Scent Of Jasmine


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I remained silent.

"That first day I saw you there, I knew I had to have you. But I didn't know if you were involved, if you'd even like me, let alone want me. And..." He paused as if struggling for words, " Look, I am a little different, unconventional, some even say crazy. But this is me. And I had to know if you could like me for who I truly am." His words spilled out in a torrent, "So having you interact with me in a professional way and also in an unconventional way gave you a chance to see both sides of me. You seemed to have been okay with both..."

"Don't kid yourself because that's not entirely true," I corrected, finally getting my voice back. "I had no idea that it was you, and my response was based purely on the fact that it was some faceless stranger who I'd never meet."

"But it was exciting, wasn't it? And you did like it."

"Yeah, but it was with a stranger! Not someone I knew."

"I think you're just embarrassed because you let yourself go and found you liked it. You shouldn't be." He dropped his voice an octave, "Or is it that you're embarrassed to have found out it was me?"

I evaded answering. "Is this your regular modus operandi for meeting women?"

"No! It's a first for me. I acted spontaneously but no-one has inspired or intrigued me so much," he said hoarsely. "I never knew how you'd react, or whether you'd even respond, which was why the butterfly and the panties were so amazing." He paused, "And so, by the way, was your kiss earlier. My God! Can you kiss!"

I clenched my thighs tightly together. Fuck! I did not want to be reminded of the memories he was conjuring up. "Stop! Enough with the charm bullshit already."

"Why? Are you blushing?" he laughed, "And incidentally," he said in a conspiratorial tone, "the butterfly should've given you a big clue that it was me."

"How so?"

"The plants you chose for my garden attract and shelter butterflies. You told me that when you were describing your original design idea to me."

Dammit! I should've thought about that! I let out a long sigh and stretched like a well fed cat, giving way to the warmth flowing through me. "Well," I said in a deliberately seductive tone, "All I can really remember about that day, was your cock..."

"Good! I'm glad it left a lasting impression. And just listening to you purr into the phone has made it jump to attention. Can I come over?"

"Not so fast!" I said, my heart racing at his suggestion. "You may have explained why you sent the letters but that doesn't mean I've forgiven you."

"Oh c'mon Jasmine! It was totally consensual and you know I was going to tell you tonight! You saw the check in the green envelope before I could give it to you, but if I wanted to keep it secret, I could've, and you would never have known."

He was right, but damned if I would agree with him. I stayed quiet, listening to his soft breathing on the phone.

"Do I turn left or right from the nursery?" he asked.

"You mean you haven't followed me before?"

"No! I'd never do that. I told you I'm not a stalker. But you mentioned you live close to the nursery. I've taken a right and am in Beyers Drive. Am I warm?"

My heart leapt to my throat. He was on his way over. "You'll get warmer, keep going." Already sex was crackling in my voice. "But you're close. Can you feel it?"

"All I can feel is a crushing tightness in my jeans. Christ, how much further?"

"My fingers found my ruby hard nipples and I stifled a groan. I'd forgotten how sensitive they could be, especially when pinched and touched the right way. Tremors of heat and lust spiked directly to my pussy. How the fuck had this become so thrilling? "You must be approaching Dale Lace Avenue now. Slow down or you'll miss the turnoff. First on the left and you'll see the yellow brick townhouse complex on the corner."

"Yup, there it is. How did people cope without cell phones?"

"Don't know." I laughed softly. "Guess it was rough on lovers."

"What do I tell the security guy at the gate? It's late and I look bleary-eyed and shattered after all that crashing glass and sticky mess. He'll probably call the cops."

"Tell him that you've come to make a sticky mess with the lady in number six."

"Is that what I've come to do?" he laughed throatily. "Revenge can be so sweet!"

I could hear him talking to the security guard.

"I'm in," Don said. "He told me your place was the third one on the right and then he leered at me like he knew I was going to fuck you. Are you standing in the doorway?"

"No." My pussy throbbed insistently. "I've unlocked the door. But you'll find me in bed in the dark," I drawled.

"Gosh, but you're so shy, Jasmine."

"And you thought you knew me, huh?"

"I'm sure we could debate that."

"Not tonight," I said softly.

"Okay, "he said as I heard his car crunch onto the gravel of my driveway and then the engine cut out. "But I am going to fuck you. Hard. I don't think I can hold back and make love now..."

I heard the sound of his door open and slam shut. I clamped my legs tightly together. My breathing was coming in short, sharp rasps. I tried to control it but my excitement was building to a fever pitch. I felt deliciously wanton, naked beneath the cool sheets while the man who had seduced me with his unorthodox ways was now standing outside my house.

"Don?" my voice was husky as I spoke into the phone. He didn't answer but I knew he was still on the line.

I heard the front door open and close. He was inside. But the silence grew.

"Don?" My mouth was dry as I realized that he was teasing me, still playing games with me. The bedroom door was slightly ajar and I listened carefully for the sound of footsteps down the passage.


I pressed my ear to the phone and heard nothing except my own shaky breathing and the sound of mild crackle, static and the sound of no-one when you know someone is there.

It was dark in the room except for a sliver of moonlight that peeked through a gap in the curtains. I let out a shuddering exhale and wished that the thudding in my chest would slow. A sudden chill had descended. I shivered and pulled the sheet around my shoulders. In the darkness there was only anticipation and the thrill of the unknown gripped me. I was naked in bed, shamelessly wet with the door open to the world and a man whom I hardly knew, was in my home, waiting, wanting and preparing to take my body that now shivered on the edge of fear.

I swallowed and fought back the urge to call out his name again. I was desperate to know where he was, but at the same time I didn't want to spoil the game or ruin the exquisite tension.

Doubt grew in the silence. It was him, wasn't it?

Dammit, of course it was! I'd heard him get out of his car. I shifted in the bed and ran my hand over my taut stomach to my smooth pussy. It was oozing with anticipation despite the fact that my mind was playing terrible tricks with me. The dark of night could do that, it could do so much. But what if when push came to shove, I didn't really want him, or even worse, what if he was disappointed-

The thought flew from my mind as I heard a noise. The faint sound of feet moving down the passage; stealthy feet, feet treading carefully to make no sound as he came to find me. The adrenaline squirted as raw desire mixed with terror. The footsteps were those of a stranger. God, I hardly knew Don, and as much as he'd glibly explained his motivation for the letters, how did I know that I had not put myself in terrible danger?

"Don?" My voice lanced out into the darkness, into the phone and through the bedroom door. It was louder than I expected and tinged with a hint of dread. The sensible part of me wanted to scream at him to stop. To stop the merciless teasing, to stop toying with me. But my heart and the heat emanating from between my thighs wanted him to play with me until the end of eternity.

The door creaked as it swung open and I could feel his presence although I could not see him. He was standing in the doorway. Surely it had to be him, my mind screamed. It couldn't be anyone else could it? It couldn't be a sick joke by the evil side of a too-brilliant mind could it?

No silly! I chided myself. It was a game and this was what he wanted me to do, to relive the delicious excitement and anticipation of what the secret admirer would do next. To wait with bated breath for the next move, for the unexpected, so that when unknown hands touched my flesh I could shudder in delicious alarm as I gave my body to a stranger in the dark.

I had often fantasized about it as I'd lain alone in bed and conjured up visions of anonymous lovers, nameless, but endowed with raging libidos and hard cocks. Faceless bodies had fucked and pleased me on many flights of fantasy. But here fantasy and reality were colliding. Whoever was at the door was walking across the carpet towards me.

I took a deep breath. It was the point of no return. I could play with him or I could refuse to play. I could reach for the lamp switch and call his bluff or I could stay still in the dark and surrender myself to the mystery of him.

My heart hammered as I struggled to breathe. My stomach was tensed tight and the scent of my arousal permeated the sheet with its heady aroma. He was standing close to my side of the bed, his tall frame moving, doing something. I bit my lip as I heard him unzip his jeans and felt the whoosh of his clothes falling to the floor.

His hand grasped the edge of the sheet and I felt it peel away from my skin. First my beasts were exposed, then my stomach and my pussy. I tried to cover myself with my hands in a reflex action but he stopped me. His touch was like a branding iron on my bare flesh. I gasped; my lips were too dry for speech as I felt him slide one hand up to my neck and into my hair. His other hand roved down my body, stroking my flesh, caressing my breasts, moving with a touch that was commanding all the way down my trembling body. There was no hesitation about it. It was the sure touch of someone who had waited long enough and was now certain he was going to get what he wanted. There would be no resistance only obedience and surrender to the will of the stranger.

His hand grazed over my hip bone, curved along my leg and down to my knee. He pulled it up and to one side so I was splayed open for him, exposed in all my wantonness, swollen with desire and slick with need. I ached for his touch even though I had never felt more helpless in my life. The drums beat in my stomach. Any second his hand would be at the core of me, exploring my shameless wetness, slipping inside me to probe my dripping cunt.

Don dipped his head and played his lips over my labia, slid the tip of his tongue teasingly between them, and separated the moist folds to taste me. I moaned as my pussy dripped thickly around his tongue. His breathing was rapid, hot against me as he inhaled deeply drawing in the fragrance of my lust. He used his fingers to spread me wide open, slid two inside me and let out a guttural sound as he ravaged me like a sex starved man at a buffet of fuck flesh. He licked and sucked and hunted in my cunt. His frantic and intimate exploration triggered something deep and primal in me. I pressed my pussy tightly against him and forced his face in even deeper. My clit was pulsing, heavy and hot. I was sure that he could see it, even there in the darkness, poking out between my swollen lips, flushed scarlet, desperate in its need. He took it in his mouth and circled it gently with his tongue then licked and sucked it harder. I moaned and writhed and raked my hands through his hair.

I focused entirely on the sensations growing and building in my pussy, savoring the way my cunt clenched and heaved as his tongue worked me. I arched my back and pushed up against him, rocking against his mouth and fingers until my thighs shook from the surges of pleasure that short circuited my brain. I wanted to scream but my orgasm sucked the breath out of my lungs as it came rushing like lightening through me leaving me gasping and panting heavily.

Don kissed me hard. His face reeked of pussy and I could taste myself on him as his tongue plundered my mouth and his teeth nipped at me. By the time we finally came up for air, my lips were tender and bruised. We hadn't uttered a word to each other but desire and intense need vibrated from him in waves. He kneeled between my thighs, lifted my ass and propped some pillows beneath it. Then, he splayed my legs wide open and rested them up on his shoulders. He was breathing fast and the warm spicy scent of his crotch; sharply male, yet intoxicatingly intimate, together with the faint smell of fresh sweat, flooded my senses. I felt my desire grow in a completely new way. He didn't speak, nor did I. The silence in the darkness, broken only by the urgency of raw desire was our conspiracy and I knew the precise moment when it would end.

I grasped his cock. Pre-cum leaked from the slit as it pulsed in my hand. I rubbed it over my pussy lips and he growled. He was in no mood to be teased, the waiting was over. He pushed into me in one deep delicious thrust and grunted as it cleaved its way through my tight flesh. I cried out from the force of it, but his thickness filled my cunt perfectly and he angled himself so that every inch of my pussy was stimulated as we fucked. It was the perfect compliment to his fingering and tonguing and after a few thrusts I could feel my pussy clenching its way up the great wall of ecstasy again.

His thrusts were deep, hard and fast as he pounded me. Breathless gasps and low pitched growls of pleasure rumbled from the back of his throat like music to my ears. Inside me, I could feel the intensification of his rhythm as he got close. Deeper, harder, the pause between thrust and withdrawal longer. His balls slapped hotly against my ass, the squelchy sounds of our fucking punctuated the air.

"Oh God, baby, baby!" I shrieked as I quivered in ecstasy, head thrashing about, moaning mindlessly as my cunt convulsed in clutching spasms around him.

"Arrgh! Jasmine. Oh fuck!" His cock contracted and expanded like a hand making a fist inside me and hot come burst from him with each wracking ejaculation. He collapsed against me and I held him tightly, panting, our mouths dry, hearts banging, bathed in perspiration and the afterglow of exquisite peace with his cock lodged inside me until I felt the last of our pulsing throbs ebb away.


In the months that had passed since I'd met Don, life had been kind to me. I'd taken the plunge to start up my own garden design business and it was growing steadily. Meredith was totally pissed and she pointedly ignored me at the Spring Garden Show where we both had display stands. But I couldn't have cared less. I was happier than I could remember.

Don had unleashed a passion and uncovered a wild side in me that I never knew existed before. He'd asked me to move in with him, but I hadn't. Not yet. I was still enjoying the discovery and exploration stage of our relationship, and I loved the exquisite thrill and anticipation of seeing him after a day or so of being apart from him. He was always exciting and never missed the opportunity for adventure. I'd even come to enjoy his love of sex in risky public places. And it was thoughts of hauling him off to the Orchid Hothouse for a quickie which filled my mind as I watched him stride towards me.

"The display looks great, sweetie," he said, giving my ass a playful little pat.

"Thanks, "I murmured," And thank you for the flowers. Nice thought, but you really shouldn't have." I flashed him a sexy smile and licked my lips provocatively, "You know I'm a sure thing, flowers or not."

"What are you talking about, baby?"

"The long stemmed roses in the box," I said, pointing to them. "A dozen of the best, but I think I like the raunchy note better."

A genuine look of puzzlement crossed his features as he picked up the note and read the lurid message: "I wanna fuck you!"

"I wanna fuck you too," I said, grabbing his arm and steering him towards the hothouse. "And I know the perfect place for a quickie."

"Jasmine, wait!" he said, glancing around, "You don't understand, I didn't send those flowers."

"Yeah, right," I giggled, "Nice try, but you know what gets me going." I opened the door of the hothouse, saw nobody there and dragged him inside. I was already wet with anticipation. My hands tugged at the zipper on his pants and I reached inside expecting to release him like a rampant steel spring, but he wasn't erect.

"Not in the mood yet?" I grinned and dropped to my knees, gulping his cock into my mouth and sucking it until I struggled to accommodate all of him. I couldn't take him past the back of my throat but I made up for it by drenching him in saliva while I worked my tongue and my lips rapidly over him.

"Jasmine," he groaned, running his hands feverishly through my hair. "Baby,listen I would never send you red roses because I know that yellow ones are your favorite."

I pulled off him with an audible slurp. Spit dribbled down my chin. "That's exactly why you would send red roses," I said, twirling my tongue teasingly around the head of his cock as I looked up at his face contorting with pleasure. "So you could fool me into thinking it was someone else. Great idea!" I reached between my legs into my sopping cunt and touched my clit. The muscles of my belly clenched in uncontrollable desire. Another thirty seconds of this and I was going to come.

"Oh, Christ!" Don panted, "You have to listen to me about this. I want you to be careful."

"Fuck, caution," I rasped, trembling from scalp to sole with need. "I need you inside me. Now! Come on! Fuck me!"

He did. Up against the wall, with my thong ripped aside and the humidity and fragrance of hothouse orchids clinging to us. He fucked me hard and hurtled me into raw, hoarse orgasm.

Cool, fresh air rushed at me as I walked back on legs that felt like jelly. Don had planted a smiling kiss on my lips and fled for a meeting he was already late for, but I could still feel his come oozing from me. Maybe I would move in with him, he was just utterly addictive-

The first glimpse of the huge bouquet of creamy white flowers waiting for me stopped me dead in my tracks. I stared aghast at the pronounced crimson stamens protruding from the trumpet shaped flowers like erect penises. Some people might see them as erotic, but I didn't.

Alarm prickled up my spine. I didn't need to read the note to know that they were not from Don. He would never, ever send me St Joseph's Lilies. He knew they were the only flower I was highly allergic to. Real fear bubbled up in me as I stood rooted to the spot.

Someone was watching me...


Author's Note: Thanks for taking the time out to read my latest story after a lengthy absence. I hope you enjoyed it and I'd appreciate your votes and feedback which I will always reply to if there is an email address. J

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful and hot story. It's the first of yours that I've read and I definitely want to check out some of your others, though it unfortunately looks like you've "retired" from writing/posting on Lit. I actually had been looking for a different type of story, having searched Lit for "scent marked" after reading lamb2001's "Her Service Charge", then finding pantiwaste's "Marked Man" amongst others, but this was a very nice alternative. Thanks again!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What a Story!

You are an amazing story-teller!!! I can only hope that this actually happened since I have been unable to logon to the Literotica sight and cannot therefore privately give you my email address.

I know this was several years ago so I wonder what you are doing now and if you are still writing/experiencing these wonderful situations.

Best of luck and thank you for your stories!

lexluthrlexluthrabout 13 years ago
absolutely thrilling

Green Gem you are truly gifted. The movement of this story, the way the characters' personalities developed and "blossomed" kept me itching to read the next line and stimulated me mentally and physically but in a way that only reading the material can. In my head I was able to create a picture of Jasmine and I assumed role of Don. I was able to add to parts of the story you left to the imagination, my favorite were his reactions to the panties after she returned them. Although I always suspected Don would be revealed as the admirer you masked it beautifully until it was boiling over. I have always been unconventional in my affections toward women and although this is fantasy I could see it actually working on a woman if the circumstances were perfect. Thanks for the wonderful read... Back to work now ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Fantastic story, great writing

You haven't lost your touch.

Welcome back superstar.



AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

J, I think all of the above complements are well deserved. You keep raising the bar for us other poor aspiring writers. Like the rest, I'm glad you're back.

Keep at it. We want more.

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