to be very special.” “I don’t know. We’ll think of something. It’s incredible. It’s Joanne. It’s perfect.” We must have sat for an hour, holding hands and looking at the statue. It was so moving. Amanda finally left and we still hadn’t thought how to give it to Joanne in a meaningful way.

Amanda called later. “I have a suggestion. I just talked to Joanne. I didn’t tell her about the gift. She said that she’d love to come over here some evening this week to swim. She doesn’t have a pool. She has an open invitation to come any time. I suggested Wednesday night. Her husband has some thing he has to do that evening. Why don’t you, Sue and I have a little get together? Sue doesn’t swim much I but I know you do. We can have a little pool party; a light dinner after, and then all four of us go up to the bedroom for an evening of lovemaking. I’ve never had four here at one time. It’s been a very long time since Joanne had a threesome with Sue and I. You could give her your present during the evening.”

“Wonderful, I think it’s a tremendous idea. I particularly like the part about the four of us making love. I’ve never been in a foursome with three other women. You know I thought about Joanne when you, Sue and I were making love. It’s just perfect. I’ll come over before, and help you with the dinner.” I was overjoyed. The thought of Joanne, Sue, Amanda and I making love was really thrilling. It would also be the perfect time to give her the statue.

I thought Wednesday would never come, but it finally arrived. I took the statue over to Amanda’s and we prepared a light dinner for the evening. We made sure we had champagne chilled upstairs and down. Sue arrived and I showed her the statue. She was amazed at the likeness. I took it upstairs to the bedroom, and put a drape over it.

Joanne arrived a little later. There was much hugging and kissing among the four of us. We shed our clothes in the house and went to the pool. We brought our drinks with us. Joanne dived into the pool first, Amanda and I followed quickly. We were like schoolgirls let out. Joanne was like a graceful seal, and we played tag underwater. Amanda was so graceful underwater too. I managed to stay with the two. I had been practicing my laps and had gotten into good shape. The tag amounted to touching the pussy, naturally, of someone else. We didn’t try too hard to get away. There was much giggling and laughing. I wished Sue would join us but she was not really comfortable in the water. She stayed in the shallow end. She splashed around and yelled her encouragement. We swam up and kissed or stroked her from time to time so she wouldn’t feel left out.

At one point Joanne got out of the water and stood at the end of the pool. Her beautiful body was wet and gleaming. The pose for a moment was almost exactly like the one of the statue. I wished I had a photograph of her at that exact moment. The resemblance to the statue was astounding. I looked at Sue and she too looked startled. I looked at her and shook my head. She smiled and shook her head too. It was truly amazing. I looked at Amanda, but the moment had passed and she had missed it. I wished she could have seen it as Sue and I had.

We played games and I won when we tried to see who could swim the furthest underwater. Amanda and Joanne could out swim me in speed. We would swim up to Sue underwater and tickle her or slip a finger into her pussy from time to time. When we decided to get out we were all exhilarated but tired. We all climbed into the Jacuzzi to warm up and relax. The water quickly warmed us and we hugged and kissed. Having three good friends with me was a wonderful sensation. When I voiced it, all happily agreed to the feeling.

Warmed and relaxed, we got out and dried off. We decided there was no good reason to dress. We went naked into the kitchen and got our plates and went back to the table by the pool to eat. Amanda and I had made sandwiches and hors d’oeuvres. We all had drinks and soon were very mellowed out.

After the delicious dinner we trooped up to the bedroom. Amanda had put on some tapes of us making love at various times. I had not seen Joanne making love with anyone else and found the scenes very erotic of her and Amanda, and one of all three of them. They were intercut with the ones of Amanda, Sue, and me. Joanne said they were exciting to her. While we watched, we caressed each other. The large bed was spacious enough for all four of us. Joanne was beside me with Sue on the other side. Amanda was on the other side of Joanne.

Watching the videos was exciting to all of us. The big screen TV picture was very realistic looking. The color was beautiful and had extremely clear details. Amanda had added soft music and every sigh and moan played in surround sound. The effect was very exciting. Fingers slid down to slip into wet flesh and we soon forgot about the TV and turned our attentions to our neighbor.

“This is very exciting.” Joanne said pulling back from kissing me. “I’ve never been in bed with three women. Two was a new experience, but three. If I tell my husband he’ll probably guess who you three are. You may get some appraising looks from him in the future. I think he knows Amanda and I are intimate, and maybe Sue, but I don’t think he knows you and I have made love. I never tell him who the woman is, and try to describe them differently in details so he won’t know who I’m with.”

We all echoed that this was a first with three women. We went back to kissing and caressing. Joanne had small gold studs in her nipples tonight. Very sensual, but I told her I thought it was like gilding a lily. I slid a finger down to Joanne’s slit and found her clit firm and hard. Sue’s hand found my pussy and burrowed into my core.

Joanne pulled me over on top of her and I slowly kissed my way down her beautiful body. We had not discussed it but by mutual consent decided that all three of us would make love to her first. Amanda kissed her beautiful breasts, while Sue kissed her lips and stroked her body. I kissed her smooth flat stomach, slid my tongue into her navel, then kissed and licked my way downward. She spread her thighs and I stroked and kissed them till I had her squirming for me to eat her pussy. The three of us were licking, kissing, and stroking her body from top to bottom. I could imagine her sensual inputs as three sets of lips, six hands stroked her sensual body.

I licked her pussy from top to bottom again and again. I slid my fingers up inside her while I moved up slightly and began to suck and lick her hard, swollen clit. It seemed larger and harder tonight. I attributed it to her sexual excitement as three women make love to her, or was I just more excited sexually myself? Having three women in bed with me was unusual, and very exciting. My clit felt swollen, and I could feel my pussy lubricating. My breasts felt swollen and ached wonderfully too. I wondered if Sue and Amanda felt it too. I sucked and licked her clit over and over while I slid my fingers up inside her.

Joanne cried out as she came, her cries echoing in the room. I knew the cameras were capturing this and I wanted to see it later. Her long slender legs thrashed in the air and three women did their utmost to give her a series of climaxes she would never forget. I believe we did, for she went wild with passion. She was very vocal and her body writhed on the bed. I don’t know how many climaxes she had, but the three of us kept her beautiful lithe body going from one climax to another with almost no letup. She cried out for us to stop. We slowly caressed her until she had regained her composure. She was almost totally spent. We held her and caressed her gently and Amanda got a cool cloth and wiped her face.

“My god, I never believed that I could feel that way.” Joanne finally managed to gasp. “I felt I had exploded into a million pieces. Having you three making love to me was an experience of a lifetime. I thought having two make love to me was wonderful, this was out of this world. I wonder if another would make it any more wonderful. I don’t believe I could stand that. That was wonderful, fantastic, thank you all so very much. Now I can die happy.” She said folding her arms across her breasts and closing her eyes. We all laughed.

We lay for a while caressing her. From the looks of Sue and Amanda, they were as hot as I was. Amanda caught Sue’s hand and pulled her close. “God, I’m burning up. I want to make love to you.” They began to kiss. I moved over and began to kiss Sue’s beautiful erotic breasts. Joanne slid over and moved down to kiss Sue’s stomach and lower to her thighs. She slid between her thighs and began to kiss her spread pussy. The three of us brought Sue to a series of intense climaxes. I enjoyed sucking her erotic long aureoles and nipples. Amanda kissed her lips and we both caressed her breasts. She came again and again.

When she had recovered we decided to take a little break and Amanda opened the champagne and we drank the refreshing bubbling wine. It seemed to make my feelings more intense and I couldn’t help but stroke my swollen clit. The glasses vanished and I had three beautiful sexy women making love to me at once. Amanda slid down to make passionate love to my pussy, while Sue kissed and caresses my breasts, and Joanne fulfilled my previous yearning by kissing my lips and stroking me.

It was far more intense and fulfilling than it had been before to now have three very knowledgeable women making love to me at the same time. Amanda’s knowing lips, tongue, and fingers played their magic on, and in my pussy. Sue’s erotic attentions to my breasts added to the fire. Joanne’s wonderful lips and tongue at my mouth completed the experience. I exploded again and again screaming my passion out till I could stand it no more. I must have climaxed four of five times before I cried out for them to stop. I lay gasping for breath completely spent. They kissed and caressed me gently till I recovered.

We talked, laughed and drank the delicious champagne till I was ready for the final act. Amanda was the final recipient of the wonderful experience. Joanne slid down to her thighs and fastened her lovely mouth to Amanda’s delicious pussy. I moved to her breasts and Sue kissed her beautiful friend’s lips. Amanda, like me, was very excited by all the lovemaking we had done and quickly climaxed in a series of violent and very verbal orgasms. I kissed and sucked her superb passion hardened breasts. Joanne got to suck and lick her wet pulsing sex, and Sue kissed and tongued her lips and mouth. She climaxed over and over. We kept her in a constant climax until she finally fainted from sheer pleasure. Knowing how strong she was physically, we weren’t alarmed and I got a cool cloth and bathed her face until she came to. She was weak for a while but said it was well worth the experience.

“That was an experience!” she finally managed to say. “I died and went to heaven. And if that’s heaven, I’m sold on it.” We laughed knowing how she felt. It was an experience that was truly out of this world.

We sat, hugged, kissed and drank the cold champagne.

“Not that we have all experience this totally wonderful sensation, I have a presentation to make.” I said solemnly. “A little drum roll, Maestro.” I got off the bed and went to the statue that was close to the bed, with a red velvet cloth draping and hiding it.

“Joanne, this is for you with my love and deepest thanks. I got this for you as an added way of telling you what a wonderful job you did, and as a something from me to a wonderful loving friend.” I slowly lifted the drape.

The video camera caught the expression on her face and it was priceless. She took in the figure and her mouth literally fell open. She got out of bed and went to the statue. She looked at it from different angles, and tears came to her lovely eyes. She came to me and threw her arms around me and hugged and kissed me for a long time.

“Oh Lori, how did you do it? That’s me. That’s me. How did you do it?” She asked her face a picture of astonishment.

“Fate, kismet, I guess. I walked into a salon and there it was. It is you exactly, every detail. Tonight you had just gotten out of the pool and stood there for a moment in the exact same pose. Sue saw you too. We were astonished because you looked exactly like that. Some thing guided the sculptor’s hand. It couldn’t have been any better if you’d posed for it. I knew I had to have it the moment I saw it, and now it’s yours.” I said holding her close and kissing her tears away. “Friend to dearest friend.”

We all hugged Joanne and compared her to the statue. We had her strike the same pose, but it wasn’t exactly like the unposed one Sue and I had seen her strike earlier. She was self-conscious now and earlier she had been completely relaxed - herself. We toasted the statue of the water nymph, and the living, breathing water nymph.

We all felt wonderfully drained. We finished the champagne then went in and took a shower together. It felt so wonderful to have slippery soft bodies all around and hands moving from all sides washing you. We laughed and tickled each other. It was fantastic. Still slightly damp, we went down and had a snack then all fell into the Jacuzzi again.

We all agreed that this night was one we probably could never top. Joanne finally dressed, and took the statue, carefully boxed up, with her. We all kissed her goodbye, and she had tears in her eyes, and a huge smile on her face when she left. Sue and I elected to spend the night with Amanda. We talked for a long while about our experiences of the night. We turned off the lights and three abreast, arms around each other, went up the wide staircase to the bedroom.

We had to straighten up the rumpled bed before we could sleep in it. We fell into bed with me in the middle, two warm and loving bodies on each side of me. We cuddled, kissed and finally moved so we were nestled like spoons. I went to sleep my nose buried in Amanda’s hair, my arm resting on her waist, her warm body against me. Sue’s soft breasts and body pressing against my back, her hand cupping my breast. I couldn’t have been happier, of felt more loved.

- The End -

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